Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 947 Change of Attitude

Tom Cruise was able to directly invite Ye Ming to come into his small circle. One was because of Spielberg’s reputation as a great director, and the other was that he understood Ye Ming’s key points. , I found that Ye Ming had many things that others were unfamiliar with.

Behind Ye Ming is a giant. At least now Ye Ming has something worthy of his attention.

At this time, Tom Cruise introduced with a smile: "Actually, it's because Mr. Ye Ming just arrived at William Morris, otherwise, it wouldn't necessarily be a contract of this level.

Let’s not talk about the contract. Another thing is that the promotional video for the movie I am filming has been promoted on Huihui.com, and this is also the credit of Mr. Ye Ming, because Mr. Ye Ming is the director of Huihui.com. Perhaps you should have heard that Huihuang.com is currently in a lawsuit with the US government. Mr. Ye Ming’s courage alone is worthy of applause from us Hollywood actors. "

This time, real applause, real applause, everyone respects Ye Ming from the bottom of their hearts, not just because they respect Ye Ming as an actor, but because they respect Ye Ming for having the courage to fight against the US government. The lawsuit is now about whether Huihuang.com is suspected of being a monopoly. This fact has made many people in Hollywood very concerned.

Because whoever wins this lawsuit and who loses may be directly related to the personal interests of these people in Hollywood.

Video websites, under such a situation, what everyone really thinks about is that Hollywood movie promotion is generally through two channels: TV and newspapers. Channel is king, just like in Hollywood theaters. The line is the foundation, and in terms of publicity, newspapers and television are the real kings.

But now, in addition to newspapers and television, a third propaganda channel has emerged, the Internet.

As a video website with overwhelming advantages, Huihuang.com is the only one.

Not to mention that there are no other video websites in the United States, but other video websites are technically supported by Huihuang.com, which means that if Ye Ming is unhappy, he can clean up other video websites at any time. This is why the US government will investigate whether Huihuang.com is suspected of being a monopoly.

This time Will Smith really saw the magnificent transformation of an Oriental. If it was the actor Ye Ming, he didn't know much about it at this time, and he didn't want to know. But if it's the boss of Huihuang.com, then under such a situation, he still really wants to get to know him.

At this time, Will Smith came over in surprise and said: "Are you the Mingye of Huihuang.com? God, why is this a person? Oriental names are so strange."

Ye Ming explained seriously: "If you follow the habits of Westerners, my name is Ming Ye, which is not wrong, because in the West, introducers usually introduce their first name first and last name last. But in the crew, maybe everyone It is customary to call me Ye Ming, which is how we call me according to our Chinese tradition."

First of all, Spielberg really called Ye Ming, and other people on the crew will also call Ye Ming the same way in the future, and Tom Cruise also introduced Ye Ming in the same way when he introduced Ye Ming.

Therefore, few people regard Ming Ye, the boss of Huihuang.com, and Ye Ming, the current actor, as the same person. At least if you don't look carefully to distinguish it, few Hollywood stars will know that it actually belongs to the same person.

Will Smith said with emotion: "Ye Ming, the boss of Huihuang.com, you cooperated with Jackson to sell songs online. This method allows Jackson to earn at least more than 5 million yuan in income every year. This is a traditional sales channel. Incomparable.”

If we talk about traditional sales channels, the cost is high. Not only do we have to share dividends with record companies, we also have to share profits from producing records, selling records, paying taxes, etc.

Therefore, if a traditional record sells five million, the singer can take away more than one million, even if the singer is a top singer.

But on the Internet, it is almost said that there is no cost, that is to say, it is just two parts: tax and division.

Therefore, if you sell five million on the Internet, the singer will take away at least two million, which is incomparable to transmission sales channels.

Ye Ming shook his head and said: "This matter does not seem to be a real calculation method. In fact, Jackson will have an income of about five million.

Everyone who downloads Mr. Jackson's songs on Huihuang.com will be given a certain amount of money. Moreover, the cost of downloading is relatively low. If you add up a little, you will get a profit of five million. Our company's people have gone through strict After calculating the income, and after computers, mobile phones and other Internet terminals become popular, this number will still have great room for improvement. "

No one understands better than Ye Ming the impact of the Internet on the entire music market under such circumstances. The Internet is the gravedigger of the legacy record industry. It is no exaggeration to say this.

And if Jackson really masters the Internet sales terminal channel, then his annual income of 5 million is nothing more than trivial matters.

Not for anything else, in fact, because he is Jackson, he is the king of pop music.

Will Smith nodded and said, "That's right. I heard that originally, Jackson had some problems with his financial income, but now his income is gradually increasing. With a sales channel, we singers will be able to Much better.

By the way, Jackson also owns all the music copyrights of the Beatles. Will there be any action on this issue on the Internet? "

The Beatles' music copyright will be Jackson's biggest income in the future. It can be said that for every record released by Sony, Jackson will receive a commission. Therefore, even though Jackson owed huge foreign debts during his lifetime, the resources in his hands were also quite powerful.

Ye Ming thought for a while and said: "Well, I don't know, I think we will cooperate, but at this time, we have to discuss this matter carefully. We are currently in the negotiation stage, but I think the result will be very surprising. "

Wilsmith nodded and said: "This is exciting news. I grew up listening to the Beatles' songs.

By the way, man, tell me, if I add my songs to Huihuang.com, can I still make some pocket money? "

Wilsmith is a relatively introverted person, at least in front of strangers. But at a time like this, if music is involved, he will be resurrected with full health in an instant.

And Ye Ming said without thinking at all: "There is no problem with this. With your reputation and status in rap music, just wait and count the money at home, and you will definitely have an income that satisfies you."

Ye Ming believes this very much. Willsmith naturally does not have as many fans as Jackson, but he is also a superstar. If he cooperates with Huihuang.com, it will be a win-win situation. As for this In one situation, whether Wilsmith just ignored Ye Ming, Ye Ming didn't take it seriously at all. From Will Smith's point of view, it was quite good that he didn't give Ye Ming a lesson plan at that time.

At this time, Tom Cruise did not expect that Will Smith's attitude would make a 180-degree turn. This is simply the rhythm of making movies. Even making movies may not be so dramatic. transformed.

Even Morgan Freeman said with some curiosity: "Mr. Ye, I have a question to ask. They say that the Internet will have a huge impact on the film and television market, and now, this impact has already been revealed. If it is It is said that when computers become more popular, video tapes will disappear from the stage of history.

As we all know, movies are not only the basis of box office revenue, but peripheral products, especially video tapes, also play a large part. If this part of the income disappears, it will have a huge impact on the entire film market. Why is the U.S. government investigating your company for suspected monopoly? In fact, I think it is partly because of this. "

The film market is a relatively large market in the United States. If a large part of this market's income is hit, the consequences can be imagined. In the United States, the film market is a little different from the Chinese film market.

Generally speaking, the movie market in China is the box office, which accounts for almost 90% of the revenue. If a movie fails at the box office in China, it is considered a complete failure.

For movie peripherals and the like, it almost seems like no one is doing it. Well, if there is still an extra income, some films with relatively good performance will have overseas markets, but such opportunities are simply too rare.

But it's different in the United States. The revenue and box office of a movie are naturally very important, but they are not the most important. Generally speaking, the proportion of Western movie box office to total revenue was six to seven at the beginning, and now it has basically reached the stage of five. .

That is to say, in the West, if a movie fails at the box office, there is still room for improvement from the surrounding areas.

The video tape is naturally the biggest piece. Watching it in the cinema is not enough, so buy it and watch it yourself. For example, there is a market for Transformers toys peripherals, Lord of the Rings prop peripherals, Harry Potter book peripherals, etc.

Not only these, but movie posters, souvenirs, such as T-shirts and hats, and even key chains are all ways to make money. Therefore, in the West, whether a movie is profitable or not, box office will not be the decisive factor.

If the peripherals of a movie are relatively good, then under such circumstances, there is no problem in making the movie profitable.

If we want to talk about why there is such a model in the West, the key point is copyright. In the West, copyright and other things are done very well.

For example, if Transformers were in China, those who pirated Transformers toys would be like the prince of the river. Anyway, how to make money and piracy.

As for piracy, the film company does not get a penny.

This is why it’s impossible to make money by selling peripheral products to Chinese movies. Piracy is too high. That’s not to say that there is no piracy at all in the West.

Rather, in such a situation, they have done a better job of maintaining it. Anyone who commits piracy will be directly investigated, and the government will directly sue you for bankruptcy.

Therefore, there are no people who like piracy in the West, but they are a relatively small number of people.

Therefore, Ye Ming's impact on movie tapes made many knowledgeable people in Hollywood feel a huge threat.

And Morgan Freeman is one of them. Ye Ming thought about it this time, because the question raised by Morgan Freeman was a relatively realistic issue and a relatively sensitive one.

He thought for a while and then said: "This matter is actually not a big deal.

Yes, Internet video has a certain impact on video tapes, and not only will it have a certain impact, but at a certain time, it is not impossible that Internet video will make video tapes withdraw from the stage of history.

But this is a relatively long time, maybe ten or twenty years. However, if conditions mature in the future, you can pay to watch Internet videos. Whoever wants to watch their favorite movies on the Internet can pay. This is also a source of income.

It's like Jackson cooperated with Huihui.com and put his songs on Huihui.com for people to download. This download is a paid download. In the future, movies can be regarded as an extension of today's video tapes. It costs money to buy video tapes, and it will also cost money to download and watch movies in the future. "

This is a trend, but there are not many people who can see such a trend. And it is quite remarkable that Morgan Freeman can see this.

And some of the solutions to problems that Ye Ming is talking about now have indeed given Morgan Freeman a great inspiration. Even the people at the scene realized that what Ye Ming said, if it means that movies on the Internet are paid downloads just like songs, there must be a huge market.

And this market, at least for now, is within Ye Ming's control.

Why Ye Ming has a special status in William Morris Company is because Ye Ming's own identity determines his current status. I just don’t know that the U.S. court will eventually classify Ye Ming’s company as a monopoly.

If so, then under such a situation, it means that Ye Ming's company needs to make certain changes, and he can no longer monopolize the Internet video market. This may be a good start for Hollywood. (To be continued)

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