Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 978: Two Movies, Two Destinies

Ye Ming said with a smile: "Don't mind, everyone, I was just making a joke. You have to fight for the Oscar, but the movie must first see the box office. I believe that the movie "Slumdog Millionaire" is A very good movie will be screened at an appropriate time so that journalists and colleagues in the entertainment industry can first watch what kind of movie it is."

Everyone likes to hear this. Journalists naturally have this priority, and there are also some commentators and so on. Anyway, they are just a small group of people who show themselves to be special. After all, people in the entertainment industry want this kind of face. Since you are in the entertainment industry, I have seen the movies you have not seen first. This is a matter of face. I will definitely take care of everyone.

And it means that at this time, you have watched the movie first, and you have the nerve to say that the movie is not good? Therefore, reporters and commentators who participate in movies usually only want to praise the movie if it is not bad, but at least they cannot belittle other people's movies.

However, there is still a key question that Ye Ming has not answered, that is, the fight against Pearl Harbor is a Hollywood blockbuster.

Originally, John wanted to ask, but after being teased by Ye Ming, he was embarrassed to continue asking no matter what.

Shame on you, you have brought shame on China. At this time, John could only sit down obediently.

But because Yu Guo came to John's rescue, he finally got the opportunity to ask Ye Ming questions. This was a very good opportunity. He and Ye Ming also had a very close relationship, unlike Lao Bai. Although We are all acquaintances, but Lao Bai was Black Ye Ming's friend at first, and then the relationship between them eased.

But Yu Guo said from the beginning that he was a full-time non-staff member of Ye Jiajun, always cheering for Ye Ming. Therefore, if there is any reporter who has the strongest relationship with Ye Ming, it is Yu Guo. Yu Guo even said that he had Ye Ming's personal phone number. This showed that the two of them were very familiar with each other.

Therefore, Yu Guo would take care of Ye Ming's face when asking questions, but he was also very direct.

He had been wanting to ask a question for a long time, and now he said directly: "Mr. Ye, I heard that you have produced two movies, one of which is to compete with the Hollywood blockbuster [Pearl Harbor]. At the beginning, we all I thought it was Slumdog Millionaire, but you also said it was Thai Jon. Which movie is going to compete head-on with Hollywood blockbusters?"

There is a habit in the domestic entertainment industry. If there is a Hollywood blockbuster, then the general domestic movies will be directly staggered. Of course, generally speaking, the summer schedule, the Spring Festival schedule, etc. will not Leave it to Hollywood blockbusters, which is also a kind of protection for your country’s movies. As John said, China's copyright is not good enough, but it is still relatively good at protecting its own country's films.

At this time, if there were no protection measures for domestic films, Chinese films would not be what they are today.

However, after all, the time for the Spring Festival and summer vacation is limited. If you encounter a Hollywood blockbuster in other schedules, you will generally not confront it head-on, but stagger the schedules.

But this time, it is impossible to miss it, because this is a declaration of war by Hollywood, which seems to involve some issues with imported blockbusters. Therefore, it must be topped by domestic films.

At times like this, it depends on what kind of person can be more courageous to do this.

According to outside rumors, Mr. Han Shanping even said that because of this incident, he summoned four major domestic directors to discuss countermeasures. In the end, Ye Ming's film was selected.

Directly facing the frontal impact of the Hollywood blockbuster Pearl Harbor. Therefore, the media is also very supportive of such a thing. Three great directors, Zhang Yimou, Chen Kaige, and Feng Xiaogang, have all ceased their activities. Only one Ye Ming is still persisting. At this time, the Chinese media naturally said that they all supported Ye Ming. This way.

But until now, Ye Ming has not really announced which movie he is starring in against Pearl Harbor.

Because Huihuang Film and Television produced two movies, one is "Slumdog Millionaire" and the other is "Thailand".

Everyone is actually very concerned about which of these two movies can compete with Hollywood blockbusters.

Ye Ming thought for a while, and finally said: "This was originally supposed to be kept secret, but I think the time is almost up, so there is no need to keep this matter secret.

It's the movie "Slumdog Millionaire". I believe that this movie will give everyone a big surprise. "

Ye Ming actually told the media about this matter, which made everyone feel normal, and I felt that "Slumdog Millionaire" was more reliable, because after all, this movie has entered post-production. , and it is also a movie that is aiming for an Oscar, at least that’s what director Ye Ming thinks.

With something like this, everyone feels more confident about the movie.

Hearing Ye Ming's affirmative answer, Yu Guo immediately said: "It turns out that there were rumors that it was Taijiao. You also said that it would be this movie. Why has it changed now?"

At this time, Ye Ming replied very cunningly: "This, the art of war is to be real and illusory, and fictitious to be real. This matter is just a need for publicity. We were not prepared at the beginning. Therefore, in this situation In one case, we didn't say which movie would compete head-on with the Hollywood blockbusters.

But now, basically, the release date of Pearl Harbor has been confirmed. Therefore, in such a situation, it is time for us to take action. Moreover, this promotion will be launched at any time

To announce these things now is actually to use your articles on this matter to tell the fans that I am here. "

Ye Ming's tone was very domineering, and a powerful scene enveloped the entire venue at this moment. The superstar's momentum was clearly visible, domineering, cold, aloof, and full of confidence. Ye Ming is the only one in China who can have such a domineering momentum when facing Hollywood blockbusters.

Because Ye Ming has such confidence, he himself is the Berlin Best Actor, and he is also the Oscar's Best Supporting Actor and an Asian superstar.

Moreover, his acting skills are slowly beginning to be recognized by Hollywood. The key point is that Ye Ming has a powerful publicity tool in his hands, that is, Brilliant Network. With the overwhelming publicity of Brilliant Network, then in this case In one case, this thing is an advantage that others don't have.

Therefore, Ye Ming's domineering attitude seemed very normal to everyone.

If it is said that Ye Ming does not have such domineering power, it would be said to be looked down upon.

The press conference came to an end with everyone shocked by Ye Ming's domineering attitude.

It wasn't until Ye Ming left under the escort of security that the reporters slowly dispersed while exchanging their experiences. The news that Ye Ming brought to everyone at this press conference was really shocking and full of news.

First, Jackson will come to the countdown party. I don’t know how Ye Ming impressed Jackson. What about China’s market? Those are all high-sounding words. Didn’t anyone tell Jackson before Ye Ming how China is? Such a huge market? Why didn't Jackson come at that time? Why did he just accept Ye Ming's invitation?

Second, a reporter with great powers would never let this matter go. Therefore, someone found out that Han Shanping was behind this matter, and Han Shanping represented what he represented, and he represented the Chinese government.

Third, this means that the official position has been expressed and allows Jackson to be invited to China for a concert. This is just the beginning, but this is a very good sign.

Fourth, before this happened, China was actually quite resistant to Jackson, and was not willing to let Jackson come at all. The last Jackson concert was almost not held in the capital, so it was a pity to miss it.

Fifth, in fact, the superiors rejected Jackson and did not allow him to come. But this time is different. This time it is an official party, but Jackson can come, which means that the official ban on Jackson has begun to be lifted.

Sixth, these are materials that reporters like very much. Another point is that at this time, Ye Ming wants to compete for the Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film. This is also something that Ye Ming attaches great importance to. The last thing I naturally talked about was what kind of movie Ye Ming would use to solve the troubles at Pearl Harbor.

No one would believe that Ye Ming's final film "Slumdog Millionaire" could compete head-on with the Hollywood blockbuster "Pearl Harbor". Most people did not think that Ye Ming had any possibility of victory.

Generally, once a Hollywood blockbuster is released, it will have an overwhelming advantage in box office in various countries.

Therefore, in such a situation, when we look at Ye Ming, we also see a tragic hero. Ye Ming was able to stand up and fight against Pearl Harbor head-on. In everyone's eyes, this was already good. Three words, here I come. It seems to be a challenge to Hollywood blockbusters.

I am here, with three words, to announce to everyone that watching domestic movies has not reached the point of decline. Therefore, under such a situation, the media reports on Ye Ming were overwhelming.

And the vast majority of it is positive publicity. At this time, on the way back, Sister Fang Fang was not in a good mood. Ye Ming was a bit sharp at this press conference.

In a situation like this, if it was another star who stood out, he would probably be blocked by reporters. But Ye Ming's edge is that of a true superstar. It is not easy to block Ye Ming.

Sister Fangfang complained a little: "Yi Zi, you behaved a little too much in front of reporters. Some things can be said, but some things cannot be said casually no matter what.

Therefore, we should be more cautious when it comes to matters like this. You mean to say that [Slumdog Millionaire] can confront [Pearl Harbor] head-on.

If our box office results are good, then we'll be lucky. But if the box office performance is not ideal, I think people who want to see our jokes will not miss this opportunity. "

Ye Ming, however, was not worried about this matter at all. He said as if he was an old god: "Sister Fang Fang, if this matter is shot in the United States, it is foolproof. But no matter what it is, , in such a matter, it goes without saying that we have won.

But what if it fails? What’s the big deal? You must know that we are fighting against Hollywood blockbusters. If we say we can’t resist, then this is a very normal thing. After all, we are facing a Hollywood blockbuster, so the box office gap is understandable.

No matter what happens to us, we stand in an invincible position. This is the secret. Not many people know. "

Yes, if it were a situation like this, others would criticize Ye Ming based on the box office results, but no one would dare to stand up and fight against Pearl Harbor. In such a situation, after Ye Mingyi said it, Sister Fang Fang suddenly woke up. Yes, is the box office important at this time?

In fact, what is really important is that in such a situation, Ye Ming stood up. No matter how the box office of "Slumdog Millionaire" was in the end, no matter how it was said, it was Ye Ming who had this A piece of courage.

Sister Fang Fang breathed a sigh of relief. Sometimes Ye Ming's way of speaking was difficult to understand, but Ye Ming explained this matter very clearly. Brilliant Film and Television is in an invincible position.

As for Awkward, Ye Ming did not explain the specific circumstances of this movie clearly. Therefore, in such a situation, it does not mean that no one wants to ask about the movie "Thai囧", but it means that Ye Ming deliberately avoided this question.

The reason why Ye Ming didn't push it out directly was because of this matter, that is to say, Ye Ming planned to announce the details of the real "囧囧" movie when it was released.

In this press conference, Ye Ming did not promote Thailand too much. The reporter did not ask, and Ye Ming would not say anything casually. Anyway, the movie "Thai囧", depending on the situation, should be a Lunar New Year film. By then, China's Lunar New Year film market will undoubtedly be in a tit-for-tat situation. And such a situation is actually what we saw above. (To be continued)

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