Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1583: Break through

The Shenxu void, a large number of beasts of the Shenxu sent out, and shot together to prevent people of all ethnic groups from approaching the area near the Shenxu Daoshan.

Under the attack of such market beasts, not only were people of all races unable to move forward, many people had to smash the cards to leave.

At this point, they must be completely surrounded by the sinking fish.


A snake-necked beast flew in, and the big mouth moved, exhaling a mist, enveloping the sinking fish, and a breath of soul immediately enveloping his mind.

"No!" Suddenly, the sinking fish didn't feel good. [猪 _ 猪 _ 岛] Novel w.zhhuo.m

This kind of mist can be very attractive, if it is deterred, it may be killed.

And this snake-necked beast seems to be a demigod.

That kind of oppression made the sinking fish mind gradually sink.

"Little girl!" In the distance, the dusty wind suddenly appeared anxious.

However, before he took his shot, a demi-level snake-necked beast flew in, sweeping his wings, preventing him from going.

Absolutely sinking fish being taken by the mind, at this time, there is no way to break the card.

Seeing this, everyone in Jue's was panicking.

Everyone wanted to take a shot, but there was no way to rescue them.

Even if they urged the **** pattern, they could not defeat the steady stream of beasts.

Only watching the sinking fish in danger.

This is not that the sinking fish is not strong, but the stronger it is, the stronger the beasts encountered will be.

"Whew!" Just then, a burst of air sounded.

But in the void, silhouettes flickered.

Then, a god's horse pierced through the void, crushing the snake-winged beast that had been attacked towards the sinking fish.

A divine power stunned, causing the snake-winged beast next to it to escape.

"Resolved!" Seeing this, the people next to him were finally relieved.

"It's Xiao Gongzi!" While sighing with relief, everyone's eyes moved and they saw a familiar figure.

"Gong son Xiao is here!" Suddenly, Jue's eyes were hot.

At this moment, the mind of the sinking fish is gradually recovering.

Her beautiful eyes blinked, immediately remembering the dangerous situation just now.

Looking at it closely, it was seen that the Snake Wing Beast receded, and there was a mighty shock. Apparently someone was helping him.

When she was so moved, she saw Xiao Yun walking.

"It was he who saved me!" The sinking fish drew in his heart, and there was a flash of light in the beautiful eyes.

At this time, Xiao Yun shot strongly and defeated a snake-winged beast.

The people of Jieshi were able to breathe temporarily.

The crowds came together immediately.

"Xiaogongzi!" After the gathering together, Jingchenfeng and others stared at Xiao Yun fiercely.

"There are too many beasts at Shenxu here. Let's kill a way and enter Shenxu first." Xiao Yun signaled to the crowd.

"Okay!" When Xiao Yun appeared, everyone immediately felt very excited, and their morale rose.

Subsequently, Xiao Yun made a strong shot and encountered those beasts who had obtained the realm of quasi-gods and blasted directly with divine patterns.

"Brother Shi, I'll open the road, after you break!" Xiao Yun and Shi Feng converged.

"Okay!" Xiao Yun was there, and Shi Feng was so wary.

As for the other clans, they came together immediately.

"Let's move forward together and open the way with the **** pattern. Don't be reluctant to bear the **** pattern. If you are trapped here, you will only lose more **** patterns.

Xiao Yun began after the other clans came together.

Before, he observed the scene where these people battled the beast.

Many people are passive, and only when the last resort is necessary to motivate God.

So how can we break through?

Of course, this has less to do with the bad **** pattern of everyone.

Without enough divinations, they simply don't have that energy.

Even Shi Feng felt it was difficult to stand alone.

But now Xiao Yun is different.

Both of them have stepped over 9,000 steps of the ladder, and there are too many **** patterns.

Furthermore, when two people are present, there should be care.

"Yes!" Listening to Xiao Yun's mouth, people of all ethnic groups also nodded immediately.

At this time they also had confidence.

In this way, everyone shot together, although there are still reservations, at least they will take the initiative to attack.

Take the initiative to attack, you can advance every time you knock back the market beast.

This is progress!

Everyone also saw hope.


In the void, the crowds formed a battle, and some people took turns to rush their hands, urging the **** pattern to defeat the siege of the siege.

Xiao Yun opened the way for the lead, after Shi Feng broke.

On the left, Han Tianshan presides, and on the right are Qi Hanshan and other geniuses.

Under this attack, the beast of Shenxu gradually collapsed, and Xiao Yun and others finally came to the edge of the Shenxu mountain range.

Although it is the edge of a mountain range, you can still feel the might of the avenue.

At the same time, there was a shock of divine power, which made it difficult for everyone to breathe.

Under this power, everyone is landing, and they can no longer fly at high altitude.

For some reason, the creatures in those gods are not attacking in groups.

It seems that here is a place that should be holy, they dare not profane.

Or, this is the arrangement of the Shenxu, and the foreign experienced people have passed a test here.

In short, Xiao Yun and others were finally relieved.

"It seems that the market beasts will not come to attack us for the time being!" After landing, after seeing the market beasts that had receded into the distance and did not continue to chase, the tense nerves of the dust wind were finally relaxed. Down, he was besieged by the beasts of the gods' ruins before, but he also sweated for himself!

The others were relieved.

"Fortunately, Xiao Gongzi shot!" Many people gave Xiao Yun a thankful eye.

The crowd also stepped forward and thanked Xiao Yun and Shi Feng.

Because this time they contributed the most.

"You're welcome. In this case, we should work together." Xiao Yun said.

"Um." Everyone nodded.

They also know the importance of working together.

But when Xiao Yun didn't come, they didn't have confidence.

This is not their weakness.

It's because these people have too few **** patterns and want to keep their lives.

In such a private situation ~ ~ how can everyone make a concerted effort?

If you want to fight, you must hold the momentum of breaking the boat.

"Let's take a rest here before entering the Shenxu Mountain Range!" After reaching the edge of the mountain range, Xiao Yun was humane.

"Huh!" The monks of all races nodded.

Many people have suffered a great deal of vitality because of the war just now, and now they need to recover.

Many people were even injured.

As for Xiao Yun, Shi Feng, Qi Hanshan, Han Tianshan, Jingchenfeng, etc., they all came together to discuss the way forward.

"The Shenxu mountain range is very wide, and there are many ancient wood poisonous insects inside, which are very dangerous ... Similarly, there are also great opportunities in it, such as Shencui ..." Qi Hanshan said to Xiao Yun and others, "It's just that these places are very Dangerous, relatively speaking, step into the Shenxu Daoshan, where there is a true ancestral heritage. "

"Shenxu Daoshan, that's a must go!" Noble wind nodded.

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