Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 2043: 9 martial arts borders

Xiao? Xiao Zhantian stepped forward and walked into the coagulation tank.

"Phoenix coagulation recipe!" Came to the blood pool, Xiao Zhantian began to condense blood.

He was full of enthusiasm at this time.

He wants to tell the world ...

He Xiao Zhantian, even without the help of the so-called children of the big family, he can become the proud of the sky!

One day, he will be transformed into a true phoenix for nine days, surpassing those so-called big family children!

In the blood coagulation tank, Xiao Zhantian began to try to condense the Huoyuan to quench the blood.

In addition to that, the veins of bloodstone were introduced into the body.

He wants to see if his bloodline can still be excited.

When that fire element enters the body and tempers his blood, Xiao Zhantian can clearly feel the change of his bloodline.

The blood was gradually being excited!

"Feasibility ..." Seeing this, Xiao Zhantian was glad that he started to gather these blood.

The rich blood was stimulated, and then stored in the blood clots, and continued to merge with his previous blood.

Uh ...

At noon, Xiao Zhantian left the coagulation tank.

"Good fight boy!"

"Zhan Tiangong is good!" When Xiao Zhantian and Feng Ruoxi walked on the school field, there were teenagers and girls greeting him constantly.

Only, Xiao Zhantian Gujing has no waves at this time. He has already seen these compliments.

"Everything is strength, only the strong can make people awesome!" Xiao Zhantian's heart is like a mirror, "Next, I should also prompt to repair."

By this time, Xiao Zhantian had begun to attach importance to his own realm and the promotion of martial arts.

I am practicing together, there are nine realms.

Divided into: hardened body, congenital realm, true Yuan realm, Yuan Dan realm, Yuan baby realm, palace realm, baby market realm, magical realm, and heavenly realm!

Only the higher the realm is, the stronger the strength is, and can it crush all the practitioners in the lower realm.

Bloodline ...

This is just a foundation!

If the blood is strong, naturally swept enemies in the same realm.

Only in the past, Xiao Zhantian put most of his mind on the blood of cohesion.

Next, he has to go hand in hand and want to become a strong one soon.

He was captured by blood in Chishan that day, and restrained by Ji Qingfeng, pushed into the fire, so that Xiao Zhantian understood the importance of realm deeply.

Even if you have no time for blood, if the realm is not enough, it can only be crushed by others.

Of course, Xiao Zhantian will want to go hand in hand, also because of the Phoenix Nirvana and Hao Ri Shen Jue.

Phoenix nirvana can help him to gather the perfect blood of the Phoenix, thus to gather the soul of the Phoenix martial arts. He doesn't need to worry too much about the blood!

Next, it is to improve Xiuwei and strength.

Just right, Hao Ri Shen Jue can make him like Hao Ri and smelt everything!

This is the basis for his subsequent sweep in all directions.

With these foundations, the rest is the promotion of the realm.

There are many martial arts in Feng's.

Martial arts also has levels.

The most common martial arts is Tianhuangxuanhuang, four levels!

This is the martial art which is commonly used by practitioners of the queen body state, congenital state, and true Yuan state.

The higher the realm of nagging, the more mysterious the martial arts can be. Only those advanced martial arts, coupled with a certain realm, can exert their combat power against the sky.

He has a lot of martial arts in Feng's family, and Xiao Zhantian usually cultivates a lot.

For example, the 13th strike of the Phoenix, the split claw ...

Wait for martial arts!

However, after getting the Hao Ri Shen Jue, Xiao Zhantian was full of expectations for this method.

This is definitely an anti-sky martial art that transcends many heavens and earth, even spiritual martial arts.

He even has an intuition. If he cultivates this Hao Ri Shen Jue to Dacheng, it will be enough to sweep many practitioners at the same level.

Uh ...

"Now my phoenix blood is regenerating, no need to worry about blood ..."

Xiao Xiao Zhantian came to the practice room in his yard.

He sat on a futon, his heart feeling the situation in his body.

"Hao Ri Shen Jue!" Then, his heart moved, sinking into the sea of ​​knowledge, sinking into that **** soul.


Only when Xun Zhantian sank into the spirit, Xiao Zhantian's heart moved, and when he touched the fire pattern of that soul's eyebrow, there was a dazzling firelight blooming immediately.

This flame of light is suspended in the sea like the same Hao Ri.

Afterwards, the general outline and key points of Hao Ri Shen Jue also appeared to Xiao Zhantian's soul.

Wu Hao Sun God tactics ... as Hao Ri, smelting Wan Yan ... using Hao Ri as a furnace, melting heaven and earth ...

This is the general outline of Hao Ri Shen Jue.

"Condensed heaven and earth, the burning air, refining Hao Ri's body ... Ning Hao Ri, transforming magical powers, acting in heaven and earth ... Smelt everything!"

This is the formula of Hao Ri Shen Jue!

"Hao Ri Shen Jue, first use the Qi of the Sun to temper one's own body, cast the foundation, and then consolidate Hao Ri's pure Yang Wu soul to become a supernatural power ..."

This formula is in my ear, Xiao Zhantian feels extremely familiar, and the essentials of Hao Ri's God formula also clearly appear in his mind.

He looked like that, as if he had already cultivated this **** trick and refined it into a master.

"At this time, I have tempered myself with Huoyuan, and I have the foundation of Hao Ri. Next, I will condense the Hao Ri's wheel."

Xiao Xiao Zhantian whispered.

只是 "It's just not enough to want to consolidate the wheel of Hao Ri and turn it into a supernatural power of Hao Ri, to reach the point of melting everything."

He was extremely clear.

First of all, the Condensing Wheel of Hao Ri is actually similar to the Concentrating Blood Martial Arts.

This is only the first step!

In addition to this, Xiao Zhantian is only a blood coagulation state at this time, and his vitality is thin and he cannot condense Hao Ri, at least he must reach the innate state!

Soon afterwards, Xiao Zhantian had a thorough understanding of this Hao Sun God.

The practitioners in the coagulation environment were thin-blooded and could not satisfy Hao Ri.

After all, this Hao Ri does not originate from the blood, it requires external assistance.

"If the heavens and earth are smelted and used for their own purposes, then the smelted Haori will be superpowerful!"

This is the annotation of Hao Ri Shen Jue.

Nine Hao Sun God formula, divided into nine.

First, condensing the Hao Ri cyclone, it can melt all the qi of the sun, including the fire qi and pure yang.

Second, HaoRi is condensed, making HaoRi a success!

The third point is to consolidate Hao Ri's true elements, making Hao Ri's true elements to be more powerful and sustainable!

Fourth, Hao Ri transforms into the sea!

Fifth, Hao Ri Chemical Furnace!

Sixth ...

"It seems that I have to find the heaven and earth's fire first, and smelt it for my own use, otherwise Hao Ri cannot be united at all." Xiao Zhantian secretly thought.

Isn't it just that the heaven and earth fire is so easy to obtain?

"Then, I can strike the innate realm first!" Xiao Zhantian secretly thought.

Promoting cultivation is also the most important thing for him now.

It's just that the innate state is not so easy to break through!

Quenching the physical state is the tempering of the physical body, the blood gas, after reaching the quenching body's full state, the body has generated and accumulated gas!

But this kind of gas, but extremely thin, can only be seen, as if it is a kind of brute force.

Only when the innate state is reached and the heaven and man are united can the practitioners make better use of this vitality.

"Heaven and man unite ..." Xiao Zhantian frowned slightly. "What is heaven and man united?"

At this moment, Xiao Zhantian realized that he was still at a loss for the innate state.

Although he has been practicing martial arts and condensing vitality all these years.

I can spend most of my time condensing blood.

"Go ask your grandfather." After thinking hard for nothing, Xiao Zhantian was not practicing, so he got up and walked out of the yard to ask Mr. Feng.


萧 When Xiao Zhantian mentioned his doubts about the innate state, Mr. Feng touched his beard with a smile, and then looked at the void and laughed.

"Cultivate oneself, first temper your body and cast the cornerstone, and then you will feel the rhythm of all things in the heavens and the earth. , The practitioner ’s perception of the heavens and earth's vitality and the things of the heavens and the earth will be greatly improved. "

"Understanding the vitality of heaven and earth, reaching, heaven, man, and gas?" Xiao Zhantian's eyes moved slightly, thoughtfully.

"Congenital realm is a threshold for martial arts practitioners. Only by entering the congenital realm can we continue to dig out various martial arts uprights!"

Father Feng Feng said, "If it is not congenital, even a century of practice is just a martial arts."

"If it's not congenital, it's just a martial artist?" Xiao Zhantian's eyes lightened.

"You are still young, you don't need to worry too much, you need to practice one step by step, as long as you work hard, it will naturally come to fruition!" Mr. Feng reminded.

When he saw Xiao Zhantian becoming more and more diligent, he obviously wanted to improve his strength early. In this regard, he was very relieved, knowing that his grandson was not decadent.

He was just a little worried.

Everything is too good!

If Xiao Zhantian is too obsessed, it is easy for him to get into trouble.

"Grandpa rest assured, I will not be too rushed." Xiao Zhantian said.

"That's good!" Father Feng stroked his beard and nodded slightly, "If you want to impact the innate, you can go to see the world ... like wind, rain, vegetation ..."

"Every grass and every tree has its own meaning ..."

"Watch the wind and rain, grass and trees ..." After hearing the words, Xiao Zhantian knew something, and after being instructed by the old man, he seemed to know a little more about the innate state.

Then he bowed and left.

"This child is very diligent, and he doesn't know how he understands. If he can enter the innate, he may reach the level of his mother in the future." Looking at the back of the young boy, the old man winds his beard, his old eyes are exposed The gratifying light is obviously extremely satisfied with this young man.

In the next few days, Xiao Zhantian went to condense his blood in the morning, and began to understand the world in the afternoon, preparing for the impact on the innate state.

He appeared in the valley from time to time, watching the wind blow.

I also appeared on the top of the mountain, see that Yun Cun Yun Shu!

In the blink of an eye, ten days passed.

This day, Xiao Zhantian tested the bloodline again.

This time, the blood was soaring, the Phoenix condensed and remained for a long time. The data on the bloodstone monument has suddenly reached the bloodline heritage value of 93%!

"Ninety-three percent?" When the data showed, the entire schoolyard was stunned.

You know, it's only more than ten days from Xiao Zhantian to ten percent to now ~ ~ The speed of such an increase is astounding.

Those who laughed at Xiao Zhantian in the past just closed their mouths completely on the rise of women.

At this moment, everyone was completely convinced by Xiao Zhantian.

"Is it ninety-three percent?" As the bloodline increased, Xiao Zhantian became more and more calm under the bloodline monument.

He hasn't pursued the bloodline too much, but has begun to realize the uprightness of the heavens and the earth, and has to impact the innate realm.

"The bloodline of the battle sky has actually reached 93%!"

"This is higher than the previous 92%!"

"Is he indestructible?" After a little shock, a loud noise sounded in the school ground.

He was even compared with Phoenix Nirvana.

"Phoenix, this is Nirvana rebirth, getting stronger and stronger ... Maybe, battle days are blessed by disaster, and the blood is nirvana!"

若 "If this is the case, maybe Zhantian can be the most outstanding person of my style!" The old eyes of the clan are full of anticipation.

"If it is the Phoenix Nirvana, the blood is reborn, then ... Zhan Tian will hope to surpass his parents, maybe, at that time, his mother's affairs ..." Father Feng looked with a look, referring to Xiao Zhantian's mother, There was a little dim light flashing in those old eyes.

"Ah ..." At last, he sighed slightly, and stopped thinking about this sad thing.

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