Fairy cage

Chapter 691: Widow Yu Fuhu Founds a Sect

"Is this, blood resonance, and it is very close to my blood relationship?"

Yu Lie's mind was confused, and he immediately thought of the absurd scene near the Black Water Cliff that year.

But with a frown, Yu Lie counted with his fingers, and his face became even weirder: "It seems that there is more than one, but as many as hundreds?"

This situation made him even more suspicious, so he threw away the absurd idea just now, and pondered: "Could it be that someone from the Yu family migrated to Black Water Town? But why migrate to such a bitter and cold place?"

There were too many doubts in his heart, so he simply stopped thinking about it, but raised his head and planned to go and find out.

Yu Lie immediately whispered a few words to Heishuizi next to him.

The two of them had a close relationship, and there was no need to hide this kind of blood feeling from each other, but instead he could ask the other party for help.

Heishuizi was also interested when he heard about this, and he immediately muttered:

"You are so good, thick-browed and big-eyed, I went to visit the brothel with you back then, but you didn't go, I didn't expect that you left a seed in private."

This made Yu Lie quite embarrassed, and he tried to refute: "It may not be Yu's fault, it may be my fellow tribesmen."

Heishuizi showed disdain on his face, although he didn't say anything, but his eyes were already saying "I don't believe you".

"Go, go!" The old man hurriedly pulled Yu Lie and urged:

"Why don't you go and see my good grandson."

This guy seemed to be more interested than Yu Lie, and he even regarded the existence that resonated with Yu Lie's bloodline as his "grandchild".

It is said that both of them are devoted to cultivation, and at most they are thinking about the nature of enjoyment, and have never thought about leaving any offspring.

In addition, when they built their foundations, they were different from ordinary Taoists, so they did not deliberately leave bloodlines as a legacy according to the rules of the Mountain and Sea Realm.

Therefore, this matter made them both feel very magical.


With the action target, the two naturally stopped pretending to wander around like Taoist children, but flashed a few times and came to the place where Yu Lie's bloodline induction was the strongest and most concentrated.

This is a house built on the top of the Black Water Cliff. It occupies a large area, is strictly arranged, and has many formations.

But this formation seemed to be nothing to Yu Lie and the others. They entered the house without alarming anyone.

As soon as they entered the house, the breath of the Taoist boy entered their perception. They glanced and found that except for a few people in the house, all other living things were children under the age of twelve.

Heishuizi muttered: "Is this a school or an orphanage? It seems that Heishui Town has developed well, and even places like this have been built."

This guy vaguely remembered that when he was in charge of the town, although there were orphans being raised and schools being opened in the town, it was not as grand and spacious as this house. Not only was there a separate courtyard, but every child in the courtyard also had a separate bed, and the food was also good.

Yu Lie used his spiritual sense to scan the children in the courtyard, and soon captured the ones who resonated with his blood. There were big and small ones, the big ones were close to twelve years old, and the young ones were about five or six years old.

There were as many as fifty-three people in this house alone, and they gave him a familiar and close feeling.

Yu Lie can now be sure that his blood, Yu Lie's, is flowing in their bodies, whether it is rich or thin, and they are definitely not people from the Yu family who are of the same clan as him!

This made Yu Lie a little dumbfounded.

Heishuizi, who was laughing beside him, saw this and asked a few questions. He suddenly put away his amused expression, frowned, and said in a deep voice:

"With so many of your bloodlines, did you sell the essence seeds to Ah Hong back then? If so, you should be careful and be careful of being tricked."

Yu Lie shook his head quickly.

He can make a 10,000 guarantee about this, absolutely not!

And he just carefully sensed that the bloodlines of the children in the courtyard still have a few strands of Teng Snake blood, which should be the bloodline he inherited after building his foundation.

Yu Lie pondered Heishuizi's words, and soon thought with embarrassment: "Could it be that Pu Xing, she deliberately stole my seeds?"

He closed his eyes, and his spiritual sense carefully hovered over the courtyard, looking at all the bloodlines in the courtyard one by one, trying to find clues.

After scanning the courtyard, Yu Lie expanded the range of his spiritual sense and directly covered the entire Heishui Town.

Soon, he found a clue.

Yu Lie looked up at the top of the Black Water Cliff, where a small Taoist temple was built, and a woman was sitting cross-legged in the temple.

The other person looked to be about thirty or forty years old, wearing a white robe, with an ordinary appearance, but her cultivation was at the level of a high-level Taoist disciple, and she should be the current master of the Black Water Town.

There was no Yu Lie blood in her body, but she had the aura of many other children of blood, and it was obvious that she often came into contact with Yu Lie's blood.

Just a few blinks.

The middle-aged woman in white robes was sitting cross-legged in the courtyard of the Taoist temple. Her body shook suddenly, and she felt two cold winds coming. When she opened her eyes again, she found an old man and a young man standing in front of her.

The middle-aged female Taoist saw the Taoist children's clothes on Yu Lie and the other man, and was about to scold them, but before she could say anything, her eyes changed and she immediately showed a forced smile.

The woman quickly got up and bowed to the two men: "Junior greets the two Taoists. I wonder why you two came here so late at night?"

The middle-aged female Taoist disciple was aware of the various methods she had arranged inside and outside the Taoist temple, and was not touched at all. The expressions of the remaining two people were indifferent and stern, and it did not look like they were sneaking in or accidentally entering. A thief in his own Taoist temple.

She then guessed that the two of them must be experts with higher magic power than her, and most likely they were foundation-building Taoist priests!

Yu Lie looked at the middle-aged female Taoist disciple and asked unceremoniously:

"Let me ask you, why are you raising so many children in this town?"

He used the spell of Legilis in his words, and with a wave of his hand, he showed the other party the appearance of dozens of children who were connected to him by blood.

The middle-aged female Taoist disciple was shocked by Yu Lie. After she saw the familiar faces, her expression changed, revealing a look of resistance. However, under Yu Lie's pressure, she still whispered:

"I don't know why you two Taoist priests are so concerned about the heir of my deceased husband..."

She gritted her teeth and looked embarrassed, but she still said: "Robbing a child is a sin against Taoism. I hope you two Taoists will think twice."

The middle-aged female Taoist disciple lowered her head and did not see the expressions of Yu Lie and Heishuizi change when she said the word "dead husband".

Especially Yu Lie, his expression suddenly became particularly exciting.

The two of them looked up and down at the female Taoist disciple's robe, and then they suddenly understood why the other party was wearing a white robe.


This white dress turned out to be a filial piety attire, and this woman seemed to be still in filial piety.

Heishuizi looked at Yu Lie suspiciously, and the amusement expression on his face couldn't help but appear again.

Both of them thought of a possibility.

Those are the children that Yu Lie sensed. Although they are Yu Lie's children, they are not his children. Instead, they are the biological father of the children, who are children of Yu Lie.

In other words, the widow in front of them is Yu Lie's "daughter-in-law"?

This kind of conjecture made Yu Lie's brows twist into knots for a moment, and he felt inexplicable.

After being silent for a long time, he ordered to the middle-aged female Taoist disciple: "Take the two of us to your deceased husband's coffin."

Although his voice was stiff, his tone was much softer.

The middle-aged female Taoist disciple saw that the two were going to see her late husband's coffin, and she became more and more murmuring in her heart. However, she did not refuse. Instead, she obediently led the two of them out of the Taoist temple, wandering all the way to a cliff behind the Taoist temple. Near the depression of the Blackwater River.

The middle-aged female Taoist disciple pointed to the two piles of stones in the depression and whispered:

"Two Taoist priests, this is the tomb of my deceased husband."

When Yu Lie came here, he originally wanted to examine the body of this man's late husband to see if it was also of his bloodline. But when his consciousness swept away, he found that there were no bones in the two tombs, and there were only two urns.

Heishuizi next to him also noticed the clues and said in surprise: "It seems that this place is quite old. You girl, are you trying to trick us. Look at the white clothes on your body, it doesn't look old."

The middle-aged female Taoist disciple quickly replied:

"Taoist Master Mingjian, this grave of my late husband has been there for six years."

She paused and then said: "Perhaps I should call you my late husband... As for the white clothes on my body, I miss my late husband every day, so I never changed into other clothes."

Yu Lie turned his head, stared at the woman, and said in a dull voice, "Seriously?"

The middle-aged female Taoist disciple trembled, her soul was captured, and she immediately sputtered out a bunch of words.

It turns out that the reason why this woman is still dressed in white even though six or seven years have passed is not only because she misses her late husband, but also intentionally to remind the people of Blackwater Town that she is the daughter-in-law of the previous temple master.

As for who the last visitor is, it is another urn lying in the pile of rocks.

Yu Lie stepped forward and touched the stone tablets on both sides of the tomb to wipe away the moss.

One stone tablet has no words, and the other stone tablet has the word "Pu Xing" floating on it.

At this point, there is a reasonable explanation for the bloodline issue in the town.

The source of the more than a hundred bloodlines should not be the loss of the rest of the essence, and they were not produced by him, but should be produced by Pu Xing's son.

In other words, the remaining members of his family are already in the grandpa's generation. Not only are they full of descendants, they can even open a family tree!

To avoid missing something, Yu Lie asked the middle-aged female Taoist disciple more questions.

"When Master Pu Xingguan took office, he worked hard to govern and was extremely prestigious..."

The middle-aged female Taoist disciple saw that Yu Lie's attitude became more and more kind. She breathed a sigh of relief, and her words became smoother. She also changed her title:

"I heard that my mother-in-law once had the opportunity to become a Taoist priest. However, after giving birth to her first husband, her body became worse and worse day by day. In the end, her cultivation level was still at the level of a Taoist official. And if the year does not pass, people's wishes will not come true. , and eventually became ill from overwork.

As for my late husband, he was the only son of his mother-in-law, with a magical bloodline and rapid cultivation. He is good in every way, but he is too radical. Every time he reaches perfection in practice, he has to break through. When he broke through the Taoist barrier six years ago..."

As the woman spoke, she couldn't help but shed tears on her face. It seemed that she really had a deep relationship with the mother-in-law and late husband she mentioned.

When Heishuizi heard this, he roughly understood what happened.

The man muttered and couldn't help but ask the middle-aged female Taoist disciple: "Girl, I see there are so many children in this town, don't they look like they are all born to you two? Your husband is really very romantic." !”

Heishuizi said, and secretly looked at Yu Lie next to him.

Yu Lie was speechless.

The middle-aged female Taoist was embarrassed. After hesitating for a long time, she said that her mother-in-law asked her to focus on cultivation. As for the blood inheritance, many women in the town asked their husbands to borrow their seeds.

It happened that her husband was also a philanthropic person. He accepted everyone, including monsters.

It was even heard that once when they were out for training, they met a fox monster on the road. Everyone was trembling. It was her husband who stood up and successfully turned the enemy into a friend. He turned the encounter with the monster into a fox monster asking him to borrow his seeds. Since then, he has been called Fu Huzi in advance and loves this name.

Hearing these words, Heishuizi couldn't hold back his expression at all, and couldn't help but burst into laughter:

"Haha! Good boy, good boy, he didn't lose face for his father. No, no, no, to be precise, he is even better than his father."

As he spoke, he looked at Yu Lie's increasingly dark face next to him, and quickly stopped laughing, sighing:

"It's a pity that he is unstable and enjoys himself too much, otherwise it wouldn't be like this."

"But damn, his life is more exciting than hundreds of years of my life." Heishuizi couldn't help but sigh.

The middle-aged female Taoist listened to Heishuizi's muttering, her face was blank, her eyes kept looking at Yu Lie and the two graves, and after hesitating for a long time, she finally couldn't help but said: "Father-in-law?"

Yu Lie's expression became more and more weird, and he didn't know what to say.

The middle-aged female Taoist saw that Yu Lie didn't refuse, and she immediately knelt on the ground and cried.

The woman kept calling him father-in-law and grandfather, and Yu Lie couldn't stand it. He waved his hand to seal her mouth, so the middle-aged female Taoist could only kneel and sob.

Facing this situation, Yu Lie couldn't help but sigh to the sky.

Originally, he saw the two graves of Pu Xing and her son, and felt quite emotional.

Suddenly, he felt that the beauty had aged, the descendants had changed, and the years were ruthless and indifferent.

For a moment, Yu Lie felt that even his own Taoist heart had been polished a lot, but when he heard the details of the rebellious son's deeds, his feelings were instantly blown away to Java.

He even doubted whether this guy was sitting or doing the body.

"Forget it."

After a long time, Yu Lie sighed lightly, turned around, stepped towards the Black Water River, and disappeared from the eyes of the middle-aged female Taoist.

There was only a storage bag and a few notes floating in front of the other party.

And the three words "Yu Fuhu" slowly appeared on the blank stone tablet, giving it a name.

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