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When the people came to see the cracks, they saw no one, and they looked like a wretched look, and the face of the condensed fat became extremely cold.

Mu Qianxi was smiling and looked at them: "It’s so good! I didn’t expect to meet you here."

"It is definitely a destiny to be able to meet two beautiful people! Beauty..."

He said, he went to the front of the condensed fat, a salty pig's hand reaching for the condensed fat like a white jade face.

"Ah!" But I still didn't feel the delicate touch, and he came out with a terrible scream.

His hand was twisted directly into the twist by the condensed grease, and the entire face was distorted.

"I don't know how to marry a woman, but I dare to hurt my brother."

"It seems that they like to come hard, and the brothers will fulfill you."


They are angry with them, and they are conscious of their subordinates. They don’t have to take a handful of shots, so they can easily solve these miscellaneous pieces.



"We are wrong!"

Looking at the cold face of the unscrupulous, they are all trembled.

There is a lot of bitterness in my heart, where is the fate! It is definitely the bad luck that they have fallen for eight lifetimes.

Mu Qianxi smiled and said: "Who is that, I don't know what?"

"We! Oh! It's definitely us..."

They said that they also slap a few slaps on their faces.

Mu Qianxi waved his hand and said: "Well, you answer a few questions, if you are satisfied! I will let you go."

"We know everything absolutely!"

"where is this place?"

When they heard this question, they were a little dumbfounded, such a simple question.

"This is the largest mountain range in the northern part of the northern part of the country, the Wanhan Mountains. Don't look at the outer beasts is not very strong, I heard that there are even six levels of sacred beasts."

Mu Qianyi then asked: "How far is it from the North Hancheng?"

"It doesn't take long for the Wanhan City outside the Wanhan Mountains to use the transmission array."

Since it doesn't take long, after the cultivation in the Wanhan Mountains, you can go directly to the North Cold City.

Mu Qiang’s figure flashed and he leaned back on the tree: “Talk about the big things you know recently! If you say well, you can go.”

"To say something big, of course, it must be the eternal sword of the East. The whole forces of the Quartet have passed, and the momentum is huge! Although we are not courageous, we have heard it..."

"But I didn't think that the peaks and turns, the original eternal sword has long been in the hands of the Mujia master. So far the East Pole Hall is looking for the whereabouts of the Mujia and the ghost medical building!"

"The one who is a family member is really too powerful. If you don't need a ghost doctor, you can rescue the man from the Tianluo network in the East Pole."

"There is still the poison buried in the East Temple, which is definitely the first in history."

They are talking endlessly, obviously it is a little uplifting.

Mu Qian said: "What else? This thing is well known."

Their faces are white, and even this can't make this grandmother interested. What can be done?

"Right!" There is a surprise.

"After seven days, the Cold Heart Valley is about to open. Recently, the North Cold Hall and the major forces have brought their elite disciples to the Cold Heart Valley, which is sure to be lively."

Mu Qianqi asked: "What is the cold heart valley?"

“Cold Heart Valley is a core valley of the Wanhan Mountains. There is a chilling pool in the valley. Under the Emperor's Order, as long as you make a bubble in it, you can improve the strength of the first-order. If you have good talent, you can improve the second-order. ""

There is a glimmer of light in the eyes of Mu Qianyan. She just lacks the means to quickly improve her strength. This chilling pool is a good place.

Ms. Qian said: "Where is the location of the cold heart valley?"

"You are going to the cold heart valley?"

"You all said that it is so good, why not go?"

They explained: "The number of people who are raised in the cold heart pool is limited, so each time only a maximum of nine people can enter. The major forces, whether it is the North Han Temple or other two-star, two-star and half-power geniuses, go back and the competition is fierce."

"The competition is fierce and fierce. I want to find a way to fight for it. Tell me where I am."

Seeing that Mu Qiang insisted on this, they did not stop it, pointing to one direction: "Go all the way to the side, you can."

Mu Qian said: "Small cold, let's go!"

The face of the condensed fat was slightly stiff and cold, and she even gave her a name.

Some people finally breathed a sigh of relief when they went away with the condensed fat.

"Let's brighten your eyes later, don't see beautiful women and go to provoke."

"Who is out today, who else dares!" The guy who was broken his hand, cried.

There are still seven days to go from the cold heart valley, and Mu Qianxi is not rushing to rush, but continues to practice with the holy beast.

"Hey!" The condensed fat is like an invisible person, following the Millennium.

The girl in front of her eyes is sultry, hot and vigorous, and her strength is enhanced at a visible speed.

"Hey!" Mu Qianxi knocked down a **** bear, and the whole body was wrapped up by spiritual power.

She whispered: "Is the first peak of the Emperor? Is this speed still not working?"

Although Mu Qian’s voice was small, the condensation grease was clearly heard. Her mouth was slightly pumped.

Seven days' time has fallen from the peak of the first level of the Emperor, but the speed is not enough?

Mu Qian said: "The time is almost up, let's go to the cold heart valley!"

The condensate nodded: "Yes!"

The cold heart valley is a closed three valleys. It was only opened once in three years. When they arrived, the cold heart valley was already open.

Outside the valley, there is no one else, but there is some residual smell.

Mu Qian said: "We are a little late, hurry up and catch up."

The purple shadow rushed into the valley, and the condensed fat also rushed to catch up. Hurry up and catch up with some people to inquire.

The cold heart valley is not calm, and when they are close to the inside, they hear the sound of fighting everywhere.

Mu Qianxi does not understand the rules, waiting for the fish to come to the hook!

Sure enough, some people saw their two women who had placed orders, and they came over. "I don't know if the two are out of a few stars?"

In order to win the nine places, it is natural to eliminate a group of people.

However, the background is higher than them, but they dare not act rashly.

Suddenly, the condensed fat was frozen and looked like a enchanting smile.

"If my sister said, I am from a four-star force, would you believe it?"

The enchanting smile of the condensed fat dangled their eyes, so charming women.

They went back to Shinto: "You don't make fun of the beauty! Four stars, how could there be four-star power?"

In the air, there was a subtle smell that no one else could smell, but Mu Qianji was identified.

This is poison! And still...

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