Fairy King Dad

Chapter 480 Inland Sea (1/2)

In the dark forest.

There was silence.

Langyan, Su Chen, the unknown old Taoist, and the leader in yellow walked through quietly and very quickly.

In front of them, on a quagmire, was a zombie with his feet stuck in the quagmire.

After he noticed the breath, he stretched out his hands and screamed at the leader in yellow. His body was struggling, trying to jump out.


The leader in yellow snorted coldly and waved his sleeves.

An invisible energy shattered the zombie's body.

Several people moved forward quickly and unstoppably.

All of this is due to the relatively wide coverage of the Yellow-clothed Cult Leader's thoughts.

He can avoid some situations in advance.

"There are groups of corpses ahead, let's take a detour."

The leader in yellow clothes often speaks.

But going out together with him made Su Chen worry-free and he didn't have to take the initiative to say anything. The leader in yellow was very experienced.

The unknown old Taoist didn't even speak anymore. He was enjoying himself and followed behind.

"Let's go up to the sky and check the direction."

"Just keep going."

"It will take us two days at the earliest to cross the Soul-Dead Forest."

The leader in yellow is analyzing various situations.

If you want to fly eight thousand miles in the main world and travel leisurely, half a day will be enough.

But in the Broken Soul Forest, at the current speed, it would only take two days if everything goes well.

But, can it really go smoothly?

The frequency of their encounters with zombies is getting higher and higher.

The route chosen by the leader in yellow clothes is the place with the fewest zombies. Even so, they often face the pursuit of several or even a dozen zombies.

Kill them silently and move on.

Just like that, time passed by minute by minute.

In the forest area, there are very dense areas, the light is dark, it is like black sky inside, it looks gloomy, and the smell is damp, like the smell of rotting meat.

In this area, the yellow-clothed leader's face became a little more solemn.

"The thoughts here have been suppressed a lot."

The leader in yellow clothes suddenly stopped and seemed to be listening carefully to something.

Su Chen immediately noticed something unusual.

In this dark place, the void soul can only explore the surrounding area of ​​two miles.

The detection range was more than doubled.

"It's not easy to break into."

The unknown old Taoist squinted his eyes and observed the surroundings. He whispered: "It is indeed the Forest of Broken Souls. Every inch of road, every inch of soul. There used to be millions of ghosts here. The souls nourished the trees, which made the suppression of thoughts here stronger and stronger." ”


The leader in yellow clothes looked surprised: "I didn't expect that you could even see this."

"Haha, little ability, little skill." The unknown old man suddenly laughed.

"Hiss... the temperature here is a bit low, a bit cold." Lang Yan looked at the darkness around him, always feeling that a powerful zombie would suddenly appear somewhere, which made him a little panicked.

"Let's go, keep going."

Su Chen smiled softly: "Our destination is the main city of Kunlun. It is one of the main cities closest to the Soul-Destroying Forest. This is relatively friendly to us."

The main city of Kunlun was created by the concerted efforts of the people who once went to the Corpse Domain from the Kunlun Dojo.

There are rumors in the Immortal Sect that after a long time, most of the founders of the main city of Kunlun were cultivators from thousands of years ago.

However, the Corpse Realm has been developing for many years, and there are very few people from the older generation.

In the Corpse Domain, there are dozens of main human cities, scattered throughout the inland sea area.

The strength of the main city of Kunlun is only considered to be in the middle and lower reaches.

This news was told by Lang Yan when he was chatting with Su Chen.

This undoubtedly made Su Chen look forward to seeing his fellow disciples soon.

Walk quietly in the dark jungle.

"There are very few zombies here."

"But it's too quiet around here."

The leader in yellow sent a message to several people: "Be careful. If you have defensive spirit treasures, you'd better activate a few first."

Walking in the dark.

Lang Yan, Su Chen, and Wuming Lao Tao all used several non-fluctuating defensive spirit treasures.

Although the leader in yellow is very confident, he has to be careful in the corpse realm, holding a gem in his right hand.

If the Corpse King suddenly appears, there will be no time to use defensive powers, so you can only use treasures to resist it first.

Swish swish swish...

Although the speed of the four people moving forward was slower than in the previous area, the overall speed was only about one second for 100 meters.

Like the howling wind, moving quickly.

The surroundings were getting darker and darker, and it was as quiet as a dark prison.

The surrounding trees are very strong, and their suppression of thoughts becomes more and more serious.

Su Chen even had the idea of ​​traveling at high altitude.

But suddenly.


A roar of a corpse beast came from the air.

The sound was deafening, not far above.

This made Su Chen and the others give up their thoughts.

After traveling for four hours.

The environment is still dark.


There was an extremely faint sound ahead.

This voice did not escape the detection of Su Chen and others.


Several people stopped and the leader in yellow stood at the front. He frowned and looked ahead.

A few seconds passed.

The leader in yellow raised his left hand slightly.

A ray of light illuminates the surrounding area.

In this short moment.

They saw the living creatures ahead.

"Puppet Demon Spider!"

"King of Corpses!"

Langyan's face changed drastically.

Su Chen and Wuming Laodao looked solemn.

This corpse king puppet spider had no breath.

It had the form of a spider, about five meters tall, with eight claws like swords, and its body was made up of human heads.

Each head was like a waxed doll, with a reflective degree and dark eyes.

Countless human heads appeared in front of the eyes in the darkness, making people feel cold all over.

"Crunch, crunch..."

Each head of the puppet spider was wriggling. They seemed to have different thoughts. Looking at Su Chen and the others, their teeth kept biting, and the crisp sound was soul-stirring.

Langyan had a splitting headache in this magic sound.

The magic sound attack of the puppet spider also showed a trace of its breath.

The fourth level of the tribulation realm!

The face of the Yellow-robed Sect Leader was a little gloomy.

"Get out!"

The Yellow-robed Sect Leader slapped his palm angrily.

A huge blue palm print formed a few meters in front of the puppet spider.

However, just as the palm print magic power was condensed, hundreds of heads of the magic spider opened their mouths, and the powerful suction force disintegrated the palm print into energy and sucked it in.

"Woo woo..."

It sounded like the sound of ghosts and wolves howling.

The puppet magic spider suddenly moved, and its sharp claws, as fast as lightning, attacked with great momentum.

Just this attack made Su Chen's heart skip a beat.

The puppet magic spider, this attack, was several times stronger than his full-strength punch.

What's more, the puppet magic spider's attack was accompanied by magic sound.


The yellow-clothed leader didn't want to fight.

He pushed forward in front.

Su Chen and his men flew forward quickly from the side.

Boom boom boom...

In the quiet dark jungle area, dense buzzing sounds came out.

Su Chen and his three men flew in front, and the yellow-clothed leader was behind, fighting against the puppet magic spider while following Su Chen.


However, something unexpected happened soon.

The attack range of the puppet spider is very long.

It suddenly ejected a gleaming spider web, and at the tip of the spider web was the puppet spider's human-faced head.

The head came behind Langyan like lightning.


The puppet spider's head was salivating, drooling at Langyan, as if he wanted to get Langyan's head.


In a short moment, Su Chen threw out the Supreme Divine Fist, and with the blessing of the power of the Divine Elephant, a fist shadow blasted the head away.

But the head was unscathed, and was only knocked out more than 30 meters.

The head's dark eyes looked at Su Chen, and it attacked.


The nameless old Taoist took out a shovel and slapped the head away by dozens of meters.

"Go quickly."

The tone of the Yellow-robed Cult Leader was obviously a little hurried.

The battle on his side was even more amazing.

The puppet spider shot out many silk threads, and all of them pulled a human-faced head, surrounding the Yellow-robed Cult Leader.

Countless whistles made people's scalps numb.

It turned out that the reason why there was no loss here was the existence of the human-faced spider.

Swish, swish, swish...

The Yellow-robed Cult Leader stepped on all directions.

After getting rid of the puppet spider, he dodged and left, joined Su Chen and others, and rushed forward at an accelerated speed.

But the puppet spider was just as fast, chasing behind, its eight legs moving back and forth, and every time the puppet spider ejected, it would speed up and rush over.

Su Chen and others ran in front, and the puppet spider chased behind.

Countless heads were looming in the darkness.

The Yellow-robed Cult Leader's face was not very good.

If there were other corpse kings appearing in a loud battle here, it would become more and more troublesome.

If five corpse kings appeared at the same time, even he would be in danger of life and death.

This was not a joke.

Boom boom boom...

The Yellow-robed Cult Leader, the Nameless Taoist, and Su Chen attacked one after another.

Using the Yellow-robed Cult Leader's methods as the main method, Su Chen and the Nameless Taoist joined forces to resist the attacks of some demon spider heads.

As for Wolf Smoke, he is now only at the peak of the Spirit Refining Realm.

His moves are useless to the puppet demon spider, and he can only run away.

"Woo woo..."

The demon spider head made a low choking sound.

It was behind, chasing relentlessly.

Its speed was faster than Su Chen's.

Several people could only fight and retreat.

Unable to get rid of the puppet demon spider.

"This won't work. Sooner or later it will attract the attention of other corpse kings."

The Yellow-robed Cult Leader frowned: "Fly high."


Everyone immediately rushed upwards.

After breaking through many leaves.

As soon as they showed their heads, they saw many corpse beasts hovering in the sky.

And there was a big corpse king!

"Go down!"

The Yellow-robed Cult Leader's scalp was slightly numb.

He noticed that the corpse king in the air had already noticed this side.

Below the few people was the puppet spider.

The Yellow-robed leader tried his best and used several magical powers in succession to force the puppet spider back a little distance.

Su Chen and his companions moved forward at full speed.

The situation became more and more urgent, and they did not care whether they would encounter the corpse king.

The light of the spiritual treasure defense layer surrounded the few people.

The same was true for the Yellow-robed leader.

At this moment, it is better to be careful.

They escaped in the dark jungle for five hours without any danger.

The few people did not even have time to breathe.

The puppet spider was following them like a shadow.


The jungle in front became a little thinner, and the sun shone in, providing better light.


The unknown old Taoist screamed strangely.

The speed of several people increased again.

There are no zombies around, which is good news.

They originally thought that the dark jungle was the territory of the puppet spider and that it would not continue to pursue it.

But they didn't expect that when they left the dark jungle area.

The puppet spider jumped out instantly.

It seemed a little irritable under the sunlight.

The speed continued to increase, and the sharp screams gradually became more intense.

Fly forward for an hour.

Zombies began to appear around.

There was a zombie holding a branch and constantly punching the tree in front of him.


A few fallen leaves were blown up by the wind.

Someone passed by?

The zombie looked around and smelled a scent, but the scent disappeared too quickly.

The next moment.

The puppet demon spider sprinted past.

Its iron claw accidentally penetrated the zombie.

Unstoppable, the puppet demon spider, like the king of this jungle, pursues unscrupulously.

In front and on both sides, the number of zombies gradually increased.

Zombies began to gather, and they followed in pursuit.

The leader in yellow clothes continued to resist the attacks of the puppet demon spider, while Su Chen, Wuming Lao Dao and Lang Yan dealt with the zombies appearing in front and on both sides.

However, the flight took more than three hours again.

A vast array of treasures suddenly appeared on the left side.

In the white mist, there is a human-shaped shadow ten meters high.

"Humans, fresh humans..."

White mist floats like the wind.

"Misty One!"

Lang Yan's eyelids trembled violently: "It's the Corpse King Mist! The mist has the ability to hallucinate. Falling into the mist is like being trapped in an illusion array, and there is no way to escape."

Lang Yan knew some information about the Corpse King Mist.

After telling the news.

The leader in yellow clothes felt a little numb.

"Misty One, transcending the fifth level of tribulation!"

"Quick, speed up!"

The leader in yellow clothes finally understood why it was difficult to cross the soul-breaking forest even in the Tribulation Realm.

The corpse king in this place is obviously not easy to mess with!

The Mists are coming.

The leader in yellow clothes cast more than a dozen magical powers.

Su Chen discovered at this moment that soul magic could suppress the invading fog.

"The soul of nothingness!"

Su Chen used all his strength to use the Divine Soul of Nothingness, and combined with the power of the Supreme Divine Fist and the Divine Elephant, he shot out fist shadows one after another.

Every fist shadow blew out a very powerful wind.

Blow by the strong wind, the mist always kept a distance of more than 300 meters from them.

The unknown veteran took action more simply.

When he opens his mouth and breathes out, it turns into a strong wind.

This is the first time Su Chen has seen this magical power.

Facing the pursuit of two corpse kings.

The pressure on several people doubled.

Continuing to move forward, the Mists lead the surrounding zombies, blocking them from the front.

Many zombies swooped over when they saw Su Chen and the others.

Swish, swish, swish!

Su Chen is holding the Divine Star Sword, while the unknown old Taoist is using a long knife.

Lang Yan also tried his best, slashing in all directions.

The leader in yellow clothes mainly resists the puppet demon spider.

He discovered that although the realm of the Mist Man was higher, his combat effectiveness was lower than that of the Doll Demon Spider.

The Mist has the ability to strengthen zombies, and his fog is the main ability, which makes the Mist's realm seem a bit inflated.

However, when a few people saw the Mists, they controlled the zombies, and they continued to gather into a tide of zombies. There were zombies in all directions, and among them there were some zombies who had returned to the void and reached the Great Perfection Realm.

Even in the sky, there are corpse beasts subordinate to the Mist.

Attacks from all angles.

To the naked eye, this looks like a dead end.

"Kill out quickly."

"Can't continue fighting."

The leader in yellow clothes was out of breath. He gritted his teeth and said, "I was careless. I should have called the female sword fairy to come with me."

The female sword fairy has unparalleled sword skills and her lethality is very strong. In this situation, the female sword fairy can kill a bloody path the fastest.

However, Su Chen and the Wuming Taoist teamed up, and apart from the Corpse King, they were able to carry the rest of the corpses.

Find the place with the fewest zombies and keep charging forward.

After three hours, a bloody path was finally found.



Langyan breathed a sigh of relief.

He couldn't help but let out a laugh.

But the laughter just ended.

Then he saw a hill in front of him, and there were many corpses rushing over like crazy.

On the top of the mountain, there was a five-meter-tall brown bear. It was covered in thorns and looked like a hedgehog. It flew over from the air.

"Three levels of tribulation."

The leader in yellow looked stiff.

Here comes another corpse king.

“Fighting thorns and fighting bears.”

Langyan trembled: "This, this guy is a fighting monster, it once destroyed a main city!"


The fighting bear roared: "You all must die!"

The fighting bear rushed over directly.

There are zombies all around.

"Left side!"

Su Chen saw the direction and shouted: "Escape to the left!"

Several people moved at full speed, turned into streams of light, and fled to the left.

The Doll Spider, the Mist Man, and the Fighting Bear are like three torrents, chasing after each other from three directions.

Because of the addition of the Mists, the surroundings were filled with smoke.

The Demon Spider seems to hate the white mist, which affects the speed of the Demon Spider.

But overall, the three corpse kings can still maintain the same speed as Su Chen.

"If another corpse king appears."

The leader in yellow clothes has a head as big as an ox: "It's a bit difficult. I didn't expect that the corpse realm would be so dangerous."

Too careless!

The leader in yellow clothes subconsciously felt that even in the Demon Soul Grassland, he could come and go freely, and each corpse king was relatively far away.

There is not much danger when walking in the corpse realm.

But this time, he finally understood.

If you encounter a corpse king as difficult as the Doll Demon Spider, the crisis will only get worse.

Keep flying forward.

Five more hours of running away.

The Mist was too lazy to pursue. It stopped its pursuit and slowly looked ahead on the spot, while the white mist drifted backwards.

The puppet demon spider's speed suddenly increased and it continued to chase.

Fighting with thorns and bears, as if they were chasing each other in the air with a single mind.

Gradually, I escaped for another three hours.

As if the fighting bear was a little tired, it pointed at the leader in yellow and said harsh words:

"I'll eat you next time."

Douchi Zhanxiong also left.

Only the puppet demon spider is left.

The difficult guy continued to chase for two hours, until he came to a river, and then he slowly stopped.

The puppet demon spider stood on a towering tree, looking coldly ahead.

At this moment, it was already late at night, and the leader in yellow clothes finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Finally escaped."

Langyan's face turned slightly pale and he said breathlessly:

"This area seems to be on the edge of the Broken Soul Forest. There are not many zombies, and generally there are no zombie kings. We are only seven or eight hours away from the inland sea."

"Let's just go and rest somewhere."

Su Chen nodded, looked at the leader in yellow, smiled and said, "Old Huang, thank you for your hard work this time."

"It doesn't matter."

The leader in yellow robe waved his hand: "Since I promised to come, I should protect you."

"Hahaha, Lao Huang, you are very interesting." The unknown old man chuckled: "When I get back, I will treat you to a drink."

"Old Taoist, you're too polite. It's okay to drink, but you have to drink good wine." The leader in yellow laughed.

He quite likes drinking.

The atmosphere here is also much more relaxed.

But when Su Chen saw this, he grinned:

"Old Huang, you'd better be careful about this guy. He has a nickname, he's a master thief."

"What?" The leader in yellow clothes was stunned.

"Su Changfeng."

The unknown old man blew his beard and glared: "What are you talking about when you expose others but don't expose their shortcomings? Besides, how many things should I steal from you? You are not a loyal person..."

"Hey, Lao Huang, you will know sooner or later, and your nickname is nothing to pretend about." Su Chen said funny.

The unknown old Taoist is very courageous. If he wants to drink with the leader in yellow clothes, he might be able to steal Lao Huang's treasure.

"Okay, okay, don't talk about this." The unknown old Taoist curled his lips and said: "I prefer digging graves, digging pits, and digging small worlds now."

"Old Taoist, your hobby is not bad, keep it up."

Su Chen nodded: "Let's hit the road."

Several people continued to move forward.

The next place was indeed much safer. We didn't encounter the Zombie King. The jungle wasn't very dense, but there were a lot of zombies.

After charging all the way, they finally left the forest area.

On a mountain peak.

They saw a vast ocean in the far distance on the left, which was the coastline.

The inland sea has arrived.

Looking from a distance, the waves are rolling. The waves here are much more intense than the sea in the main world.

There were clouds and mist over the sea, but on the mainland side, the sky was clear.

March forward fifty miles.

Along the way, a few people saw some villages and small towns, but there were no people there. Most of them were ruins, but there were not many in them.

I also saw the ruins of a main city. The main city was very large, with tall buildings, courtyards, etc. Most of the buildings were severely damaged.

There are many zombies in the ruins of the main city.

"This main city was once called the Roman Main City. Fifty years ago, Dou Xiong and Zhan Xiong launched a huge corpse tide and destroyed the Roman Main City."

Lang Yan sighed: "The fighting bear is very ferocious. It fought three tribulation experts on its own, and the corpse tide it controlled destroyed the main city to pieces."

"This main city is not big in scale." The leader in yellow clothes shook his head slightly: "It is relatively close to the Soul-Destroying Forest, and there are not many strong people in charge. It is normal for it to be destroyed."


Lang Yan shook his head: "Master Huang, it is true that the area near the inland sea is the territory of the human race, but the human race here is also divided into different factions. For example, our main city of Kunlun is an alliance composed of forces from the Kunlun Dojo. There are dozens of alliances, and they are also competing with each other.”

The leader in yellow was silent for a moment.

He was a little strange about this matter.

In this harsh living environment, don’t we all share the same hatred?

"The main city of Kunlun is approaching dozens of miles ahead."

Lang Yan looked ahead, with a hint of urgency in his eyes.

Su Chen smiled slightly and said, "I can finally see Master and the others."

ps: 2-in-1 supplementary chapter, big chapter. The ten supplementary chapters mentioned last month are finally completed. It took nearly a month to complete. I’m so grateful for everyone’s support and love, Lao Zhang. Will continue to work hard to update.

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