Extraordinary Noble

Chapter 58: ghost

ten minutes? fifteen minutes?

They don't know how long they have walked on this deep road, let alone how long it will take. There were no other sounds around, only their own.

The team gradually lost their temper, and some of the team members were already turning pale.

At this moment, Ms. Anna, who was walking at the forefront, suddenly shouted: "There is a ghost, **** it. Hurry up and pierce your hand to dispel the fear with pain."

Ms. Anna's reminder is extremely correct.

Ghosts are the lowest level of undead creatures. They have almost no attack power, but they also have very few weaknesses other than sunlight, making them difficult to kill.

Their only threat is a determination of willpower. If people don't pass this judgment, they will be scared to death.

Pain can increase resistance to fear.

But it was too late.

The ghost was invisible to mortals, and Colin only felt a shady wind blowing towards his face, as if a cold-blooded snake was crawling on his skin, and from time to time it spit out its tongue, so that he had a layer of chicken skin all over him. Pimple, the heart is slow a beat.

But after that, nothing happened. Immediately, he turned his head and glanced at Bill. Fortunately, this good friend was fine, but his face was pale and his legs were weak.

"Ahhhh!!" But some of the team members were not so lucky. Those of them who failed to pass the test, let out a scream that was not human-like, and fell to the ground with convulsions and foaming at the mouth.

Colin saw a team member in front of him suddenly screamed and fell backwards. He subconsciously reached out to take it. After a closer look, he found that he was out of breath, foaming at the mouth, his face full of fear, and blue pupils. Shrink to pinpoint size.

It was the first time Colin hugged a corpse, and he subconsciously shook his hands, trying to shake it away. But then, he took a deep breath and slowly laid the poor classmate flat on the ground. Although we don't communicate much on a daily basis, we are still classmates.

After putting this classmate away, Colin stood up again, looked left and right, and found that there were three fewer members, and now there are only nine remaining, most of them nobles.

Glory can sometimes be used as chicken soup for the soul to avoid fear. But there is also a disadvantage. Van Gogh's nobles have a high rate of damage in many wars.

Especially the young nobles, many of the heirs of dukes and marquis, could not survive the war.

After becoming an adventurer, ordinary civilians can also exercise their strong willpower and avoid ghosts through a series of thrilling adventures.

However, Bill is obviously not a traditional Van Gogh aristocrat. He is a non-mainstream aristocrat who likes fashion, clothing design, gemstone design, and women's perfume.

Colin saw that there was a bloodstain from a blade cut in his palm. Colin quickly tore off a corner of his shirt and handed it to Bill. Bill had lingering fears, glanced at Colin quickly, and then silently bandaged the wound.

In fact, according to the physical resilience of the prospective knight, this wound will heal quickly.

"I hope there will be no scars." Bill, who loves beauty, thought inexplicably.

"Continue to move forward." Ms. Anna in front did not come back to see the casualties, but just kept silent for a while, and urged.

Without any hesitation, the team members stepped over the corpses of their companions and continued to move forward. Before long, the light in front of them suddenly made them horrified.

In front of it is a huge basement, square, about the size of a football field. Its top and four walls are black without any gaps, and the surface is very smooth, which should be a magical product.

A straight passage leads to the opposite side. A portal that can be used by four or five people to walk side by side stands in front of it, dark and deep.

On both sides of the passage are two huge burial pits, where countless corpses have fallen. Countless years have passed, and the flesh and blood of these corpses have long since disappeared, but the bones have not been corrupted and have been preserved. Most were decapitated, with a small number of skeletons remaining intact.

The densely packed human bones are countless.

"During the Second Dynasty, there were still slaves, and there was also a tradition of burial. These people may be slaves, death row prisoners, or prisoners of war. Such a large-scale burial may also produce ghosts or other undead creatures. It was also the first line of defense that was popular at the time to guard the mausoleum. Judging from the scale, the owner of this mausoleum was at least a duke."

Michael Harris took a deep breath and said calmly. In the class, this guy's history class is number one, far ahead of Colin.

"But there are no other undead creatures other than ghosts. For adventurers, ghosts are nothing." Colin looked at it and saw that there were no fresh corpses left on the passage, and those adventurers passed smoothly. Ghost's judgment.

"But fortunately, there were no powerful undead creatures, otherwise we would only become part of the corpse here in an instant." Bill shrugged in shock.

At this time, Ms. Anna had already set off again. Leon Brown clenched the magic sword in his hand, walked forward, and said in a deep voice, "Let's go."

The rest, including Colin, moved forward together. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

Everyone followed Ms. Anna through the long passage and entered the portal. It was still dark all around, but to the prospective knights, it was nothing.

At this moment, they have gone deep into the ground, and it is unknown how long they are ahead. After walking for an unknown number of miles, there was still silence around them. They could only hear each other's breathing and footsteps.

Not long after, something strange happened ahead.

"Alert." A male voice suddenly sounded, and Colin and the others were startled, and quickly accelerated their pace and rushed up.

In front of him suddenly became clear again, and there was a basement that was not much different from before. However, this basement was cut off by a canal, which was filled with black water and gave off the rotten smell of corpses mixed with withered branches.

In front of this black canal, there are more than a dozen adventurers, who are nervously confronting Ms. Anna.

Colin saw an acquaintance, the bald man. He nervously looked at Ms. Anna, and the nine others including Colin who appeared later. When he saw Colin, he immediately realized who he was.

"Dear Will Knight Academy, we have no intention to offend this tomb. We only pass by occasionally, please let us go." The bald man swallowed a mouthful of saliva and said very cowardly.

He knew very well that the leading teacher of Will Knight Academy must be a powerful knight.

Ms. Anna made a waiting gesture to Colin and the others, and then asked: "You have already reserved manpower at the entrance of the cave. There is no need to arrange for manpower to be cut off here. So, why do you stay here?"

Ms. Anna thoughtfully glanced at the black water canal in front of her. Judging from the width, it is only ten meters, and you can jump over it, but it is obviously not that easy.

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