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Mu Qian said: "If I say, I can let you return to your peak state as quickly as possible!"

Condensed fat: "That doesn't work!"

Mu Qianxi puts a hand in his hand: "Since you are willing to die, then you are going to die!"

After that, Mu Qianxi turned and left.

She has to inquire about what it is, what position in the north.

The condensed fat was completely stunned, and the woman left.

Her heart was also struggling, and she managed to escape and return to her life. Is it really going to die?

She hasn't found Mu Lin's revenge on a woman. Is she really willing to die?

For a time, it was difficult for her to make a decision. Now she must not let that woman leave like this, or she will die.

Although she could not move her spirits, her speed was dissatisfied and she hurriedly caught up with Mu Qian.

The speed of Mu Qianqi is faster, and it is already very difficult for her to be seriously injured, and the wound is cracked again.

She gritted her teeth and said to Mu Qian: "I want to talk to you."

As a result, Mu Qianyi ruthlessly replied: "I don't want to talk."

The condensed fat continues to follow, Mu Qian said: "I don't kill you, because you will soon be poisoned and die, too lazy to do it. You are bothering me, I will..."

A medicinal needle flew out, and the condensed fat was turned away from the head. The medicinal needle was nailed to a tree behind her.

The condensed fat straightened up the waist: "I am willing to follow you for three years, within three years, completely obey your orders."

Mu Qiang stopped his footsteps and smiled at the condensed fat road: "It’s only three years!"

"Three years is my bottom line." The condensation grease is also a little nervous.

Although this woman is young, she has a face that is very similar to Mu Lin, and it is as difficult to ponder as Mu Lin, and it is uncertain.

As a result, she did not think at all that Mu Qianxi smiled and said: "In three years, there is more than enough. Deal!"

Hearing this sentence, the condensed fat collapsed and softened to the ground.

"Hey!" Mu Qianyi threw out a few bottles.

The condensation grease almost thought that the bottle was a hidden weapon, but after receiving it, it smelled a strong dandelion.

"Tianjie Dan medicine!" Her face showed a shocking color.

"I have never been guilty of my own people! You will never regret the decision today."

The girl in front of her eyes, arrogant, exquisite face, temperament and honor, looks too much like her enemies, but she does not feel extremely disgusted.

The condensed fat was also not polite, and swallowed the medicinal herbs quickly, and soon felt that the body became extremely relaxed.

Mu Qianxi looked at her and joked: "There is a deep water in front, there should be a river. I think you should wash yourself, let the owner see if you are not beautiful, how much is it?"

The face of the condensed fat was stiff, and the body shape disappeared in front of Mu Qianxi.

"Oh la la!" Mu Qianxi heard the sound of water.

If it is a man, it is estimated that the sound of the play should be heard.

However, Mu Qian’s gender female, who likes men, has no interest.

"That..." The condensed grease washed herself and found something that made her collapse.

That is her space ring has long been ruined, no clothes.

As a result, Mu Qianxi did not respond to her at all, and the face of the condensed fat was stiff.

In this way, the light is soaking in the water, the skin of the body should be white, and the face of the condensed fat suddenly becomes cold and cold.

"Missy, I don't have clothes!"

Mu Qianwei glimpsed a little, this sound is a bit wrong, cold slag!

It won't be frozen!

When Mu Qian’s figure flashed to the river, she saw her soaking in the water.

A face seems to freeze in the refrigerator for hundreds of days, giving her a different feeling.

Cold but cold, but very beautiful.

Mu Qianxi lost a piece of clothing and said: "This is what the Lord has not worn. If you don't fit, you will be there!"

The condensed fat quickly dressed and appeared in front of Mu Qian.

She is still cold and has a face: "Miss, something, she didn't say anything clearly, I have to tell you clearly?"

Mu Qianyi raised his eyebrows slightly, "She?"

"Another one."

The woman she saw just now, although wolverine, is enchanting like a fire rose.

But in front of this one, there is no popularity in the cold.

Mu Qianxi faintly said: "You say it!"

"I don't belong to this square, I fled here by the enemy. I don't know when her people will catch up, but I will stay with you, you will also be very dangerous, you are definitely not their opponent. ”

Mu Qian said: "You tell me this, isn't it that I don't think you are useless, let yourself be self-destructive?"


As a result, she just answered with silence.

Mu Qian said: "There are some of the things you said, I guessed it. And I also know your enemy, called Mu Lin."

When I said that Mu Lin, the smell of condensed fat became colder and colder.

"Mu Linyi looks a lot like me? Before you were in a coma, you seem to treat her as me?"

The condensed fat looked at Mu Qian’s face: “Like, the face is very similar, nothing more.”

Mu Qianqi asked: "Who is she?"

"Where is she, waiting for your strength to cultivate to the peak of the 9th-order of the Emperor, to the Xuantian world, will naturally know who she is? She is the first genius of Xuantian, the most noble woman of the Eastern Empire." Cold There was a cold smile on the face of the gel.

Mu Qianxi is slightly stunned, is it that Mu Lin is also the person in Yun Xiu’s heart.

Mu Qian said: "You can do good things according to the agreement, other things, then come back."

Condensed fat: "What do you want me to do?"

Mu Qianxi's cynical saying: "In fact, there is nothing? Just want to have a peak master to be a man, very prestige, then when you are so troubled, you can hit it, no one has it, I am not?"

The corner of the condensed grease mouth twitched slightly, she really didn't understand this little girl.

Sometimes it is sinister and black, and sometimes it is unrestrained, and it is completely unreasonable.

"As long as I don't die, naturally I won't hurt Missy."

Mu Qianxi smiled and said: "My name is Mu Qian, I will take care of it in the future."

A condensed fat, it is also a surname, but if it is really the name of the emperor's dynasty, she is not likely to be in this one.

Her cold road: "My name is condensation grease."

Mu Qian said: "Next, I want to improve my strength here, and you will be able to take care of your health!"

After making it clear, Mu Qianxi began to practice.

The condensed fat looked at the side of the millennium, caught the holy beast, and fought wildly.

It is clear that only the first level of the Emperor is the strength, but it has the sturdy spirit and skill skills, the more a big level of fighting is not to mention.

Among the people she knows, even when Mulin is in the first order of the Emperor, there is no such combat power.

Then Mu Qianqi caught the elixir and swept it. The condensed fat also suspected that the young lady was a refining pharmacist, and the grade was not low.

Otherwise, it is impossible to take the medicinal herb as a sugar bean to eat, and there is one that can cure her.

After fighting for a few days, Mu Qianxi did not meet a person, it is not clear where it is.

At this time, she heard a voice coming, "Boss! Look at it, there are two beautiful women on the other side!"

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