Evolution from mushrooms

218 'Evolution Clues, Faster Than The Speed ​​Of Light' (2-3 More)

Under the control of the Nether Dragon, the robot walked over angrily.

"You still have the face to come!"

Captain Cole only regained consciousness at this time, and he glanced at the box in his hand.

He looked at everything in front of him curiously.

The two iron lumps looked like they were about to fight.

"What's going on? We're not giving false information.

The robot of the Star Alliance was not in a hurry, but said with a smile:

"I thought you were beaten up, but everything looks normal now."

The Void Dragon was at a loss for words, of course he really wanted to say:

Where are you all right?

I was fucked up and repaired severely, okay?

Have you ever experienced the feeling of melting in acid?


He cursed in his heart, but the voice from the loudspeaker became more and more stable.

"Hmph, that civilization is really powerful, but it's still far from ending my evolutionary journey. But how long have you guys been in a level 2 civilization? Why don't you hurry up and get rolled into the garbage dump of history?"

"My heartfelt best wishes to you, the seats in the Houses of Parliament are bleak tomorrow."

Chen Mo took a closer look, and found that the other party was just a robot, and the Star Alliance had no personnel here.

However, unlike the serious suspicion of the Nether Dragon, Chen Mo can confirm that the other party is indeed fooling the Nether Dragon.

Framed may not be said.

It is certain to take him as the vanguard and conduct experiments.

Since they know the existence of divine will, and know that this thing can be grasped by individuals, why don't they come by themselves?

Isn't this stuff delicious?

Obtaining the divine will immediately possesses the ability to communicate with all members of the "297" department, and can greatly enhance the individual's spiritual power. In the future, it will also have the ability to consciously disturb reality. If there is a prophet, it can be even more Unlimited prophecy, directly in the field of observation, standing at the same height as level 3 civilization.

What Chen Mo thinks is fragrant, will level 2 civilizations think it is not fragrant?

What's more, for the level 3 civilization Kota tribe, it's good to use it!

Last time in the parliament hall, although many races were not optimistic about Terra civilization, they also knew that this road has great potential!

Unless the Star Alliance is the "extreme materialism" iron bumps, otherwise it is impossible to ignore all the above benefits!

Any one of these benefits can greatly enhance the power of a civilization.

Not to mention the unparalleled ideological cohesion.

This is a point that all old civilizations attach great importance to.

The trend of thought is not directly reflected in the battle, but in the long run, it is like a magic needle. The decline of a civilization often begins with the disintegration of the internal trend of thought

Chen Mo checked the information of the Star Alliance, which is an idealistic civilization.

This is even more suspicious.

Idealist civilization has always been flocking to these supernatural technologies.

The only explanation is that they are not sure about the way to occupy the divine will.

A test object is needed to obtain further observational data.

As for the Void Dragon, it couldn't be more suitable.

Alone, and urgently need stronger strength.

Moreover, he does not have any allies, and is hostile to the three mainstream forces.

Based on known information, Chen Mo can make a reasonable guess:

It just so happened that the Nether Dragon passed through the intelligence organization and read the information of a large ancient ruin.

There is a high probability that the Star Alliance has conducted sporadic archaeological research on the secrets of the ring world in other places before.

So be determined to win.

Not long ago, they entered the parliament hall again and saw humans entering for the first time, so they could be considered to have obtained first-hand information, and immediately felt that the conditions were very suitable (Chapter 18).

An experimental civilization with a newborn divine will, and a void dragon eager to find a way to become stronger.

These two are really too suitable.

So the Star Alliance gave the information of 'divine will' to the Nether Dragon as one of the prices for purchasing the information of 'Ring World'.

This way they can kill two birds with one stone.

Explore the Ringworld while watching the 'Divine Will' privatize.

If the Nether Dragons do a good job, the Covenant will take further action.

"What will be the next steps?"

"Replace it?"

"It's possible, but it's obviously very difficult, because the Nether Dragon has already secured its position and will become stronger. The biggest possibility is to encourage the surrounding civilizations to fight against the Nether Dragon

Chen Mo thought carefully.

This is highly probable, because in essence, the divine will has a tendency of 'extreme idealism', which can easily develop into an extremely unfriendly and dangerous trend of thought

Under the control of the militant, the Nether Dragon, he is absolutely galloping on an extreme road.

Moreover, he does not have any experience in leading civilization, nor does he have any research on ideological trends.

Civilization is a gigantic wheel. It doesn't mean that you can turn around if you want to. By the time you find out that you are about to hit an iceberg, it is often too late.

The war tends to be full, and the danger level explodes.

Then it will be a matter of time to declare war with all the surrounding civilizations.

It is Chen Mo's unusually low-key, prudent, and divine will that has been prepared in advance, so that he can control the direction and make Terra civilization behave very mildly and calmly in everything.

Do it through diplomatic means.

"That is...they have a more suitable civilization as their target?"

Chen Mo couldn't help becoming interested in this Star Alliance.

Spend some energy coins to find further information.

The Covenant is a powerful Tier 2 civilization occupying ten star systems.

Their spaceships are also the top level among Level 2 civilizations, capable of quickly launching main cannons, and in addition to high-energy pulsed lasers, they also have plasma cannons.

Even more powerful is their battleship engine, an engine capable of exceeding the speed of light.

Curvature engine.

Of course, super-light speed does not mean arriving at the destination instantly.

There is still an essential difference with the leap.

However, compared to most of the civilized slow-moving snails, theirs has already been upgraded to the level of a supercar.

Judging from the technical level of warships alone, they have reached the limit of level 2 civilization.

But the strange thing is that they have been stuck at this level for a very, very long time.

"The time may exceed 500 million years."

The information on the intelligence organization says so.

This information is written at the end, and it is stated that it is provided for free, and the reliability is only about 10%.

Because the time is too long, even they have not collected too many sources of information, it can only be based on speculation.

"Okay, ok, there's no point in talking nonsense. I won't argue with you about this. I came here this time to ask you for a favor."

"A big deal, remember the world coordinates of the last deal?"

Speaking of this, the golden robot gave Cole a strange look.

"If you are interested, go to the old place and talk to me."

He wondered why this strange carbon-based creature was so ungrateful.

Is this the Nether Dragon's minion?

Or where did he find mercenaries?

Looking at the Star Alliance robot walking away, Chen Mo suddenly smiled.

It seems that the other party did not succeed.

In that ring world, they also encountered trouble.

"It is necessary to touch."

Chen Mo is very interested in the technology of this civilization.

This is the most high-end civilization he has come into contact with so far.

Their technique may lead to interesting discoveries.

Way of sailing faster than the speed of light.

Chen Mo had a preliminary understanding of this curvature engine through the intelligence organization, and thus had a basic concept.

Just the price paid, which made him feel heartbroken, was as high as 200 energy coins.

Just understand a little theoretical basis, it's that expensive.

Even, he was willing to spend more, but he didn't have to sell it!

Fortunately, this is enough for him to set up projects and conduct research.

[Evolution Clues]: Faster than the speed of light. You have purchased some relatively high-end theoretical knowledge by spending a huge amount of money. Of course, this knowledge is only a small part of the basic 'curvature theory.

This theory holds that the universe is not flat, but has curvature. The universe can be imagined as a large membrane, and the surface of this membrane is arc-shaped. not there. By artificially changing the curvature, the spacecraft can move forward on a "slope".

According to the above theory, you have analyzed a possible evolutionary structure, which will improve and expand the organ, and will bring you a brand new way of movement, which is the same as the current mainstream 'propulsion' engine, using It is a completely different principle, it does not need to eject any matter, but only changes the inclination of the space, which is equivalent to the fact that the space itself is dragging the spaceship forward, and the spaceship itself can be regarded as being in a static state all the time.

At that time, your expansion speed, method and scope will be greatly improved. Your expansion is no longer limited to the galaxy or the vicinity of the star gate. The vast remote area will provide you with a lot of opportunities. At the same time, the movement speed allows you to start Preliminary construction of a pan-space detection network'..0 If this research is successful, it is expected to increase the adaptability by +50 and the risk by +100.

You need the knowledge reserve support of carbon-based organisms +43421, a more detailed analysis of the curvature engine data, and a further step in the evolutionary branches of [extraordinary] and [element].

"This research must be pushed forward!"

Chen Mo couldn't help being excited, he was a little fed up with the current state of slow speed.

Even the lowest level of double the speed of light can bring Chen Mo tremendous benefits.

Not to mention anything else, if the Pluto can travel faster than the speed of light,... tsk tsk․ .....

He will not be found by ordinary detection methods!

Yes, you heard it right, a whole planet with such a huge mass that can distort the gravitational field can only be discovered when it is in front of you.

It looks like it's folded over!

Most of the primary level 2 civilizations, if they didn't observe carefully, they would even think that this is a level 3 civilization!

Thinking about it first, suddenly, bang! Suddenly, a planetary mothership appeared in front of you.

Planetary class!

And it stopped suddenly.

Even, you can't tell whether the opponent has an engine.

Because there are no jets!

In essence, when using the curvature engine to sail, the spacecraft is not moving, so it can stop suddenly and accelerate abruptly!

At this time, most of the level 2 civilizations may directly think that this is a level 3 civilization warship.

As for why this effect occurs?

It is because of the observation methods, the observation methods of most level 2 civilizations cannot exceed the speed of light.

Human eyes observe the speed of light, and ears observe the speed of sound.

When a supersonic aircraft flies over your head, you can't hear any sound.

Only the aircraft can be seen.

Because your eyes observe the speed of light, but your ears only have the speed of sound.

But the sound is slower than the aircraft, and it is still passing

on the way.

It often happens that you observe lightning ahead of time, but wait a few seconds before you hear the same sound.

In the same way, if there is an object whose flying speed exceeds the speed of light, then the observation means lower than the speed of light cannot detect it in advance.

This is equivalent to achieving stealth in disguise.

This is high-level technology, crushing low-level technology.

"Fortunately, the curvature engine will be affected by objects with strong mass, otherwise it will be impossible to defend."

Massive objects can slightly change the curvature of the surrounding space. Therefore, when traveling to the vicinity of the star system in 2.2, the spacecraft using the curvature engine will be forced to escape.

out of sailing state.

"If I can grow a curvature engine on the planet, what planetary engine do I need!"

Chen Mo couldn't help muttering, when the time comes to move the planet, it will definitely be super fast.

Moreover, the curvature engine is placed inside the battleship, which can greatly reduce the weakness of the battleship.

With a few large holes and spouts on the back, the structure of the entire spaceship can be greatly adjusted.

And even if it reaches level 3 civilization, this technology is not outdated. Further increasing the curvature can make the spaceship faster. After all, the jump is not just a little distance.

Basic sailing skills are still required.

"It seems that this job has to be done."

Chen Mo immediately decided to let Void Dragon go to the old place to meet him.

"Great existence, the other party should want me to go to the ring world."

Void Dragon said.

There are many destroyed civilizations in the universe. Among these civilizations, some are extremely powerful and are called pioneers.

Their relics are called the relics of the pioneers.

Precursor relics are a good thing that every civilization craves.

Among them, powerful technology may be parsed.

But for this kind of thing that may or may not exist [Chen Mo is not particularly anxious.

But the Star Alliance itself is very certain fat.

If the conditions are right, see if there is a chance to contact the opponent's high-end warship.

Those high-end goods are equipped with curvature engines.

By the way, let's see if I can get the other party's genetic map for free.

Of course, there are no conditions, and conditions must be created!

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