Fairy, Stop Making Trouble

Chapter 184 183. How to have children in the future is a problem

(Thanks to the 100,000 starting point coins rewarded by Zhanyue Cup Movie, thank you Brother Ying, the boss made a fortune.)


The female doctor was lost in thought while looking at the bent needle, and then looked at the fragile skin in front of her, not even a drop of blood came out, which was outrageous.

Girl, don't be nervous, relax, the vaccine doesn't hurt, really, it's like being bitten by a mosquito.

Fairy Bai held back for a long time, and said speechlessly: I'm really not nervous. When I fought with people before, I always used knives and swords to slash each other. The blood of the opponent splashed on me without blinking my eyes. .”

Hearing this, the doctor was a little dazed, what is the origin of this white, tender, harmless little girl in front of her, was she so violent before? Go straight to the knife in a fight?

You know, this is a society ruled by law. Could it be that she has carried a lot of lives on her body?

Thinking of this, the doctor's eyes suddenly became vigilant. Facing a vicious and vicious person, should we call the police?

You... have killed someone?

Fairy Bai was about to nod when Jiang Qiao, who was on the phone at the door, happened to overhear the conversation between the two inside, so he hung up hastily, and walked into the office with a dark face.

Hey, doctor, don't listen to my girlfriend's nonsense. She is talking about playing computer games. What kind of guns are there? She is also a chopping cub in the canyon, who can directly chop from the resurrection point to the opposite crystal.

The doctor's face gradually warmed up: That's some kind of glory, right? Coincidentally, my grandson also plays with that.

Ah, yes, yes, otherwise, how could she kill people because of her delicate skin and tender flesh? She is usually afraid of crickets. Jiang Qiao immediately echoed.

The doctor took a good look at her, she was pretty and pretty, and her temperament was also very good. The face under the mask should also be extremely beautiful. When she touched her arm just now, her skin was tender and soft. It can't be the kind of criminal who kills without blinking an eye.

She replaced the bent needle again, and subconsciously pierced her arm hard. As a result... the needle bent again, but her skin was still fine, and there was no bleeding.

Jiang Qiao and the doctor: ...

Beauty, please don't be nervous. You need to relax your muscles. Why don't you believe it? Look, the needle is bent again. The female doctor with many years of experience sighed.

I... I'm really not nervous. Fairy Bai said helplessly.

If you're not nervous, why can't you get in?

Jiang Qiao regained his composure, thinking of Fairy Bai's true identity, a majestic immortal, how could ordinary people's weapons easily hurt her.

Even if she self-destructs the Dao fruit and her body meridians are sealed by the chains of the Dao, a fairy is a fairy after all, and even a fever can easily break through the limits of the human body.

It's over, is the vaccination plan going to fail?

Fairy Bai looked at Jiang Qiao and pursed her lips: If...you really can't get in, can you let me just drink in?

Drink in?

The doctor was stunned for a moment, and she said angrily, Aren't you fooling around? This is a vaccine, not a traditional Chinese medicine, how can you drink it?

Jiang Qiao couldn't help covering his face, what the fairy was talking about.

Cough, that...doctor, don't bother with her. It may be that you have played too many games and your brain is confused. Do you have any thicker and harder needles here? Her skin may be a bit thick, so you don't have to worry about it. Just stick it, she is not afraid of pain.

The doctor was dumbfounded. She had saved lives and healed the wounded for most of her life, and this was the first time she heard such a request. Are these two really a couple? But this man doesn't seem to care about her daughter-in-law at all.

Yes, yes...

Then arrange it. Now that the whole country is on epidemic prevention, the vaccine must be vaccinated. Are you right?

That's true.

Fairy Bai also nodded at this moment: Doctor, I am not afraid of pain.

Immediately afterwards, the doctor took a thick and hard needle from the medicine cabinet and replaced it. She took a deep breath and said solemnly, If this still can't go in, then I really can't help it.

She pushed the needle tube to let the reagent flow out slowly from the needle tip, and then spotted Bai Xianzi's tender arm and stabbed it hard.

Hey, it went in, but it didn't seem to go all the way in. It just hit the tip of the needle, but that's okay. The doctor smiled happily.

Jiang Qiao immediately looked at Fairy Bai with concern, Yue Ling, does it hurt?

I can't say whether it hurts or not, I can only say that I don't feel it at all. She shook her head calmly. She has experienced so much pain in her cultivation of immortality.

The doctor pushed the reagent happily, then pressed the skin with a cotton swab, and pulled out the needle effortlessly.

Okay, wait a month for the second injection and come back to our hospital for vaccination. She said with a smile, I can't tell, Xiaoguliang, the growth is white and tender, and the skin is very firm.

Fairy Bai smiled awkwardly and gave Jiang Qiao a hard look. As an immortal, she was invulnerable, but no matter how thick her skin was, she couldn't match Jiang Qiao's thick skin.

A month...

Jiang Qiao looked at the doctor: But after the next year, we will all have to go to work in other places. Can the vaccine be administered in another place?

Listening to his nonsense, Fairy Bai almost knew that this was probably Jiang Qiao's white lie again?

She stood by the side without saying a word, watching Jiang Qiao react accordingly.

According to the relevant regulations, this is possible. The computer records everyone's vaccination information. When the time comes, you can go directly to the CDC in the corresponding city. The doctor nodded.

Okay, thank you doctor.

Jiang Qiao led Fairy Bai out of the vaccination site without even waiting for thirty minutes. No matter how severe the virus is, can it still infect a fairy?

As soon as he went out, Fairy Bai grabbed his weakness.

You just said that I have rough skin and thick flesh?

Fairy misunderstood! That was an explanation out of desperation, otherwise I wouldn't be able to explain your invulnerable copper-skinned and iron-framed body!

What do you mean, I'm still thick-skinned!

Fairy Bai was almost pissed off: It's not like you haven't touched it before, isn't it soft? Isn't it soft? Blame the needle for not being sharp!

Hiss! Yes, yes, it has nothing to do with my fairy, it's all the fault of the needle. Jiang Qiao put on the pain mask at the moment, So, on the question of whether it is soft or not, can you let go of my flesh first? ?”

Fairy Bai let go of her slender hand with a soft snort, and slandered her in front of outsiders, she deserved it.

He rubbed his waist vigorously, suddenly thought of a question, and subconsciously sighed.

Why are you sighing again?

Jiang Qiao pursed his lips and said sadly, I'm thinking about how we will have children in the future.

The most painful thing in the world is this. After getting married, facing the pure and pure fairy but not being able to consummate the marriage, this... I feel sad when I think about it.

Fairy Bai hadn't thought about the relationship between having a baby and what happened just now, but instinctively realized that Jiangqiao's dog couldn't spit out ivory.

You have a good idea, I... I don't want to give birth to you!

The speaker didn't mean it, but the listener meant it. Jiang Qiao sighed even more heavily. Without diamonds, don't do porcelain work. It's unexpected that such a thing would happen to him.

Where are we going now?

Eating a big meal, Qian always comes to pick us up.

oh oh.

At the gate of the hospital, Jiang Qiao saw that very red Porsche.

After the two got into the car, Jiang Qiao looked at the interior: Where were those two big Gs last time?

The old man said it's too high-profile to drive a big G in the city.

He twitched the corner of his mouth fiercely: So, the red Porsche is not flirtatious, is it?

Hehehe, don't tell me, since I drove this car, the number of young ladies who have struck up a conversation with me has increased.

Brother, take it easy, don't get any unclean things then.

Jiang Qiao sighed, Qian is always his best friend, but he has indulged a little in his private life, teasing this sister or that sister every day, and never saw him have a serious girlfriend.

Don't worry, I know the truth, decent people never do bad things.

As Wu Youcai said, he glanced at the rearview mirror with some envy. Bai Yueling sat quietly in the back row and looked out the window. He took the initiative to hold Jiang Qiao with his little hand. It seemed that the couple had a very good relationship. I've met my parents, I guess marriage is not far away.

He also didn't expect that Jiang Qiao, who was the first to lie down among the three, would be the first to get married.

It's no wonder that he has been told to ignore people in the WeChat group recently. With such a beautiful girlfriend, he is willing to get tired of being together every day.

However, as long as his brother can be happy, he will naturally be happy from the bottom of his heart.

Wu Youcai looked away, stopped looking at his brother and daughter-in-law, and asked casually, Where's the white coat? Did you call him?

He has an operation, not free, let us eat by ourselves.

Okay, anyway, as long as it's a dinner party, he's often not there. Where are you going to eat? Is it a small bamboo building, or a delicious house?

It will be all right.

Then Meimeiju, the potato rice is delicious. Wu Youcai looked at the road ahead, turned the steering wheel, turned the car and drove towards Weiweiju.

Tsk tsk tsk, Young Master Qian is used to delicacies from mountains and seas, so you want to try whole grains? Jiang Qiao couldn't help joking.

Isn't that right, when I was just discharged from the hospital, I was so greedy that I wanted to eat everything, and I got tired of eating, and I felt like eating two taels of noodles, no, I just finished collecting the rent today, and I was exhausted, you Just call.

Jiang Qiao was speechless, do you listen to people? He just finished collecting the rent, and he didn't do anything every day, even collecting the rent.

How about it, after eating in a while, let's go squeeze...


Before he could finish speaking, Jiang Qiao immediately denied it.

What are you pinching? Fairy Bai glanced at him, subconsciously thinking that there was something wrong with him.

He replied without blushing and heartbeat: Making clay figurines is a game only for children.

Wu Youcai chuckled, such things as fighting fires are the favorite games among men.

When they arrived at Meimeiju, Wu Youcai parked the car, and the three of them found a remote private room. Jiang Qiao picked up a few light dishes from the menu, and then threw the menu to Mr. Qian.

Yue Ling likes to eat light food, order other food you want.

It's better to be light, I also like light food now.

Wu Youcai glanced at it hastily, and just added a small brown sugar glutinous rice cake.

Three people, five dishes and one soup, served with delicious potato rice in bamboo tube, it is considered a very good meal.

Glancing at Jiang Qiao who kept adding vegetables to Bai Yueling's bowl, Wu Youcai smiled slightly: Have you met your parents? When are you going to get married?

When this topic was mentioned, Jiang Qiao and Fairy Bai subconsciously looked at each other for a moment, and she looked away in panic.

Well...maybe...maybe we can talk about it when we come back from our trip. He thought for a while and said a very general time.

Although Fairy Bai hasn't made it clear that she wants to marry him, if the two of them still can't finalize the matter after returning from their trip, he's a bit of a failure as a man.

So soon? Is it after the next year? Wu Youcai raised his eyebrows.

The old man Jiang who has always been lying flat is actually going to get married. Although he is used to flirting outside, he has never thought about getting married, but his mood is inexplicably complicated.

Quick? Jiang Qiao looked at Fairy Bai with a strange expression, Maybe it's traveling around the country, or it may be traveling around the world. I don't know when the trip will end.

Wu Youcai bit his chopsticks, speechless: Don't you do travel guides?

Jiang Qiao sighed, not knowing what to say, he just put down his chopsticks and squeezed Fairy Bai's hand.

Fairies going down the mountain to experience is a little different from traveling. The former focuses on the process of walking in the world and experiences the various aspects of life, while the latter simply goes to see the scenery, or go on vacation, and then go home after watching.

But when the fairy's Taoist heart can be truly reshaped, he can't say for such a mysterious thing.

Okay, anyway, when you get married, send me an invitation card. As a brother, you will always have the money.

Jiang Qiao nodded and smiled. In fact, it doesn't matter if you get married or not, as long as you can be with Fairy Bai, that's enough.

when are we leaving?

Leave after the new year.

Have you discussed this matter with your uncles and aunts?

not yet.

Wu Youcai smiled gloatingly: I guess you will inevitably get a beating.

Just fight. After all, any parent will object to and worry about traveling far away.

What about your store on the mountain?

Not open.

Wu Youcai couldn't help sighing: Dunzi, although this is your personal idea, and I support you, you still have to think carefully before doing anything. If you don't come up with a reasonable explanation for this matter, I think Uncles and aunts won't let you go.

Jiang Qiao couldn't help but wryly smiled. Not only could he not, but his old man probably called him an unfilial son.

He turned his head to look at his own fairy, took a deep breath, and his eyes became firm: I will convince them.

Wu Youcai gritted his teeth and didn't continue talking about this matter. After all, everyone has their own ideas. As a brother, he can only support him.

If you want to leave, I will sell your small shop. When I come back, I want to continue to open it, and I will return it to you.


(The two chapters owed have already been made up, and this week’s extra chapter will be written in two days. My body is a bit too much, so I cover my face and ask for a monthly ticket)

Thank you [Zhanyue Cup Shadow] for the 100,000 rewards! ! !

Thanks to [Zhan Wutu] for the 12,000 rewards, [Violent Sky] for the 2,100 rewards, and [Xi Shangling], [Meng Yueyue], [Si Xianche], [Ya Zhi Yu] for the 2,000 rewards, and thanks to [Wang Eleven] Thank you for the 1900 rewards of [book friend 20201103010202290] [book friend 20190801171555658] [ll Liu Liu] for the 1800 rewards, thank you for the 1700 rewards of [a sigh of a century], thank you for the 1500 rewards of [now a little excited], thank you [I am a pineapple] Head] for the 500 rewards, thanks for the [Weird Town Hooligans] for the 100 rewards,

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