Fairy King Dad

Chapter 610: Impact on the Inland Sea!

Su Chen quickly flew to the rainforest area.

Around the small world, there are no traces of the group of attackers.

Obviously, they came prepared.

It is not easy to catch these rats.

The outer base of the small world is still burning with flames.

There are zombies emerging from the small world in a steady stream.

There are tens of thousands of zombies near the passage of the small world.

Su Chen frowned, and the Supreme Divine Fist continued to bombard him.

After killing several large groups of corpses, Su Chen turned around and left, heading to the west.

I plan to visit several places in the Mara Palace.

On the small world of the rainforest, a group of teams from the surrounding Longtang gathered together to contend with these groups of corpses.

The level of zombies is relatively low, and it seems that there is no zombie king.

Now, what worries Su Chen even more is that the group of people from Mo Luo Palace will withdraw and leave.

Once the cultivation dojo they control is lost.

The zombie clan crisis facing the main world will be too intense, and the possibility of people being destroyed will be very high.

However, just as Su Chen had been flying for half an hour.

Qinglong God of War received another call.

"Your Majesty, the small world of Haihe in the east of Southwest Lake City has been lost, and it was those people who took action." Qinglong God of War said in an angry tone.

This kind of destruction is outrageous.

"I see."

Su Chen's heart surged with rage.

Deploy troops and generals.

The Qinglong God of War is already very busy.

If the two small worlds are lost, many times more manpower and material resources than usual will be invested in a short period of time.

It would be fine if there were no fish that slipped through the net, but if there were fish from the Corpse Clan that slipped through the net, things would be even more difficult.


"Get reinforcements quickly."

From the Ryudang headquarters in Kyoto, one phone call after another was made continuously.

at the same time.

The remaining small worlds began to be heavily guarded.

"All small worlds, activate level one alert."

"The detection range is expanded ten times."

"The power in the nearby cities to guard the small world."

When the order is given.

Only ten minutes.

In the northwest border area, in the small town of Enros, more than 90 people died, and it was still Lin Chaofan who took action.

When Qinglong War God learned the news.

My lungs are about to explode.

"That's unreasonable!"

"Those beasts!"

Qinglong God of War smashed the table on the spot.

But I don't dare to get angry, it won't help.

To deal with that group of people, we can only rely on those who can overcome the tribulation.

"Check it for me!"

"Deploy all forces to find their location!"

"Thorough investigation!"

The Qinglong God of War became furious.

Use all your connections and various means to try to find Lin Chaofan and his group.

But Qinglong God of War knows very well.

If they want to hide, the chance of being discovered is very low.

The other end.

The female sword fairy, Thirteen Mings, Lang Yan and others, as well as many people from the Return to Void Realm or Dacheng Realm under the Heavenly King Palace, spread out and ran various routes to investigate.

Su Chen went to the nearest cultivation dojo in the west.

After arriving at your destination.

Su Chen saw that there were only a few people from the local forces at the base outside the cultivation dojo.

"Where are the people from the Mara Palace?"

Su Chen flew down and found someone and asked.

"I don't know. The people from Mo Luo Palace disappeared the day before yesterday." The man replied.

Su Chen ducked into the dojo.

In the entire cultivation dojo, all the spiritual herbs on every mountain peak have been plucked out.

It's more than that.

Some of the ground was destroyed, and there were many traces of bombardment. The soil in some places was even filled with a poisonous atmosphere.

"They left indeed."

Su Chen took a deep breath.

At Xianmen, the main defensive city has become ruins.

It is no exaggeration to say that this cultivation dojo has no defense at all.

Even the outer defensive wall has more than a dozen gaps.

Su Chen quickly exited the small world.

"Tell your martial arts power that the people from Mo Luo Palace have left. There are already a few zombie clans in the small world. Let your people guard this place."

Su Chen left a word and left directly.

I went to another small world of Hanlei Mansion, and the situation was still the same.

The people of Hanlei Mansion gave a death order not to allow local forces to enter the small world.

The defensive wall here is intact, but in the cultivation dojo, all the spiritual herbs have been dug up, the land has been destroyed, and the main defensive city has been destroyed.

In response, the flame in Su Chen's heart became even stronger.

"Main City Alliance?"

Su Chen left the small world and after warning the local forces, Su Chen went to the next destination.

The situation in the small world controlled by Hantian City is the same, but there are still people staying here in Hantian City.

"Palace Master Su, we in Hantian City have been squeezed out miserably since we did not participate in the alliance. The people from the main city alliance are destroying this place forcefully. We have no way to stop it. We can only watch. Palace Master Su, you cannot use your anger to Spread on Hantian City, we will never participate in this dispute."

The people left behind in Hantian City seemed to be there just to explain.

They said that they would resist the corpse tribe here for the time being as a help. When the situation improved, they would follow Su Chen's wishes and leave the main world.

As for Tianxiao City.

Su Chen thought it was intact, but unexpectedly, the situation was the same.

People from Tianxiao City started fighting with people from the Main City Alliance.

The Tianxiao City team had no choice but to retreat. Lin Chaofan and others destroyed the cultivation dojo and poached the spiritual herbs.

As for the cultivation dojos and small worlds in Moluo Palace and Hanlei Mansion, this is the case.

"It seems that they have already planned this incident."

After Su Chen checked the situation, he frowned and looked around at the top of a mountain.

He took out his mobile phone and dialed Qinglong War God's number.

"Qinglong, issue an announcement about the other seven major cultivation dojos and small worlds around the world."

Su Chen said:

"In addition, pay attention to the reactions of all forces on a global scale. Who will fight against the corpse clan and who will hide behind..."

How can you know that a blessing in disguise is a blessing in disguise?

In the main world, many forces have to face the crisis of the zombie clan alone.

In this case, you can see all kinds of monsters and monsters.

Su Chen plans to recruit disciples all over the world. The Heavenly King Palace needs to expand its manpower. Some good quality people and teams can be recruited.


Longtang issued a global announcement.

"The main city alliance of the inland sea, led by Moluo Palace and Hanlei Mansion, has teams attacking small worlds such as the rainforest, attracting zombies. They destroy small towns and cause the death of tens of thousands of people. Such behavior is outraged by heaven and earth."

"All forces must see their true colors clearly."

"They are a group of wolves that are watching eagerly."

"Except for the Kunlun Dojo, the other seven great venues in the world have been destroyed by the forces of the main city alliance. The defensive main city has been destroyed, and all the spiritual medicinal herbs have been dug up."

"Many small worlds are in the same situation."

"All forces belonging to the small world need to be careful. The zombie clan crisis will come at any time."

The announcement was accompanied by many photos.

When people know.

There are countless abuses on the Internet, which are earth-shaking.

Guard forces in many places are conducting urgent inquiries.

Places such as Moluo Palace and Hanlei Mansion have been deserted.

There are still a few people in Tianxiao City and Hantian City. For them, Longtang added an announcement to temporarily cooperate with the two forces to jointly guard the small world.

When all parties learned the truth of the matter, their scalps became numb.

Guarding the cultivation dojo by myself is a bit stretched.

However, a more dangerous situation came.

"Your Majesty, something serious has happened."

When Su Chen returned to the Dragon Kingdom area, he received a call from the Qinglong God of War.

"The identities of that group of people have been found out. They are led by Lin Chaofan from the main city of Muhuo."

"They have returned from the small world of Lefei Kingdom to the Corpse Realm."

"In the Death Valley of the Corpse Domain, there are many forces from the main city alliance. They trigger a tide of corpses and even take the initiative to invade some small worlds."

"There are currently seven small worlds within the Dragon Kingdom, and they are facing a wave of corpses... The situation in some foreign small worlds is not optimistic."

The Qinglong God of War’s words were extremely solemn.

When Su Chen learned about it, he looked heavy.

The main city alliance wants to destroy the main world.

Destroy it if you can’t get it?

"It's really...a despicable means."

Su Chen took a deep breath.

After a phone call.

Su Chen returned to Kyoto.

In just five days.

Some news came one after another.

"The small world of the rainforest is still in a state of loss. More and more zombies are rushing into the main world."

The rainforest has become a battlefield.

"In the Moro Kingdom, the small world of Ousfei was lost, and the Corpse Clan appeared. The Or Town, more than thirty miles to the south, was invaded by the Corpse Clan."

"Three cultivation dojos were lost, and the defensive walls outside the dojos became battlefields."

"More and more small worlds have been lost abroad. They are in chaos, completely in chaos."


The main city alliance's offensive was extremely fierce.

That group of people are still fanning the flames in Death Valley.

It has only been a few days, and many towns have been lost, and the situation is getting worse and worse.

On the Internet, earth-shaking news spread.

Some short videos of towns being invaded by zombie tribes have made many people extremely desperate, and people around the world have fallen into panic.

It’s noon this day.

Su Chen was sitting in the courtyard, frowning slightly and looking at the map he had just obtained.

On the map of the main world, there are many places with red X's drawn on them.

That represents the lost place. There are several red threads around the

The situation is not optimistic.

"What should we do?"

Ye Qingning walked closer and said, "Ouyang Hua came back yesterday. No mineral veins were found. He killed a team from the main city alliance. There are many fairy gate passages in the Death Mountain. They cannot be defended. If the situation continues to develop, , the main world will fall sooner or later."

"Yes, I know."

Su Chen nodded.

So he was thinking about whether to dispatch some heavy-armed troops to come over. Currently, the number of heavy-armed troops is about 30,000.

It would be okay for a few strong men to lead the team and fight into the Death Valley.

But what Su Chen was more worried about was that Ling Qiankun and the others would ambush there.

If Ling Qiankun and the others were to encounter him... the consequences would be disastrous.

"I have an opinion."

Ye Qingning said softly.

"What is it?" Su Chen looked up at her.

"Treat others in their own way." Ye Qingning said word by word: "Mr. Li!"


Su Chen was startled, then suddenly enlightened.

"What a way to give someone a taste of their own medicine!"

Su Chen stood up, narrowed his eyes, and looked into the distance: "Indeed! Let Li Cheng go out and lead a larger scale of corpses to impact the inland sea!"

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