“Strange, there are new changes”

“What kind of strange breed are you?……”

Liu Ru took out a knife and cut off a small piece of mushroom.

It is then ground into thin slices and examined under a microscope.

But obviously, nothing can be observed from this.

Whatever shape and appearance Ye Fei wants is up to him.

He changed his appearance just to arouse Liu Ru’s interest.

It’s been nearly two months now.

Studying mushrooms every day has almost become Liu Ru’s daily routine.

Not only her, but also the graduate student next to her, Ali, also studies every day.

Many papers have been written for this purpose.

One of the papers about this strange mushroom was published in a very well-known scientific magazine.

This made her and this mushroom famous.

Even reporters came to interview him.

It is said that the laboratory run by Liu Ru is full of talented people.

“Teacher, when are we going back to Jingyu Town Basin? This mushroom has been here for so long, and it may feel different from its relatives.

It’s also strange that it’s lonely, so I’ll give it some relatives.”

Ali scratched her head with a smile.

There was no research progress, so she wanted some comparative data.

Of course, the main reason was to visit the laboratory over there. The Spring Base is now the place that everyone wants to go to the most.

There, Rumor has it that it has the power to make people become supermen.

“Will mushrooms still be lonely?”

Liu Ru smiled, how could she not know what she was thinking as a student.

But this was not a bad intention. She herself also longed to gain that kind of power.

“I’d like to go to the basin again if I have a chance. I’d also like to see it. I’ll go there after I finish moving the lab.”

“ah? Moving the lab?!”

Ali’s eyes widened in surprise, but she couldn’t suppress the surprise.

Could it be?……Is that rumor true?

“I think you also heard something. As my student, I will give you the right to come and go freely.”

Liu Ru said with a little doting.

Ali is a very good child. She admires it very much and intends to cultivate it.

Nowadays, her business is getting bigger and bigger, and she has many things to deal with. Although Ali is usually naughty, She looks young, but she is very serious when doing things.

Of course, her family conditions are also something she can relate to. Both of them come from ordinary families.

“Thank you, teacher!”

Ali’s face turned red. She was so excited that her voice was hoarse.

She was choked with sobs.

“Thank you very much, teacher, for giving me this opportunity.”

She emphasized again.

She stood up nervously and didn’t know where to put her hands.

This was really a great benefit.

Even Ye Fei on the side was slightly surprised.

Liu Ru, this woman, is true to her own people. Good.

He knows much better than Ali. It’s not an exaggeration to say that it gives Ali a chance to change her destiny.

What does it mean?

It’s equivalent to giving others the power to practice in the world of cultivation. Average power.

Yes, this is such a big opportunity. The laboratory she is about to move to is going to be built on a spring.

A huge experimental center will also be built.

Such bases are being built all over the world.

Small countries have moved their entire country and built a city directly around the spring.

There is too much population to do this, so spring bases are established everywhere.

Naturally, the living quota in these bases is an extremely valuable resource.

You know, the closer you are to the spring, the higher the price.

The higher the possibility of developing talents!

Even if you are stimulating your talents, you will become more powerful if you are bathed in spiritual energy every day.

Therefore, it goes without saying that the place near the spring is so precious.

Members may not be able to take turns.

After all, there are too many people who need springs!

Many spring bases can only implement a rotation system, but there are only so many springs, so they can only take turns.

In order to stay a little longer, countless people use their special abilities, especially the elderly.

If they can live near the spring, they can greatly extend their lifespan even if their talents are not stimulated.

Of course, this is top secret information.

, even if it is circulated on the Internet, it will be deleted instantly.

Only people with sufficient qualifications can access this information.

Even so, the competition for each spring is extremely fierce, and there is still peaceful competition within the big countries, but the other side.

When fighting for springs, the level of bloodshed rises sharply.

Basically, the springs of small countries are occupied by big countries in the name of technical assistance and joint management.

Small countries can only share a small part of the resources of the springs.

Competition between big countries.

It’s even more terrifying.

Now, after all the springs were seized at the beginning, the relationship between the big powers has begun to become strange.

The situation has become very delicate.

Of course, Ye Fei is happy to see this situation.

After all, everyone.

There are his tentacles in the spring, and the upper echelons of humanity are gathering near the spring, simply giving him a chance to manipulate it.

“Opportunities are earned by oneself”

“Keep up the good work Ali.”

Liu Ru said with a faint smile.

Her words were very gentle.

The relationship between the two was good, and Liu Ru rarely showed her cute side.

Ali felt warm in her heart, and finally couldn’t help but shed tears of emotion.


“I hope the teacher will become more and more beautiful and inspire his spiritual powers soon!”

As a student of the top scientist, Ali naturally knew the inside story.

At the same time, she also felt deeply lucky.

The teacher got the idea, and she followed the chicken and dog to ascend to heaven.

Liu Ru, as the top talent, naturally did not need to compete for any spots.

In fact, every Quanyan base is begging for her to settle in, because such top scientists can bring a lot of resources to the base, as well as attention from the top, not to mention other things, including the azimuth troops and various facilities. Improve it by several levels!

Psionics have the effect of stimulating some intelligence.

Therefore, every country tries its best to recruit powerful scientists and place them near the spring in the hope that they can become more powerful. He is also a scientist, which is a huge advantage for the research of psychic energy.

He is also energetic and flexible, which is more conducive to research.

Liu Ru and Ali were chatting about the new laboratory, and it was Quanyan. The person in charge of the base called.

“Professor Liu, your laboratory has been approved, but……”

There’s something awkward about that end

“Just what?”

Liu Ru said calmly.

“It’s just that your living area is really……Is it a little too big, especially in this bathroom?……can it…..”

The person in charge of the base on the other end looked at the design drawings and was a little confused.

The place Liu Ru requested, the laboratory and the living area, formed a ring, not to mention they were all very close to the spring. The problem was……This living area is too big!

Just one bathroom takes up someone else’s spot!

In such a big bathroom, how big of a bathtub would she put in it?

The person in charge complained internally.

But on the surface, he dare not say it directly

“Since the higher-ups have agreed, but you have objections, then I won’t come. Liu

Ru said directly

“Don’t! Professor Liu, don’t do this!”

On the other end, the person in charge immediately started sweating on his forehead.

Oh my god, he is worthy of being called the aunt by the principal of Natsumi City. He vowed never to raise any objections again. As long as the superiors agree, why should he meddle in other people’s business!

Liu Ru She hung up the phone and her face turned slightly red.

She was not usually so arrogant, but this time, she was too embarrassed to change her words, so she had to be arrogant. This was the first time she was so arrogant. Did you have a brain twitch that night?……How come you can cover such a huge area with just one hand?

“Why do I have such a big bathroom?……Really……”

Liu Ru muttered.

Then he took out the laboratory design drawings.

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