Chapter 87 Lin Qiu is all under the quilt!

The reason why everyone was so surprised to see Lin Qiu on a variety show is because Lin Qiu rarely appeared in the public eye during the period of becoming famous.

When Sun Qin and Yu Lei went to the music department of Chang’an Film and Television Company, the program team shot some materials, which immediately made many viewers who knew Lin Qiu have more expectations for this song.

You have to know the songs composed by Lin Qiu. It may be an exaggeration to say that it is the first golden song, but they are all considered masterpieces.

The lights dimmed and the audience’s applause gradually died down. Sun Qin stood barefoot on the stage.

without any prelude

The texture in Sun Qin’s voice immediately put the audience into the atmosphere of the song”The Prodigal Son Returns”

“Cigarette one by one location”

“Drinking wine one glass at a time”

“Please be considerate of me. I don’t have a good drinking capacity. Don’t dig holes for me.”

A sense of dejection and sadness enveloped the entire studio. Sun Qin, who was already in his thirties, had an unusual color in his eyes as he sang passionately.

Because it is Hokkien, a local dialect, not everyone can understand it.

But from another perspective, it seems that all listeners can understand this song


“Riding a two-wheeled motorcycle on a bumpy road, I doubt my life is like shit”

“I have no money, no wife, no children and only one life.”

On the final stage of the”Three States Song Festival”, singing a song that has no popularity, the singer must be full of confidence in this song

Variety shows have a wider audience than younger movie fans

Many viewers stayed in front of the TV and listened quietly.

The lyrics in the song are extremely heartbreaking. In the lyrics, the prodigal son went through ups and downs and finally returned to his hometown and his past life.

Confusion and helplessness about the future are everywhere reflected, but they can never find their own direction.

Many middle-aged men can’t help but light up a cigarette. Good songs will arouse emotional resonance.

When the last note of the song fell, the audience gradually broke away from the song and burst into thunderous applause!

“This… is a song written by Lin Qiu?”

“Could Lin Qiu be able to write this kind of song?”

Countless viewers who are familiar with Lin Qiu have the same thought in their minds

The emotion and resonance of this song don’t look like it could have been written by a 21-year-old young man.

《The entire album of”Crescent Bay” is not of this style.

【I had heard before that many singers in the music circle were looking for Lin Qiu to write songs. Unexpectedly, Sun Qin actually made an appointment!】

【Another great song! I wish I could catch Lin Qiu in a dark room and not let him go until he finished writing a hundred songs!】

After Sun Qin finished singing, the audience in front of the screen talked a lot

In addition to lamenting that Sun Qin’s singing was so touching, everyone was also lamenting Lin Qiu’s monstrous talent.

Although he is not very prolific, Lin Qiu’s main job is directing, so it is outrageous that he can create songs of such high quality!


Second place Xiazhou female singer Xu Xin’s VAR short video is played……

same location, same place

Chang’an Music Department!

Familiar and handsome young man

In the short film, Tang Anning, Lin Qiu, and Xu Xin arranged the final song in the music department of Chang’an.

When seeing this scene, all the viewers in front of the screen were stunned.


“what’s the situation!”

“Is it Lin Qiu again?”

“Lin Qiu’s lyrics and music again?”

Because the singers ranked at the bottom had no chance to compete for the championship, Xu Xin decided to sing the new song”Listening to the Sea” written by Lin Qiu to her, and also competed for the song.

The official version of this song will be officially released tomorrow

“listen——” loadAdv(7,3);

“The sound of the sea crying!”

“Sighing for someone whose heart was broken again, but who is still not awake——”

Another melodious song

Different from the sudden loss of”The Prodigal Son”, the listeners who listened to this song”Listen to the Sea” were intoxicated.

Some people are over-interpreting this song. Is this song”Listening to the Sea” Lin Qiu speaking out for the sea that is polluted by humans?

【Why did Lin Qiu suddenly come out to write songs? Is he free?】

【My guess is that”I’m Not the God of Medicine” has just been launched and hasn’t been launched yet.】

【The singers from Ying and Hanzhou lifted the quilt, and there was Lin Qiu inside the quilt!】



Lin Qiu sat on the sofa, with potato chips in one hand and Fat House Happy Water in the other, enjoying the interpretation of the song that was different from her familiar taste.

The next VCR short film of the third Xiazhou singer made the already shocked audience completely stunned!

It’s a familiar scene again

Another familiar person

“Why is it Chang’an again!”

“It’s Lin Qiu again!”

“what’s the situation? Dare to form a group and ask Lin Qiu to write songs, right?”

When I saw the third Xiazhou singer, who was once popular all over the country and is now a little out of date, the new song”Conquest” to be sung by the Queen Su Yun was also written by Lin Qiu

The audience was completely speechless

Not only the Xiazhou audience was speechless, but many Yingzhou and Hanzhou audiences who were watching the show were confused:

“Isn’t this Lin Qiu the director?”

《”Love Letter” and”The Furnace” achieved good box office results in Yingzhou and Hanzhou respectively.

And it is worth mentioning that”The Melting Pot” caused an uproar in Hanzhou, causing many people in Hanzhou to know Lin Qiu.

But no one had ever told them that Lin Qiu was so good at writing songs?

“this show……”

“Is it Xiazhou singers versus Yingzhou, Hanzhou singers, or Lin Qiu?……”

“Kneel down! Sing conquest!”


The final songs of the three Xiazhou singers were all composed by Lin Qiu, which made many viewers look at the screen and look at the smiling Yu Lei backstage.


“Teacher Yu Lei’s final song……”

“It shouldn’t be that coincidental, right?……”

Some viewers used their inertia of thinking and couldn’t help thinking, with strange expressions on their faces.

They really don’t want to believe it, because Teacher Yu Lei’s songs are all majestic and non-pop songs, and they are not in the same key as the previous songs.

But if Lin Qiu can do it, the audience doesn’t seem to be surprised?

The third-to-last singer on the stage is none other than Yu Lei, who was ranked third on the stage.

《In order to increase the topicality and discussion of the program, the program team of”Sanzhou Song Festival” deliberately focused on Lin Qiu during the editing of the short film!

Sure enough, as soon as Yu Lei’s short film was aired, it immediately achieved the results the program team wanted!

Before Yu Lei’s performance, the ratings of”Three States Song Festival” broke this year’s ratings record!

【I’m so excited! Lin Qiu cooperated with the show team?】

【It’s Lin Qiu again! I had a shocking fuck, fighting each other?】

【Lin Qiu: Didn’t you expect that? It’s brother again! I don’t appear in variety shows, but all the variety shows are filled with me!】

【Don’t say Lin Qiu could write 4 songs, I wouldn’t be surprised even if he could write 24. What surprises me is that these singers all sang his songs at the”Sanzhou Song Festival”. Is there a PY deal?】


(End of this chapter)

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