Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1442: 6 reincarnation

Within the main hall, all the people of the Dragon-Eagle, Stone Man, Gold-Bronze Deity, and Fire Raven races fell.

Under that might, the emperor became fragile.

The stone pillars were not affected at this time.

These stone pillars are engraved with god-level inscriptions, so naturally they will not be so easily destroyed.

Looking at the real blood of the sealed beast, the faces of the Guming clan were fiery.

Ming Ziyu's eyes were also shining with light.

"I already have the blood of the Winged Snake Beast, and now it is the magic soldier!" Ming Ziyu's eyes flashed, and his eyes fell on those sealed magic soldiers.

"Divine Soldier?" Xiao Yun's eyes lightened and he could not help but focus on those divine soldiers.

He didn't have much interest in those beast blood.

Now he has the blood of Phoenix and Kirin.

Although these do not have the full original pattern, they have reached the level of God, which is enough to make up for many deficiencies.

Furthermore, although the animal blood is very complete, the level is not high.

So even if Xiao Yun merges, it can't bring much benefit.

"That Qilin's true blood doesn't seem to reach the level of God." Xiao Yun's mind moved, and he didn't think about the blood of those strange beasts.

There are many magic soldiers, including swords and swords.

In addition, there are more inscription pens, inscription wheels ...

These are all magical soldiers that are good for the Gu Ming clan.

"I already have a lot of magic soldiers." At last, Xiao Yun shook his head and retracted his eyes from that magic soldier.

The magic soldiers here look good, but few fit Xiao Yun.

Furthermore, even if it is in the eye, it needs the talents of the ancient Ming clan to be able to sense and gain recognition.

Because the unique atmosphere of the Gu Ming clan was imprinted inside.

Xiao Yun tried to sense, but was rejected.

"This is a legacy left to the descendants of Gu Mingshi!" Xiao Yun shook his head.

At last he moved his eyes and wandered in the hall.

"The six ancient beasts?" Xiao Yun's eyes moved, and his eyes suddenly fell on the six ancient beasts in front of him.

These ancient beasts all look different.

A sacred statue, like a beast looking down at the world.

A very ordinary, as if all beasts entangled.

There is also a horror of horror, which makes people tremble with fear at first glance.

There was another humble sense.


The six ancient beasts are all inscribed.

What they seem to represent.

"These six ancient beasts must be extraordinary!" Xiao Yun could not help walking towards the ancient beast carefully.

Looking first, Xiao Yun found nothing.

But he still felt it.

Under this induction, the inscription on it finally began to move.

First, the first rune of the stone beast evolved, and a passage appeared in it.

"This is ..." Xiao Yun was stunned.

His mind seemed to be drawn into that passage.

He hesitated slightly.

Because he knew nothing about it.

If you let your mind pull into this channel, will you scorn?

You know, some people have scoffed at the word Hengdi before!

"Since this is the legacy left by Emperor Emperor, it should not be so."

Xiao Yun only hesitated slightly, and soon settled down.

At the moment, his heart was submerged in that passage.

Entering the passage, Xiao Yun seemed to come to a world.

This is a mortal world.

In this world, Guotai Min'an, father, son and filial piety ... this is a perfect world.

Inside, it seems extremely harmonious.

When Xiao Yun moved into the heart, he seemed to have gone through reincarnation and turned into a mortal.

He lives here and everything is in it.

Inside he has wife parents.

Life passed.

Xiao Yun felt old, sick and dead, feeling family and friendship.

"This is a wonderful life, but it is not eternal, nor is it the life I want!" Xiao Yun shook his head.

This is mortal life.

When he was at a loss, he withdrew from there.

Withdrawing from the heart, it seems like a hundred years have passed, but how is it just an instant?

"This one!" Then Xiao Yun's eyes moved and fell on another stone beast.

A passage still evolved above.

Entering the passage, Xiao Yun came to a world full of avenues.

Here the aura is strong, the nature is suspended.

This seems to be a divine realm!

Within the divine realm, the gods are pursuing eternal life and the avenue ...

But even if it is God, it has grudges and cannot be immortal!

Xiao Yun is one of the gods, and he will inevitably run out of life for millions of years.

"Heaven is ruthless, and God cannot be immortal?" Xiao Yun sighed.

Finally, after Shou Yuan's exhaustion, his mind was put back to the deity.

"Just now, I dreamed back to the divine realm?" Xiao Yun's eyes were confused.

The encounter was too long, making him feel as if he had lived millions of years.

But in retrospect, everything became blurred again.

In the end, he completely forgot about those experiences.

After returning to mind, Xiao Yun realized again.

This time he turned into a captive pig, eating every day, sleeping, and staring at the sky outside.


After a while, Xiao Yun had already entered six channels.

Like six reincarnations.

"Does this represent the six reincarnations?" Xiao Yun was moved.

At this moment his eyes were stunned.

The six paths are: human path: heaven path, beast path, hungry ghost path, **** path, asura path.

With the stone statue, Xiao Yun felt six ways.

Although it is very vague at this time.

But there was an inexplicable mood in his heart.

"This Emperor has six reincarnation uprisings. Why did he leave six ancient beasts here?" Xiao Yunmu groaned.

This is obviously not that simple.

Xiao Yun groaned: "What are the upright meanings of the Six Roads?"

At this moment, he thought back carefully.

Although many memories of these six 'reincarnations' have been blurred.

But the insight left in this is still there.

"Humanity is full of righteousness ... Tiandao is unfathomable ..." Xiao Yun felt it.

But this is just fur, it is difficult to really catch the six mysteries.

"Six senses, do you have to first understand the mystery of each avenue?"

Xiao Yun murmured to himself.

But he was relieved soon.

How esoteric the avenue is, it is good to catch a trace.

How easy would it be to feel it all at once?

Soon, he gave up his plan to continue to realize his rebirth of the Six Paths.

Xiao Yun then continued to watch the six ancient beasts.

Since it is sentiment, he starts from the surface.

Under his attention, the ancient beast finally changed again.

Six ancient beasts, turned into six world suspensions.

Before this world, it seemed that a middle-aged man on the shore could be seen.

Behind this man, six worlds are up and down.

Every world has its prestige.

Humane, Hao Ran righteousness skyward, seems to destroy Tianyu.

Heaven Road: Under the avenue, the gods are ants. Who can resist under the vast sky?


Hell Road: There really are evil spirits in it, endless ghosts, and wickedness in it. If anyone enters inside, the gods will fall and be polluted by anger.

"Who can resist the power of the six worlds?" Xiao Yun was shocked.

Not only that, the world is like a door of reincarnation. If you are absorbed into it, you really want to be one of them.

Imagine if a **** fell into a humane world, would it be a mortal? Was easily killed?

How can a **** enter the beast's way and become a beast directly?

"Is the six reincarnation really so powerful?" Xiao Yun blinked.

But when he felt the breath of reincarnation in those six worlds, his feet couldn't help getting cold.

That's true reincarnation.

Thinking of his reincarnation scene, Xiao Yun was completely confused.

"Six reincarnation is really so powerful?" Xiao Yun frowned.

In front of him, the man on the shore of the shore fluttered with long hair and six ups and downs.

Under his hands, the heavens and the earth will collapse.

It seemed that when he raised his hand, he could destroy the sky.

"Six reincarnation!" Xiao Yun blinked.

"The Six Ways are the highest avenues between heaven and earth. Controlling the six ways is like controlling sentient beings!"

"If you are in control of the reincarnation avenue, these six roads will become a real anti-sky avenue!"

Even he admired these six reincarnations.

Liudao is already strong.

But adding reincarnation on the basis of six ways, then everything is different.

Reincarnation can be reincarnation or reincarnation.

This is the way to go against the sky.

The same is true, then the six reincarnation martial arts souls will be the top ten martial arts souls in the lower world!

Wu Hun!

From the magical power, from the avenue.

This is the ancestors who controlled this mystery and imprinted it in the gods and blood.

Based on this, the supernatural powers and uprights can be continued and turned into martial spirits.

Therefore, the six reincarnation Wuhun originated from the six reincarnation uprisings.

This can be said to be heavenly power, and it can also be said to be supernatural.

It can also be said to be the avenue!

"The six reincarnations are indeed well-deserved!" At this time, Xiao Yun looked completely blank.

Before, he only saw the life Wuhun, Zhanwuhun, and twin Wuhun of the top ten Wuhun.

He didn't know about the previous Wuhun.

He was also fearless.

Xiao Yun believes that as long as Taoism is firm, even if it is the seventh Zhanwu soul?

But at this time after seeing the six reincarnation Wuhun, he began to feel a little dazed.

Can I really overcome these six reincarnations?

Seeing that Xiao Yun was shaken, the Supreme Devourer did not speak.

Because sometimes people's Taoism needs to be consolidated by themselves.

It's a process.

Daoxin can only be stronger if it is resolutely shaken again.

"Three thousand avenues have their own advantages!" After being at a loss, Xiao Yun's heart began to calm down.

"There is no invincible Tao, only invincible Tao!" He muttered to himself.

If Tao is weak, even if you have six reincarnations in your palm?

Taoism is not strong, how can you really control the six samsara?

Only with a strong heart can we support that powerful avenue.

Your foundation is unstable, how can you support thousands of tall buildings?

"Should I be enlightened now, or?" After calming down, Xiao Yun fell into a deep groan.

At the same time, he continued to realize.

At that moment the man on the mighty shore pulled by both hands.

Six spins behind him, constantly rotating.

The last six worlds overlap and evolve into one world.

As soon as this world came out, Dao Wen bloomed.

The void behind the man was trembling, and Tianwei descended.

It seems that the heavenly road is angry, and this road must be cut off.

But the man's big hand moved, and the power of the six reincarnations pervaded, opposing the power of heaven.

A great breath that controls all realms and cuts off everything.

At this moment, the world seems to have everything.

That world actually swallowed up the power of heaven!


It seems that in one thought, it can be human, god, beast, hungry ghost, Shura ...

It's a breath of control.

This man has become more and more powerful ~ ~ At this moment he is like a boulevard!

"Six ways can also be merged?"

Seeing this, Xiao Yun was shocked inside, his blood was boiling, it seemed that a string in his heart was stirred.

Even six avenues and six worlds can be fused. Why can't his magic powers be fused?

At present Xiao Yun's heart is clear and he seems to have caught something.

Only to see him immediately cross his knees.

"Six reincarnation, including six, humane, heaven, beast, Tao, Hungry Ghost, Hell, Shura Road, also contains reincarnation avenue, six reincarnation martial spirits, are the descendants of the power of the six reincarnation supernatural powers, can only be inherited, is the ancient ten The head of the big martial spirit, next, all kinds of physiques, martial arts soul will be presented one by one, the most exciting big world has begun to show, everyone smashed the monthly pass, see Xiao Yun, how can we rise in the sanctuary! "

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