Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1868: Prison

Under the pressure of Ren Zhiyuan, Ren Zhipeng understood everything.

As long as they are smart people, they know that the people of the Golden Wing Beast ambush Xiao Yun to win treasure.

"Then he is now?" Ren Zhiyuan said with a little gloom.

"Dead." Ren Zhipeng said lightly.

"Dead? Do you think I'm stupid? Say, what the **** is wrong." Ren Zhiyuan had his hair spread out, and his body was like a wave of waves, bursting out suddenly.

Seeing his aggressive appearance, he looked like he was going to hit.

However, Ren Zhipeng was very indifferent.

With his eyes fixed, the power of the monarch was released, suppressing Ren Zhiyuan's momentum.

The divinations from Ren Zhiyuan's body shattered.

"This is my place, and it's not your turn to be wanton." The low voice also spit out from Ren Zhipeng's mouth.

This voice spit out, containing the immense divine power, making Ren Zhiyuan like a lightning strike, and his steps back and forth.

Ren Xian and others next to him also retreated.

"Okay, okay, Ren Zhipeng. It seems that you are really eager to smoke and you don't care about anything. You will pay for it."

Ren Zhiyuan's eyes were cold, and he said word by word.

"Let's go!" Finally, he left with Ren Xian and others.

"No delivery!" Ren Zhipeng said coldly.


When Ren Zhiyuan's big hand moved, the light blue divine power flowed, like a light curtain, wrapped everyone away from the place.

In the void, they were flying towards another area of ​​Ren's.

"Father, is that all it takes?" Ren Feiyang frowned.

Although he only knew Xiao Yun, Ren Feiyang already regarded him as a close friend.

This is a person worth making.

It is also a respectable character.

You know, who wants to tell others your Word?

But Xiao Yun shared it with them.

"Uncle Bo, Xiao Yun is not dead yet, my waistband can sense his soul."

Ren Tianxing said.

He and Xiao Yun left a soul mark to facilitate contact.

"I also know that he must not have died, otherwise Ren Zhipeng would not be so anxious to drive us away." Ren Zhiyuan said.

"What now?" Ren Feiyang asked.

"Go to your grandpa and let him come forward," Ren Zhiyuan said.

"Grandpa!" After hearing the words, Ren Feiyang's eyes brightened.

His grandfather was also a character, and he had been a prince since ancient times.

If an old man comes forward, things will be easy.

At least, Ren Zhipeng will not be so arrogant.

Immediately afterwards, they flew to the domain of the old man.


At this time, inside the hall.

"These guys are in trouble." Ren Zhipeng's eyes flashed. After seeing Ren Zhiyuan and others go away, he secretly relieved.

"I don't think they will give up." Ren Zhao said in the hall.

"No matter." Ren Zhipeng waved.

All I could see was a cold arc at the corner of his mouth, saying, "As long as I kill this afterlife, then all the dust will settle, what can they do to me?"

"This too." The two **** kings next nodded.

Isn't this Ren Zhiyuan going to fight for a foreigner and a **** in the clan?

Even if they were to do so, the other clan elders of Ren's family were afraid that they would not let the situation develop.

So there is no need to worry about this matter.

"Then, let's see what means are there in the future." Ren Zhipeng sneered.

Then he took out one of the treasures and sank into his heart.


God prison.

As the name suggests, this is a prison for gods.

This prison is blessed by a powerful **** pattern, blocking the space and making people unable to leave.

Even if there is space, the treasure is hard to leave.

Unless you're strong enough, tear up these lines.

At this point, Xiao Yun was led into one of the prisons.


Xiao Yun landed, the ground was a hard Tianyan **** stone, and was also blessed with the road pattern.

After landing, Xiao Yun immediately felt the power of a Shinto shroud himself.

That power made him feel extremely uncomfortable.

"Here was blessed by Dacheng's prince." When the induction doubled, Xiao Yun's eyes sank.

He once again tried to communicate with the yin and yang book.

"Rebelling against chaos!" The low voice spit out in Xiao Yun's mouth.

In the sea of ​​knowledge, the yin and yang baojian roads flow, and they must communicate with the heavens and the earth, against chaos.

When a cyclone appears, it is necessary to pass through this space and open up a space channel to communicate with the outside world.

But, just like last time, Xiao Yun felt the blocking of the dow pattern.

Those road patterns are so powerful that they are obliterating the mysteries released by the yin and yang **** patterns.

This is not to say that the yin-yang road pattern is not strong, but that Xiao Yun's realm is not enough.

After all, that is the Tao pattern blessed by the gods.

Xiao Yuncai is just a real god.

If Xiao Yun also has a monarchy, even a quasi-monarch also has a fight.

"Did I really get stuck here?" Xiao Yun frowned.

Then he tried to use the waistband to send a message.

"The waistband information is also isolated!" Xiao Yun's face sank during the interrogation.

He couldn't communicate with the outside world at all.

"It seems that Ren's people are so designed to prevent others from coming to rescue." Xiao Yun took a deep breath.

Now he has to admit this fact.

"So, what now?" Xiao Yun groaned after calming down.

"This turtle son, it's too cruel."

"I'm really in trouble this time." Changsheng Gui's face was stunned.

"Can you do anything?" Xiao Yun asked Supreme Master.

At this time, the breath of the Supreme Devourer continued to grow stronger.

Even, he has reached the half-step **** state.

He still cultivates the way of swallowing the sky, naturally there is no bottleneck, and he can sing and advance.

Previously, he had been retreating, and it was also this time that he encountered a crisis before exiting that state.

"This is a prison under the gods. It's a bit of trouble!" Supreme Devourer said, "But they don't want to kill you or me, it's not that easy."

Xiao Yun Mulu asked.

"Although the cultivation of this seat is no longer at its peak, my Tower of Heaven Devourer is a real Supreme Tower." Supreme Tower Master said, "As long as we hide in the tower, we can save our lives." Even if they Without the power of a battle, but a complete Supreme Soldier, who can destroy it?

"This is also the method." Xiao Yun nodded slightly, but this method was helpless.

Because in this way, you never know when you can escape.

Furthermore, even if it is a god, to cultivate, you also need resources. ~ ~ Although there are resources in the land of condemnation.

But this resource obviously cannot sustain Xiao Yun's continuous cultivation.

"It's all this time, still want to escape?" Just then, a low voice echoed in this prison.

It was Ren Zhipeng who infiltrated his heart into this prison with his treasure.

"As the Ren Shenren, but you shot at a guest, do you still have shame?" Xiao Yun said coldly.

"Haha, shame?" Ren Zhipeng laughed. "My monk, aiming for longevity, wants invincibility and immortality."

"What shame? Why do you need to keep your heart in mind? If you want to be a big deal, you should be informal."

He had no sense of shame.

"The real strong man must be cautious and able to pretend to be in the world, so as to be detached. People like you also want to talk about invincibility?" Xiao Yun said.

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