Fairy, Stop Making Trouble

Chapter 146 145. The fairy fell!

(Thanks to Brother Ying for being cute! Brother Ying is cheating!)


What's your look?

No...nothing. Jiang Qiao quickly looked away.

At this time, he didn't dare to think otherwise. First, he had to survive in the hands of Fairy Bai.

How can there be such... that kind of lewd plot? She raised her finger, and the kitchen knife in the kitchen automatically flew over and hung on his waist.

Jiang Qiao shuddered fiercely, feeling that if he didn't tell the truth, he would become a eunuch from now on.

Because it's butter. He lowered his head and muttered in a very low voice.

Fairy Bai naturally has excellent hearing. She narrowed her eyes and asked, What is butter?

It's just an obscene game. It was still very quiet.

go on.

The icy cold and emotionless voice sounded, and it was obvious that Fairy Bai had not heard what she wanted.

It's similar to those astringent pictures and small videos, except that there are text plots and sound animations. Players will have a strong sense of substitution from the beginning.

Looking at the kitchen knife suspended in front of him, Jiang Qiao's face was pale and pale, for fear that Fairy Bai would be too angry, and in a fit of rage forced him to change sex.

Speaking of the sense of substitution, Fairy Bai was so angry that she vomited blood. She touched her head well, but suddenly giving her such a blow made her whole body feel bad.

It is tantamount to being hit hard by the thieves without any precautions, and has since been injured by the Great Dao. If it is not handled properly, I am afraid that it will be difficult to advance in this life and this life. If it is more serious, it will be a fall.

This is the most unacceptable reality for an immortal cultivator who yearns for detachment.


Well, no... no more.

Seeing her murderous look, Jiang Qiao shuddered violently, and his face turned pale.

Yueling, don't be impulsive, don't be impulsive, think clearly, if the bridge pier is gone, your happiness will also be gone.

Fairy Bai thought of the various words of tigers and wolves mentioned above on Zhihu, and spit out a blushing face.

Shut up, who wants that kind of sex!

Jiang Qiao knelt down and moved over, clinging to Fairy Bai's thigh and not letting go, even his face.

Wuwuwu, Yueling, you can't cut it, you mustn't cut it, it will kill people. The most important thing is that the child can't be without a father.

Fairy Bai was stunned for a moment, and looked at him blankly: Child, what child?

Cough... I mean, in case, after all, we really love each other, sooner or later we will end, uh...

The kitchen knife slammed with a sound, and stopped in front of his neck. The sharp blade stabbed the skin, and goosebumps broke out all over the body, and the cold sweat broke down in an instant.


Companion, stone, friendship, crystallization, structure... He said a lot of words in one go.

Fairy Bai snorted lightly, and the kitchen knife swirled and flew around him in a twisty circle, then automatically folded back and inserted it firmly into the knife holder in the kitchen.

Jiang Qiao finally breathed a sigh of relief. Fairy Bai still loved him after all. She couldn't live without sex, and the child couldn't live without a father.

If the bridge pier is gone, the bridge will collapse, and you will no longer be able to drive.

Fairy Bai is so smart, how can she be ignorant?

So, why do you have that kind of thing in your phone? Did you make a special trip to mess with my Taoism?! She kicked Jiangqiao away and folded her arms in front of her chest, her calm face did not show any joy or anger .

I'm wronged, it's all caused by the sand sculpture group friends. It's a good thing. I downloaded it and haven't played it yet. I only heard about this head-scraping game. As for the plot, I don't know anything about it. Yueling, you must believe me. . Jiang Qiao said sincerely.

Fairy Bai was speechless. In retrospect, after she opened the game that day, she did not find the save file.

So, is she wrong?

But if Jiang Qiao couldn't get down, how could she have noticed the app with the pink avatar that day!

Therefore, the root of all mistakes is still Jiang Qiao, and the evil he planted will naturally bear the consequences!

Then I will delete all the messy things in the phone! If I find anything unsightly, Jiang Qiao, I will definitely make you a eunuch! Fairy Bai said fiercely.

Delete, delete it.

Jiang Qiao nodded vigorously, and said weakly, I took your mobile phone and wanted to delete it, but you didn't give it at that time, and I didn't dare to say it explicitly, so... so...

So I saw it, right? Fairy Bai sneered again and again.

Jiang Qiao nodded helplessly.

After all, it's still your own nasty, lecherous person! Otherwise, how could you not be tempted to touch these things!

He opened his mouth and didn't know what to say. He Huang had acted upright and upright all his life, and he was inseparable from gambling and drugs?

But modern people can understand these words, but Fairy Bai can't.

Se Nai scraping the bone steel knife, look at your own body, no wonder you are so short at such a young age!

Fairy Bai looks like she hates iron and can't make steel. She has her assistance, yet she still has this virtue!


Jiang Qiao opened his mouth and felt aggrieved. He really hadn't touched it for a long time. The key was that he resisted even the temptation of his inner demon, but he couldn't refute it at this time.

Bring me in when the phone is ready!

After Fairy Bai finished speaking, she returned to the house, took two quick steps back to her bedroom, and closed the door. Then his face turned pale, and he couldn't hold back a mouthful of blood...


Jiang Qiao let out a long sigh. The first thing to do was to delete Silvi's plan, and then open the browser to see what the hell she had been searching for during this time.

As a result, the first line is that Okamoto 001 really wears and does not wear a difference?

Jiang Qiao: ...

He felt a chill in his heart. She already knew what kind of balloon it was? But I didn't talk about it just now. Could it be that I plan to settle accounts after the fall?

The problem is, the whole box is still in her hands!

Jiang Qiao is numb. According to her head, she doesn't know what outrageous things will come to mind. I am afraid that she has completely lost her image in the eyes of Bai Fairy.

It turns out that the feeling of death in the society is like this, I can only hate to jump from the second floor and fall to death.

He opened the album again, and it was almost filled with pictures of Fu, Lu and Shouxi that Bai Fairy took, and that day he went to the amusement park to shoot, ride the Ferris wheel, and occasionally the handsome dog face of Jiang Qiao would appear.

He found the shielded album, and fell into contemplation when he looked at the thousands of pictures in it. There was also a video file. The first one at the beginning was Keqing vs. Slime, and the next was the doll collection...

He thought about it seriously, uploaded all the photos taken by Fairy Bai to the cloud disk, cleared all the favorites of various software, and then directly restored the phone to factory settings.

After all, there are too many black histories. If she doesn't do this, she will find another one, and she will really be a eunuch at that time.

Feeling safe, he pushed open the door and walked in.

Yueling, do...

The voice stopped abruptly, and he saw Fairy Bai fall to the ground with her eyes closed. The wardrobe, walls, and bed were covered in blood.

Jiang Qiao suddenly fell into a great panic.

Yueling, Yueling...


(The above experiences are all from real cases. I can only say that everyone who has girlfriends should pay attention to safety. Don’t be like me, woohoo, it’s too late to regret it. The process of admitting mistakes is really miserable. Fortunately, my wife is the best in the world. , give me a chance to reform and become a new person, otherwise there will be no Xiao Nanfeng. Besides, the side story has been written)

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