Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1703: Who dares to fight?

On the battlefield, Yi Yi put out a small paw to shelter, and asked who else to discuss with it.

But there was silence in the field, no one dared to fight.

Even the top-level godsons, such as Lingfeng Godson, dare not rush into battle.

Because he was not sure that he could defeat this little beast.

What a shame if it were to fight at this time and be defeated in the hands of a little beast?

Besides, there is still the possibility of being beaten left and right by this little beast!

& nbs * pig * pig * island * fiction w.zuzdp; so when Yi Yi spoke, no one responded.

There was silence in the field.

"Yeah!" After waiting a little, the little boy showed his disappointment.

Its small claws gestured, and the jewel-like eyes darted toward the gods of all races.

Looking at this, it seems to be saying that people have not enjoyed it yet.

"I don't want to go up and make you enjoyable." Many **** sons scorned.

You are not addicted?

Is it a face?

But after you're addicted, others will lose face!

"Oh, since no one is going to challenge Yi Yi, then Yi Yi, you come down!" Xiao Yunlang laughed and said, "It's just, I don't want any cat, A dog came to challenge me. At that time, But he will not be lenient. "At the end, the tone was obviously a little bit colder, which made the surrounding atmosphere change slightly.

Lin Chen's face was somber.

But he still put up.

Just now he has been disastrous, and it's no use saying anything now.


Yi Yi swooped off the platform.

The little guy landed on the table, and the little paw and Xiao Yun gestured.

Alas, alas!

The little guy chattered and seemed to say that the guy didn't hit him at all.

Then it showed a boring expression.

Obviously, this battle did not make it enjoyable.

"Oh, our Yi Yi is invincible, how can others beat it!" Ling Xi smiled, and stretched out her hand to caress Yi Yi's fluff.

Praised by Ling Xi, Yi Yi's eyes narrowed and she didn't say much.

It left Ling Xi stroking its fluff, with a smirk on his face, and his cheeks were crimson, seemingly stingy.

With this appearance, after seeing the goddesses of all races in the distance, it was almost heartbreaking.

This little beast is so cute.

When others praise it, it even knows to show such an expression.

"If only I could have such a beast?" Many heavenly pride women secretly murmured.

"I don't know where Xiao Yun got such a little beast from?" Even some **** sons were envious of Mu Lu.

"With this little beast, I'm afraid that no one dares to easily test Xiao Yun's strength." Yu Wenyan frowned.

Even he wasn't sure he could compete with the little beast.

Because Yi Yi's prestige of blood was too terrifying.

With Yiyi's shot, naturally, no one provoked Xiao Yun.

Xiao Yun was too lazy.

How many powerful people are there?

There are countless gods here, all of them live in ancient times and have a strong accumulation.

How long did Xiao Yun practice at this time?

Even though he cannot be invincible, he also believes that he will have the opportunity to stand at the pinnacle of Shinto.

In order to ease the atmosphere, a **** son of Jiuyang Holy Palace came to power and asked someone to discuss.


Gods of all races shot.

The most anticipated nature is those powerful forces.

Such as life and death Wuhun, such as the six reincarnation Wuhun.

The geniuses of the two races studied, and the war so shocked the gods of each race.

When the life and death Wuhun came out, the world was silent.

That power is too scary.

Only after encountering the six reincarnation Wu souls, the force of life and death was gradually resolved.

The six worlds are already aloof, controlling their own life and death.

In the end, the six reincarnation Wu Wusheng won.

Of course, Jiang Wentian didn't take any action.

That Shangguan Tianyuan didn't take any action.

The practitioners at their level will never take the shot easily.

"Life and death Wuhun is indeed very strong." Xiao Yun also paid attention to this battle.

Today, he has also seen the supernatural powers of the various races in the sanctuary.

Even six reincarnations have fought, let alone the others.

"Supernatural powers have their own strengths and weaknesses. Only when you are strong can you defeat the enemies."

To be strong and weak is to see if your own Tao is fully understood.

The meeting also came to an end after studying it.

"Oh, now God's way is about to open. I wish I would set foot on the way and walk towards that vast world of Shinto!"


Everyone toasted and drank.

In this way, the gods of various ethnic groups left one after another.

Of course, the people of Yuwen's family, Optimus clan, and other great influences are still full.

This time they wanted to test Xiao Yun's strength.

But Yi's appearance disrupted their plans.

"Ah!" Everyone sighed as they looked at the departing Xiao Yun.

"There will always be a chance!" Said Yu Wenyan lightly.

"Yes, there will always be a chance." Yang Hao stretched his muscles rather lazily, and then smiled.


Although the meeting was scattered.

But people of all races did not leave.

Because they will also go to the land of burial gods.

Xiao Yun and Xiao's children went to the residence together.

Ling Xi followed Xiao Yun, making the godhead of Jiuqing Holy Palace's eyelids jump, his face was very gloomy.

In this regard, Xiao Yun and Ling Xi naturally do not mind.

The two came to Xiao Yun's room.

Xiao Yun and Ling Xi were alone in the room, and the atmosphere was slightly ambiguous.

Looking at the man in front of him, Ling Xi also felt extremely sweet.

"If you are alive, you should cherish this life." Ling Xi secretly thought.

"Xi Er, I have something to ask you." Xiao Yun hesitated slightly when Ling Xi was secretly thinking, and immediately said.

"Oh?" Ling Xi said for a moment, "What is it?"

"I used to be nirvana, dreaming back to the previous life ..." Xiao Yun said about dreaming back to Haotianjie.

When the two met, Xiao Yun wanted to ask.

It was only because there were so many people that he kept on.

"Haotianjie ... Haotianyu!" Wen Yan said that Ling Xijiao's body shook, and that beautiful eye blinked, and there was mist lingering towards Xiao Yun.

"What's wrong?" Xiao Yun looked suspiciously.

"Do you know why I am making great progress?" Ling Xi asked.

Xiao Yun's eyes revealed the color of inquiry.

"That's because it's awakening the life pattern!" Ling Xi said.

"Awakening the life pattern?" After hearing the words, Xiao Yun was surprised for a while, then he felt a joy, "Is it!"

"Awakening the life pattern, I also dream of returning to the previous life, one of them is Haotianjie!" Ling Xi said.

She simply talked about her past life.

"Are you really Lingxi?" Xiao Yun felt startled and looked extremely excited.

Although he had long guessed.

Because Lingxi is so much like Lingxi ~ ~ The temperament of the two is almost the same, and their looks are similar.

It was just not confirmed, and he could not be finalized.

The same is true, he will talk to Ling Xi at this time.

"Did we already know each other and love each other?" Ling Xi said.

At this time she also showed an incredible look.

The two loved each other in previous lives, but could not stay together.

Subsequent chase and separation.

Finally met in this life.

Is this God fulfilling them?

"We should really love each other in the previous life." Xiao Yun said, "In this life, I will never let us separate again. I want you and I to preach immortality together."

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