Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 2042: Natural talent

Blood gasification!

This is an anomaly that can only occur when the blood veins are tested to match the vein pattern in the blood vein monument to a near-perfect level.

For the past millennia, no one at Chishan Fengshi has reached this level.

Including Xiao Zhantian's mother!

But Xiao Zhantian arrived!

All of a sudden, the entire campus was uproar.

"is this real?"

"Isn't he obsolete? How can I inspire the veins of blood to the point of blood gasification?"

A glance of eyes gathered again on Xiao Zhantian's body.

Among those eyes, there are shocks, surprises, and incredibles.

I also have awe!

The teenager in front of me seemed to grow taller again at this instant.

No one dare to compare it with that so-called waste.

If the people who have reached the gasification form are waste, what are they?

"Blood gasification ... This is a sign that the blood is about to return to the ancestors, that is, my ancestor of the Chishan Fengshi has not reached this point!" On the top of the mountain tower, two old eyes of the tribe condense, It was full of shock, and then they turned their eyes to the old wind.

"It seems that this incident has caused the transformation of Detian!" Master Feng Feng touched his beard and murmured after taking a deep breath.

At this time he was also extremely excited.

Because he thought of the scene when he saw this grandson in Huoyuan that day.

At that time, Huo Yuan retreated, like those flames that pervaded Xiao Xiaotian.

At that time, Father Feng was suspicious and thought of the legendary Nirvana.

Now, it seems that some of his thoughts have been verified.

Alas, Father Feng did not point out or ask.

Because this matter is too shocking, once it is passed on, it may be a disaster for this grandson.

"Can Nirvana be in battle? Is it related to his father and mother?" Father Feng was secretive in his heart, and his mood was slightly dignified.

He vaguely remembered how embarrassed when his daughter returned.

"It's a pity, I'm talented and I'm old and can't help you!" The old man sighed.

只是 "Just, your son, I will take good care of it!" At last, as soon as he fixed his eyes, he locked the boy under the bloodstone in front.

"Is the blood gas deformed?" At this moment, under the bloodstone monument, Xiao Zhantian's eyes condensed and he looked up at the void. After seeing the condensed and formed Phoenix, his heart was also a leap. Naturally, I have heard of the legend of the blood gasification, but he did not expect that he would have this day.

Also happened after his blood was taken.

"It seems that I am really Nirvana!" After a little excitement, Xiao Zhantian gradually calmed down the ups and downs.

He naturally understands why he can reach this point.

既然 "Now that I am Nirvana, then I can re-derive the blood with the help of the Phoenix Nirvana. At that time, I can also condense the blood veins."

战 Xiao Zhantian could not help but clenched his fists, "Is Ji Qingwu ... who is destined to become a god? I Xiao Zhantian, it must not be worse than you!"

相信 He believes that as long as he works hard, relying on the Phoenix Nirvana and Hao Ri Shen Jue, these so-called big families will never be proud.

"Ji Qingfeng ... At that time, I will surely sharpen you!" At the same time, the light in his eyes was cold, and he wanted to let this young man know that this young man, like a ants, would have a day when he turned into an ancient beast At that time, it was time for Ji Qingfeng's blood debt to be paid.


I was also at this moment, on that bloodstone monument, the blood Phoenix was restrained and submerged in the monument.

Then the data on that bloodstone monument flashed.

"I do n’t know how much the bloodline inheritance of this Xiao Zhantian is?"

"It can make blood gas shape, it should be very high!" In the school field, those children of Feng's eyes stared at the bloodstone monument with hot eyes, everyone wanted to see, this can make blood gas shape bloodlines To what extent has it reached 99%?

Wu Fengyufei also stared at the bloodstone monument tightly.


I only saw the bloodstone monument flash, the data freeze.

I just waited until everyone saw it, but it was discovered that the name of Xiao Zhantian was no longer on the top.

"No?" Seeing this, everyone was surprised.

He waited until his eyes moved downward. Finally, the children of Feng's found the name of Xiao Zhantian at the bottom.

Xiao Xiao Zhantian ... blood heritage value, ten percent!

什么 "What! Only ten percent of the bloodline inheritance value?" After seeing this data, a sound of exclamation followed.

怎么 "How is it possible! The flesh-and-bloom power just now has surpassed the power that Zhantian Gongzi had previously tested!"

Is puzzled by this crowd.

"This bloodstone monument will not be broken?" Feng Yukai and Feng Yuchen were also surprised.

"Bloodstone is not bad!" Next, Feng Yufei said after taking a deep breath.

"Not bad?" Wen Yan said, everyone stunned.

"Xiao Zhantian failed to consolidate the blood and the soul of the soul, leading to exhaustion of blood. Now these blood is regenerated and naturally incomplete!" Feng Yufei said. Bloodline warriors are generally tested at the age of eight! "

"This is because at eight years old, a person's bloodline has begun to wake up!"

Wu Fengyufei looked dignified.

"Yes, this is indeed the case!" The crowd nodded.

They are condensing their blood.

With the continuous digging of blood gas, the blood veins can be made more perfect, and the inheritance value of blood veins will naturally increase.

"Yes, yes, just the bloodline inheritance value of 10% makes the blood gas shape. If he reaches 90%, how amazing is it? This bloodline is really going to return to the ancestor! On the tower, the two old clans talked well, and the old face was full of excitement.

"It seems that Tianer was blessed by the disaster this time." Father Feng smiled and stroked his beard.

He was finally relieved at this moment.

Just now, he was still worried about Xiao Zhantian, fearing that the child would not be able to bear the blow.

I did not expect that for a moment, things changed, and the old man was relieved.

"Ten percent bloodline inheritance value!" After looking at the data, Xiao Zhantian himself was a little surprised, showing a surprised expression on his face.

The bloodline momentum inspired by only 10% of the blood line heritage value has exceeded the previous 92%.

What does this mean?

This represents the extreme purity of his blood at this time.

"Is this the place where the Phoenix Nirvana is against the sky?" Xiao Zhantian muttered to himself, with a glowing glow in his eyes.

It is not difficult to imagine, if he completed the nine turns of Phoenix, will he be able to return the blood to his ancestors?

If so, why should he be afraid of the so-called Han Ji?

"Brother Zhantian, why did you lose the bloodline inheritance, but the bloodline is even stronger?" Aside, Feng Ruoxi blinked those clear eyes like autumn water, also full of curiosity, you know, if someone else , Consolidation of the bloodline Wuhun failed, the mind was damaged, it is difficult to condense the bloodline again!

But Xiao Zhantian is obviously reborn as a fire ~ ~ haha, maybe this is a blessing because of misfortune! Xiao Zhantian smiled.

"Hee hee, this is God knows that Zhan Tian's elder brother is mentally strong, so he cares for you." Feng Ruoxi smiled.

After a while, she also tested her blood.

Alas, her blood was still the same this time, but she was still full of confidence.

"Go, condense your blood!"

After that, Xiao Zhantian and Feng Ruoxi walked towards the coagulation tank with a full face.

Wu Fengyu Fei and Feng Yuchen and others actively gave way.

At this time, everyone in the school field was staring at Xiao Zhantian, and the mood was extremely complicated.

The teenager in front of me walked step by step towards the coagulation tank, but it gave people the illusion of stepping up to the peak of life step by step.

"How can this happen?" Feng Yuchen and others looked bitter.

He originally wanted to ridicule him after learning that Xiao Zhantian failed to consolidate blood souls.

But now, they found out that the boy really wanted to fly into the sky.

At that time, those of them will only look up to this heavenly wizard who was cast down by himself!

The people who were ridiculed of Xiao Zhantian just now all have bitter faces and are completely dumbfounded.

"Maybe, this is the talent of Tianzong!" Someone whispered, and he looked awe to Xiao Zhantian.

(End of this chapter)

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