Chapter 67 First Substitution! Shayi: I never thought happiness would come so suddenly?!

After Yang Ying learned the identity of Li Yunrui's envoy, his beautiful eyes blinked, and he soon had a new idea.

"I have to act first when I go back and see which of them shows the stuffing first."

In this way, as soon as she returned to the Shuiyang Inn, the first words she spoke made everyone startled.

"I already know who Jing Ke! Let's have a showdown among yourselves. "

As soon as the voice came out, Zheng Kai, Sha Yi, and Li Yunrui, the three people in the envoy's camp, looked at each other, and their hearts suddenly froze.

No way?!

Jing Ke's identity was exposed so quickly?

"Are you kidnapping us?"

It was still the old player Zheng Kai who reacted first and asked rhetorically.

How can the most critical information be given at the very beginning ?!

Yang Ying has always been a high-level player who plays reasoning games, which is obviously deceiving everyone!

Sure enough, as soon as Zheng Kai's words came out, Yang Ying's expression immediately flickered.

"It's really playing tricks."

Sha Yi quickly reacted, and then changed his words.

"Let's discuss who to vote for. Don't leave either of you, even if you win the game, neither of you will be able to escape. "

After all, Zhou Sheng and Yang Ying of the guard camp only had two votes in the Shuiyang Inn, and the voting power was always in the hands of Sha Yi and the three.

"If the person who changes later is still from our envoy's camp, you two will always be imprisoned here." Zheng Kai also laughed and teased.

Not long after, Sha Yi and the three deliberately left Zhou Sheng and Yang Ying and held a small meeting in the envoy's camp.

"Or the first round of Lao Sha will go first, at least you can get the secret letter." Zheng Kai quickly put forward his own idea.

"It's okay, if I go over, we can at least have one more clue." Shayi nodded approvingly.

Not long after, when the five people began to identify, all three of Shayi pointed to Shayi.

The broadcast of the director team soon sounded.

"Shuiyang Inn, the one who went to the Shanyang Inn was Lord Sha Yisha."

At the same time, the guests of Shanyi also began to discuss the candidates for this exchange.

Song Yuqi, who deliberately avoided the envoy's camp, Li Chen and Ye Xuan also got together.

"Which of you has a secret letter?"

As soon as the words came out, all three shook their heads.

Seeing that the three did not have secret letters in their hands, Li Chen suddenly showed regret.

It seems that the member who has MeSign must be in the opposite group.

As if thinking of something, Li Chen suddenly turned his head to look at Ye Xuan and hurriedly asked.

"By the way, the clearance of the previous level Yupei, Ye Xuan, what news did you get?"

As soon as the voice came out, Bai Lu and Hou Minghao's gazes also probed over.

Against the gaze of the three, Ye Xuan's mind spun rapidly.

The clue he learned was the identity of Zhou Sheng of the opposing camp.

It seems that if you want to pretend that you are a guard camp, you have to make up a false news from the envoy camp.

Through the clues of his and Yuqi's victory, if it is known that Zhou Sheng and Yang Ying are guards, Zheng Kai, Sha Yi and Li Yunrui are naturally the remaining envoys.

In line with the principle of half-truth, Ye Xuan casually made it up.

"A message was given to exclude that Sha Yi is not Jing Ke."

As soon as this news came out, Director Yao, who had been observing the performance of the guests in the background, was surprised.

Netizens in the live broadcast room also brushed the screen one after another.

"Ye Xuan, this is playing fake news!"

"This fake news is simply terrible!"

"I seem to have seen the end of the guards camp!"


At present, the heated discussion of netizens is naturally unknown to Li Chen and others.

Li Chen carefully noted down the clues given by Ye Xuan, and immediately listened to Ye Xuan's voice sound.

"I'm just an ordinary guard, who are we in charge?"

Ye Xuan's tone was still relaxed, but his gaze was already firmly fixed on the three people in front of him.

"I'm not the ruler."

Bai Lu immediately pulled out his sword, and did not forget to complain. "I don't know where my pendant fell, and I don't know if the director team can make up for me..."

As soon as Bai Lu's words came out, Ye Xuan smiled secretly in his heart, and his face was still calm and looked at Li Chen and Hou Minghao.

Combined with his and Song Yuqi's clues, if Zhou Sheng, Yang Ying, and Bai Lu were all ordinary guards, the leader could only choose between Li Chen and Hou Minghao in front of him.

Li Chen was about to speak, but the flying guest Hou Minghao showed a cautious face.

"Are you going to expose your identity so early?! Didn't the program team say that they should hide their identity until the end? "

As a game white, Hou Minghao subconsciously chose the safest way.

And as soon as his words came out, what Li Chen originally wanted to say suddenly swallowed back, and nodded with a look of approval.

"Then let's leave it for the final reveal, for now let's discuss the issue of substitution first."

Seeing that the two did not tell their true identities, Ye Xuan's eyes quickly crossed with regret.

That's a little close.

However, it is only the first round of substitutions at the moment, and there is no rush.

Noticing the substitution problem mentioned by Li Chen, Ye Xuan's expression moved, and he quickly gave his "magic plan".

"As a guard camp, our ultimate goal is to be a different team from Jing Ke."

"First, we must ensure that our team has the initiative of the minority obeying the majority, and second, we must make our entire team as much as possible in the camp of guards."

"So, I think it's more appropriate to replace Yuqi in the past, what do you think?"

Ye Xuan put on an expression on his face that he was thinking about the guards' camp, and he also quickly calculated in his heart.

Replacing Song Yuqi in the past has two advantages.

First, Song Yuqi could exchange known information with the envoy camp.

Second, now the Shanyang Inn has three guards and two envoys, while the Shuiyang Inn opposite has three envoys and two guards.

In other words, the voting power of the Shuiyang Inn was firmly in the hands of the envoy camp.

As long as the envoy camp of the Shuiyang Inn does not let go, I am afraid that the other two guards will not have a chance to exchange news at all!

In other words, Ye Xuan's proposal was clearly for the sake of the guards camp, but in fact, he wanted to completely block the information channel of the guards camp!

"Agreed!" Bai Lu said for the first time.

Out of trust in Ye Xuan, she had already firmly joined Ye Xuan's queue.

On the contrary, Hou Minghao, the flying guest on the side, frowned.

"But in that case, we won't be able to get our secret letter?"

Hou Minghao's words obviously caught the point.

Ye Xuan's gaze flashed slightly.

Immediately afterwards, Li Chen, who saw Fang Cai still pondering, slapped his thigh sharply.

"I think Ye Xuan is right."

As soon as the statement that a few obey the majority came out, the corners of Ye Xuan's mouth slowly hooked.


In this way, when the Shanyang Inn began to identify the exchange candidates, Song Yuqi naturally received the highest number of votes.

As the discussion between the two sides ended, the voice of the director team sounded in the two inns at the same time.

"The afternoon yin is not yang, the yin and yang alternate, the sun is tilted to the west, it is not the time, the time is not coming, please make the first change."

The members who decided to exchange had already entered the carriage sent by the director's team, and the remaining members staying at the inn had already begun to wait for the arrival of new members.

Shuiyang Inn.

"Who will come?!" Yang Ying was already pacing in place.

"I wonder if it will be a guard?!" Zhou Sheng's eyes were also shining, and his gaze never moved away from the door.

After all, if there is one more guard member, the original minority guard camp will immediately become the majority camp with the dominant vote.

The two of them, who are also guards, can smoothly convey the secret letters and clues in their hands.

Seeing that the new member was Song Yuqi, the two couldn't wait to ask about Song Yuqi's identity.

Seeing Song Yuqi supporting his forehead, he spread his hands and smiled.

"I don't really want to talk about it, but I'm making ..."

Zheng Kai, who was also in the camp of envoys, suddenly laughed.

"Realizing our grand deed, Zhou Sheng and baby are trapped here."

"You two, you have to keep closing again." Flying guest Li Yunrui did not forget to mend the knife.

At this moment, only Zhou Sheng and Yang Ying's hearts were shattered.

Why didn't anyone come to them?!

They still have secret messages and clues in their hands!

On the other side, the Sanyo Inn. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"It's coming." Hearing the sound of a carriage in the distance, Li Chen looked up at the door.

"I don't know who will come?" Bai Lu was also curious.

Just as everyone was expecting, they saw a black-robed figure slowly walking from a distance.

Apparently it is Shayi.

"I'm Wei." Sha Yi smiled and talked about the fake identity as soon as he came, but he was seen through by Li Chen at a glance.

There was no suspicion that Ye Xuan had given false news, and Li Chen was even putting on a good posture at the moment.

"We all know that you are an envoy, and we are all guards here."

As soon as the words came out, Sha Yi's heart suddenly clicked.

All guards?!

How can it be?!

There were already three envoys in the Shuiyang Inn where he was, so naturally there were two other envoys in the Shanyang Inn.

Even if only one exchange member is an envoy, at least there should be one envoy.

With his mind spinning quickly, Sha Yi quickly came to a conclusion.

There was an envoy who was confused among the guards!

And as soon as this thought came out, Sha Yi only felt that his breathing was tightened.

I'll go!

Can this game still be played like this?!

That's a clever move!

It's just breaking inside!

After thinking about it, Yikuai made the next decision.

"I'm an envoy, come and take me to the room to get acquainted..."

Shayi's words have a twofold meaning.

On the surface, it seems to be explaining his identity to Li Chen and others.

In fact, it was a message from teammates in the same camp.

He is an envoy!

Teammates, it's time for them to converge!

At this time, as soon as Sha Yi's words came out, Ye Xuan's eyes moved.

Brother Sha is a smart man.

Seeing that Brother Sha was famous to go to familiarize himself with the housing first, Ye Xuan also found a reason to leave quickly.

Not long after, Shayi's door rang.

Opening the door and seeing Ye Xuan outside the door, Sha Yi's eyes suddenly burst with joy.

“.. Ye Xuan, what is your identity?! "

As soon as the words fell, he saw Ye Xuan take the lead in taking out the pendant on the sword.

Noticing the word "Wei" on the pendant, Sha Yi was slightly stunned, and then he saw Ye Xuan pull out his sword.


Sha Yi's mouth suddenly grinned.

Ye Xuan, he really broke into the inside!

This kid cow!

Heartbroken, Sha Yi also pulled out his sword to prove each other's identities.

Jing Ke's two big characters are shining.

"Jing Ke?!"

Ye Xuan suddenly learned that Sha Yi was Jing Ke of the envoy's camp, and he couldn't help but be stunned at the moment.

Fang Cai's own nonsense made up news, and it really came in handy?!

Seeing Sha Yi's doubts about his reaction, Ye Xuan quickly explained a wave of his own commotion.

"I just gave them a set of fake news that you are not Jing Ke. It just so happens that this wave of fake news can be used to make them mistakenly think that others are Jing Ke..."

"Yuqi and I have found clues, Zhou Sheng, Yang Ying, and Bai Lu are not the leader, and the candidate for the leader is either Li Chen or Hou Minghao..."

Halfway through, Ye Xuan took out the secret letter from his pocket.

"With this, you can have one more clue, and you should be able to determine who is the final leader."

As soon as Ye Xuan's series of words came out, Sha Yi's eyes widened.

This is only the first round, right?!

How was Ye Xuan playing the rhythm that had reached the final level?!

Not only did he hide his identity by relying on fake news, but also directly helped him eliminate other interference candidates...

This is simply feeding the rice to my mouth, and I almost chewed this rice!

At this moment, Sha Yi's stunned look also fell in the eyes of the live broadcast room, and the netizens in the live broadcast room also laughed crazy one by one. (Nuo Qian Zhao)

"Shayi: I never thought happiness would come so suddenly!"

"Shayi: This heavenly wealth just smashed on me?!"

"Brother Sha inner OS: Others are still in the first game, I was sent by Ye Xuan to the last level?!"


After Ye Xuan and Sha Yi finished the message, they soon heard the director's broadcast sound again.

"Dear adults, the first group of substitutions has ended, please go to the amusement park and the carmelina tea house for the next task. The winning adult can still get clues. "

When the voice fell, the five people at the Shanyang Inn went to the amusement park, while the five people at the Shuiyang Inn went to the Ganjin Tea House.

After Ye Xuan's five-person squad arrived at the game location, they saw large red balls placed on the passage, and several dice engraved with traditional numbers in the distance.

"Is this bowling?!" Li Chen asked curiously.

"Ancient version of bowling?" Bai Lu guessed the same.

Soon the director's explanation followed.

"You can see that you have the dice in front of you with Chinese numbers written on them.

In fact, the origin of dice as a game tool is very early, and a stone dice was unearthed in the Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor, and today's props are based on this. "

"Our game is called All or Nothing, where each adult gets a number combo by pushing a big ball and hitting five dice."

"Everyone can choose to keep or not keep and get a second chance to putt."

"After two putts, the order is based on the combination of numbers that each person finally retained, and if the number combination is the same, the one with the higher number wins. The highest ranked adult can get clues to Yupei..."

After explaining the rules of the game, the guests nodded one after another.

Soon, both groups were ready.

A desperate bet is about to begin!

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