Extraordinary Noble

Chapter 57: Breach into the mausoleum

Ms. Anna put on a suit of armor, which was very thin and red in appearance.

The armor basically covers Ms. Anna's torso. Judging from the design of the chest, this armor is specially designed for her.

The arms don't have much protection, only the elbows have two protections. The cowhide gloves have been taken off, revealing her hands full of strength and beauty.

The lower body is a battle dress, which only reaches the base of her thighs, with two protections on her knees.

The helmet is relatively ordinary, without any special features.

In Ms. Anna's hand, there is also a two-handed great sword with a red scabbard.

Colin looked at it and thought. "It could be a pair of magical weapons."

The physical defense and direct cutting power of armor and weapons generally depend on the material of the weapon and armor itself. But after adding runestones, weapons and armors will become powerful magic weapons.

The armor can not only resist magical attacks of different powers, but also bring abnormal resilience.

As for weapons, they generally have the ability to carry some anomalies. Generally, the cutting power is strengthened to prevent the opponent's regeneration ability, and some also have abnormal recovery power.

In addition to this, the most basic thing is to directly improve the user's personal attributes.

Powerful magical weapons can even turn ordinary knights into dragon knights. Like the sword in the stone of Frederick the Great.

Colin turned his head and looked. Among the noble classmates, Leon Brown and Michael Harris also wore unusual armor and two-handed swords.

Leon Brown is a set of black light armor with a mountain lion printed on the back, which is the coat of arms of the Brown family.

Michael Harris is a suit of blue armor and a scarlet cloak with blue, red and black shields printed on the cloak. This is the coat of arms of the Harris family.

Colin looked down at himself, then at Bill. It's really bare and hairless, pitiful. Bill noticed Colin's gaze and shrugged. seems to say.

"People are rich, but we are poor."

Among the children of the nobles, Bill is considered to be of middle level. His family can still afford a thoroughbred horse, but he can't currently wear a set of magical armor either.

Ms. Anna looked at it. There were more than 30 students in the class, and only 12 were left. She lightly opened her red lips and said calmly: "You are divided into three teams. Colin Russell, Leon Brown, and Michael Harris are the team captains. The previous grievances are temporarily put aside, otherwise you may be wiped out."

Immediately, Ms. Anna made arrangements for the team members, and Bill was naturally included in Colin's team.

Everyone nodded lightly to Ms. Anna, indicating that they would temporarily let go of their old grudges.

In fact, we don't have much grievances, but the relationship between Colin and Leon Brown is more conspicuous.

After getting ready, Ms. Anna walked out of the camp first, and everyone immediately followed. It took 30 miles from the camp to the adventurer's camp. Ms. Anna went ahead to investigate the situation, and the prospective knights reached the top of the mountain before dark.

Countless stars in the sky are bright or dark, and the Doroner Mountains at night are unusually cold and silent, but from time to time there are horrific and unknown howls of beasts, and there is some kind of infiltrating breath in the air.

The adventurer's camp is messy, with all kinds of tents. But there was no one inside, there were still bonfires and many discarded bones on the ground, and there was still a little smell of barbecue in the air.

"This group of people should have been put together temporarily, and there is not much organization rate." Michael Harris looked around, and then asked in doubt: "But what about them? And Ms. Anna."

Colin and Leon Brown stood with him, while the rest of the team spread out to be on guard.

"I'm here." Ms. Anna's voice sounded abruptly, causing all the team members to shudder. Immediately, this lady suddenly appeared from the darkness, as if she was darkness herself.

"There is a hole in a large mountain three kilometers away. There are soldiers guarding the door, and I have cleaned it up." Ms. Anna's expression was a little excited, and there was indeed something.

"Take light steps and follow me." Ms. Anna immediately led the way. Although she was wearing armor, her steps were light and barely audible.

Colin and the team looked at it, and they all followed up with Ms. Anna.

Soon after, they arrived at the cave that Ms. Anna said. In front of it was a particularly tall mountain, and the cave was small and deep.

It seems to be the mouth of an unknown giant beast that can devour all living beings.

The entrance of the cave was obviously cleaned up, and there were no weeds and rocks. The hole itself contains traces of artificial excavation, and at a glance, it is known that it was not formed by nature.

On the ground lay the corpses of some adventurers, all kinds of men, women and children, without exception, they were all killed by a sword. Judging from the consternation on their faces, Ms. Anna's action was only a short moment~www.wuxiaspot. com~ Colin sucked in a breath of cold air, looking calm and hot, Ms. Anna didn't expect to be so ruthless.

Michael Harris stepped forward and stroked a slate on the edge of the cave. This slate has been standing for an unknown number of years. There are words on it, but the handwriting is blurred.

"God bless Van Gogh." Michael Harris recognized these words and read them out softly. He turned back and said, "The text has a distinct Second Dynasty style."

"Lyon is in the front, Colin is in the middle, and Michael is in the back." Ms. Anna's face was calm, she lightly jumped into the cave, and instantly disappeared from everyone's sight.

The team members entered the cave one after another according to Ms. Anna's assignment. Leon Brown took the lead, and Michael didn't hesitate after breaking it himself.

Colin was placed in the central position only because he had no magic armor.

After entering the cave, the traces of artificial excavation became more and more obvious. The cave is not straight, but extends downward in a spiral. There are no stone ladders underfoot, but there are non-slip nicks.

"Whoosh whoosh!!" After walking for a while, the sound of arrows breaking through the air suddenly sounded in front.

Colin and the others were nervous and immediately guarded. But then there was the sound of arrows being shot down, and Ms. Anna said, "These are simple, newly designed traps."

After speaking, Ms. Anna's barely audible footsteps sounded again, and she walked further and further away. Only then did Colin and the other players feel relieved and moved forward one after another. When passing by, Colin took a look. There were ten crossbow arrows scattered on the ground. The surface of these arrows and arrows was smeared with a layer of black material, which was 100% poisonous.

Otherwise, could it be painted to look good?

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