Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1443: Fusion power

Within the hall, Xiao Yun reincarnate six.

Next, he saw six ups and downs.

Finally, he realized, and immediately crossed his knees.

When cross-legged on the ground, Xiao Yun has evolved with various supernatural powers.

It was the circling of the Phoenix, it was the unicorn roaring, and the ice and fire martial spirit was suspended ...

All kinds of magical powers appeared together.

"Six ways, the six worlds can be merged, and my martial arts and magical powers can also be merged!"

He wants to fuse a new magical power.

He wants to find his own way.

But this process is bound to be difficult.

But Xiao Yun was trying.

Behind him, blood was soaring into the sky, and worlds have evolved.

Like the life martial spirit, he levitated and evolved into a world of life himself.

Zhan Wuhun stands in the sky, and seems to fight the world!

The ice and fire settled and evolved into a polar world.

Although they are just supernatural visions, they are not compatible with each other.

It's too difficult to integrate them.

Xiao Yun is trying.

Wu Wu of life, Yuan Ying who incarnates Wu Wu, ice Wuhu, Qilin magical power, Phoenix magical power!

They keep moving closer to each other.

But as soon as they got closer, they had a different avenue breath.


Xiao Yun trembled behind, and the void was trembling, as if to collapse.


There was blood spilling from his mouth.

The magic shock hit him.

"Can't they merge?" Xiao Yun's eyes sank.

He did not give up, he continued to realize.

"Maybe something went wrong with me!" Xiao Yun groaned.

Then he stopped and began to think about finding a way.


At this time, the people of the Guming clan were also feeling.

They want to get the true blood of the strange beast, and they need to be recognized.

The same is true for obtaining the magic soldier.

The hall was surprisingly quiet.

At this time, there was already a wave in Xiling County.

"The old soul card is broken!"

"The soul cards of the forty-eight emperors who went out with them all burst!"

In a suspended hall of the Dragon-Eagle clan, a group of elders were gloomy.

"Yao Lao has a half-step spirit state. How could he be ridiculed?"

Within the hall, all the emperors were solemn.

"It seems that they have encountered some ancient prohibition!" The old man with a dragon crown flashed in the first hall, and said in a deep voice, "Let's defer to the old age.

After speaking, he took a few palms and took out a bone.

This is a bone plate with obscure ancient text engraved on it.

This veteran tactic pulls a remnant from the cracked mixed card into the bonescope.

The ancient mirror flashed immediately.

I can only see a rune rising above the bonescope, and the void creeps, as if there is a heaven and earth to evolve.

Gradually, mountains and rivers began to appear.

"This is the Tianmang Mountains!"

"Yes, I just went to Tianmang Mountain!"

"It is said that a fetish was born in the burial site of the Gu Ming clan!"

When the mountains and rivers showed up, the emperor of the Dragon Eagle family immediately saw that it was the Tianmang Mountains.

As the picture flashed, everyone saw the ruins.

It was only when the half-step deities continued to deduct, but they were hindered.


There is a divine pattern rising in the valley in the picture.

With this divine pattern, a vast force burst forth.

This power is like a flash flood that usually emerges from the bone-evolving world.

"Not good!" Seeing this, the faces of the Dragon Eagle clan changed greatly.

The half-step deity also changed his face.

He immediately urged a god-level shield.


Divine power spurted out, he resisted with a shield.

At the same time, the power of the half-step divine spirit realm also burst out.

He blocked one side with divine power.

As for the other emperors in the hall, they all urged the soldiers to protect themselves.

Just how vast is the divine power sprayed out of the bonescope?

Under this prestige, the half-step spirit was drawn and his mouth spit blood.

Not only that, but the god-level shields it spurred were also shaken.


Its body was directly hit **** the hall.


Suddenly, the ancient array in the hall flickered, turning into a light curtain, resisting the divine power.

Those emperors were also flying by the god.

The whole hall was a mess.

After a little while, the vast divine power gradually became restrained.

The osteoscope used for deduction was broken.

The consequences would be unimaginable without the support of the Divine Array.


Within the hall, the half-step spirits of the Dragon Eagle tribe flashed, and it kept its shape, but still showed shock.

This scene just now has a lingering fear.

"There is no such thing as ordinary gods!" The emperors also looked at each other.

"This ancient Mingshi actually has these signs!"

"The divine power has such power. What heritage should be in that monument?"

In surprise, the eyes of these emperors became fiery.

"The Guming clan has existed for more than one era. They have a strong heritage and should have a legacy against the sky." Even the half-step **** was tempted.

"Elder, what are you going to do?" Zhu Huang Mulu asked.

"A trip to Gu Mingshi!" The elder's eyes flashed, Shen said.

"Huh!" The emperors nodded, and they also wanted to see this monument.

Shiring County, Stone People!

"Ah!" The majesty shook within the hall, and a group of elders trembled.

Similarly, these people are deducing the situation of the tribe.

But it caused the **** pattern backwash of that place.

After a while, the deities of half a step were shaken.

"What is the legacy of Gu Mingshi!"

"Go, go to Gu Mingshi!"

Suddenly, the half-step **** of the stone people started.

On the other side, a group of gold gods.

Inside the hall, the golden ancient plate shattered.

A group of monks were Zhenfei, among whom the emperor was seriously injured.

"It can't be deduced!"

The half-step deities of the Bronze Deity changed suddenly.

"It seems that Gu Mingshi still has a secret!"

Slightly groaned, the half-step deities of the gold-burning deities also set off.

They are also very enthusiastic about such monuments.

The strong men of all races dispatched to go to the ancient Ming clan together.

At this moment Xiao Yun is still feeling.


The visions evolved by various supernatural powers are colliding.

Under this impact, his mind was pulled, and his mouth kept bleeding.

"It's still not right!" Xiao Yun frowned. Different magical powers, like different avenues, were obviously impractical to combine them.

"But this senior is obviously successful." Xiao Yun reconciled.

He continued to think back and realized the six ancient beasts.

A heaven and earth evolved there.

In that day and the earth, a figure with a mighty shore stood between heaven and earth.

Six ups and downs and began to merge.

Xiao Yun watched those details carefully.

The six worlds turned into one big world under the control of that man.

"Why did I fail?" Xiao Yun's eyes were puzzled.

So is he!

"These six roads are the corresponding roads. They seem to divide humanity and heaven. They are actually a road, so the repulsion will not be so great!"

Suddenly, Xiao Yun realized something.

His magical powers are really different.

"Everyone's way is different, so I have to go my own way!" Xiao Yun understood.

Everyone's situation is different, and the way out is naturally different.

If you do not follow your own situation and follow the steps of your predecessors, how can you reach the end of the avenue.

After a certain realization, Xiao Yun stopped watching the six mysteries of the six ancient beasts.

At this moment, he was quiet and began to realize himself.

"Then what's happening to me?" Xiao Yun sank into the sea.

He began to perceive himself and sort out his situation.

"I have all kinds of magical powers!" Xiao Yun secretly murmured.

Each of these supernatural powers is extremely powerful.

It's the same, Xiao Yun just wanted to merge it.

Just fusion is not so simple.

"Besides that, I also blended the patterns of the mixed Yuan!" Xiao Yun blinked, "Yes, the mixed Yuan Qi is the ancestor of Wanqi, which is far longer than the source of Qiyuan."

Siyuan's qi was peeled from the mixed qi.

Hunyuan represents chaos.

"Can I use myself as a guide and incorporate various magical powers?" Xiao Yun raised a bold idea in his heart.

His body was tempered by the spirit of the hybrid.

At this time, he is equivalent to having a mixed body.

"But now I don't have enough control over the ambivalence of the mixed Yuan." Xiao Yun whispered to himself.

Based on this, he cannot merge these supernatural powers.

Then he continued to groan and dissect a little.

"Fusion, fusion!" Xiao Yun kept mourning.

I don't know how long after that, his eyes suddenly flashed.

"I have the magical power of swallowing the heavens ... isn't swallowing the magical power of swallowing everything?" Suddenly, Xiao Yun's eyes lighted, and his tense nerve was fully stretched out. Before, he just wanted to fuse the magical powers and the avenue, but Forgetting that he has the magical power to swallow the sky, at this moment he calms down and combs, and everything is suddenly bright.

"Yes, I can focus on swallowing the magical powers of God ..." Xiao Yun was so impressed that he began to simulate.

Various pictures flickered in my mind.

At this level, it is entirely possible to budget and develop some things.

However, several simulations failed.

"Just swallowing the magical powers is not enough to integrate them!"

Soon he discovered the shortcomings.

Even though powerful, it is not so simple to devour everything.

Swallowing is directly swallowed and resolved.

Can be merged but still retain the original magic.

"The beginning of the avenue is chaos. After the chaos, the talents are yin and yang ..." When Xiao Yun groaned secretly, the low groaning voice like the voice of the avenue rang through his mind.

The sound was shaking and washing people's minds.

"The beginning of the avenue is chaos. After the chaos, the talents are yin and yang ..." After hearing this voice, Xiao Yun shuddered and realized his heart.

After the separation of yin and yang, there is everything in the heavens and earth, and various magical powers!

"Yin and Yang are all-encompassing!" Xiao Yun's eyes brightened, like a stern infusion.

He held a yin and yang qi.

Based on this, he also merged the ice and fire Wuhun!

"Yes, yin and yang!" Xiao Yun opened his eyes, a confident smile on his face.

At the moment, his mind moved, and various supernatural powers evolved behind it.

Kirin growled, and the Phoenix appeared ...

Various supernatural powers evolved.

In the end, a ripple rippled around Xiao Yun, and a cyclone that connected the world suddenly appeared.

The appearance of this cyclone is to engulf all kinds of magical powers, and even Xiao Yun himself is in this cyclone.

This is swallowing up magical powers!

"Swallow!" Swallowing the magical powers of the gods makes a powerful shot, merging all kinds of magical powers.

Supernatural repulsion, violent impact occurred.

But at this time Xiao Yun had a pattern of mixed elements.

The lingering motif of this mixed element seems to have evolved into a world of chaos.

Under this pattern ~ ~ The waves of various supernatural powers colliding are resolved one by one.

In this way, Xiao Yun's counterattack also ceased to exist.

When this mixed yuan pattern spread, Xiao Yun's mind moved again.

"Yin and Yang pattern!" Xiao Yun communicated the yin and Yang pattern in the sea.

Under the communication of Xiao Yun, the yin and yang divine patterns flashed and did not emerge from the sea.


The yin and yang **** pattern appeared, and a ripple appeared in front of him.

Suddenly, a prestige of the avenue pervaded.

Under this might, everything seems to be bowing.

This is a complete Yin Yang Road pattern.

The rhyme contained in it is not comparable to those incomplete mixed patterns. ()

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