Chapter 94 Sadako crawls out of the TV!

Li Yuling didn’t dare to look at it

The whole person was hiding behind Mommy, only a small black eyeball was exposed, for fear that something would suddenly come out of the video tape.

But there are many strange scenes in the videotape, such as a black-haired woman combing her hair in the mirror, ancient characters, etc. Finally, an eyeball with the word”Zhen” printed in the pupil appeared.

Not to mention Qin Qian inside the movie screen, even Xia Hong and Li Yuling outside the screen were a little thirsty.

at this time

The phone in the hotel suddenly rang!

At this moment, Li Yuling closed her eyes, and Xia Hong was trembling nervously.

Through the reflection on the TV, Qin Qian discovered in horror……

Behind him, there seemed to be a strange woman staring directly at him!



Qin Qian has officially entered the countdown to death.

It was at this time that her ex-husband Lu Chuan, played by Chen You, appeared at Qin Qian’s home.

According to rumors, people cursed by video tapes will have abnormally distorted faces when taking pictures.

Qin Qian encountered such a situation. The ferocious face in a Polaroid photo made Xia Hong’s skin crawl.

The weird atmosphere continues to accumulate during the screening of the film

The weird soundtrack and the ding-dong-dong sounds that come from time to time in the movie seem to be knocking on Xia Hong’s heart. The one who knocks on the door is still the scary and weird woman.




Following the investigation of Qin Qian and Lu Chuan, the volcano in the video refers to a local volcano

There was a woman named Yang who predicted that the volcano was about to erupt, but later died, leaving only a daughter named Sadako!

But this girl with special abilities was considered by everyone to be a monster and was pushed into a well and killed!

In the blink of an eye, the seven-day period has come to the last day

In order to break the curse, Qin Qian and Lu Chuan found the dry well where Sadako died.

In the tense and eerie atmosphere, Li Yuling still got into her mother’s arms, but she still couldn’t help but keep watching the scenes in the film.

Sadako’s body was picked up, and the police came to the scene and took away the bones.

The blood marks on Qin Qian’s body suddenly disappeared, as if everything in life had returned to normal.


When Xia Hong saw this scene, he breathed a huge sigh of relief.

Even in an air-conditioned room, I was still nervous and sweating a little.

I have to say that Lin Qiu’s sense of atmosphere is really superb.

In Xia Hong’s normal consciousness, the film is almost done at this stage.

Generally speaking, Xiazhou horror movies should have a harmonious and beautiful scene of”making dumplings and smashing them”

Just when Xia Hong’s psychological defense gradually opened and he thought this story might come to an end,

The film really reaches its climax

The camera turns

Arriving at Lu Chuan’s room

On this day, while Lu Chuan was concentrating on writing, the old-fashioned TV set at home suddenly started playing automatically.

The scene played has never appeared before

Ding dong

Ding dong

On the TV, I saw the disheveled Sadako crawling out step by step from the dry well where she was buried, and walking towards the camera.

Xia Hong’s eyes were confused, and Li Yuling was equally confused.

Why is there still a videotape?

“Not good”

Just when Xia Hong realized something was wrong, it was already too late

I saw Sadako slowly coming to the camera, leaning down, and watching from the TV bit by bit.……


come out! loadAdv(7,3);


“Ah ah ah!”


Li Yuling could no longer suppress the fear in her heart and shouted hysterically!

Xia Hong’s face was also full of horror and he couldn’t believe what he saw.


The fear in this scene is so direct that it is completely different from the previous scenes.

And the key is the panic after the audience puts down their guard!

The Li family lives in a duplex house.

If it’s a building, I’m sure the residents upstairs and downstairs will knock on the door to see what’s going on!

Li Yuling only felt that her soul was about to fly out. When she saw the scene where Lu Chuan was scared to death when he saw Sadako’s weird eyes, she really didn’t dare to look at it anymore and hid in her mother’s arms and shivered!


The lights in the entire study were completely on at this moment without any preparation!

Not to mention Li Yuling, even Xia Hong couldn’t bear it

The hair on the whole person stood up in fear, and he screamed in surprise!

“What are you two doing? You heard shouting when you just came back.”

“Scared me!”

Li Qiang wiped his sweat and heard screams coming from the house just as he parked his car at the door.

Li Qiang was so frightened that he rushed into the room in three steps and two steps, thinking that something had happened!

I was relieved to see the mother and daughter safe and sound, but I was very frightened.

“woo woo woo woo! dad!”

Li Yuling rushed into her father’s arms, and was so frightened that she sobbed softly.

Li Qiang was relieved but also full of doubts, not knowing what happened.

After hearing his wife describe what happened, Li Qiang’s mouth twitched.

“Talent, you two are both talents”

“You can see this when watching a horror movie”

“Dad, it’s really scary, don’t you believe it!”

Li Qiang raised his neck and said,”I won’t watch it! Are men afraid of that kind of movie?”

“My car is still parked outside. I’m going to park it.”

Seeing Li Qiang slip away, Xia Hongcai said:”Don’t listen to Dad’s bragging.””

“When your dad and I were in a relationship, your dad invited me to watch a horror movie and I didn’t even dare to open my eyes.”

“More courageous than you”

“Really? mom”

The lights came on, the film paused, and the atmosphere of fear eased a lot.

In the previous life,”The Ring”, because it was a 1998 film, many of the scenes were not realistic in the eyes of later generations, but Lin Qiu’s film was shot in the 21st century with professional equipment.

The scene where Sadako crawls out of the TV is extremely realistic

And those terrifying pupils of Sadako have been lingering in Li Yuling’s mind!

After showing the last part of the film, Xia Hong only had one thought in his mind at this moment.

This”Midnight Ring”》……

Putting it on”Summer Movie Season” is too much of a dimensionality reduction blow!

Such a movie can achieve excellent box office even if it is shown on the big screen

But this is just Lin Qiu’s graduation film!

Not to mention other students, even Ye Zhiyuan’s road movie a few years ago is far from comparable to this movie

The former still has traces of student filming, but this movie is ready to be played on the big screen at any time!

Professional actors and shooting techniques

This Lin Qiu……

It’s so outrageous

Xia Hong sat in front of the computer blankly, not knowing how to rate such a film.

In Xiazhou film history, there is no better horror film than this!

(End of this chapter)

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