Chapter 66 System Mission: Get Song Yuqi's Heart Value?!

"Another day of distress for Bailu!"

"Bai Lu, this was definitely sold by Ye Xuan, and he also helped Ye Xuan count the money!"

"Why is Ye Xuan's brain spinning so fast?"

"I'm looking forward to the next development more and more!"


The barrage that continued to brush the screen naturally did not fall into Bai Lu's eyes.

Right now, since she learned that Ye Xuan was her teammate, Bai Lu didn't intend to care about Ye Xuan before she regarded herself as a maid, and blinked her eyes and asked about her follow-up plans.

"So what do we do next? My brain has become a mush. "

After all, through the cooperation of the first two issues, Bai Lu had no doubt about Ye Xuan's IQ.

Seeing that Bai Lu swore to regard himself as a teammate, Ye Xuan quickly began to think.

As an envoy, his biggest goal today is to let Jing Ke and the guards lead the same team.

In this way, finding out the identity of Jing Ke and the leader of the guards is the most crucial issue.

According to the grouping principle of the program group, the envoy with the secret letter and Jing Ke will definitely not be in the same group, otherwise what is the point of grouping?!

Coupled with the fact that he has a secret letter, he needs to hand the secret letter into Jing Ke's hands.

Then, either he was transferred to another group, or Jing Ke came to this group and learned Jing Ke's identity.

Jing Ke's identity is not difficult to know, and the rest is the leader of the guards.

As for how to figure out the identity of the leader of the guards, Ye Xuan's gaze had already fallen on Bai Lu on the opposite side, and he laughed softly.

"After all, it's only the first game, and you can also go to find out the identity of others."

With the false identities of Bai Lu and the guards, he must find out who is behind the scenes as soon as possible.

Bai Lu on the other side didn't know Ye Xuan's true thoughts at all, and at the moment he only felt that Ye Xuan's words were quite reasonable, and his eyes lit up in agreement.

"I filmed with Hou Minghao before, I'll go and test him."

After dropping this sentence, Bai Lu immediately picked up her sword, apparently Xingchong to verify her identity and went to 11.

Watching Bai Lu leave, seeing that Bai Lu had not found that his sword pendant was missing, Ye Xuan couldn't help but shake his head.

This girl's heart is so big!

After sighing, Xuan quickly walked out of the Shanyang Inn.

After all, he didn't use the clues of the previous level.

Following the information to find the Eight Star Building, Ye Xuan quickly took out the game reward of the previous level as a voucher.

"If I'm not mistaken, this thing has to be given to the hostess."

As soon as the words came out, the hostess in ancient costume before the meeting said with a smile.

"It seems that I came to inquire about the news. Lord Zhou Sheng is a frequent visitor to our Eight Star Building. But he often makes mistakes because he is addicted to music rhythm, so he is an ordinary guard, and he is certainly not the leader..."

The voice fell, and Ye Xuan's eyes moved slightly.

Zhou Sheng is not the leader of the guards?!

After pondering the new information in his mind, Ye Xuan also returned to the inn.

Just as Ye Xuan stepped into the door of the inn, he suddenly heard the familiar electronic sound in his head sound again.

【Ding-dong! System promulgation tasks! 】

【Ding-dong! Ask the host to get 100 Song Yuqi Heart Value points to get a reward! 】

As soon as the new task was announced, Ye Xuan couldn't help but be stunned.

I never thought that it was Song Yuqi's heartbeat?!

After a circle in his mind, Ye Xuan quickly had an idea in his heart.

It seems that he will have more contact with Song Yuqi next.

Just as Ye Xuan was about to step back to the room, a shout suddenly came from behind him.

"Ye Xuan!"

Looking back, the four guests who lived in the Goat Inn were now sitting in the pavilion.

At this time, Bai Lu was waving her hand at herself with a happy face, and next to her were sitting Hou Minghao and Li Chen.

On the contrary, Song Yuqi, who has always been close to Bai Lu, was separated from the three by a distance.

Looking at the distance between several people, Ye Xuan already had a guess in his heart.

It seems that during the period when he went out to check, the remaining four people must have verified their identities.

If Bai Lu is in the guard camp, then Li Chen and Hou Minghao on the side should also be in the guard camp.

And Song Yuqi, who was singled out, is in the same camp as himself.

"Ye Xuan, you are also a guard?!" Li Chen, who was also in the guard camp, couldn't help but ask again even though Fang had just learned the news from Bai Lu's mouth.

"Shall we check each other's identities?" Flying guest Hou Minghao was also a little cautious.

Seeing that the two were suspicious, Ye Xuan took the initiative to show Bai Lu's fake pendant.

"I am indeed a bodyguard."

Seeing the "Wei" pendant appear, the two of them breathed a sigh of relief.

"Sure enough, it's Wei!"

"I didn't expect that there were four guards in our group!"


At this moment, the discussion of the four people also fell into the ears of Song Yuqi on the side, and Song Yuqi frowned rarely.

No way?!

This group just happened to be one of her envoys?!

That's a coincidence, isn't it?!

Just as Song Yuqi was thinking, she suddenly noticed that Ye Xuan suddenly gave herself a look.

Wait a minute.

Song Yuqi's gaze was fixed on Ye Xuan, especially Ye Xuan's mouth shape at this time.



Subconsciously imitating Ye Xuan's mouth shape, Song Yuqi read out little by little.


When the last word came out of his mouth, Song Yuqi covered his mouth for the first time, and his eyes were full of horror.

"I'm making ..."?!

Doesn't that mean that Ye Xuan is an envoy?!

Then how did Ye Xuan blend in?!

Is what Ye Xuan said true or false?!

In this way, when the butler invited everyone to the new location, Song Yuqi deliberately walked behind him.

Incomparably ingeniously, Ye Xuan also kept his distance from the three people in front of him, faintly forming a situation of falling behind.

Seeing a corner in front of her, Song Yuqi's heart jumped.

Sure enough, Ye Xuan, who was walking in front of him, did not continue to follow, but stayed in place and waited for him.

"Who is your real identity?"

Song Yuqi couldn't resist the nervousness in her heart, and asked out loud for the first time.

Seeing Ye Xuan take out the sword pendant, Song Yuqi glanced at the obvious "Wei" character on the sword pendant.

His gaze followed Yiyi, and Song Yuqi subconsciously pursed her lips.

Oh, yes.

What is she expecting?

After all, Ye Xuan had checked his identity with everyone in the guard camp.

Just when Song Yuqi thought so, she couldn't help but widen her eyes in the next moment. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

I saw Ye Xuan take out another sword pendant from his pocket, and there was an obvious word "make" engraved on it!

How can there be a "Wei" pendant and another "Make" pendant?!

Which is true and which is false?

As if seeing the doubt in Song Yuqi's eyes, Ye Xuan slowly pulled out his sword.

Under the sword light, the two words engraved on the sword suddenly met Song Yuqi's eyes.


Song Yuqi's eyes suddenly flashed with surprise.

This is Ye Xuan's true identity!

"Secrecy for now."

There were still the remnants of these four words in her ears, and Song Yuqi saw Ye Xuan quickly catch up with Fang Cai's three.

At this moment, she had already understood Ye Xuan's purpose.

This is clearly to break into the inside information to find out who is the real leader.

After realizing this, Song Yuqi's eyes looking at Ye Xuan became brighter and brighter.

In this way, when Ye Xuan had just stepped into the threshold of the room, he heard a crisp electronic sound already sounding in his head.

【Ding-dong! Congratulations to the host for getting Song Yuqi's 20 heart points! 】

Ye Xuan's eyebrows unconsciously raised.

It seems that his behavior of taking the initiative to expose his identity has obviously added a lot of points to Song Yuqi's heart.

Suppressing the thoughts in his heart, Ye Xuan found a place to sit down, and then his gaze fell on the butler.

At this moment, listen to the butler's voice closely following.

"Congratulations to all the adults for confirming their identities and finding some of their teammates."

"We have afternoon tea for everyone, but we need you to eat dim sum in a special way."

"The adults of the two camps need to eat the dim sum in front of them in a special way, those who eat fewer cookies within two minutes will be eliminated, and those who stick to the end will get clues."

"After afternoon tea, it was the first time the two teams made a substitution..."

After listening to the rules, the five guests nodded in turn.

"Then let's let the two girls come, right? How about winning or losing a game? Subconsciously thinking that the other camp was only Song Yuqi, for the sake of fairness, Li Chen took the initiative to propose.

As soon as Li Chen's words came out, Director Yao had already forced himself to hold back his smile.

When he saw the scene where Ye Xuan secretly changed the white dew pendant just now, Director Yao's eyes widened.

I never expected that someone would openly break the rules.

At this moment, seeing that Li Chen quite thoughtfully proposed that the two girls should face off, Director Yao naturally would not take the initiative to expose Ye Xuan's identity.

Even Director Yao was somewhat looking forward to the follow-up ending.

Ye Xuan's uncertain number also added an unknown to the ending!

Not long after, Song Yuqi and Bai Lu sat on either side of the biscuit.

According to the rules, both must kneel on the mat with their hands behind their backs, and whoever takes the most cookies is the final winner.

At the moment when the whistle sounded, Song Yuqi and Bai Lu immediately launched a fierce cookie competition.

Song Yuqi took the lead and planted it directly into the flour pile, and a lot of flour splashed on Bai Lu's face, who was about to bend over.

Seeing this scene, several male guests immediately exclaimed.

"Yuqi, this is also too hard, right?!" Big Black Bull Li Chen couldn't help but widen his eyes.

"Does it need to be so intense?!" Flying guest Hou Minghao could not hide his shock.

At this moment, I saw Song Yuqi take the lead in biting a cookie and take the cookie out as soon as possible.

Noticing that Song Yuqi grabbed a cookie one step ahead of herself, Bai Lu did not let go of it now, and took advantage of Song Yuqi's inability to see clearly because of the excessive force and the flour on her face, she quickly bit the biscuit on the edge.

As time passed, the cookie competition between the two female guests became more and more intense.

When the director's whistle fell, the battle for the first set of cookies finally came to an end.

"Yuqi, can you take a look at me? I want to see what you look like now? "Big black bull Li Chen has already ridiculed Song Yuqi who has just planted his head into the flour.


Hearing the voice of the big black bull, as soon as Song Yuqi opened her mouth to speak, she only felt a stream of flour spray out of her mouth.

And as soon as this scene came out, Bai Lu on the other side couldn't hold back her laughter.

"Yuqi, you are like a snow white now, your face is as white as the wall..."

As soon as Bai Lu said this, the rest of the guests also laughed.

Only Ye Xuan picked up the towel on the side and handed it to Song Yuqi for the first time.


Hearing Ye Xuan's familiar voice, Song Yuqi's heart followed.

At this moment, Director Yao has announced Fang Cai's cookie-eating results.

"Yuqi ate five pieces, and Bai Lu ate three. Congratulations to Yuqi for winning the final victory, and later you can go to find Boss Zhang of the wonton stall to find out the news. "

After quickly comparing glances with Ye Xuan, Song Yuqi took the jade pei this time all the way out of the inn and found the owner of the wonton shop Zhang.

"Shall we talk further?! Do you know this Yupei? "

As soon as the voice came out, Boss Zhang in front of him was already speaking seriously.

"Yesterday, Lord Yang Ying came to eat a wonton from me, and she just received a letter saying that it was written to him by Lord Commander."

After learning this news, Song Yuqi quickly reacted.

Yang Ying is a guard, but not a leader.

And just as the first set of games was about to end, the second group of games had just begun.

Zhou Sheng and Yang Ying quickly confirmed their identities as both guards.

Sha Yi, Zheng Kai, and Li Yunrui also gathered together.

In this way, the guard camp and the envoy camp also quickly launched a snack competition.

Yang Ying, the only girl among the five, took the lead in the battle.

With good flexibility, Yang Ying directly defeated Zheng Kai with a record of 5-0.

Not only that, under this unstoppable momentum, Yang Ying defeated Sha Yi and the new-generation actor Li Yunrui, who couldn't even straighten his waist.

In this way, Yang Ying naturally obtained the clue of this snack eating level.

According to the instructions of the director team, Yang Ying quickly found the lady of the Maojian tea stall on Mansion Street.

"Lady, do you have any clues?"

Soon, Yang Ying listened to the clues given by the hostess.

"Master Li Yunrui received a letter when he came to drink tea yesterday, saying that it was sent by Jing Ke, so he is definitely not Jing Ke."

In other words, Li Yunrui is just an ordinary envoy?!

At this moment, the audience who had seen the whole process of the two rounds of dim sum eating games had already followed the discussion.

"After the first round of matches, who will the two sides change?!"

"The CPU in my brain has been dried up!"

"Whether it is the envoy camp or the guard camp will get the secret letter first..."

"It's brain-burning! My mind can't move anymore..."

"I want to know when Ye Xuan's fake identity will be revealed"

As netizens discussed, it was time for the two groups to start voting for the replacement.

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