
Chapter 1,208 Qing Ji Enlightenment

Then Binghuo was used as the yang of the nine heavens, and Guishui was the water of accumulation. They were used as nutrients to support the blue lotus of the law, and finally a "green lotus created by yin and yang" was born.

"Water produces wood, wood produces fire, water and fire complement each other, and good fortune produces green lotus."

"The Qinglian Road created by Yin and Yang is indeed a supreme avenue. At the end, it may lead directly to the realm of Daluo Golden Immortal."

Chen Nianzhi murmured, showing a bit of joy.

But after a moment, he frowned slightly, and then said in a deep voice: "But your spiritual roots are the three spiritual roots of water, wood, and earth."

"If you want to follow this path, you have to change your spiritual roots. You have to transform your spiritual roots, and transform the earth spiritual roots into fire spiritual roots."

Qing Ji couldn't help but frown slightly when she heard this.

With their current Nine Heavens Immortal methods, if they want to change the spiritual roots of mortals, they may only have to pay a small price.

But the higher the monk's cultivation level, the mana, golden elixir, Yuanying and even Yuanshen have been finalized, and the cost of changing the spiritual root will become more and more huge.

With Qing Ji's current cultivation level, if she wants to change her spiritual roots, most of her immortal energy and cultivation level will be lost. If she is not careful, her cultivation level will fall to the middle stage of immortality.

Moreover, forcibly changing her spiritual roots will definitely damage her foundation, which can be said to be an unbearable burden for her.

Thinking of this, Qing Ji couldn't help but said: "The best way is to reincarnate and cultivate again." "No!"

Chen Nianzhi shook his head and refused. Reincarnation and rebuilding are full of uncertainties. Even the Nine Heavens Immortal cannot guarantee that he will become an immortal in the next life.

And even if you become an immortal, it is extremely hopeless to re-cultivate the Daluo foundation. After all, after reincarnation and re-cultivating, you cannot recover your memory before becoming an immortal.

Thinking of this, Chen Nianzhi couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

It wasn't until a long time later that he suddenly remembered something, and his eyes lit up and he said: "There is also a top-quality fairy medicine in the fairy medicine garden in the back mountain."

"That elixir can replenish the foundation of an immortal. It should be able to help you transform your spiritual roots and the foundation of your body."

When Qing Ji heard this, her expression changed slightly, and then she sighed and said, "You have kept that Heaven-Building Medicine for many years. It would be a pity to use it now."

When Chen Nianzhi heard this, his eyes moved slightly.

In his original plan, he planned to upgrade the Heaven-Building Medicine to the eighth-level fairy medicine realm, and then refine a furnace of Heaven-Building Medicine.

The legendary elixir for repairing the sky is the real elixir. If its grade is as high as the ninth level, it can even supplement part of the foundation for the power of the heavenly immortals. It can also greatly increase the foundation of the ancestor of the earthly immortals and further increase his ability to break through the heavenly immortals. grasp.

It is said that even an immortal with a single Dao Fruit can open up unlimited potential for himself by paying for a ninth-level Heaven-Building Immortal Pill, and he can supplement his foundation to cultivate three Dao Fruits the day after tomorrow.

Of course, few people would be willing to give the ninth-level Heaven-Building Pill to the Earth Immortal Ancestor to take, and no one would be stupid enough to give it to an ordinary immortal.

Because the ninth-level Heaven-Building Medicine is so rare, it is a treasure that even the powerful immortals covet. It may not take hundreds of millions of years to refine it in the entire Qingcang Immortal Realm.

More than 90% of the powerful immortals may not be able to obtain a ninth-level Heaven-Building Pill in their lifetime.

In comparison, the eighth-level Heaven-Building Immortal Pill is far behind. It can supplement part of the foundation of the Earth Immortal Ancestor, and it can also add an Immortal Dao Fruit to the Immortal with a single Dao Fruit, and become a dual Dao Fruit the day after tomorrow. of immortals.

The value of such a supreme elixir is almost immeasurable. Some ancestors of the half-step Earth Immortal Realm of Single Dao Fruit even did not hesitate to exchange several top-quality immortal treasures for an eighth-level Heaven-Building Pill.

Chen Nianzhi took out the top-grade immortal treasure-level Heaven-Building Medicine in advance to transform Qingji's spiritual roots. It can be said that the cost was not small.

Even so, Chen Nianzhi still smiled and said: "Although the best fairy medicine is rare, it is nothing compared to your path."

"You don't have to worry. Just feel free to transform your foundation. I'll go get the heaven-bending medicine for you."

After saying that, Chen Nianzhi didn't stay long and immediately went to the Immortal Medicine Garden in the back mountain. Soon after, he arrived at the Immortal Medicine Garden.

In the fairy medicine garden, he saw the ultimate heaven-bending medicine.

This Heaven-Building Medicine was nourished by Chen Nianzhi's Hongmeng Purple Qi, and a ray of purple meaning emerged from it. Although it has not been promoted

It has reached the eighth level, but it has also reached the limit of the best immortal treasure.

As Chen Nianzhi picked it, the heaven-bending medicine seemed to have a premonition of its own destiny. A ray of thought trembled in the dark, and three seeds that were half green and half black fell.

"This is....."

Chen Nianzhi whispered, holding the three seeds in his hand, his eyebrows frowning slightly.

These three seeds are the seeds of the Heaven-Building Medicine. Logically speaking, they can only wait until the Heaven-Building Medicine reaches the eighth level.

It will mature and fall off.

Generally speaking, even among dozens of top-quality Heaven-Building Medicines, not one of them may be able to transform to the eighth level. Therefore, most of the top-quality Heaven-Building Medicines have no seeds.

Chen Nianzhi's plant was nourished by the Hongmeng purple energy, and the shackles of transformation had been slightly opened, so three seeds grew.

It's just that this elixir has not yet been promoted, and the seeds it has grown are not yet fully mature, and I don't know if they can be planted.

"Let's try it."

Chen Nianzhi sighed, opened his mouth and spit out three rays of Hongmeng Purple Qi, blending them into the three seeds.

After the Hongmeng Purple Qi merged, the three seeds shone with hazy light. The vitality in two of the seeds became stronger little by little. Only one seed gradually dimmed and its vitality was gradually disappearing.

"Being able to save two seeds is an expected surprise."

Chen Nianzhi smiled, and then planted all three fairy seeds on the fairy field.

After arranging for people to take good care of the immortal seeds, Chen Nianzhi returned to the Star Glazed Realm and handed the heaven-bending medicine to Qing Ji.

Qingji got the heaven-bending medicine and began to retreat to transform her spiritual roots and foundation.

With the help of this top-quality elixir, her foundation transformation was extremely smooth. It took only a few hundred years for her to transform the earth spiritual root into a fire spiritual root.

Then she gave up the natal immortal treasure of the earth spirit root, took the refining celestial being and merged it with the soul of the red dragon, and forged a natal immortal sword.

This sword is a comparison of the Qinglong Naohai Sword. Like Chen Nianzhi's Tianli Double Sword, it is a complete set of fairy swords.

Because it was refined by the soul of the red dragon, it can be combined with the Qinglong Haohai Sword to show its power, so Qingji named it the Red Dragon Refining the Void Sword.

"The green dragon makes the sea sword, and the red dragon refines the virtual sword."

Looking at the pair of fairy swords, Qing Ji couldn't help but smile a little.

After converting to the Qinglian Dao of Yin and Yang Creation, her foundation has greatly increased. At this time, the power of the red and blue double dragon swords is enough to defeat most of the ninth level immortals.

Chen Nianzhi was also very happy and couldn't help but praise: "My wife has realized the great way this time, and her basic knowledge has been greatly improved. After she understands the heavenly monument of laws, she will probably be considered the best in the realm of immortality."

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