Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1869: Never flinch

"People like you want to talk about invincibility?"

Xiao Yun was full of contempt for Ren Zhipeng.

How could the true invincible be so unscrupulous?

Since ancient times, those Gai Daijiejie, those great emperors, which is not the real man who stands up to the sky!

"I ca n’t be invincible, I do n’t know. This seat only knows that if you get the treasure from your body, this seat will sweep the same level." Ren Zhipeng said in a dark tone, "You still surrender your treasure to you, so as not to suffer. If you will cooperate, this seat can spare you a life. "

"You took my treasure, and will you spare my life?" Xiao Yun sneered, with the expression of you as a fool.

"Oh, naturally I won't let it go. The so-called spare you life, just imprison you here." Ren Zhipeng laughed.

"Did you really fix me?" Xiao Yun said with a frown.

"This seat knows that you have several treasures, which are not comparable to the true gods, but you are only the true gods after all. Here you are blessed by the prince who has become the peak. You want to escape, but it is not that easy. There is no gap in the realm. How can you overcome it? "

Ren Zhipeng said coldly.

"If you reach the King of Yuanyuan, and see my whereabouts are unknown, aren't you afraid he will ask him?" Xiao Yun asked.

"Ren Zhiyuan?" Ren Zhipeng laughed. "He has already come and was bombed away by me.

"It seems that I have to rely on myself." Hearing, Xiao Yun's heart sank.

However, he didn't mean any sign of decadence.

Since he encountered such a thing, he had to face it.

"This one asks you again, can't deliver those treasures." A low voice sounded through the prison.

"Haha, Xiao Yun, how am I the one who compromised. Even if you let the horse pass, if I don't die this time, you will definitely pay for it."

Seeing Ren Zhipeng threatening, Xiao Yun laughed loudly.

"Unlucky, do you think you can survive?" Ren Zhipeng said coldly.

Although he knew that Xiao Yun had a treasure.

However, judging from the pictures of the battle in Yidao, this young man's strength is also limited.

At least, he struggled to defeat the Demon King.

Otherwise, would that let the Demon King flee?

When the low words fell, in this prison, there was a sudden pulsation.

A mighty divine power came raging.

Apparently, this Ren Zhipeng started to control the jail, and was about to attack Xiao Yun.

The prison is surrounded by Tianyan **** stones piled with road patterns.

At this point, Ren Zhipeng was traction, and the upper pattern was activated.


Divine patterns squirmed, intertwined in the void of the prison.

These divine patterns, like a huge cyclone, shrouded Xiao Yun.

Each divine pattern is like a divine blade, cut to Xiao Yun, and the momentum is enough to make the king of God afraid.

Among these gods, there is a broken virtual mystery.

At the same time, there was a pervasive uprising.

Rebelling against upheaval can pull the magic power of Xiao Yun and resolve.

Then crushed directly with a broken virtual mystery.

"The power of the Shinto possessed by the god." When feeling this power, Xiao Yun's face was completely calm.

This power is by no means what he can resist.

"Hide into the tower quickly." The Supreme Devourer quickly opened his mouth.

"Hiding in the tower?" Xiao Yun was moved.

This is indeed the way to save lives.

However, when that uprising came, Xiao Yun was hesitant.

"How can I retreat without a fight?" Xiao Yun's heart moved.

This is not his way.

His way is inexhaustible, how can he shrink back?

"Now, how can you retreat before reaching the Jedi." Xiao Yun blinked.

Then he gave up and hid directly in the Tuntian Tower.

"That being the case, let me feel the rule of the gods." Xiao Yun's eyes showed madness.

He wanted to use this sense to sharpen himself.

Otherwise, what's the point of hiding in the Tower of Devourers like this?

This is not his style.


At this point, the uprising of uprising has fallen.

Broken Void Yiyidong pierced through the void and took Xiao Yun straight.

Under this upheaval, Xiao Yun may be ridiculed at any time.

How can a true **** fight with the gods?

"I want to fight with the gods!" Xiao Yun's eyes lightened.

Then he runs his own way upright.

Reincarnation Uprising!

Xiao Yun is like a avenue, and the general trend of the place of condemnation is also put on his body.

Then, the reincarnation uprising runs.

Behind him, there are six big world evolutions.

In addition, there is a world of devouring magical powers, devouring that terrifying Shinto power frantically.

The ice and fire uprights appear, just like the world of ice and fire, to burn down the rules of Shinto.

An immortal war will sweep out.

There is also the horrific Jinyang Uprising.

Siyuan Upright!

In the end, Xiao Yun strode forward. He was like a heaven and earth, engulfing the rules of the gods.

The six worlds he evolved are also up and down in this world.

So is that swallowing upright righteousness.

Countless Shinto myths float in this world.

Various upheavals evolved to resolve the Shinto rules from the front.

This is the first time that Xiao Yun has evolved various avenues and verified himself.

Unfortunately, the other party is too powerful. That is the rule of the gods and cannot be resisted at all.

Soon, his evolved Shinto rules were shattered.


"This boy controls so many Shinto mysteries?" Then, Ren Zhipeng, who controlled the prison with his heart, saw that he was shocked.

"This uprising is the six reincarnation? That is a swallowing uprising ...!" He was extremely surprised to feel these Shinto uprisings.

How powerful are these uprights?

If the mystery of swallowing the sky is extreme, it will not be worse than their anti-rebellion eyes.

Those six reincarnation uprisings are the most supreme uprisings recognized by ancient times.

However, these Shinto mysteries appear to one person.

"After all, he has such a talent, who is he?" Ren Zhipeng showed dread.

He felt that such an anti-character was by no means an ordinary clan that could be cultivated.

"What am I panic about? He is just a **** from the Nether. What can he do?" After a little dread in his heart, Ren Zhipeng murmured, "There are also gods falling from the Nether. It ’s still nine days, and who are you afraid of? ”

With this in mind, he was relieved.

"However, such a man is interesting, but I don't know what he is training?" Ren Zhipeng's eyes were curious.

Then he controlled the pattern and weakened the attack.

In this way, Xiao Yun can be continuously persecuted.

Although the power of this attack weakened, it was still not Xiao Yun's resistance.

Each of the gods ~ ~ seems to penetrate the void and defeat the Shinto he evolved.

However, Xiao Yun's face was so calm that he continued to evolve the Shinto myth.

Behind him, there are phoenixes spreading wings, and Kirin roars.

Various Shintos are constantly evolving.

This evolution is actually verifying that Xiao Yun's path has become stronger and stronger.

"One way, two ways, three ways ..." Ren Zhipeng was inducting.

"Who the **** is this kid?" He frowned slightly at the slight induction.

It's hard to imagine that one person can understand so many avenues.

"Does he want to unite all kinds of things?" Ren Zhipeng groaned.

Although he was a god, he couldn't help wondering.

After all, the master is the teacher under the avenue.

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