Fairy King Dad

Chapter 611: Passing by?

"The situation is critical."

Qinglong God of War, in the general command center, looked at the latest trends on the global map.

The loss of many places means that the main world is no longer safe.

Whether he could resist it or not, he didn't know.

But what the Azure Dragon God of War knows is that if he can withstand this crisis, he can still continue to fight against the zombie clan. If he cannot withstand this crisis, I am afraid that most places in the world will become a paradise for the zombie clan.

"There are too many things to do."

Qinglong War God sighed: "The powerful ones like the Supreme Being can't control so many places..."

Look at the map message on the wall.

The Azure Dragon God of War was speechless for a long time.

But soon, Su Chen called.

The content on the phone made Qinglong God of War tremble all over!



Five hours later.

The Green Dragon God of War came to Kunlun New City.

"Mr. Li?"

"Mr. Li!"

The Green Dragon God of War ran to the south, flew twenty miles, and called from afar.

"Call me Li clown."

Li Cheng's voice sounded from Qinglong's mind.

The next second.

Li Cheng's figure flashed and flew from a distance to the front.

After such a long time, Li Cheng has become more and more comfortable in using the clown's body.

Facing the Qinglong God of War, Li Cheng showed a smile.

"Qinglong, just call me Li Joker."

Li Cheng likes this name better.

The most fundamental reason is that through the name, he can always remember that he is now a clown.

Facing Li Cheng's smile, a chill ran down the Qinglong God of War's back.

"Mr. Li, His Majesty said something..."

Qinglong God of War and Li Cheng talked about it.

Start a zombie wave?

"Okay, leave it to me."

Li Cheng nodded suddenly, and then walked away.

The matter cannot be delayed.

It must be completed quickly, otherwise the main world will be targeted more and more.

"My 40 million zombies are not enough, far from enough."

Li Cheng fell into deep thought:

"What should be done to trigger a larger zombie tide?"

The evil clown is like a lone ranger among the zombie kings. Li Cheng has never seen other causes of the zombie tide.

"Go and ask Wutou."

Li Cheng immediately flew to Iron Cavalry Peak.

"Headless brother."

Li Cheng saw the Headless Horseman and told the story.

"Going to the Inland Sea?"

The Headless Horseman spoke in a heavier tone: "In each area, the Corpse King generally does not cross the line. This kind of behavior may attract the attention of the Corpse Ancestor."

Li Cheng shook his head: "If the Corpse Ancestor had paid attention here, he would have discovered me as an alien long ago. Brother Headless, just tell me how to lead the zombie tide."

"The gathering of the zombie tide... is actually very simple. You lead a small-scale zombie tide and attack all the way, exuding fighting spirit. The zombie kings who are interested will follow you."

replied the Headless Horseman.

The zombie tide's itinerary doesn't have anything like a swearing-in meeting, and it doesn't require the corpse king to meet. If you are interested, just join, it's simple and crude.

"Okay, I understand, thank you Brother Headless." Li Cheng thanked him with a smile and was about to turn around and leave.


The Headless Horseman suddenly spoke: "How much of the evil spirit's strength can you use now?"

"Not even in Chengdu." Li Cheng was confused: "Is starting the zombie wave related to my strength?"

Headless Horseman: "..."

The Corpse King is the most important existence in the zombie tide.

The power of a zombie tide is determined by the zombie king.

Without the Corpse King, even if the number of corpses reached one billion, they would not have super lethality.

If there are too many ants, the elephant will be killed, provided the elephant does not run away.

"If you can't show strong power, you won't be able to attract the other corpse kings."

The Headless Horseman was silent for a few seconds after saying this.

"Play a game of chess with me. If you can beat me, I will accompany you on this trip to the inland sea."

The Headless Horseman said in a deep voice.

These words made Li Cheng feel warm in his heart.

When it comes to playing chess, the Headless Horseman is considered a master, but he is still not good enough when facing Li Cheng.

He finally handed over the Headless Horseman!

Taking the risk of being discovered by the Corpse Ancestor and taking a trip to the inland sea, Li Cheng did not expect that the Headless Horseman could make such a decision.


Li Cheng smiled softly: "How about we wait until we return to play this game of chess?"

"That's fine."

The Headless Horseman said: "We will have a chess game when we return in triumph."

"Hahaha, okay." Li Cheng laughed.


The Headless Horseman burst out with an amazing aura.

Wisps of breath echoed back to the Iron Cavalry Peak in the distance behind him.

On Iron Cavalry Peak.

Tens of thousands of corpses rushed over in a swarm.

Li Cheng controls the Sifeng Corpse Clan.

There were about 50 million zombies in total, and they were like a torrent rushing towards the southern land.

"Why go directly to the south?"

The Headless Horseman said:

"The inland sea is 30,000 miles south of the giant peak. We have to cross the giant peak from the north and follow the eternal forest."

"The detour is too far." Li Cheng shook his head: "We need to launch an attack on the inland sea as soon as possible."

The Headless Horseman was silent for a moment: "You mean... we want to cross the giant peak?"

"Yes, across the giant peak." Li Cheng nodded slightly.

The Headless Horseman stopped talking.

Crossing the giant peak, this kind of thing is unprecedented in the Demon Soul Grassland.

The Headless Horseman's Cavalry Peak is only fifty miles away from Kunlun New City. He knows many things about Kunlun New City.

Jufeng Tianwang Hall, Kunlun New City...

"When crossing the giant peak, we must not let other zombie kings join in along the way. Once we fight the monsters on the giant peak, we will not be able to leave the inland sea."

The Headless Horseman said: "In this case, what I show is not fighting spirit, but hostility. Li Cheng, please be optimistic."

Far to the east of the team, a tyrant flew into the air, roaring to the sky, with fighting intent everywhere.

He wants to join the zombie clan torrent and join the battle.

But the Headless Horseman was exuding a cold aura at this moment, and he was very hostile to the tyrant Corpse King not far away.

The huge tyrant roared a few times and returned to his mountain peak.

"Hostility can block other corpse kings, and fighting spirit can allow them to join."

Li Cheng was stunned.

This is the simplest way of communication between corpse kings. Wordless transmission requires only some thoughts of one's own.

All the way south.

The Headless Horseman does not accept all other corpse kings in the Demon Soul Prairie.

When arriving near the giant peak.

The team is just the Headless Horseman and Li Cheng's 50 million zombie clan.

The Headless Horseman and Li Cheng tried their best to suppress the zombie clan that was ready to move.

In many places on the giant peak, there were young monsters roaring.

They seem to be naturally hostile and guard their own territory.

"The leader."

Li Cheng sent a message to the leader of Huangyi and told him what happened.

The leader in yellow immediately found the Fire Lion King.

"Over the Peak..."

The Fire Lion King walked out of the villa and was silent for a long time after hearing what happened.

Now, the Fire Lion King prefers to use human form to enjoy villas, delicious food, etc.

When he knew what happened, Su Chen allowed it.

After thinking for a while, the Fire Lion King said:

"Give way to the Three Peaks Passage and allow passage."

Under the control of the Fire Lion King, tens of thousands of young monsters were hostile, but they did not take action.

Li Cheng and the Headless Horseman led a huge army of zombies and poured into the eternal forest from the three peaks in the west of the giant peak.

A straight continent with giant peaks and an inland sea, located near the main peak.

The people from the main city alliance were also secretly observing near the main peak. They did not realize that a group of tens of millions of zombies were pouring into the eternal forest hundreds of miles away in the west.

The Eternal Forest has a vast territory and many zombie clans.

Mainly there are a lot of idle zombies.

While moving forward, many zombies joined the team one after another.

Some are hundreds of zombies, and the largest group is hundreds of thousands of zombies.

Like small streams, they continue to merge into the torrent of corpses controlled by Li Cheng.


Passing through a dense forest area, a fourth-level corpse king sword-headed monster flew from the forest.

His head looks like two daggers stuck horizontally, with a three-meter-long tail, as sharp as a blade.

The Headless Horseman raised his spear and pointed it at the southern land. He let out a roar of his soul and was full of fighting spirit!

The knife-headed monster raised an old axe, roared again, and swarms of corpses emerged from the dense jungle behind him.

"More than 10 million corpses."

Li Cheng was slightly shocked.

"Brother Headless, the scale is still not enough, the inland sea power is relatively strong..."

It is obviously difficult to deal with the inland sea.

After all, there are three seventh-level city lords in the inland sea, and their guards are very strong.

"rest assured."

Before Li Cheng could finish speaking, the Headless Horseman smiled and said:

"I have fought hundreds of battles in the Demon Soul Grassland, leading the zombie tide. I am very familiar with it. From here to the inland sea, we can gather at least ten zombie kings. The eternal forest is the territory of the zombie clan."

The team was mighty and marched forward.

It's exactly what the Headless Horseman said.

Travel for two hours.

Two more corpse kings joined, bringing a total of fifteen million corpses.

Travel again for three hours.

A corpse king joined with 20 million corpses. He was also a fifth-level corpse king.

Currently, there are five corpse kings, and the number of corpses has exceeded 100 million.

At this moment, there is still about half the journey left.

The Headless Horseman decided to take a detour.

Go west along the Eternal Forest.

It took a day and seven more corpse kings were brought in.

Twelve corpse kings, plus 300 million corpses.

It's so densely packed that you can't even see the edge.

A huge tide of corpses arrived near the inland sea.

With the roar of the Corpse King.

They launched an attack on the inland sea.

The closest main city to them is Hantian City.

City Lord Yun Shuihan was in the courtyard, eating grapes and watching TV series on his tablet.

Some technological products are specially sent from the main world.

“How exciting!”

In the TV series, when the male protagonist and the female protagonist kiss, Yun Shuihan's eyes sparkle slightly.

"City Lord! It's not good!"

Suddenly, another subordinate was in the distance, roaring at the top of his lungs.

"What are you doing? You are yelling, don't you see that I am watching the drama?" Yun Shuihan said rather dissatisfied.

"The zombie tide is coming!"

A shout from her subordinates stunned Yun Shuihan, and she immediately put down her tablet.

"What level of corpse tide is it?"

Yun Shuihan flew into the air and looked at the dense tide of corpses in the distance, her thoughts covering them.


Yun Shuihan took a breath of cold air.

"Twelve corpse kings, more than 300 million corpse tribes."

"Level 5 zombie tide!"

Yun Shuihan's brain buzzed.

Level 5 zombie tide!

A mere Hantian City can't stop it at all.


"Citywide alarm!"

Yun Shuihan shouted sternly!

Countless guard teams flew into the air.

Seeing the approaching zombies, they all turned pale.

There has not been a level 5 zombie tide in the Inland Sea for some years!

"Oh my God, it's a level 5 zombie tide."

"Quick, ask for help!"

Many people were panicked.

However, at this moment, after Li Cheng saw Yun Shuihan from a distance, he sent a message to the Dullahan:

"Don't fight this main city."

The Dullahan was silent.

He communicated with the other zombie kings. Among the zombie kings, the Dullahan's aura always maintained the strongest level.

The other zombie kings were a little puzzled and dissatisfied, but they finally controlled the zombies and adjusted their direction.

They went along the right side of Hantian City, raising a large piece of gray sand!

"Passing by."

Li Cheng left a word.

Yun Shuihan: ???

Under the confused gazes of tens of thousands of people in Hantian City, a level 5 zombie tide headed straight for the next main city...


In just half an hour, the distant Muhuo main city was in flames.

Yun Shuihan murmured blankly: "Passing by? The zombie tide passed by???"

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