Evolution from mushrooms

217 The Star Alliance! Ringworld! (1 More) Asking For Flowers

Relatively speaking, silicon-based life can be roughly defined as follows:

Life composed of substances mainly containing silicon compounds.

They are the main life category that has developed into the extreme materialism trend of thought.

Compared with the carbon-based life area, the silicon-based life area is obviously much cooler.

But it touches a little more - high-tech atmosphere.

If Chen Mo insists on describing the carbon-based life zone, the word "cyberpunk" may be the most appropriate.

They have everything, and they dare to put everything in their minds, and many people are actually not living well.

For example, No. 18, such as Giant Rock Warrior.

One is a poor worker, and the other is a hard-working mercenary dispatched by civilization.

Walking into the silicon-based area, the surrounding silicon-based life forms looked at Cole warily.

Because it's an obvious carbon-based organism.

Most carbon-based organisms like to use oxygen to carry out oxidation reactions to obtain energy.

Silicon element and oxygen have a very strong binding ability.

So this thing, for silicon-based life, usually means highly toxic.

Therefore, in the eyes of most silicon-based creatures, Cole is an extremely disgusting lump of evil organic matter exuding a highly poisonous smell.

"Look at the limbs of this weak carbon-based creature, it doesn't even have an integrated multi-function wrench and pneumatic cutter.

There is also a courageous silicon-based life on the side, who directly commented on Cole.

In general, carbon-based life is not welcome in this area.

And Cole, who doesn't seem to have any mechanical transformation on the outside, is seriously despised.

"It seems that the chain of contempt exists everywhere, which is really interesting."

Chen Mo could clearly feel the disgust coming from the surrounding pavement.

However, it is worth mentioning that to some extent, silicon-based life is indeed stronger than carbon-based life in the general sense, especially when taking the path of extreme materialism.

They have extraordinary natural advantages.

Who said that the most basic computer is made of single crystal silicon?

But when it comes to psionic abilities, they are at a loss.

Cole has seen a lot of big scenes, but the aliens all over the street looked at him one after another, and they were a little bit distressed.

Don't dare to be arrogant, you can only move forward calmly.

After more than half an hour, Chen Mo searched all the way, but he couldn't find a suitable target.

Pure silicon-based organisms are relatively difficult to invade, and their cell morphology and genetic information are quite different from carbon-based life.

"Forget it, let's take the money first, and use the money to directly buy some silicon-based life."

Chen Mo made a decision.

This is near the house purchased by Nether Dragon. Next, you just need to find the gate and enter the contact key.

Of course, the contact key is not a set, but updated in real time, corresponding to a set of gene information in the void dragon brain, and needs to be input continuously.

In this way, it is possible to manipulate the robot inside the room and open the door.

Originally, without the Void Dragon, it would be impossible to keep inputting corresponding information in real time.

This door cannot be opened no matter what.

In order to ensure that no one would sneak in, the door cannot be opened from the outside, but can only be opened by the security robot inside.

However, Chen Mo can remotely connect to consciousness.

At that time, let the Nether Dragon temporarily "fall" on Cole.

Cole quickly reached the gate, and the consciousness of the Nether Dragon connected and confirmed.

Not long after, the mechanical gate took office.

At the same time, the robot inside carried a large box and came out.

There are 1034 energy coins in total.

This is a lot of money. This kind of big business, even a civilization, is difficult to make a single order.

But Chen Mo did it with ease.

"This habit of hiding money everywhere, it is true."

Chen Mo couldn't help laughing, because the Void Dragon has lived for a long time, even if he died, he would still remember the last treasure location, so for activities, as well as trading with other civilizations, or collecting "payments"

He has bought real estate and saved a sum of money in almost all the major star ports.

This amount of money is usually not a small amount.

After all, the Nether Dragon is equivalent to a level 2 civilization. He can earn a lot of money just by being a mercenary.

But this matter, he is disdain to do.

His money mainly comes from the exploration of ancient ruins, selling knowledge to level 3 civilizations and robbing other level 2 civilizations.

The first two items are not often found, so…………

"Am I destined to be a star thief?"

Chen Mo couldn't help complaining.

Among the 1034 energy coins, at least 1000 were donated by some poor civilization.

Imagine the equivalent of a huge fleet of motherships, unsuspecting merchant ships.

What a scene.

Not to mention the merchant ships, in fact, if the Nether Dragon had the chance, even the star robbers would rob them.

This is why he pays so much attention to the movements of the nearby Star Thief.

Heifan, Jack and other famous star robbers, he said.

Civilization, mercenaries, or star robbers.

The forces that can be offended, the Nether Dragon has basically offended it once.

Therefore, the reputation of the Nether Dragon in this river system is not very good.

"Great existence, I have not always been like this, the main reason is that exploring the ruins is too dangerous, I think about it carefully, until now, I have never been completely successful in exploring the ruins

Nether Dragon couldn't help feeling very embarrassed when he heard Chen Mo's joke.

He has realized at this time that this great existence is completely different from other known terrifying existences, and he is willing to communicate with his low-end self.

It was unbelievable and moved him.

Of course, it's not good for a great being to question his own ability, but he didn't dare to refute directly, so he could only explain a little bit.

He didn't hide anything about robbing other civilizations.

0 for flowers: 0

Every civilization follows the law of the jungle, and he is just a little more unruly.

And this broken rule was just imposed on them by some pretentious, level 3 civilization.

He always thought that if he was surrounded by blood and fire, he could grow faster.

"I have been to a wonderful ring world, where there are no planets, all the planets have been melted into a ring around the star, and the civilizations on it seem to have all died out for some reason.

But the strange thing is that when I detected the inside of the ring world, there seemed to be strange life reactions.

I died twice just exploring there. "

"Give you another chance, can you succeed?"

"If the 'Star Alliance' civilization does not succeed, I think there may be a little chance, but the chance is not great, unless you die ten more times."

The Nether Dragon said honestly.

The Star Alliance is the ancient Level 2 civilization that made the Nether Dragon gnash its teeth.

The information about the 'divine will' was one of the information he exchanged with the coordinates of the 'Ring World' and part of the exploration information.

You know, that is a little bit of precious information that he only got after he died twice!

Every time one dies, giving birth to a new life is not as simple as playing a game, it needs to consume material and grow again.

This time can not be completed in just a few months.

Usually the span is more than 10 years, and the first void dragon larva is far less powerful.

So death is not free.

He also has to measure whether he can afford to die.

Of course, each race has a different concept.

If it was Chen Mo, he couldn't afford to die even once.

He thinks that if he dies once, even if it is the original memory, it is not his own anymore.

It can only be regarded as a replica, which is equivalent to being completely dead.

The Void Dragon also holds this concept, so he cherishes life very much, and if he can not die, he will not die.

But Juyan Kingdom is different. They may have to die because of the long-term war.

Therefore, his attitude towards what is "death" in the true sense is completely different from that of Chen Mo.

Among them, the concept of death basically does not exist at the level of warriors and above, and is replaced by the concept of "rebirth".

Completely equate the new individual with the old individual, and the relationship network within the entire group will be completely inherited by the new individual.

The two communicated through consciousness, and the void dragon controlled the robot to go back by the way, and then prepared to close the door and leave.

Chen Mo has no plans to sell the place either.

In the future, the entire stronghold may be used to collect some additional 'payments'.

But at this moment, a robot walked over in the distance.

The shape of the robot is quite special, the whole body is golden, and the edges and corners are all rounded.

"The Covenant!"

The Nether Dragon gritted its teeth immediately.

Chen Mo naturally noticed this too.

Immediately let the Nether Dragon reconnect with the robot. .

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