Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1722: The world changes again ...

Xiao Yun and others left the underworld together.

It can be said that the continued hurries have surprised the gods of all races.

At the same time, some people were surprised.

They know that Xiao Yun must have encountered a major crisis to do so.

"Abominable, that kid actually has this card!" In a deep abyss of sanctuary, a man in a robe groaned.

This man is an quasi-god who ambushed Xiao Yun.

& nbs Pig-Pig Island-Fiction..p; "This time, the body of the demon was destroyed, and I was unable to win other people because of it. It is simply stealing chickens and not eroding a meter of rice!" A man next to Shen Sound channel.

In this regard, he is also extremely angry.

There should be no suspense in this shot.

"This junior, the heritage is too strong, I'm going to ask you for Lord Mozun?" Said a shadow gate powerhouse.

"The great talents of the monster demon use anti-sky means to cover up the opportunity. If they are shooting, it will easily cause the rules of heaven and earth to be detected." The first man in that hall shook his head.

"What to do?" Everyone asked.

"If the power of the rule to restrain the Shinto power is getting smaller today, when the power of that rule is completely dissipated, once Lord Mazu is born, you can sweep everything. Now we only need to complete the task of Mazu Lord first. Achievements will be reused by Lord Mozun in the future. "The man said.

"Also, as long as Lord Mozun is born, all enemies will be swept away." Everyone nodded.

At this time the power of the rules of heaven and earth is still there, and the gods cannot be born.

If they are deduced, it will also cause heavenly awareness.

Therefore, many gods do not easily use divine power.


Xiao's ancestral home.

Xiao Yun and others were included.

When they returned, several **** sons who did not go to the underworld immediately went out.

Then everyone sat together.

"People in the shadow gate have been catching those who have the original **** pattern?" After learning about this, the sons of the gods were all astonished.

"What the **** are they doing?"

Everyone was extremely suspicious.

"I'm not very clear about this," Xiao Yun said.

He used to take the shadow gate.

But those people didn't know it at all.

But this time the people are very strong, not even like contemporary people.

How can a contemporary person take control of the God-level puppet?

It's four deities.

Especially the goddess!

It all feels like the matter is not that simple.

This involves Mozun!

"This shadow gate should have been planning this matter very early." Xiao Zhan said.

"Today, we have to wait for the power of the heaven and earth rules to dissipate. My gods are born and are asking about it." Xiao Qianlong said.

These things involve the gods, and it is difficult for them, the gods, to control the situation.

"This time, I will retreat." After turning over the conversation, Xiao Yun said to the gods.

"Alright, at this point I should also improve myself." Xiao Qianlong said.

Then the crowd dispersed.

Xiao Yun first found Xiao Mu and inquired about the situation of those feats.

"Now the fetish has almost been raised." Xiao Mu said, "It can be completely raised in about six months."

This time, they not only contributed by themselves, but also contacted other clan.

Such as Jiang's, Jue's, Zhu's, Tian's **** body Yuan's, Murong's.

And so on.

With the union of so many ethnic groups, it is not difficult to raise some medicinal materials.

Even if it is Divine Extract!

"It's so good!" Xiao Yun nodded. "Notify me if it's done."

"Sure." Xiao Mu laughed.

Xiao Yun then left.

Ling Xi still accompanied Xiao Yun.

She did not go to Jiuqing Holy Palace.

Sister Ren's sister is also hurrying to cultivate.

Especially Ren Keying, this trip made her deeply feel her deficiency.

At the same time, she felt great pressure.

She used to know that Shadow Gate was strong.

But I didn't expect Shadowgate to be so powerful.

After the body of the **** and demon condensed the power of the deities, that might be comparable to the body of the **** king.


time flies.

A year passed in the blink of an eye.

During this period, various feats were successively raised and sent to Xiao Yun.

At the same time, Xiao Yun's cultivation became more powerful.

That dark place gradually awakened in Huangquan River.

Now his life pattern is constantly derived from divine power.

At the same time, there is a hint of Shinto mysticism in the life pattern.

Based on this, Xiao Yun attributed the divine power to the mixed world.

He tried to merge them.

At first nothing seemed to change.

Over time, the momentum of the mixed world is getting stronger and stronger, with a bit of Shinto breath.

The mixed Yuan Qi is released, just like a divine power, which can tear the sky.

The same is true, Xiao Yun retreat for half a year.

What he did was to strengthen his realm.

After this year, the loss of the Supreme Devourer has gradually recovered.

However, the original source order is still the same, the breath is weak, just like an ordinary token, and it has long lost the previous prestige.

In addition, the restraint of the power of the rules today is getting weaker.

Many emperors stepped into the demigod.

Many demigods have also been promoted to quasi-gods.

These peak powerhouses have become smoother and smoother than before.

Many people vaguely feel that a big era is really coming.

This is an era when mortals can become gods!

This change is naturally perceived by Xiao Yun.

In a small Linyuan building, the gods of the Xiao family gathered here.

"Soon, the road of God may begin." Xiao Yun said to the crowd.

His gods in the sea began to have an inexplicable throbbing.

It seems that the Divine Road is really about to start.

"The road of God is about to open?" Wen Yan said that those of Xiao's children were extremely excited.

"In these days, we also feel that the shackles of the bloodline divine power are getting smaller and smaller, and the **** road should be opened soon." Xiao Qianlong said.

Xiao Yun said, "I plan to leave the sanctuary in a few days."

"Leaving the sanctuary?" After hearing the words, Xiao's **** sons were all stunned.

"I'm going to my hometown and do something." Xiao Yun said.

"Now that the road of God is about to open, you should go to your homeland, but you have to be careful." Xiao Zhan said.

"I have my own share," Xiao Yun said.

Xiao's people didn't say much.

Now that the road of God is open, Xiao Yun will definitely have something to deal with.


Subsequently, Xiao Yun sent a message to the devouring birds and others, asking them about their situation.

Soon after, swallowing the sky tits, Kong Qigongzi and others all said that they would leave the sanctuary together and go to the **** continent.

There in the demon domain, they also have loved ones.

Now that the miraculous road is about to open, they must make arrangements in advance.

Otherwise it will inevitably happen that they can't control.

A month later, the swallowing larks, the son of Kong Qi, the son of Shenhuang and others gathered outside Xiao's family.

They all planned to go to the **** continent together.

The sanctuary and the **** continent are not on the same plane.

These are two worlds.

If you want to go from the sanctuary to the **** continent, you can cross the boundary wall, go to the incomplete space, and lead to the **** continent.

Each tribe has a dense land leading to the **** continent.

Xiao also has it, but it hasn't been activated for a long time.

First, they headed to a crippled space.

Then a large array was launched, communicating the oracle continent.

"We will send people here, as long as you trigger the formation on the side of the Oracle, we will start the first time." When the formation was activated, the elder of the Xiao family said.

Previously, starting the formation had to be when the wall was the weakest.

If the rules of the earth weakened the Shinto power today, the formation of this formation method has become easier.

When Xiao Yun set foot on the array of Fa channels, he disappeared into this incomplete space.

The devouring birds and others followed.

In addition, Ling Xi has always followed Xiao Yun.

Xiao Linger also came.

She is going to pick up some old people at Xuetianmen.

In addition, some people left the sanctuary.

These people are from the **** continent, and now they are going to receive their loved ones in the sanctuary.

Like the people in the original temple!

Although Tiangong was disbanded, Chuyang and their relatives are still alive.

Those who set foot in the sanctuary from the Divine Way also began to return to the Deity Continent.

"The gods continent!" In a forbidden area on the gods continent, the ancient array opened, the cyclone stirred, Xiao Yun stepped out of it.

When he stepped out, his eyes narrowed, and he looked around in all directions, revealing the color of hissing.

After a few years, he finally came to this world again.

The same is true for swallowed finches.

The son of Kirin, and others also took a deep breath.

The past is vivid.

"So, we will go to the demon domain!"

"If the world changes today, the Son of God can be born. I'm afraid there will be waves in the demon realm. I will let Yi Yi go to the demon realm with you." Xiao Yun groaned and said immediately.

He remembered the **** sons who met in the demon ancient realm that day.

It is difficult to guarantee the birth of a **** son in the demon domain today.

If so, it would be awkward for people to swallow the larks.

Even if they all have gained something, it is not enough, after all, they are not the Son of God.

But Yi Yi is different.

Yi Yi can crush the Holy Son of God!

The remaining deities of this deity continent are all abandoned deities.

Their children are naturally not as good as the children of the gods in the sanctuary.

So with Yi Yi, Xiao Yun will be relieved.

"Let it go with you?"

"Yeah!" Yi Yi eyes reluctantly.

"You accompany them to the demon domain first, and I will naturally look for you when I get there." Xiao Yun caressed the little guy's fluff, "Good!"

"Yeah!" Yi Yi nodded cleverly, though he was reluctant.

Later, he patted his breast, assuring Xiao Yun that he would protect the demon such as swallowing tits.

Yi Yi's appearance made her swallow her eyes.

Kirin's son is grateful.

They know Xiao Yun is for their safety.

They have been to the Tiangu Ancient Road, and they are also worried.

They are worried that the deities of China will have their own self-proclaimed ~ ~ and that the Son of God will be born.

They fear that their loved ones will be slaved.

The same is true, they are so anxious to come to the gods continent.

"So, leave!" Subsequently, Kong Qigongzi and others left Xiao Yun.

"Take care!" Xiao Yun arched his hand.

Demon people left.

Xiao Yun and Xiao Linger were waiting here.

"Go to Tianduyu now!" Xiao Yun said.

"Tiandu Yu!" Mentioning Tiandu, Xiao Yun and others all booed.

There was mist in the eyes of the sisters Ren.

This is their homeland, and they have too many memories.

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