A day later, peace returned to Weiyi Island.

There are no sea monsters to fight, and there is no terrifying creep.

Everything is hidden in darkness.

There are only a few mushroom forests in a few corners of the island.

Continuously, there are some mushrooms along the coastline.

These are the”eyes” arranged by Chen Mo.

Among them, there must be a mushroom growing very tall, or it must be on a very high ground.

The view is very broad.

These mushrooms possess high levels of near and infrared vision.

Mainly relying on infrared vision, they can detect approaching enemies in the deep sea.

Chen Mo doesn’t use this often.

But once I use the gas, it turns out to be surprisingly easy to use.

“Some functions may seem inconspicuous and are not often used, but their functions cannot be ignored.”

Chen Mo looked at the warning system he had initially built and said with emotion.

If it hadn’t been for the mushrooms specially built for observation yesterday, Chen Mo might not have been able to catch the electric eels.

Even electric eels and octopuses, He couldn’t catch any of them.

As long as he moved a little faster and was a little more anxious, the octopus and electric eel would hit the sea water, or the electric eel wouldn’t attack at all, and Chen Mo was just right. The ability to observe the deep sea was very useful even before the octopus, a native of the sea, was discovered.

“If all the sensing organs that can be collected are integrated together to form a super detector……”

Chen Mo couldn’t help but smile.

Sound waves, electromagnetic waves, infrared rays, ultraviolet rays, vibrations.

Etc., can all be observed in different forms.

Even subtle changes in the concentration of psychic energy.

Chen Mo can also make observations by evolving corresponding organs.

This way no enemy can hide their tracks from him.

And when such a”universal observation” organ is integrated, the world is unknown.

When matched with a powerful command”brain”, he will easily be able to control everything in every corner of the world.

Every move of any human being wielding a creature cannot escape his observation.

Of course, these are just assumptions at the moment.

It is still quite difficult to evolve so many observation abilities into one”eye”.

Chen Mo plans to develop and expand his abilities in touch, hearing, vision, and smell first.

And this relies on the research of ‘evolutionary clues and distributed neural networks’.

The first step in research is naturally to obtain sufficient biological samples.

Therefore, Chen Mo learned how to mutate electric eels and started fishing.

He did not swallow all the flesh and blood of the mutated octopus, but kept a part of it.

This part is rich in spiritual energy.

Chen Mo estimated that if collected, it could be converted into about 1 evolution point.

But he didn’t want to let his child trap the wolf, so he didn’t want these evolutionary points.

Instead, throw it on the shore.

The waves are coming up.

Blood and water spread in the ocean.

Soon, a sea monster came after hearing the news.

The speed was so fast that even Chen Mo was a little stunned.

Blood rich in psychic energy is extremely powerful in attracting sea monsters.

At the same time, Chen Mo narrowed his eyes slightly as he looked at the strange fish that poked out.

This strange fish has a variable length, which is also very good.

If the combat power of the deep-sea octopus is ten, then this strange fish has reached about three.

This is a very remarkable thing.

At first, Chen Mo thought it was a special case.

But as soon as the blood spreads, it attracts such a powerful sea monster.

This had to make Chen Mo wary. think carefully.

In just one week, he discovered five traces of powerful sea monsters in the ocean.

The first one is the seabird that occupies an entire island, and the giant whale that fights with it for food in the ocean.

The second was the mutant octopus and mutant electric eel that he killed.

Now, another mutant fish has arrived.

This frequency is frighteningly high!

Far more than mutant animals on land!

Both in terms of strength and quantity.

Moreover, the flesh and blood of the mutant deep-sea octopus contains much more spiritual energy than the mutant electric eel!

First, he is huge, and second?……

“It has other sources of psychic energy……”

When Chen Mo said this, his tone was very sure.

“Maybe there are psychic springs in the deep sea, and there are more than one!”

It is estimated that there are about 2,000 springs in the world, and the land area only accounts for about 30% of the global area.

In other words, there are more than 5,000 springs located in the ocean!

Even in the deep sea that is difficult to detect.

Even more terrifying What’s more, the annexation efficiency of species in the ocean is extremely high, and they are not restricted by terrain.

Moreover, some whales or large fish originally wander around the world as long as they gain the upper hand at the beginning. They can continuously devour flesh and blood rich in spiritual energy, and become more powerful.

The more powerful they are, the more flesh and blood they can gain. It is like having an advantage at the beginning and becoming unstoppable later.

Just like the electric eel, its strength was definitely not that abnormal at first, but by chance, after gaining some benefits, it was in an absolute crushing position, and then it became more and more terrifying as it devoured it wildly.

The creatures must be spread throughout the ocean.

The ocean at this time is a large evolutionary field.

To put it bluntly, it is a Gu breeding ground.

“The monster finally raised will probably shock the whole world.”

Even Chen Mo’s expression became solemn.

But there is nothing Chen Mo can do about this problem.

This is something that can’t be helped. No one can control what happens in the deep sea.


“If I can’t control it, I can join in and develop my own players.”

Participate in this evolutionary game.

Thinking of this, Chen Mo began to pay attention to the fishing ground he set up.

At this time, the mutated strange fish had killed two provocative sea monsters, and one person had monopolized the flesh and blood.

But this strange fish obviously did not It’s too qualified.

Chen Mo can feel his thoughts.

He has great strength, but his IQ is too low.

Chen Mo doesn’t appreciate his wide range of choices.

, there is no need to choose someone whose appearance is not good enough.

Not to mention the appearance of the creatures he is related to, they are all very magical.

Of course, except for the queen, this guy has a magical mind.

Thinking of this, Chen Mo simply said.

The strange fish was added to the list of baits.

When the strange fish was in high spirits and roaring to the sky, two tentacles suddenly stretched out from the ground, one on the left and the other on the right, bursting out with dazzling electricity.


Chen Mo plans to observe for about 3 days and select a lucky person.

And this lucky guy will become Chen Mo’s representative in the ocean.

Just like Liu Ru, he became his representative among mankind.

At that time, Chen Mo will also gain huge benefits.

Thinking of Liu Ru, Chen Mo changed his perspective and came to the laboratory.

Just met a pair of beautiful eyes.

At this time, Liu Ruyi was wearing a white lab coat and was staring at the mushroom.

Showing doubts.

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