Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1704: Never leave

Both Xiao Yun and Ling Xi mentioned previous lives.

After a brief conversation, they almost determined that their past lives were lovers.

This made Xiao Yun excited.

It turns out all this is true.

So is Ling Xi.

She was a little worried and a little bit separated.

But at this time everything turned into a strong love.

& ~ Pig ~ Pig ~ Island ~ Novel www.zhzhuamnbsp; "In this life, I will never be separated from you again." Ling Xi's long eyelashes blinked, and there was mist.

The life pattern awakened, and the memories of all life emerged.

How long has this been with her?

In an hour, she would have strange dreams.

Now, I finally found the person in my dream.

The man in his dream was still his lover.

How could she not be excited?

At this moment, she felt like the happiest person in the world.

Then the house was filled with tenderness.

Xiao Yun held Ling Xi's jade hand.

"From now on, we will all be together," Ling Xi said.

"Don't have to live forever, in this life, we will be eternal together, and the sermon will be immortal!" Xiao Yun's eyes showed firmness.

Nirvana reincarnation.

After knowing the experience of the ninety-ninth century, Xiao Yun had already seen through it.

Rather than chasing after life, it is better to preach immortality and live forever.

Only in this way can we control our lives.

Only eternity can keep us apart.

"Well." After hearing the words, Ling Xi's eyes fixed, but she also showed her firmness. "Yes, we should testify to immortality."

With this determination and tenderness, the **** twined.

Those four eyes are in a relationship.

Then heaven and earth evolved, covering all directions.

Unconsciously, a big war begins.


Xuantian City is quiet.

But 100,000 miles away from Xuantian City, in a broken ancient city, somewhere in the main hall.

The main hall was shrouded in magic soldiers.

Inside, several men in robes emerged.

"The gathering of these gods is an opportunity." A man said quietly in the first place in the hall.

"It's just that these **** sons must have powerful **** soldiers in hand. It is difficult to take them down," said a man to the right of the hall.

The men all wore robes and dippers on their heads.

"Everything is waiting," said the first man in the hall. "Now that the road of God is about to open, the master's plan is coming to an end."

"Well." Everyone nodded, his eyes exposed as expected.

In Xuantian City.

On this day, practitioners of various ethnic groups began to leave one after another.

Xiao Yun also pushed out the door.

He has been with Ling Xi these days.

This makes Xiao Linger slightly depressed.

But she didn't say much.

That Ren Kexin frowned occasionally.

However, she did not know how to speak and express her feelings.

Over the years, Xiao Yun has become her only reliance.

But the appearance of Ling Xi now makes her very uncomfortable.

That feeling is like being snatched from someone you love.

Looking at a few people like this, Xiao Yun frowned slightly.

"Oh, ten brothers!" Outside, Xiao Zhan and Xiao Qianlong, such as Xiao's children, rushed in.

The crowd laughed loudly after seeing Xiao Yun.

But after the light of the eye moved, after seeing the four women around Xiao Yun, everyone was weird.

It seems that they also found the atmosphere wrong.

"Are you going?" Xiao Yun frowned, yelling at Xiao Qianlong and others.

"Well," Xiao Qianlong said, "Now that the land for burying gods is about to open, we have to go."

"Good!" Xiao Yun nodded.

At this time, Zuo Yuchen and others from the Ice and Snow Palace also arrived.

In addition, there are six demon clan in Tian Yao Domain.

The children of the Jiang family, Jue family, Tianshen deity, etc. have already waited outside Xuantian City.

In this way, everyone gathered together, it can be regarded as temporarily forming a camp.

As for whether the Protoss in the faction can become a true ally, it takes time to verify.

Children of the Protoss such as Yuwen's have set out with forces such as the Jiuyang Holy Palace.

Outside the gate, people at the Ice and Snow Temple are waiting.

Among them was the mysterious son and some **** sons.

They are waiting for Xiao Linger, Zuo Yuchen and others.

It's just that these people are slightly cold.

However, as a great force, if you are not united, you will not be able to gain a foothold in this great era.

So they had to go hand in hand with Zuo Yuchen and others.


Then everyone went forward together.

Burial Ground.

This is actually a separate plane.

Legend has it that this is a dark place.

The sons of gods step on the **** disk, and now vanish in vain.

It looked like it was going through the void to the starry sky.

Just when everyone thought they were going to the starry sky, suddenly the light in front was dim, and a gray world began to appear in the sight of everyone.

An eerie atmosphere also spread.

Densely dazzling, gray, the piece of heaven and earth is so dense, giving people a pore-like creepy feeling.

"There is an entrance in front of the land where the gods are buried." When he came to this place, Jiang asked Tian Muguang to condense and said to everyone.

"In the land of the burial god, we have to be separated."

He turned towards Xiao Yun and Ming Ziyu.

"Zi Yu, do you want to march with me, or with Xiao Gongzi?" Jiang Wentian asked, "If you go to the area where my tribe is buried, you can see the mystery of the six reincarnations. There are also great benefits. "Although Ming Ziyu is not from Jiang's family, he can still practice these six reincarnations.

"I ..." Ming Ziyu turned towards Xiao Yun.

He is full of admiration for Xiao Yun and always wanted to follow.

Similarly, he also wanted to be with Xiao Yun.

In this way, if there is danger, he can also shoot in time.

After all, he has the spirit card left by Emperor Hengdi.

This is enough to cope with any crisis.

"You don't need to care about me. Your own Tao is the most important." Xiao Yun said with a look of calmness, "You remember that everyone has his own Tao. If he is blind, he can only walk in In the shadows, my Tao needs to be sharpened by myself. Similarly, your Tao needs to be sharpened by yourself. Only in this way can you climb to the top. Otherwise, the strong man who has grown up under the shelter has the potential After all, it's limited and can't reach its peak. "

"Well." Wen Yan said, Ming Ziyu nodded heavily, "I know, brother Xiao Yun, take care of yourself."

"Okay, take care!" Xiao Yun said.

call out!

God crossed the dim light curtain.

The spirit in front is like a dragon, raging in all directions.

Xiao Yun and others stood in the billowing qi.

These qi can erode human vitality.

If an ordinary practitioner comes here, it will turn into dead bones in an instant.

The practitioners in the magical realm are not afraid to be infected with this kind of breath ~ ~ The practitioners in the supernatural realm can barely resist.

There is a boundary wall in front of the dark air.

The lines on that wall are dangled like dragons, exuding the power of vast rules.

The deities of each clan keep the deities entering the burial ground.

Of course, to enter into it, you naturally have to choose the time when the power of the boundary wall is the weakest.

Obviously now.

"Everyone follows me." At this moment, Xiao Qianlong took out a **** card.

At the same time, he handed one to Xiao Yun.

This was left by the deities of Xiao's deities, specifically for people to enter and leave the place where the gods were buried.

Xiao Yun took the **** card and used it for other purposes.

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