Chapter 88 The King of Singer is Born!

Yu Lei took a deep breath and nodded towards the musician.

As the prelude of”Borrow from Heaven for Another Five Hundred Years” sounded, both the audience in the entire studio and the audience in front of the screen stopped their discussion and looked towards the center of the stage.

An inexplicable sense of passion could not help but surge in the blood of all the people in Xiazhou!

the name of this song……

“Borrow another five hundred years from heaven?”

The audience wondered, but soon they forgot the shock of Lin Qiu’s four songs.

“Along the gentle curves of the mountains and rivers”

“The love of the Central Plains of free horse love – the Northland and the south of the Yangtze River”

As Yu Lei sang, the audience was immediately immersed in it!

Every inch of land and every piece of history in Yangyang Xiazhou seems to appear in the minds of the audience.

Whether it is Yingzhou, Hanzhou, or Mizhou, the history of Texas is far from comparable to Xiazhou!

This is the deep-rooted pride of Xiazhou people for five thousand years!

The blood flowing in the bones allows the men of Xiazhou to straighten their spines!

The song”Borrow from Heaven for Another Five Hundred Years” depicts the vision of an unknown ancient emperor.

But now, in the 21st century, the people of Xiazhou can bow to their ancestors, straighten their backs, and say resolutely:

“Now, there are no foreigners……”

“How dare you bully me, Xiazhou Erlang!”

At this moment, the climax of”Borrowing from Heaven for Another Five Hundred Years” came, completely igniting the audience’s enthusiasm!

Hot blood rushed to Tianling Gai, and goosebumps spread all over my body!

“Look at the clatter of iron hoofs! Travel thousands of miles across rivers and mountains!”

“I stand on the cusp of the storm, holding on to the sun and the moon and spinning!”

“May the world be filled with fireworks! Peace and happiness!”

“I really want to live another five hundred years——”


Yu Lei’s powerful and shocking voice enveloped the entire”Sanzhou Song Festival” studio

The audience from Xiazhou could not conceal their excitement, and their eyes filled with tears when they listened in such an atmosphere!

Backstage, the other three Xiazhou singers all stood up at this moment. For some reason

In front of the TV, many listeners also stood up

Do not know why!

Maybe it’s the blood flowing in the body telling them they should do this!

The singers and the audience from Yingzhou and Hanzhou were all stunned at this moment, looking at the stage in disbelief.

He glanced at the Xiazhou people who were completely immersed in it!

They can all feel the deep sense of pride and belonging of the people of Xiazhou!

This is something they don’t have in their blood!

Over the past five thousand years, Xiazhou has experienced many ups and downs, glory and loneliness. But even so, Xiazhou is still passed down from generation to generation!

Emperor Qin, Emperor Wu of Han, Emperor Tang and Song Zu

If there are eyes in the sky, please open them and take a look!

Is the land of Xiazhou still standing in the east now?

Are the current descendants of Yan and Huang still not afraid of wind and rain?


“Look at the clatter of iron hoofs! Travel thousands of miles across rivers and mountains!”

“I stand on the cusp of the storm, holding on to the sun and the moon and spinning!”

“come together!”

In the last climax, Yu Lei waved his big hand boldly, and he stood up with his hands open!

Although this song is sung for the first time, the climax melody is quite simple.

As long as you are not a music geek, you can probably hum it along with the accompaniment after listening to the previous two choruses!

In the studio and outside the screen, thousands of people in Xiazhou sang in unison:

“May the world be filled with fireworks! Peace and happiness!”

“I really still want to……”

“Live another five hundred years!”



“good!!” loadAdv(7,3);

when the last note falls

The audience in the studio burst into deafening cheers and shouts!

All the spectators in Xiazhou no longer restrained themselves and shouted as loud as they could!

The song contains a mix of heroism and reluctance, but countless people in Xiazhou couldn’t hide their passion and chanted Yu Lei’s name!

【Damn it! too excited! I rolled off the dormitory bed!】

【Strong young people make the country strong! We will definitely fulfill our mission!】

【I don’t know which emperor the song is describing, and I don’t know why, but it’s clearly the unwillingness of the country before his death, but it makes my blood boil!】

Discussions about this song suddenly became heated on the Internet

It is difficult for pop songs to be suitable for all ages

But when the older generation listens to this kind of song, it gives them the same feeling

The younger generation listens and feels the younger generation

Such a heroic song was actually written by Lin Qiu!


Standing in front of the TV, Lin Qiu’s sore nose shivered and she held back her tears until the song ended.

The tears she held back were because this song made Lin Qiu miss the land in her previous life.

Lin Qiu has no concern for the people in his previous life, only the land.

“Qiu’er, who is this song about?”

Lin Yuanping said in shock that compared to the songs Lin Qiu had composed before, this song is Lin Yuanping’s favorite song.

“No close-up of anyone”

Lin Qiu responded

The original song of this song was originally composed by Zheng Chenggong

The original lyrics are”The world is flooded with blood, peace and happiness are here.”, which has the heroic character of dying before leaving the battlefield.

But it was later adapted and borrowed by the TV series”Kangxi Dynasty”, but the content of the lyrics does not match the Kangxi Dynasty

The content of the lyrics is now understood as the emperor’s lament, and there is no problem with it either.


《The decisive battle of”Three States Song Festival”

As soon as this song came out, the Queen of Yingzhou and the King of Hanzhou were greatly affected.

The atmosphere of the entire studio was extremely heated by the song”Borrow From Heaven for Another Five Hundred Years”, resulting in neither love songs nor light rock creating an ideal atmosphere.

In the solemn and slow voice of the host, the overall champion of”Three States Song Festival” was finally announced!

“Won the overall championship of the fourth season of”Three States Song Festival”——”

“The one who won the title of King of Singers is——”

Xiazhou audience waits with bated breath

This is a competition between the three states of music. The people of Xiazhou naturally hope that Teacher Yu Lei can keep the championship in Xiazhou!

But in the first round, Teacher Yu Lei was third, and he was far behind!

Just when the audience was anxious, the answer came!

“Teacher Yu Lei!”

When the name was read out, colorful lights spread out on the stage, and golden confetti exploded from the ceiling!

The live music started playing, and the singers in the background all congratulated Yu Lei!



“Digging! Lin Qiu’s song is so awesome!”

“Not just this song! All four songs are great! Ahhhh! Why is Lin Qiu a director? Release an album!”

The audience in Sanzhou was completely convinced. Lin Qiu’s music has no limitations. He can write in any genre and the quality is so high!

Who can I ask to explain this?

In this final of the”Three States Song Festival”, Lin Qiu seems to be another protagonist!

In just one hour, Lin Qiu became a hot search topic after”Three States Song Festival”, which greatly increased her popularity!


【PS: Available on December 1st】

【10 updates will be released, and 5 updates will be released daily after release.】

【Rules for adding updates: One chapter will be added for each additional helmsman, and 5 chapters will be added for each additional alliance leader (updates will be added in December)】

(End of this chapter)

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