Fairy cage

Chapter 690: Bloodline of the Old Place

After leaving the Qiangong courtyard, Yu Lie flew straight out of Qianzhou Daocheng.

The second thing he has to do next is to retrieve Heishuizi from the outside world and repair the relationship.

Now Heishuizi is running away. On the one hand, he is deliberately avoiding Yu Lie. On the other hand, he is revisiting his old place and reaching the remote place where he was sent.

That place is also the place where Yu Lie set foot on the road, Blackwater Town!

During his Taoist period, Yu Lie traveled between Heishui Town and Qianzhou Daocheng, and had to cross mountains and ridges, changing dragon carriages several times. Now he is a member of the Jindan family, traveling without a trace for tens of thousands of miles. distance and can be reached in a moment.

Among them, because Diivei County is located between Heishui Town and Qianzhou Daocheng, Yu Lie happened to pass by Diivei County.

He only paused briefly over the county town and then left.

Although this place was his hometown, in the current Diive County, old friends are dead and gone, and there are almost no people he knows anymore, so it is not worth revisiting the old place.

Soon, Yu Lie arrived at the location of Blackwater Town.

The first thing that caught his eye was still the foggy and iconic Blackwater Cliff.

The cliffs are towering, falling by the Blackwater River, lonely and bitterly cold. The surrounding environment does not seem to have changed much from the last time Yu Lie came here.

Yu Lie stood on the clouds and looked down, occasionally seeing bold Taoist boys.

They walked down the Black Water Cliff at night, or sat by the river to fish, or wandered in the jungle densely populated by lizards to practice hunting.

The roars of beasts and screams would sound suddenly at night, and no one knew who made the first move.

Looking at this scene, Yu Lie felt as if time had returned to the past again.

There was no big difference between the situation when he was struggling to survive on this black water cliff and the current group of Taoist boys.

Yu Lie watched for a long time, and suddenly a voice penetrated the clouds and appeared in his ears:

"Aren't you tired after staring for so long? Brat, come down."

This voice was none other than Heishuizi's.

Yu Lie turned around and saw Heishuizi's figure on a stone house on Heishui Cliff.

As soon as he saw it, Yu Lie's eyes were dazed for a moment.

Because at the moment, Heishuizi had taken off his Taoist robe of chaos. He was wearing a tattered, gray-washed Taoist robe. He looked like a homeless man, squatting on the roof and drinking from a gourd of wine.

This look is exactly how Yu Lie was dressed when he hung out with him in Blackwater Town.

Yu Lie smiled at the corner of his mouth, nodded towards the other party, and with a flicker of his body, he flew down from the clouds and stood beside Heishuizi.

Heishuizi looked at the red-lit streets in the town and said without raising his head:

"You came here to see the old man. You thought you would end all ties with me after I scolded you."

Yu Lie bowed respectfully to the other party and replied: "The master of the temple is joking. How could Yu Lie dare to do such a stupid thing? It's just that I had some errands in the past two days and was delayed, so I came late."

"Hey, Master."

Hearing this, Heishuizi looked at Yu Lie with his drunken eyes like fish bubbles, burped, and said to himself: "This title of Guanzhu sounds nice and long-lasting. I like it."

He stood up unsteadily, stretched, and yawned again: "I haven't been a conservator for many years.

Come on, you haven’t been back here for decades. Let me take you for a walk here. "


Yu Lie did not refuse and nodded in agreement.

When he was about to leave, he had a thought. In order not to attract too much attention on the street, he also changed his tactics. The mist wrapped around him, and he put on his former Taoist robe.

Yu Lie was fully dressed and jumped on the spot. Surprisingly, he found that it still fit him very well.

Heishuizi looked back at Yu Lie and muttered: "You guys are still so young, you are really jealous."

Then, an old man and a young man walked on the streets of Blackwater Town, which was different from what they remembered, chatting casually.

"Look, this town is a lot more prosperous than it was back then. There were only a few teahouses and restaurants back then. Now they are all connected together, and they are all full of feasting and entertainment, which makes people feel itchy just looking at them.

If this could have been done back then, the nightlife in the town would have been enriched and a lot of tax money could have been collected. "

Yu Lie walked past a stone tower and said in surprise:

"Hey, this tower is still there. I remember it was your mansion back then. Has it not been bulldozed over the years?"

Heishuizi was dissatisfied: "What are you talking about? Haven't you seen the layout of the town? Most of the things from the past have been preserved intact?"

"It can be seen that the future patron is a thoughtful person, and there is no trace of disdain for me back then." The old guy sighed with emotion.

Yu Lie nodded after hearing this.

He now understood why Heishuizi wanted him to accompany him for a walk.

As the two walked in the specious town, they had a strange feeling that time had passed but the past was still there.

In particular, he discovered that buildings in the town, such as government-run drug stores and government-run quiet rooms, are still in use today and look exactly the same as before. Although they are stained, it seems that they are being repaired and maintained from time to time.

This scene vaguely reveals a sense of humanity in the town, a sense of care for the past.

"It's funny to say that this junior had a narrow escape from death in this place."

Yu Lie smiled and said to Heishuizi:

"Now that I'm revisiting my old place, I feel a warm feeling."

Heishuizi said with a smile:

"Who says it's not? This place is also the place where I was trapped. I didn't know how much of my ambition was wasted. I wanted to get drunk every time and drown in the Black Water River."

Heishuizi was talking about something interesting, clapping his hands and laughing: "Unexpectedly, I not only built my foundation again, but also formed a pill.

In the end, he was lucky enough to get a second-grade golden pill, hahaha, not bad!"

Yu Lie's face also showed a relaxed smile, and even the sorrow and depression caused by the Great Heavenly Venerable in recent days were instantly dissipated.

The old man and the child walked on the street as if no one was around, pointing here and there, like a little crazy.

There were a few Taoist children roaming around in the town at night. When they saw them, they didn't see much powerful aura from them, but seeing that they were acting crazy and looked poor, they all hid far away and didn't bother them.

But suddenly, Yu Lie was laughing, and his mind was shocked strangely. He suddenly stopped and didn't move for a long time.

This made Hei Shuizi next to him look at him in confusion.

At this time, an inexplicable impulse attacked Yu Lie's heart. This feeling was very strange, as if one of his close relatives was in the town.

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