
Chapter 1,207 Yin and Yang Plant Green Lotus

At that time, Chen Nianzhi condensed the Great Luo Yuanying and cultivated four magical powers: the Great Five Elements Pure Yang Divine Thunder, the Five Color Divine Light, the Great Evolution Yin-Yang Star Path, and the Great Five Elements Hunyuan True Qi.

Now, except for the Dayan Yin Yang Star Dao, the remaining three magical powers have been cultivated to the immortal level by him.

Now that he has reached the late stage of ascending to immortality and found the five-color aurora, Chen Nianzhi naturally did not waste time and began to practice with concentration to refine the five-color aurora.

The five-color auroras are the five kinds of aurora above the sky in the Immortal Realm. It can be said to be very difficult to collect.

Because the aurora at the end of the sky disperses but does not condense, if you want to get a complete aurora, you can only collect the aurora rays bit by bit to condense them. This is a very time-consuming and labor-intensive thing.

Generally speaking, even for an immortal who has ascended to the Immortal Realm, it would take him hundreds of thousands of years to condense a low-grade five-color Aurora.

In addition, on the special famous mountain fairy veins, there may be a whole aurora falling, or even an aurora star shower, and hundreds or even thousands of aurora piercing the sky in an instant.

However, this can be regarded as a rare opportunity, which may not occur once in tens of thousands of years, and the opportunity is still fleeting.

Getting back to the subject, these five-color auroras disperse when they encounter water and disappear when they encounter voids. If they are not careful, they will disappear into the void. It is not an easy task to refine them.

Chen Nianzhi did not dare to be careless. After taking out five fairy crystals carrying five-color aurora, he wrapped them with Hunyuan Wuji's magic power.

His Hunyuan Wuji Law has reached a towering level, and it is no problem to suppress the five-color aurora.

After suppressing the five-color aurora, Chen Nianzhi began to absorb and refine the five-color aurora bit by bit, and time passed so quietly.

Time flies so fast, and three thousand years have passed in a flash.

On this day, Chen Nianzhi opened his eyes from seclusion, but saw a five-color fairy light blooming in his pupils in an instant, and then dissipated invisible in the blink of an eye.

And on top of the fairy fetus in the sea of ​​consciousness, five incomparably bright divine chains of laws circled around, and finally condensed into an extremely bright and mysterious pattern of laws.

"It's done!"

Feeling the extremely bright natal magical runes on the immortal fetus, Chen Nianzhi slowly exhaled and showed a smile of relief.

After tens of thousands of years of attaining immortality, his natal magical power was finally achieved.

"Even if it's not as good as Kaitian's magical power, it's still not far behind."

Chen Nianzhi murmured, roughly estimating the power of these five colors of divine light.

According to his estimate, the five-color divine light in the Mahayana realm is about 70 to 80% as powerful as the Kaitian magical power, and its power far exceeds ordinary magical powers.

The most important thing is that Chen Nianzhi personally activated it, and its power is probably no less powerful than the Kaitian Divine Power.

Because this five-color divine light is the fusion of five kinds of divine light, Chen Nianzhi activated it with the Five Elements Hunyuan Wuji Law, which naturally complemented each other and doubled its power.

"The laws are perfected, my cultivation is towering, my magical power is great, plus my foundation..."

Chen Nianzhi paused for a moment, then said with slightly bright eyes: "With my current strength, even just relying on these five-color aurora is enough to be invincible. It is difficult to encounter any opponent in the realm of ascending to the immortal world."

One fresh trick, eaten all over the world.

Divine light-type magical powers are designed to overcome all kinds of body-protecting auras. This five-color divine light can capture the five elements and treasures, which is considered top among the divine light-type magical powers.

Moreover, this kind of magical power is gathered and dispersed by the heart. Not only is it extremely convenient to activate it, it is also difficult for the enemy to find a way to restrain it.

Chen Nianzhi was very confident in his heart. With this killer weapon in his hand, even if the Red Dragon Patriarch was resurrected, holding the Red Dragon Burning Sky Sword and wearing red flame golden scale armor, he would definitely not be his opponent.

"It's time to get out of seclusion."

After cultivating a supreme magical power, Chen Nianzhi could hold back the ecstasy in his heart.

He walked out of seclusion, only to find that Jiang Linglong was cultivating in the Star Glazed Realm, and seemed to be consolidating her cultivation.

"Congratulations, madam, for breaking through to the late stage of immortality."

Seeing Jiang Linglong's breakthrough, Chen Nianzhi couldn't help but smile. Apart from him, the one with the most amazing talent among the Chen Clan's Immortal Clan was Jiang Linglong.

Chen Nianzhi's cultivation has improved by leaps and bounds over the years, and Jiang Linglong's progress has not been slow either. During his years of seclusion, he has reached the level of the Immortal Queen.

The realm of period.

However, her breakthrough only relied on the completion of the Taiyin Immortal Body, and neither the laws nor the Tao Fruit reached the sky.

In comparison, Chen Nianzhi not only achieved great perfection in the Hunyuan Immortal Body, but also reached the towering Five Elements Hunyuan Law. He also broke through to the late stage of becoming an immortal, but his progress surpassed Jiang Linglong's.

Even so, in just tens of thousands of years, he has achieved first-class talent in the late stage of immortality.

After this breakthrough, Jiang Linglong's immortal energy surged by 50%, which is much stronger than the ordinary ninth level of immortality. It should not be too strenuous to activate the best immortal treasure in the future.

"This breakthrough was expected."

Hearing Chen Nianzhi's congratulations, Jiang Linglong smiled slightly, and then said: "Sister Qingji is in seclusion again, and it seems that she is about to break through."

Chen Nianzhi nodded slightly. Both he and Jiang Linglong had five spiritual roots and could quickly break through to the seventh level of immortality. Qingji was only an immortal with three spiritual roots. It was expected that they could break through.

In fact, Qing Ji broke through to the sixth level of immortality earlier than Jiang Linglong. She just delayed for some years to cultivate the Dacheng Immortal Body, so she broke through a little later than Jiang Linglong.

Thinking of this, Chen Nianzhi smiled and said: "Madam, you can sacrifice some natal immortal treasures, and I will protect Qingji."

After saying that, he came to Qingji's retreat room and waited quietly for Please Remember to come out of the retreat.

In fact, it didn't take long for Qing Ji to break through the seventh level of immortality and walk out of the retreat room. "It's really a breakthrough."

Seeing Qing Ji's breakthrough, Chen Nianzhi couldn't help but show a bit of joy.

He took out the Five Elements Immortal Qi that he had prepared in advance and handed it to Qing Ji and said: "Now that Madam has broken through to the late stage of becoming an immortal, it's time to sacrifice the Immortal Treasure."

Qingji took a look and found that there were three types of Five Elements Immortal Qi in it: Guishui, Yimu, and Jitu, and she couldn't help but shook her head slightly.

"During this retreat, I fell into an epiphany and discovered a great avenue." "Oh?"

Chen Nianzhi was slightly surprised and couldn't help but smile and said: "What kind of great path has Madam realized?" "Three Yuans are unified into one."

Qing Ji spoke, and then solemnly said: "The intersection of yin and yang, containing a trace of vitality, is my Qinglian Avenue."

As Qing Ji spoke eloquently, Chen Nianzhi gradually understood what Qing Ji had gained from this epiphany.

According to what she said, the avenue she realized this time was called "Yin and Yang Planting Green Lotus", and it was a great avenue with a bright future.

The so-called yin and yang to plant green lotus requires fellow practitioners to use the power of the three laws of Yi wood, Gui water and Bing fire. This path is to plant a Law Green Lotus with Yimu Law as the core.

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