Jiang Qiao hurriedly carried Fairy Bai onto the bed and lay down.

Yueling, how are you, Yueling, wake up, don't scare me!

He held Fairy Bai's palm tightly, anxious like an ant on a hot pot, but no matter how much he shouted, Fairy White showed no sign of waking up.

Jiang Qiao was very puzzled. He was fine just now, but he was beating and scolding him again and again.

He suddenly thought of the murderous look on Fairy Bai's face just now. Could it be that after playing Silvi, the broken heart caused the current vomiting blood and coma?

Fairy Bai once said that her master was the one who died after her heart was broken. Could it be that she would also take that old path?

What should I do, what should I do, watching the white fairy Xiangxiaoyu die? There must be a way, there must be a way!

Jiang Qiao probed her breath and felt that Fairy Bai's breathing became weaker and weaker. She knew that a broken heart would endanger her life, and killing her would not destroy her state of mind.

He gritted his teeth and took out his mobile phone to call 120 for emergency.

By the time he got to the hospital, Fairy Bai's various physical data that were different from ordinary people might no longer be able to be concealed, but now he had no choice but to seek help from the hospital.

I just don't know whether modern medicine can treat the trauma of Tao and heart.

The phone has been dialed, and the sweet voice of the machine customer service can be heard in his hand. Jiang Qiao is about to transfer the manual service when he sees Fairy Bai suddenly coughing out a mouthful of blood, opening his eyes and slowly waking up.

Yueling, Yueling, you are awake!

Jiang Qiao was full of joy, but he was suddenly stunned as he watched those clear eyes gradually fill with a hint of scarlet.

You... you are not Yueling, you are a demon?

Bai Yueling giggled, she wiped the blood on her lips gracefully, then stood up and kissed Jiang Qiao affectionately, leaving a little blood on his lips.

Yes, Jiang Lang, isn't it me?

Jiang Qiao was anxious, and shook her shoulders with both hands: Where's my Yueling? Where did you get my Yueling?!

She? Her heart is broken now, where do you think she can go? A playful smile appeared on Bai Yueling's face.

Jiang Qiao's face turned pale in an instant, his arms that were shaking forcefully drooped down weakly, his eyes lost the brilliance, his lips trembled and he made an unbelievable voice.

You mean... Yueling, she... She died, and her soul disappeared?

Well, it's almost understandable. Bai Yueling said with a smile.

Speaking of which, I have to thank my master. If you didn't spare no effort to shake her Dao heart, I wouldn't have regained control of this body so quickly.

So, you already knew she was playing Silvi? Then why didn't you tell me?! Jiang Qiao stared at her with wide eyes and questioned.

Bai Yueling seemed aggrieved: It's the first time I've come into contact with it. Who knew that the plot behind it would be so astringent.

She licked her lips and whispered in Jiang Qiao's ear: I can't see it, Jiang Lang, so you are not as handsome as you appear on the surface, in fact, you also really want to raise a female slave like Silvi, right? ?

Jiang Qiao's mind is now full of the white fairy with a broken heart, and the demons ridiculed him without listening to a word.

Bai Yueling saw that he pursed his lips and did not speak, gently stroked his cheek, and continued to tempt: Jiang Lang, is that game really deleted? I also want to play that game with you, in your words. What kind of role-playing is it? The slave family plays your little slave, and you can usually do whatever you want to the slave family~”

Don't touch me!

Jiang Qiao took a step back, if Fairy Bai really died, his heart would also die.

Tell me, is she still alive!? Or is she like you before, and her soul has fallen into a deep sleep? Need to wait for a certain opportunity to wake up?

Bai Yueling took a step forward and gently wrapped around his waist, rubbed his cheek against his chest and murmured at the same time.

Master, your memory should be full of apprentices, but why do you always care about someone you've never met? She's not your apprentice brother, I am.

Jiang Qiao's body froze, and he pushed her away immediately: What have you never met? What are you talking about?

Nine thousand years, fortunately... She sighed faintly, but in her bitter tone, her eyes were full of smiles.

Before she finished speaking, she suddenly frowned, her fists clenched, her silver teeth clenched, and her body trembled violently as if she was breaking free from some invisible bondage.

Jiang Qiao looked anxious, not knowing what happened to Fairy Bai.

Yueling, is Yueling you? Are you back!

She suddenly opened her eyes and pinched the fairy formula in her hand. In her own heavenly spirit, Tianquan gave a heavy focus and uttered a cold and stern drink.

The human realm is vague, the immortal realm is reckless, and this seat wants to realize the Great Dao and achieve detachment from this world, but now there are frequent chaos and inner demons, knowing that the heart is about to collapse and the road ahead is cut off, I would like to use the fruit of my life to suppress inner demons. century!

As her final oath fell, the cracked Dao Heart suddenly shattered, turning into chains of invisible avenues to lock the eight meridians, the internal organs, and the sea of ​​​​purple energy. The acupoints are all covered with dust, and the aura is not visible.

Fairy Bai spat out a big mouthful of blood again, her face was as pale as paper, and her breath suddenly wilted.

Jiang Qiao hurriedly helped her sit on the bed: Yueling, how are you... Are you okay?

She took a few deep breaths and calmed down before shaking her head with a wry smile: I gave up the Dao Fruit myself, and now I am no different from an ordinary mortal.

Jiang Qiao opened his mouth, not knowing what to say for a while.

Since the words Wait Daoguo are simple, but there are many heroes who have not had the courage to take that step through the ages.

From an aloof fairy to a mortal person in a blink of an eye, the ten thousand years of hard work are destroyed in one go. This kind of change in the situation is like a billionaire turning into a beggar who makes a living by begging. Looking at the world, it is estimated that few people can accept it with peace of mind.

Even if he has read many novels with similar descriptions, the protagonist happened to cultivate into the realm of the unity of nature and man after abandoning martial arts, but novels are novels after all. I don't know how many times the difficulty has to be increased.

I'm sorry, I hurt you. Jiang Qiao whispered.

She just shook her head lightly: My Dao heart is unstable, your game is just the last straw that breaks the camel's back, even if I don't play, the day when my Dao heart collapses will come sooner or later, I, Bai Yueling, have this idea. Jie, can only be said to be destined.


(one more chapter)

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