Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1723: Tiandu

Tiandu domain!

Today, Tianduyu has undergone great changes.

First, there are more demigods.

Secondly, there is the quasi-god tyrant.

Of course, even if there are more demigods, Xiao's remains unchanged.

Today, Xiao's family has become the deserved hegemon of Tianduyu.

Since Xiao Zhantian and Xiao Yun swept across all ethnic groups, the deterrent power has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Although at this time with the addition of quasi-gods of various races, the addition of quasi-gods made some people start to move, but no one was willing to be the first bird.

After all, no one can guarantee that Xiao Zhantian will return.

Although they have achieved demigods, quasi-gods, can Xiao Zhantian be more powerful?

So the whole sky is in the domain, everything seems calm.

However, after the restraint of the power of the rules of the day and the earth weakened, the people in Tianduyu began to move.

Because many return from the sanctuary.

Some people set foot in the ancient days of Tianjiao eight hundred years ago. Now they are returning to visit relatives and remember their deceased.

There are also people who set foot on this ancient road!

When these people returned, people of all races began to ask about the sanctuary.

Of course, most people asked about Xiao Yun's situation.

Because this person is related to the situation in the entire Tiandu domain.

If Xiao Yun still shines in the sanctuary, then Xiao's hegemony cannot be shaken.

If Xiao Yun is already alive, then Xiao's need not be too cautious.

"This Xiao Yun is terrible ..." When the clan asked, these people looked pale and solemn.

"What's wrong?" Seeing this, the strong men in Tiandu Yu are all stunned.

Looking at this, it seems that Xiao Yun has done something earth-shattering.

"He beheaded all the great gods in the sanctuary ..." People from the sanctuary began to tell Xiao Yun's deeds.

This made people of all races suddenly change their faces, and they all breathed in cold air.

The heroes who dare to cut the protoss ...

How many people are so brave?

"This Xiao Yun is still in the sanctuary to overwhelm his contemporaries, being the first person in the world!" Finally, the people from the sanctuary made such a news.

"What!" Hearing, everyone was shocked.

It's hard to imagine that a genius in Tianduyu can overpower the talents in Sanyu.

how can that be?

How can Tianduyu be comparable to Sanyu?

"It's true. He also managed to chop down many people from several major deities. This is a great deal. If he becomes a god, he can be king on the Shinto!" Evaluation, this is a character destined to become the **** king, the future has unlimited prospects, and can't provoke.

"This Xiao's luck is really bad, and he has such a talent!" Many people showed envy after hearing the words.


Somewhere in Tiandu domain.

Within a hall.

"Is this the rest of my Tiangong?" Chu Yang's eyes narrowed, looking down at the demigod in the temple, the emperor, and his brows frowned tightly.

Today, he has set foot in the quasi-god realm with strong resources.

After the sudden change of heaven and earth, he brought people to Tiandu.

There are several contemporary talents of Chu in Sanctuary beside him.

But these people are now attached to Chu Yunfei.

The coming of Tianduyu also meant to **** Chuyang.

After returning to Tiandu Yu, Chu Yang began to convene the old part of Tiangong.

It just made him feel worried that Tiangong had ridiculed too many powerful men.

Many old people are gone.

This time, not all of them were convened.

"After the Tiangong was destroyed, I waited to be scattered, and now I want to convene, it is difficult!" Said an elder.

"Further, everyone is afraid of Xiao's liquidation, so they dare not show up."

Many children of Tiangong have changed their names.

"Don't dare to show up?" Chuyang's brows frowned, and the heart felt as if stabbed by a sharp blade.

How brilliant was the original Temple of Heaven?

They are the masters in Tiandu Yu!

But it's because of Xiao Yun that people in the palace today are afraid to show up.

What a blow?

"Xiao Yun ... Xiao's!" Chu Yang gritted his teeth, and then his eyes condensed. "You tell everyone that I am Chu Yang. My elder brother Chu Yunfei is a seed disciple in Jiuyang Holy Palace in Sanctuary. Destined to be king on the road of God, let the old part of the Heavenly Palace return, after that, we will be attached to the Jiuyang Holy Palace, who dares to deceive? "

"The son of Yun Fei has become a seed disciple of Jiuyang Holy Palace?" Wen Yan said that the eyes of the old elders of Jiuyang Holy Palace were bare.

"That's nature. Yunfei's son has different talents. Now he is retreating to prepare for the impact of the Divine Path." Chu's genius from the Holy Land.

When it comes to Chu Yunfei, they are full of respect.

Today Chu Yunfei is too dazzling.

Chu's son was born.

But Chu Yunfei was unbeaten with the Son of God!

This caused an uproar in the Chu Family and even the Jiuyang Holy Palace!

"Oh, God bless me Tiangong!" I heard, those old ministers of Tiangong couldn't help shouting, "I have the revenge of Tiangong!"

"Just rest assured, I will not let go of Xiao's!" Chu Yang hummed.

Thinking of the situation of Tiangong at this time, he could not wait to smash Xiao people.

"Xiao Yun ... Even if I can't help you, I can take out Xiao's people first!"

Now when I return to my hometown, I find that the original glory is not there, and my subordinates are like street mice.

It's all because of Xiao Yun!

This hatred twisted his mind at this time.


Tianduyu, where the snowy gate is!

Snowy mountains, snow and ice, snowflakes are dancing in the void!

At this time, a shadow appeared among the snowflakes.

This crowd is headed by Xiao Yun.

Accompanying them is Ling Xi, Xiao Linger!

The snowy night of Xuetianmen also came from the sanctuary.

"Xuetianmen!" Looking at the towering mountains in the distance, Xiao Yun did not sigh.

Ling Ling next to him, Xiao Linger took a deep breath.

When everyone rushed forward, the past came to mind immediately.

In that year, Tiangong fought against Xiao Yun, and there was a war here.

Now Xiao Yun strolls through the air, and still can see the cracked earth.

In that battle, all the people of Tiandu came with Tiangong, and Xuetianmen was alone.

Xiao Yun almost hated it in that battle.

It can be said that this is the unforgettable battle of Xiao Yun in this life!

It's just that Xiao Yun today is not the same now.

It is difficult for ordinary people to get him into such a situation.

Just a moment later, everyone appeared in front of the mountain gate.

"It's Xiao Yun!"

"It really is them!"

When Xiao Yun and others appeared, someone inside the mountain gate immediately scooped out.

They returned and informed the people of Xuetianmen already.

Today, Xuemen flew with many elders.

After seeing Xiao Yun, Xiao Linger and others, Zhu Lao was not very scornful.

"Xuemen!" Xiao Yun saluted the welcomed Xuemen.

Although he is already the top power in this world.

But there is a bit of respect for these elders.

After all, the Xuetian Gate had strongly supported him Xiao Yun!

Xiao Yun will never forget this love!

Xue Qianye and Xiao Linger also saluted to Xuemen Zhu.

There is also the elder.

The elder is too old.

At the beginning, he exhausted a lot of root causes, and now he is only able to step into a demigod.

If it were not for that battle, he would have been afraid to have touched the quasi-god realm.

Looking at these acquaintances, Xiao Yun was also sad.

Especially this is too elder.

Xiao Yun faintly remembers the scene where he tried his best to shoot.

Similarly, the elders of Xuetianmen looked at Xiao Yun and other backs and did not sigh.

"Come, come, quickly enter the mountain gate, tell us these old men, you are on the ancient road, in the sanctuary." Elder Tai Shang said slightly excitedly.

"Good!" Xiao Yun nodded.

Then everyone walked together and entered the Tianmen.

Entering the hall, the elders inside Xuetianmen asked Xiao Yun's situation on the ancient road.

Xiao Yun originally had the opportunity to enter the sanctuary directly, but he gave up.

This makes many people feel sorry.

Everyone was also worried about Xiao Yun, fearing that he would fall on the ancient road.

Now when Xiao Yun returns safely, they can't help but want to ask about it.

Seeing that everyone was so concerned, Xiao Yun said briefly about the ancient road.

This made Xue Tianmen's elders nodded again and again.

"Hehe, Xiao Gong is now a Gaidai figure who has overwhelmed contemporary people in Sanctuary!" Xue Qianye laughed aloud after telling the story of the ancient road.

With that said, his voice was full of pride.

Looking at it, it seems that he has overpowered the contemporary talents of Sanctuary.

"Struggling against the contemporary talents in Sanctuary?" Wen Yan said that the elders of Xuetianmen were shocked.

When Xue Qianye told Xiao Yun's deeds in the sanctuary, the crowd showed an incredible look.

It took a long time for them to return to their looks.

"Here are some elixirs that I refined in Sanctuary, which can make up for the origin of people and hope to be effective for you!" Xiao Yun then took out some elixir to everyone.

Although in the sanctuary, he always remembers the people in Xuetianmen.

Especially the elders.

He would have touched the demigod at that time.

But for that battle, he exhausted the source.

Now that Xiao Yun is capable, he will certainly help.

"It's rude to be old." It's also rude to be too old, and took the elixir.

Now that the road of God is about to open, they are also looking forward to the day when they become gods!

"When we come to Tiandu this time, we are going to take you to the sanctuary!" Xiao Yun then said.

God's road is about to open now, and the big age is here.

There are also crises in this connection.

There are too few strong men in Tianduyu, and the inside information of the major forces is also insufficient.

If there is a strong one to commit, they cannot resist at all.

So going to Sanctuary is obviously the best option.

Everyone is willing to hear the opportunity to go to the sanctuary.

Although they don't give up their homeland, they know the general trend.

In this era, if we do not seize the general trend, we will only be eliminated.

In this way, Xiao Yun and others temporarily resided in Xuetianmen.

On the other side.

"Such people came together?" Chu Yang held a roster in a large hall, and angrily appeared in her heart.

He made people inform the old part of Tiangong.

But only eight thousand people came to gather ~ ~ This is far from the scene of the palace disciples of one million people that day.

"These people still have scruples." The elder sighed.

"Ah." Chen Shaohua and others sighed.

Today's Tiangong is already sunset and has no prestige as before.

"Moon-eyed guys, I will let them see my prestige of Chu again." Chu Yang's anger emerged, looking at the void in the distance, and mumbled, "It seems that only by removing Xiao's can we rebuild my heavenly palace. Wei. "At this moment, he was the only one, otherwise, he would never be ashamed and raised his eyebrows in the sky.

"It's just Xiao Yun!" Chen Shaohua scoffed slightly.

"What are you afraid of? He is not in Tiandu." Chuyang said, "We pulled Xiao and immediately went to the sanctuary. We are in Jiuyang Holy Palace. Who dares to commit it?"

He said without a doubt. Mobile users please visit mobile website

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