Fairy King Dad

Chapter 481 So what?

Traveled more than twenty miles.

Then we saw some planting areas.

There are many crops distributed in many areas.

There are many wide roads on the ground.

Saw rice, wheat, corn, etc.

There are also warning formations around the crops.

Lang Yan smiled and said:

"We arrived at the main city of Kunlun. This is an external land reclamation area. Not every place can grow crops. The land needs to be continuously improved. The planting of crops depends on luck. There is usually a small-scale zombie attack. In this area The area will be discovered, and the team from the main city will gather on the mountain in front to resist the tide of corpses. "

As he spoke, Lang Yan pointed not far ahead.

There is a relatively wide, low-lying low mountain.

The mountains are bare.

There were originally many trees, but they were later cut down, and a cliff more than thirty meters high was created on the east side of the mountain.

It seems that this is similar to the concept of a defensive wall.

The largest number of zombies is in the inland sea area, mostly in the Gongji realm.

Although the Gongji realm is fast and can climb up, they are not fully intelligent and tend to rush into the barriers. When they collide in groups, they are destroyed and get twice the result with half the effort.

"After crossing that mountain, you can see the main city of Kunlun."

Langyan said with a smile:

"A hundred years ago, when we crossed the Immortal Gate, the main city of Kunlun still looked like an ancient city. However, there were many people in the Kunlun Dojo who knew some technological methods. Electricity was also available here, but it was usually household lamps. There is still a big gap between the lighting used around the main city and the modern technology in the main world. "

Su Chen shook his head slightly: "The Immortal Gate is always open, and the gap between these technologies will become smaller and smaller."

With the circulation of some talents, the construction of the main city will become more and more perfect. However, if it is transformed, it will also take some years.

Moreover, the situation in the Corpse Domain is changing rapidly. Maybe at some point, a powerful zombie wave will destroy the main city.

To put it bluntly, the human race in the corpse realm is still in the stage of survival.

Fly forward again for a few minutes.

Across a rice field.

Everyone arrived near the mountain peak.


There were more than a dozen watchtowers on the mountain peak, but there was no one on them. Lang Yan said strangely:

"Under normal circumstances, there are teams guarding this place."

Suddenly, the leader in yellow clothes beside him looked far ahead:

"There is thick smoke over there, it may be in the direction of the main city of Kunlun."

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of several people present moved slightly, and everyone immediately rose into the air.

When looking over the mountain.

My eyes suddenly opened up.

The mountain peak faces forward, the slope is very gentle, and in the distance, stands a large-scale main city.

But this moment.

On the right side of the main city, on the ground, a black mass of corpses was attacking the main city.

"This is...a second level zombie wave."

Langyan looked at it carefully for a few times, then he exhaled and relaxed a little: "Fortunately, the second-level zombie tide poses no threat to the main city of Kunlun."

The zombie tide is also divided into levels, divided according to the type of spiritual treasure.

The first-level zombie tide is the lowest level, but the first-level zombie tide will have at least one corpse king and more than one million corpses.

For the army of corpses, a million is not a lot, but many people know that the Gu family's generals, prime ministers and princes are competing for the top, and their millions of heroes are already top-notch.

The zombie tide is very scary. In the history of the human race in the Corpse Domain, the largest zombie tide is the seventh-level zombie tide.

That time, twenty-one of the human race's main cities were destroyed, with countless casualties and it was difficult to resist.

As for the eighth-level and ninth-level zombie tides, this is only a theoretical situation.

The Corpse Ancestor appeared twice before, and the human race in the Corpse Domain was almost wiped out twice.

On both occasions, no information has been handed down, and there were very few survivors.

Some people say that when the Corpse Ancestor appears, a ninth-level zombie tide will form, which will be a catastrophe for the human race in the Corpse Domain.

At this time, Lang Yan said that this corpse tide was a second level corpse tide.

Everyone felt a little relieved.

"But what's with the thick smoke in the main city?"

Su Chen frowned slightly and looked ahead: "Could there be a group of corpses rushing into the main city?"

"It's really strange. Logically speaking, it shouldn't be the case. The main city of Kunlun is fully capable of defending against the Level 2 zombie wave." Lang Yan looked confused.

In the main city of Kunlun, smoke is rising in many places.

The soul thoughts of Su Chen and the leader in yellow clothes covered the past. On the outer wall of the main city of Kunlun, there was a formation that blocked the thoughts.

You can see that in the northern part of the city wall, many people are fighting with the corpses.

"Come over and have a look."

The leader in yellow clothes said in a deep voice.

Several people turned into streams of light and moved quickly at low altitude.

As we get closer and closer to the main city of Kunlun.

You can feel that fighting is taking place in many places.

"The city is in chaos."

The leader in yellow frowned slightly.

He was very observant and quickly discovered something was wrong.

The tide of corpses didn't rush in, but what was going on with the fighting fluctuations in the city?

"Did someone get into a fight?"

"The tide of corpses is at its head, and there is internal strife in the main city of Kunlun?"

The leader in yellow clothes felt a little sad.

In the Corpse Domain, the human race has a difficult living environment, but there are still internal conflicts.

Most of these things are disputes of interest or hatred.

The leader in yellow clothes has seen a lot in the Immortal Land, but the Immortal Land is not a living environment like the Corpse Realm.

"In the center of the main city, there is the entrance of our Tianxing Sect."

Lang Yan said in an urgent tone: "Let's go take a look quickly."

When Langyan came back before, I didn't hear about any disputes between Kunlun Main City and other forces.

The current situation...

Could it be that the major forces in Kunlun Main City are fighting each other?


Several people quickly shuttled through the city.

In the main city, there are some grand halls scattered everywhere.

Its buildings are mainly in classical style.

On both sides of some main streets, there are various restaurants, teahouses, and some more modern card rooms and other entertainment venues.

You can also see some clothing, weapons and other shops.

Among them, the existence of the gem business is more eye-catching, about ten floors.

On both sides of the street, most of them have green trees.

On some streets, many pedestrians are running in a hurry, and most of the shops are closed.

Flying forward quickly.

The scale of Kunlun Main City is not very large, equivalent to the level of a small county-level city in the main world.

Flying for several minutes.

Su Chen saw a hall, located in the central area.

But there are fluctuations of fighting in many places ahead.

"Tianxing Sect!"

A five-story building on the street, with a plaque of Tianxing Sect hanging on it.

Following the roof, after flying over.

The scene that came into view was a little hard to accept.

In the courtyard inside the Tianxing Sect, there were more than a dozen bodies lying.

When he saw these.


Su Chen and Langyan's heartbeats seemed to miss a beat.

"Something happened!"

Su Chen's breathing tightened.

Invisible thoughts extended outward.

But most of the buildings here have formations to block the investigation of thoughts.

Even if Su Chen forced his thoughts to investigate the situation in the house, the efficiency was relatively slow.

"Someone is coming over there!"

The Yellow-robed Sect Leader suddenly looked at a rooftop 500 meters away on the left.

I saw a bloody figure suddenly appear.

When he jumped to the rooftop.

Suddenly saw the crowd in front.

"Big Brother Langyan, you are back?"

This person's face was a little surprised.

"Tai Changxing!"

Langyan's face changed, and he and Su Chen flew over immediately.

"Su Changfeng? Junior brother, you are here too?"

Tai Changxing's eyes suddenly lit up, and he laughed: "Junior brother, long time no see..."


He didn't finish his words.

A sword light penetrated from the back of Tai Changxing's heart and emerged from his chest.

Tai Changxing felt a terrifying energy that instantly burned his internal organs.

In an instant, Tai Changxing's eyes began to disperse.

He looked at the two people in front of him, less than two hundred meters away.

Langyan, Su Chen!

Tai Changxing's lips trembled, his face was pale, and he wanted to show a little smile at the last moment.

But the corners of his mouth just had a slight upward arc, and the whole person knelt on the ground with a plop.

The next second, a ball of fire covered his body, and it was gone!

And the outline of the person who assassinated Tai Changxing appeared.

He was wearing a grey gown, holding a three-foot green peak, with long hair, a square face, small eyes, and a hint of murderous intent in his eyes.

"First level of tribulation!"

The yellow-robed leader narrowed his eyes slightly, and he moved his body and flew forward quickly.

"Junior brother!"

Langyan's face changed drastically, and he cried out in pain!

"Senior brother..."

Su Chen's pupils shrank sharply, and he looked at the wisp of flying ash, and his heart was pierced.

The disciple who brought him into the Tianxing Sect that year was Tai Changxing!

After entering the sect, Tai Changxing arranged a place for Su Chen to live and took him around the sect...

Many scenes appeared in front of him, as if it was just yesterday.

Su Chen's face was slightly pale, his breathing became rapid, and a layer of fierce anger soon rose in his eyes.

He came to the corpse area and came to the Tianxing Sect.

But it was the last time he saw Tai Changxing.

It shouldn't be like this!

An endless anger burned in Su Chen's heart.

His fierce and cold eyes fell on the person who attacked.

"Li Hongyun?"

"Your Ma!"

Langyan looked at the man in front of him and roared: "I will kill you!"

Langyan recognized the identity of the man in front of him.

Li Hongyun, a young strong man in the corpse domain, had just broken through the first level of tribulation.

He was a Tianjiao disciple of the Demon Luo Palace. The main city of the Demon Luo Palace was one of the three main cities in the corpse domain. It had a huge power and was not comparable to the main city of Kunlun.

But even if the other party had an extraordinary origin, Langyan was not afraid. He rushed forward without hesitation. He was a little irrational.

Tianxing Sect had been in the corpse domain for a hundred years, fighting zombies, going out for training, exploration, mining, and the sect disciples faced many crises, but all survived.

They did not die at the hands of zombies, but died at the hands of other forces.

Langyan's eyes were wet, and he rushed forward with a long knife.

"Tianxing Sect's wolf smoke?"

Li Hongyun looked at the wolf smoke calmly, as if he was going to wait for the wolf smoke to rush over before killing him.

However, most of Li Hongyun's eyes fell on the Yellow-robed Sect Leader.

Obviously, he was more wary of the Yellow-robed Sect Leader.

But Su Chen was faster, and he rushed over like lightning.

"He is the first level of tribulation."

The words of the Yellow-robed Sect Leader reached Su Chen's ears.

Su Chen did not respond!

The first level of tribulation?

So what?

At this moment, Su Chen's eyes were only on Li Hongyun in front of him.

He was like a flash of lightning, bursting out at full speed.

At this moment.

Su Chen's Vajra Fighting Body was running at its peak.

The Supreme Divine Fist was fully erupting!

The power of the Divine Elephant filled his whole body.

Su Chen's Void Soul was all pierced into his sternum.

The energy like a vast ocean was all over Su Chen's body.

He was like an incarnation of a fighting machine.

The strongest punch, blasting away!

An amazing fist shadow formed one meter in front of Su Chen's right fist, and Su Chen's right fist contained even more amazing power.

He was like a cannonball, blasting away.

But Su Chen's aura was only at the Great Accomplishment Realm.

"A trifle."

Li Hongyun looked disdainful, he raised his long sword and stabbed forward.

A ray of light appeared from the tip of the sword.

But he was careless after all.


A loud noise appeared, and the shadow of the Supreme God Fist smashed the sword light shot by Li Hongyun.

When the sword light and the shadow of the fist were almost worn out.

Su Chen's heaviest punch came!

Li Hongyun raised his long sword and stabbed.


The long sword was broken into pieces!

Su Chen's fist, with a bang, hit Li Hongyun's chest.

There was a significant dent in Li Hongyun's chest, and there were sounds of multiple fractures.

Li Hongyun was knocked away, spitting out several mouthfuls of blood in the air.

"This is impossible!"

"You are not in the Tribulation Realm, how can you compete with me?"

Li Hongyun flew backwards for 300 meters, his face full of horror!

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