Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1582: The market is difficult [...

After defeating the eight black eagles, Xiao Yun moved on.

The mountains in front are full of ancient trees straight into the clouds.

If you go on foot, I don't know how many years it will take to reach the Shenxu Daoshan.

Therefore, Xiao Yun eventually chose to fly forward.

There is tremendous pressure on the high ground of this Shenxu boundary, but it can still barely fly below 100,000 meters.

Within ten thousand meters, Xiao Yun can calmly fly.

& amp; n & amp; pig & amp; pig & amp; island & amp; fiction {www}. {zhuzhu} {}. {} bsp; Flying in the void can easily become the target of those gods.

Xiao Yun turned across the void for Changhong.

During this period, he encountered several raids.

This time, he crossed a mountain.

I don't know, there was a bird siege immediately in the void ahead.

These flocks of birds have reached the sky, each one is extremely powerful, and the wings can be extended to extend a hundred meters.

When their wings vibrated, a flame swept away.

These flames carry a tendency to burn the sky.

"Are you here?" Looking at the flock of birds, Xiao Yun's body was a slight meal, staying above the void.

With a strong heart, he had long found birds nearby.


Flocks of birds flew, all exhaling a hot breath.

When their wings vibrated, they rolled up a sea of ​​red fire in the void.

The void in the distance is rendered red, with blooming blooms, and beautiful.

"A total of 1,210 red owls!" Looking at the flying birds, Xiao Yun's mouth evoked a faint smile.

He didn't know how many bird strikes he had encountered this way, and he was already used to it.

Only this time, the birds were significantly stronger.

"The one headed should have reached the demigod state!" Xiao Yun's eyes flickered and locked on the head's always huge redhead.

The red-winged wing spread out, and it could have a hundred feet.

An amazing momentum followed.

Ordinary practitioners simply cannot withstand so many bird siege.

Besides, there is still a bird that reaches the level of demigods?

It can be said that the boundary of Shenxu is really dangerous. If there is no life card, it is easy to fall.


The red eagle flew, and the wings that reached the level of demigod swept away, as if the sharp blade cut across Xiao Yun.

Chiguang crossed the void, and instantly appeared beside Xiao Yun, accompanied by a demigod, and the nearby void was immediately blocked by that force.

At the time of this attack, the 1,200 red owls of Tongtian Jiuzhong Realm followed the attack.

They were all attacked in battle, three hundred at a time.

An overwhelming attack came, Xiao Yun's eyes narrowed, and the pace hurriedly moved forward.

Swallow up!

When the pace moved forward, Xiao Yun directly evolved into devouring magical powers.

As soon as the magic power came out, it swallowed up the world.

Twelve hundred red owls were trapped inside.

The half-god-level red owl swept across the wings to tear up the swivel.

"Reincarnation!" Reincarnation Uprising was immediately urged by Xiao Yun, and a force of reincarnation capsized down towards that red owl.

Suddenly, the red-headed body paused slightly.

The red crickets that pass through the heavens are also affected by the power of this cycle.

At this time of redemption, Xiao Yun made a big move.

Ice fire upright!

All he could see was a big hand, with a pattern of ice and fire stretching out.

As soon as the power of ice came out, the void seemed to be frozen.

In the place of Ice Uprising, the fire storm stirred up by the redhead was frozen, and then a fire Uprising suddenly swept out,


The fire flickered, like a sea of ​​flames, rolled away wildly, and wrapped those redheads in an instant.

Suddenly, each one fell red.

Even that only reached the level of demigod scorned.

However, after these reddish falls, Xiao Yun's swallowing weather revolved, and he immediately swallowed up a series of market patterns.

These patterns were eventually transformed into supplies and absorbed by Xiao Yun.

After killing so many gods and living creatures, Xiao Yun has discovered that if more of these gods are fused, the restraint of this world on himself will become smaller.

Not only that, his soul will be better and perfect.

So he started to absorb this pattern.

"Although these Shenxu creatures are powerful, they rarely contain magical powers, so the combat power is not very strong." Xiao Yun converged the magical powers.

At this time he also had a certain understanding of the creatures in the Shenxu.

Of course, if it were not his amazing powers, it would not be so easy to deal with so many gods.

Ordinary practitioners are afraid that even the demigod-level gods cannot cope.

There are not only birds and beasts in the realm of Shenxu, but also some spiritual trees and fruit.

Walking here, you can get many spiritual extracts.

Of course, most of the people who come here are not for these spirits.

Everyone has the same goal, that is, Shenxu Daoshan.

In the blink of an eye, Xiao Yun flew at Shenxu for seven days.

"They encountered a ghost attack!" When Xiao Yun was moved, she found that there were people appearing thousands of miles away.

Many of these people are people he has met.

Such as the absolute wind, absolutely sinking fish and others.

It's just that they are in a bad situation.

"A lot of market spirits!" When Xiao Yun was moved, he discovered the group of market spirits in front of him.

Among them are not only birds but also beasts, all of which are extremely powerful and have no demi-level existence.

There are even beast spirit beasts that are stronger than demigods and reach the level of quasi-gods.

Upon a closer look, the mountains in the distance soared into the clouds, and the majesty shook.

"It turns out that Shenxu Daoshan has been approached here!" Xiao Yun nodded slightly.

At this point, the Spirit of the Divine Ruins is bound to be stronger.

At the moment, he didn't hesitate and hurried forward.

In the front, practitioners of all races were blocked by the creatures in a group of gods.

Some of the creatures in this sacred market are shaped like tigers, but they are covered with Youjia, and some are like ancient crocodiles, but have dragon horns.

This is a group of powerful beings.

Each of them is extremely fierce, and the worst reaches the Heavenly Eight Realms, most of which are demigods.

Almost all people who enter here from Xingkongxutai are here.

It's just that the number of practitioners is far less than those of beasts.

Under the fierce attack, the people were defeated, and only a few people joined together to resist the beasts of the market.

However, most people cannot resist this attack at all.

Especially those practitioners who do not have the heavens and nine layers, they cannot fight at all.

They were also forced to the Jedi.

"There are too many beasts of God's Ruins."

"It's really hard to get a chance at Shenxu!" Sighed Jeju Chen beside him.

He only has the heaven and the eighth realm, and it seems a bit stretched to face these beasts of the gods.


Just as they stared at each other, there was an ancient crocodile in front of Shenxu, and the roll of the crocodile's tail was like a magic whip slamming against the dusty hero.

A few of them attacked the dusty wind and sunken fish.

Jingchen Hao shot, and that Yuanying evolved, with two figures appearing in front of him.

Martial Arts Twins!

Was integrated into Yuan Ying and is now urged.

He pinched the ancient seal, an evolved mountain and river, suppressing the ancient crocodile ahead.

But the ancient crocodile had too much strength, and the giant tail flew, and directly defeated his evolved supernatural power.

Then the crocodile's tail shattered the void and appeared in front of Dustman.

The momentum that shook his soul fell down.

"The trip to Shenxu was really not as easy as I thought." Jiechenhao looked bitter.

"The chain of the divine pattern!" When the eyes were bitter, the dreadful spirit moved, and in his body, there were various divine patterns bursting out.

The divine pattern turned into a chain and ran towards the crocodile tail ahead.


A flash of Divine Pattern struck the crocodile tail.

Suddenly, a loud noise came out, and a mighty divine power shook with it. The ancient crocodile trembled and was shocked to fly thousands of meters away.

Then the ancient crocodile's body shattered and disappeared into a pattern.

"Another scar is missing!" When the ancient crocodile was blown away, Dust Chen sighed slightly.

This divine pattern is the divine pattern that was introduced into the body when stepping on the ladder.

After coming to the market, these **** patterns can become killer.

However, each Divine Pattern urges the divine power in it to erupt and then dissipate.

In other words, a **** pattern can only be used once.

When the **** pattern runs out, there will be no more killers.

At this time, many people of all races had to use the **** pattern.

Even Peerless.

After using a **** pattern to repel a group of beasts of the gods' seraph, the crowd did not feel a little relaxed.

"There are so many beasts at Shenxu Daoshan before reaching Shenxu Daoshan. How can you resist if you are near that place?

The practitioners of all races have dignified eyes.

Beside, the people of the Phantom Wings evolved into a fantasy, after dealing with those gods.

In comparison, they are a lot easier.

However, when encountering some powerful beasts of the gods' ruins, even the magic road cannot work.

With the passage of time, many people with low strength and less cohesiveness were forced to shatter their life cards and left the place.

On the other side, Shi Feng is also trying his best.

The beasts he encountered were very powerful, and most of them reached the demigod state.

He can still deal with one or two gods.

Can reach seven or eight, even Shi Feng felt struggling.

He evolved with supernatural powers, with star meteorites blasting towards those beasts of the gods.

This attack was very powerful, and that mighty shock was enough to crush the existence of countless Tongtian Jiuzhong Realm.

Even ordinary demigods cannot resist.

Especially after Shenchi's tempering, Shi Feng's Yuan Ying was extremely powerful, and that rhyme also added a few points.

But the spirits of these gods were so strong that he couldn't resist them all.

Whenever the moment of crisis, he had to evolve a **** pattern to defeat the beast of that god's ruin.

"I set foot on the 9,700 **** ladders, with 9,700 **** patterns, enough to deal with these beasts of the gods."

Shi Feng resolutely said, "It's just, but you can't exhaust too much here. There will still be danger in the Shenxu Daoshan!"

Although the background is strong ~ ~ But Shi Feng dare not care.

He also had to help some of Shi's children from time to time.

Bang, bang!

The practitioners broke their cards and left the Shenxu boundary.

The Jedi and Youyi peoples were also surrounded by a group of snake-necked beasts and ancient crocodiles.

Under these strange beasts, even if they used the **** pattern, they could not fight.

Many had to break their cards and left.

Otherwise, if it is too late, it will really fall on you.

"Don't we even be able to approach the Shenxu Daoshan?" When those spirits of the Shenxu stormed fiercely, there was helplessness in the eyes of the sinking fish.

Because there are too many spirits of these gods.

This is not at all that they can retreat.

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