In the next few days, Lin Qiu and Zhou Kai will participate in some graduation activities at school.

Once you get your diploma, you will officially graduate, and the beautiful green years will gradually come to an end.

If she could travel back in time to her freshman year, Lin Qiu might be able to enjoy the two or three years of carefree time in college.

Wouldn't the whole masterpiece be created silently again?

Zhou Kai and Lin Qiu left the teaching building with strange expressions on their faces.

Because the filming took place after the New Year, Zhou Kai has never seen this Midnight Ring, but now Lin Qiu is synonymous with talent in Zhou Kai's eyes.

It won't be a masterpiece, but the audience will definitely be large.

Don't underestimate horror movies.

Lin Qiu smiled mysteriously and was quite optimistic about the spread of Midnight Ring.

In a previous life, The Ring set off a movie-watching craze around the world as soon as it was released.

Even in Hong Kong, the box office surpassed The King of Comedy and Star Wars that year, becoming the box office champion.

Stop talking, let's go, I'll treat you to a chicken pot.

After I graduate, I won't have much chance to eat.

It's so grand.

late at night.

Outside the window, the crescent moon is like a hook, summer insects are chirping, and stars are twinkling.

In the study room, Xia Hong twisted his sore neck and gave Zhou Kai's graduation film an A-level rating.

Graduation films from Xiazhou Film Academy will be handed over to different instructors for cross-review, and the final evaluation will be given based on the opinions of each instructor.

If it is not too bad, the college will not be stuck in graduation.

The only thing that made Lin Qiu happy was that he didn't have to write a paper. It was different from his previous life, and it also gave Lin Qiu peace of mind.

Mom! I'm back!

Outside the gate, Xia Hong's daughter Li Yuling returned home dusty.

Here, Lin Qiu's signature, don't ever say mom won't help you again.

Wow! Thank you, Mom! You're so kind, Mom! Mua!

Li Yuling put away Lin Qiu's signature and said with a smile.

She is a loyal fan of Lin Qiu and has been pestering her since she learned that Lin Qiu was her student.

Mom, what are you doing?

Watching the graduation film, it's just in time. Do you want to watch Lin Qiu's graduation film?

I want to see, I want to see!

Take a shower first, I'm all sweaty and stinky.

Wait for me! Soon!

Dong Dong Dong, Li Yuling quickly took a shower, came to the study with disheveled hair, and sat down next to Xia Hong.

Xia Hong was also full of curiosity about Midnight Ring and wondered what kind of work Lin Qiu would present.

In the dark study room, only the light on the screen remained.

The mother and daughter sat together and admired it expectantly.

At the beginning of the movie, weird sounds gradually started to sound, and there was a rustling sound...

For horror movies, the sense of unease builds up and doesn't come in a moment.

Li Yuling looked at the screen intently, focusing entirely on the plot.

But as a director of the directing department, Xia Hong saw many details in the movie.

For example, curtains that are always closed are intended to create a suffocating feeling in a closed space.

Use side lighting on the character's face to create a sense of eeriness.

Just two short shots show the director's level.

At the beginning of the movie, Azhi, played by Zhou Yin, has a strange expression on his face as he listens to his best friend talking about the urban legend of the scary video tape.

It is said that anyone who watches this video will receive a strange phone call and then die mysteriously within seven days.

But just a few days ago, Azhi watched that video tape when he was out playing with three friends.

Today happens to be the seventh day.

Just when Xia Hong and Li Yuling were looking at the screen intently.

Suddenly, the phone rang.

Jingle Bell--

The crisp ringtone frightened Li Yuling, and she couldn't help but curl up a little, feeling fuzzy in her heart.

But the next moment, when they saw Azhi pick up the phone and found that it was just their mother, Xia Hong and Li Yuling breathed a sigh of relief, but it was a false alarm and they gradually lowered their guard.

The atmosphere of the film gradually changes and becomes quieter.

Strange noises and frictions kept coming from the strange house, and the light went from bright to dark.

Zhou Yin swallowed and turned his head suddenly!


Li Yuling, who was not very courageous to begin with, was startled again. She stepped back and hugged her mother's arm tightly.

What are you doing! This is just the beginning.

How about turning on a light?

Xia Hong said helplessly.

Compared to the surprise in the movie, she was quite frightened by her daughter.

no, I'm fine.

Li Yuling waved her hands and said, having never seen a horror movie before, she felt nervous and exciting.

Xia Hong rolled his eyes, feeling naive and playful.

The screen was still flashing brightly.

The heroine of The Ring, reporter Qin Qian played by Liya, is conducting an interview. The content of the interview is an urban legend that has been widely circulated recently. The film has officially entered the detective mode.

For a 120-minute movie to truly realize psychological horror, it must make the audience feel involved.

The process of Liya exploring the legend of the video tape is a process that makes the audience immerse themselves.

Azhi, originally played by Zhou Yin in the film, was Qin Qian's niece. So far, the cause of death is unknown.

Did the police say there wasn't an autopsy?

But it's not an accident. Don't you think it's strange?

When he heard his aunt's words, even Xia Hong was immersed in the language of the film's lens and felt a little nervous.

Azhi died at the beginning of the film?

How did you die?

There can't really be a female ghost killing people, right?

In addition to Azhi, two other friends who watched the video with Azhi also died that night, and their deaths were extremely miserable and strange.

The scene before the death of the two men was as if they had seen something terrifying, extremely ferocious!

Not to mention the full sense of immersion in the video, even if you just take out this photo and watch it, many people will be frightened.


Li Yuling's face turned a little pale. She hugged her mother's arm tightly and exclaimed. It hurt when she pinched her!

not simple.

As expected of Lin Qiu.

Xia Hong couldn't hide the amazement in his eyes. Even if it was an unpopular horror movie, Lin Qiu could still make it look weird!

The story of The Ring officially begins at midnight.

Because it was their first time watching it, there were no high-energy hints ahead, and Xia Hong and Li Yuling’s hearts were in their throats!

And the key to all the horror is that weird videotape!

Qin Qian, played by Liya, pursued all the way and found the hotel where Azhi and his friends had been, as well as the mysterious videotape!


Inside the hotel.

A rustling sound sounded——

Unsettling noises kept coming from the old-fashioned TV. Xia Hong and Li Yuling, mother and daughter, didn't dare to breathe, and watched Qin Qian put in the strange videotape.

Swish, swish, swish——

The tape was played.

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