Chapter 372

By eight o’clock in the evening, Qin Zhong came to the filming location of “Hold Your Breath” as agreed.

Li Heyi and his crew have been here long ago, and Yang Chaoyue has also entered the filming stage.

“Qin Zhong, you are here.”

Seeing Qin Zhong coming, Li Heyi greeted Qin Zhong with enthusiasm. For Li Heyi, Qin Zhong’s help in the crew was too great.

If Qin Zhong can always help the filming of “Hold Your Breath” in the crew, then the time can be cut by at least half.

Qin Zhong said to Li Heyi: “I’ll take a look at your shooting situation, and I will give you some guidance to Yang Chaoyue.”

“Of course, I also hope you can guide her well.” Li Heyi sighed.

Yang Chaoyue’s condition was really good last night, but tonight is the same as when he first arrived. Li Heyi couldn’t help but complain about his condition.

“Qin Zhong, you can help Yang Chaoyue tell the script first, I can’t do anything with her.” Li Heyi said helplessly.

The filming of the crew was suspended. Qin Zhong walked to Yang Chaoyue in 08 and asked Yang Chaoyue: “Which scene are you acting now? I’ll look at the script.”

“It’s here.”

Yang Chaoyue picked up the script to Qin Zhong: “This is it. I feel that what I did just now is OK, but the director is still not satisfied.”

“Here? You will re-act this paragraph again.” Qin Zhong said.

Yang Chaoyue then replayed the above content in front of Qin Zhong according to what was written in the script.

“Stop, your tone here is wrong…”

Qin Zhong began to guide Yang Chaoyue again.

Yang Chaoyue listened patiently. Every time Qin Zhong was able to bring things to the point, it also allowed Yang Chaoyue to distinguish clearly. No one can compare with Qin Zhong.

“Okay, show it to me again.”

After Qin Zhong finished speaking, let Yang Chaoyue perform again.

Yang Chaoyue replayed the section for Qin Zhong in accordance with the method Qin Zhong just instructed.

“Very good, just shoot like this.” Qin Zhong said.

The film was re-shot, and Yang Chaoyue’s performance did not make Li Heyi comment.

“Very well, Qin Zhong, I have to talk to you. It’s not a way to teach her paragraph by paragraph like this. You should be better friends with Yang Chaoyue? If you have time, you can teach her more Some basic skills.” Li Heyi said.

Yang Chaoyue is not as simple as there are problems with acting skills, even the basic skills have problems in the eyes of Li Heyi.

“I will, you guys, let’s talk about it after the filming of tonight’s plot is over.” Qin Zhong said.

“Okay, continue shooting.”

By two o’clock in the morning, everyone was very sleepy, indicating that today’s filming could end.

“If you are free tomorrow, come to my company, I will talk to you about the script during the day.” Qin Zhong said to Yang Chaoyue.

Didn’t Yang Chaoyue want to be an assistant to Qin Zhong for a period of time after the filming of the film?

Qin Zhong sees that it is time to explain more about acting skills to Yang Chaoyue. In a few days, Qin Zhong will be busy with his own affairs, and he certainly can’t come to the crew here every night.

“Okay, then I will go to your company in the daytime tomorrow.” Yang Chaoyue said.

After the crew was busy, they began to disperse, and Qin Zhong also drove away from here.

Yang Chaoyue came to Qin Zhong’s company the next day. In Qin Zhong’s office, Yang Chaoyue was listening to Qin Zhong’s script.

Qin Zhong explained in detail in the script. As long as it involves Yang Chaoyue’s plot, Qin Zhong will patiently explain it for a long time.

After Qin Zhong finished speaking the script, it was already afternoon.

During the whole day, Qin Zhong was dry and dry, and said to Yang Chaoyue, “Are there anything else you don’t understand on the script?”

“I understand.” Yang Chaoyue said to Qin Zhong.

“Just understand, I don’t have much time to teach you slowly. I will also be busy with filming tomorrow. You will perform well in Li Heyi’s crew, and come to me after the filming.” Qin Zhong said.

According to the filming so far, it is estimated that it will take more than a week for “Hold Your Breath” to be filmed.

After Qin Zhong finished talking to Yang Chaoyue, Yang Chaoyue nodded and said, “That’s OK. I will definitely come to you after the movie is finished.”


Qin Zhong nodded: “It’s late, go home early and rest, you will continue to shoot at night.”

“Okay, then we’ll see you another day.” Qin Zhong said.

After Yang Chaoyue had finished talking with Qin Zhong, he turned and left here.

Qin Zhong also packed his things and prepared to go home.

The “Tuner” movie will take a few days to prepare, and other things are not too difficult.

A week later, everything was ready here, and Qin Zhong also started shooting this movie.

After all, there is micro-film promotion, and the filming of the film version does not require laborious publicity.

Two weeks after the filming of “The Tuner”, Yang Chaoyue found Qin Zhong. Her “Hold Your Breath” had already been filmed, so she came to Qin Zhong to learn acting. .

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