Family Has a Concubine

Chapter 583 Keep Jumping (Part 2)

The carriage drove out of Jinglong Street and entered the palace gate in a short while.

The two of them got off the car at Donghua Gate, and immediately two soft chairs came to pick them up, and soon they arrived at Fengyi Palace, they were helped to get off the sedan chair, and then they walked into the house.

A court lady had already run into the palace, and this was a notification.

See side concubine, Mrs. Zhenxihou. A group of maids greeted the two of them.

Chu Miaoshu just said hmm in a nasal voice, without even looking at the ladies in the palace, her little chin was slightly raised, one hand was in Chun Shan's hand, the other was supporting her stomach, and she walked into the hall like this step by step.

Ye Tangcai and Huiran saw Chu Miaoshu's big eyes and high head, so they didn't even want to look at it.

Several people walked into Fengyi Palace, walked around the big screen where the phoenix spread its wings, and saw Zheng Huang sitting on the couch where the dragon and the phoenix presented auspiciousness.

See the queen (mother queen). The two saluted at the same time.

Hey, Sister Shu, let's talk about it today, Mrs. Zhenxihou is here too. Empress Zheng straightened up with a surprised look on her face.

Nanny Shi had already walked down and helped Ye Tangcai and Chu Miaoshu up by herself.

Mother's Empress. Chu Miaoshu walked up coquettishly, holding Empress Zheng's arm: A few days ago, didn't you keep talking about your little sister-in-law? That's why I specially asked her to come here today, and pay my respects to Empress Mother.

You child... Empress Zheng couldn't tell whether she was crying or not, I really wanted Madam Zhenxihou, but I didn't summon Madam because of her heavy body. How could I have thought that... this girl said it to me. Greetings, I even called you over. Smiling and looking at Ye Tangcai.

Ye Tang gave a blessing, and said with a smile: Your Majesty is serious. Although my wife is indeed heavier than before, but now is the safest time. If my wife knows that Your Majesty is thinking of me, she will change her mind to bother Your Majesty as soon as possible. gone.

Empress Zheng couldn't close her mouth with a smile, Hurry up, give me a seat. Sit here! As she spoke, she pointed to Xiudun beside her.

Yes. Ye Tang walked over with a smile, and next to Chu Miaoshu was sitting on the embroidered pier.

Marquis Zhenxi has been out for a while, it's hard for you. Empress Zheng said, Did he come back with a letter?

Yes. Ye Tangcai smiled lightly, writing a letter every day.

Empress Zheng sighed: You young couple are really loving.

He asked Ye Tangcai all kinds of questions, talking about homework indiscriminately.

Chu Miaoshu's eyes turned cold, Empress Zheng is her mother-in-law, she should be close to her, but now when she saw Ye Tangcai, she became more familiar with her, Chu Miaoshu knew it was because of Chu Yunpan, but Chu Miaoshu still couldn't help it energy.

Chu Miaoshu couldn't listen anymore, and quickly got to the point: By the way, Empress, some time ago, the palace draft was so lively, but we couldn't watch it, it's really a pity.

Hehe, you rich people can't participate in the draft or something. Empress Zheng's eyes flickered slightly.

Of course I know. Chu Miaoshu snorted coquettishly: But, I have never seen a talent show when I grow up, so it is really novel. By the way, are all the show girls first-class beauties?

Of course. Empress Zheng smiled, The younger sisters who can be selected are all as beautiful as flowers.

Queen, can I meet the beautiful girls? Chu Miaoshu asked.

What's so difficult about it. Empress Zheng covered her lips with a pale yellow Qiuxiang handkerchief, and smiled softly, Mother Shi, call them over, I want to see how well they have learned the rules.

Yes. Shi Momo turned and went out.

Ye Tang smiled faintly: Today, the minister's wife is blessed, and she can get a glimpse of the demeanor of the concubines.

Empress Zheng snorted softly, a group of little rascals.

After a while, there was a rustling sound outside, and the scent was instantly wafting in. I saw a group of beautiful girls walking in with lotus steps.

Although they have already given gifts and gift cloth, the cloth and all kinds of clothes are rushing to be made by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, so they are still wearing the clothes in the style of the draft, the uniform water red double-breasted skirt, and the headband. With golden hairpins and piles of gauze flowers. This also makes it easier to observe their manners and learn the rules better.

Although they are uniformly dressed, they have different styles, and all of them are beauties.

But among them there is one person who is the most handsome, even among the beauties, he can be recognized at a glance, with a dexterous demeanor and a desolate demeanor.

Seeing so many beauties, Chu Miaoshu couldn't help but snorted coldly, and unconsciously pinned the broken hair on her cheeks behind her ears, she was no worse than them, but that one was too beautiful! can be used with...

Thinking about it, he couldn't help but glance at Ye Tangcai.

After the show girls came in, they were also shocked. Looking at the woman sitting next to the queen, they couldn't help but gasp. They thought they were already beautiful enough, but they never expected that there would be such a woman in the world. A person of stunning beauty.

They were all suppressed at once.

But now is not the time to think about it...

Your Majesty, Cai Nu and Bao Lin are here. A round-faced nanny, surnamed Guo, came in with Cai Nu, another confidant of Empress Zheng. Responsible for teaching the rules of show girls.

All the show girls unify blessing ceremony: See empress empress.

Empress Zheng took a sip of the white jade teacup, put it down again, and then nodded: Look at this posture, it's much better than the last imperial election. Get up!

Thank you, empress! The show girls straightened up and stood there in unison.

Nanny Shi at the side glanced at Ye Tangcai and Chu Miaoshu: This is Mrs. Zhenxihou, and this is the side concubine of the crown prince.

The show girls were surprised, and saluted again: I have seen Mrs. Zhen Xihou, and I have seen the side concubine.

Chu Miaoshu originally wanted to raise her hand to call out, but the beautiful girls called Ye Tangcai first, her little face turned black, it was not easy to make a sound first.

Ye Tang smiled faintly: There is no need to be too polite.

Showgirls stand up.

Empress Zheng said: Give me a seat.

Thank you, ma'am. The crowd saluted again, and then they walked to the two sides in an orderly manner, and the six sat down on one side.

Chu Miaoshu's eyes flashed ridicule, and he said with a smile: Mother, all the show girls are as beautiful as flowers.

That's right. Empress Zheng nodded.

When the show girls heard Chu Miaoshu praise them, they all lowered their heads, looking shy and timid. Empress Zheng looked at Su Ziqin, only she looked cold.

In addition to being beautiful, everyone is also talented. Empress Zheng chuckled and picked up the teacup.

That's right. Mother Guo chuckled, All the girls have their own talents, they are both talented and beautiful!

The show girls sitting on both sides all had slightly embarrassed smiles on their faces.

What is talent? They don't know!

When signing up for the draft, everyone had to fill in the same talent they were good at, and they all filled in things they knew a little bit. The main pick of this draft is appearance! As long as you look good and have a good figure, you'll be fine.

But... Could there really be a talented woman among them?

Ah, so powerful? Chu Miaoshu exclaimed, and leaned against Ye Tangcai's side: Little sister-in-law, you are the most talented woman in Daqi, why don't you guide them?

Ye Tangcai's eyes flickered slightly, and she said with a smile: I just play chess well. She couldn't deny it, after all, she recognized the number one talented woman in Daqi herself!

Chu Miaoshu chuckled, I don't believe it. Little sister-in-law, you must be good at piano, chess, calligraphy and painting.

Ye Tangcai said: It's true that you know everything, but it's only good, and only chess skills are good.

I don't believe it, you are modest. Chu Miaoshu laughed.

Ma'am, you are being modest. Empress Zheng couldn't stop giving Ye Tangcai a high hat.

By the way. Chu Miaoshu said suddenly, I was planning to draw a portrait for His Highness the Crown Prince a while ago.

Oh? Empress Zheng said, How do you draw properly?

Who knows. Chu Miaoshu snorted softly, His Royal Highness suddenly said that he hadn't drawn for a long time, and he had to ask me to draw. I only made a few strokes, but I was not very satisfied. Today my sister-in-law is here, and... the beautiful girls below Everyone is talented, how about... let's paint today, shall we?

Empress Zheng nodded with a smile: That's right. I'm thinking about how to test them, so you have an idea.

Next, Nanny Guo repeatedly echoed: The Cai girls are all talented, and they will definitely be able to learn from each other with the side concubine.

Chu Miaoshu giggled, and pulled Ye Tangcai: Little sister-in-law, it seems that you have taken on the title of the number one talented woman, so you also play together.

When Ye Tang saw their mother-in-law and daughter-in-law singing together, and pulled the show girls, he knew that he was plotting against these show girls. It's just pulling myself as a company. Now that their identity and value are there, even if they don't dare to harm themselves.

Besides, she also wanted to know what kind of tricks they continued to dance, so she smiled: Okay, let's go together! But how do you want to play?

Chu Miaoshu thought for a while, and then said: These days, I have been exhausted drawing pictures for His Highness the Crown Prince, and I don't want to draw anything else. I will just draw His Highness the Crown Prince!

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