Chapter 371

In this state, I can no longer continue shooting, I can only wait until tomorrow night to continue.

“Everyone, please pack up, come to the company to gather at 8 o’clock tomorrow evening, and we will come here again.” Li Heyi said.

“Qin Zhong, you go back quickly too, stay with us so late.”

Li Heyi patted Qin Zhong on the shoulder: “If you are not sleepy, let us find a place to have a drink together.”

“Forget it, I am old and can’t stay up late.” Qin Zhong smiled.

“You kid.”

Li Heyi shook his head, and then solemnly said to Yang Chaoyue: “I am very dissatisfied with your performance during the day, and I have been letting Qin Zhong teach you how to act. But the shooting at night was not bad. It seems that you have found the trick, and you will give it to me tomorrow. Try to maintain this state.”

“Okay.” Yang Chaoyue replied.

“Let’s go, are you going back with them, or am I taking you home?” Qin Zhong asked Yang Chaoyue.

“I live in the hotel arranged by the company, and just go back with the crew.” Yang Chaoyue said.

“Okay, then I will withdraw first.” Qin Zhong said.

“Wait a minute, Qin Zhong, will you come tomorrow?” Li Heyi asked Qin Zhong.

Although Qin Zhong’s filming has been finished, the help of Qin Zhong on the crew can also reduce the burden on Li Heyi.

This time, it was Li Heyi’s cheeky who let Qin Zhong stay.

“It’s probably fine tomorrow. The company is preparing the movie “Tuner”, which will take several days.” Qin Zhong thought.

It will take about a week or so for the company to prepare these.

Qin Zhong can help Li Heyi’s crew for a few days. It doesn’t matter.

“Is it right at 8 o’clock tomorrow night? I won’t go to your company to meet up. I will be here to wait for you tomorrow night.” Qin Zhong said.

“Yes, a word is settled!”

Li Heyi smiled.

“I’ll talk about it tomorrow, if you have something to do, I’m sleepy, bye bye!”

Qin Zhong yawned and quickly evacuated from here.

After Qin Zhong got home, it was already one o’clock in the morning, and after a wash, he slept peacefully.

During the day, Qin Zhong received a company call from Hollywood.

An assistant in Hollywood told Qin Zhong that the third season of “Game of Thrones” was ready to be filmed, and asked Qin Zhong when he could go back.

Before coming to China, Qin Zhong had asked the company to prepare the filming of this TV series.

Time has passed for so long, and the actors who had something to do at the time are already busy, and it is only a short time for Qin Zhong to start filming the TV series.

“I am busy in China now, and there is no time to pass.” Qin Zhong said.

“But boss, the actors here can’t wait. Besides, our publicity has already been done, and we said that we will shoot today. If this is delayed until next year, how can we explain it to the audience?”

The assistant is very embarrassed about this, and the audience is not easy to fool around.

Maybe the reputation of Wushuang Company will be stinking.


Qin Zhong said helplessly: “Otherwise, you can change my role first.”

The role played by Qin Zhong is Xue Nuo, a tough guy who lived from the first season to the last season.

In Quan You, a TV series in which a supporting role may die at any time, it is not easy to survive to the last season.

But Qin Zhong just doesn’t have time to take care of this TV series. Maybe something will happen in the future. It’s better to let the assistant replace him today.

“Boss, are you kidding me?”

The assistant feels that this matter is a bit overhanging……..

“What am I joking with you? Change people, I don’t have time to shoot. In terms of candidates, I think the Norton kid is good, you can ask him, if you can, let him star in the third season.” Qin Zhong said.

The actor who has the best relationship with Qin Zhong in Hollywood is Norton, and Qin Zhong intends to give him this role.

The premise is that Norton can accept it.

“Okay, then I will ask Mr. Norton now.” The assistant said.

“Go, call me after you ask,” Qin Zhong said.

The assistant hung up, and ten minutes later, it was not the assistant who called Qin Zhong, but the kid Norton.

“Norton, did my assistant contact you just now?” Qin Zhong asked.

“Of course I contacted. I also want to ask what’s your situation. Do you plan to live in China for a long time?” Norton asked.

“I can’t tell you, it depends on the situation. Anyway, I want to let you play the role of Quan You, can it work?” Qin Zhong asked.

“It’s not a big problem. I didn’t make any other scenes after you left.” Norton said.

Nothing else was done after Norton filmed “Fatal ID” last time.

Qin Zhong found him to play that role, and Norton happened to have a filming.

Only after taking away the role of Qin Zhong, Norton felt a little sad, so he called Qin Zhong and asked about it.

“Then you can continue with this movie first, anyway, as long as you can shoot, I can’t go back to Hollywood in a short time.” Qin Zhong said.

“Okay, then I will do as you said.” Norton said.

“Well, that’s it.” Qin Zhong replied.

After hanging up the phone, Qin Zhong was working on the documents at the company. .

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