Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 946: Hidden rules of Hollywood parties

liouzhang Tom Cruise introduced Morgan Freeman, and Ye Ming scanned Morgan Freeman's data out of curiosity.

This is the first time Ye Ming has truly understood the real data of a star in Hollywood, [Name Morgan Freeman, age 58, acting skills: 1200, four stars in comprehension, the uncrowned king at the superstar level. Danger level, five stars]

Speaking of this understanding, Morgan Freeman is considered a late bloomer, and his understanding cannot be particularly good. Therefore, in such a situation, Morgan Freeman's understanding is only four stars at this time, which is actually the same as Same as Fan Binbin.

And if this old man can reach this part, his acting skills are naturally very strong. If his understanding is stronger, no one like Morgan or Freeman can suppress him.

At this moment, Ye Ming said very humbly: "Hello, Mr. Freeman, I have always liked your performance in movies. Your performance is as brilliant as the stars tonight."

Big stars, all the big stars in the scene are Hollywood stars, and almost all of them are members of the 20 million club. Maybe Morgan Freeman is the only one who does not have a 20 million salary, but there is not much difference.

Morgan Freeman's reputation is quite good in the industry. He also said very politely: "Easy to say, welcome Ye Ming to Hollywood. Hollywood has been without fresh blood for a long time. I hope Ye Ming can have a good start in Hollywood."

Not everyone is qualified to play a role in a film directed by Spielberg. Whether you can integrate into Hollywood depends on your performance in this film. "

This guy is a good old guy. Although there are no supporting roles in Hollywood that can rival Morgan Freeman, he still maintains a low-key style.

Maybe it's because he has gone through a lot of things to reach his current status. At this time, he cherishes his current status very much. Even for Ye Ming, who came from China, he didn't mean to look down on Ye Ming at all.

In other words, at Morgan Freeman's age, he has already seen a lot.

There is no need to put others down to elevate yourself. But this time he reminded Ye Ming that he had formed a good relationship. Next, we will introduce Will Smith, one of the most expensive black stars in Hollywood, and Will Smith has the same identity as Ye Ming. He is not only an actor, but also a singer, and his records are also It is also very popular in European and American countries.

To be honest, Will Smith is a relatively unique person among Hollywood superstars. A person like this naturally has a temper. It is quite difficult for him to come this time.

Not everyone is as polite as Morgan Freeman. It can be said that Wilsmith did not regard Ye Ming as an enemy and did not look down on Ye Ming, which is a pretty good result.

In fact, Will Smith's attitude at this moment is the attitude of Hollywood stars towards Chinese stars. It is good to be lukewarm and watch with a cold eye.

To be able to stand here, you must have an extraordinary mind. Even if you look down on Ye Ming, you won't express it directly.

Therefore, at this moment, Ye Ming greeted Will Smith, and Will Smith nodded, not expressing a very enthusiastic attitude, but he also did not mean to reject people thousands of miles away.

Of course, it has something to do with Ye Ming's acting skills. When he faced Tom Cruise for the first time, Ye Ming actually didn't suffer at all. Therefore, this is also one of the reasons why he was able to integrate into this circle quickly.

At this time, Tom Cruise was a little disdainful. Will Smith, this guy, said at first that he would not lose his temper, but now it seems that he is not too enthusiastic about Ye Ming.

He said with a smile: "Will is just like that. He doesn't like to talk. Don't mind. In the future, when everyone gets to know each other, you will know what kind of person Will is."

It is said that Wilsmith is the kind of person who doesn't like to talk. The obvious meaning is that he doesn't like talking to strangers.

This is very different from Will Smith's image on the screen, or his identity as a singer.

Therefore, people who know Will Smith's character for the first time are quite surprised. Ye Ming also smiled and didn't take it seriously. If someone could respond to him, Shu Shi would have given him face.

There are a few black people in Hollywood who can earn a salary of 20 million, but Will Smith is such a person.

If it is said that becoming a white star in the 20 million salary club requires hard work, then if a black man wants to stand in such a position, it is almost conceivable that in such a position Under the circumstances, after Tom Cruise introduced Ye Ming to a circle, sure enough, only Morgan Freeman received goodwill. The others almost said they didn't have much interest in Ye Ming, so they could not show their displeasure. .

That's already for Tom Cruise's sake. It can be said that Ye Ming and these people in the hall are almost not in the same circle. At a time like this, Tom Cruise seemed to find the atmosphere rather awkward.

Ye Ming's status is not enough. This party is for Hollywood elites.

Maybe such gatherings sometimes don't have any purpose. They just mean that a certain big star is bored and wants to find a few of his friends to have a meal and chat. But if people who are not of this level come here, then it is indeed You will be treated indifferently, and the treatment Ye Ming received when he was like this was indifference.

Not many people were willing to say hello to Ye Ming. In fact, even if Cheng Long came, it was hard to say whether he would be greeted by big stars like them.

Therefore, on such an issue, Tom Cruise, as the host, pulled Ye Ming to the middle position.

This is a very surprising position. Generally speaking, only the core person of a party can stand in the middle. The meaning of the middle in Hollywood star gatherings is that it has the right to speak.

Only those who have the right to speak can truly stand in the middle.

It is true that Tom Cruise has such qualifications. If Spielberg is here, he is also the person standing in the middle.

But Ye Ming, this star from China, was simply not qualified to be on that side. It's almost certain at this point. Even Morgan Freeman, who is said to have a good temper, is quite disdainful of such a person's affairs.

In such a situation, almost everyone's eyes began to focus on Tom Cruise in the middle. If he can pull Ye Ming to the middle, that means he will definitely give everyone an explanation.

Why did Ye Ming go to the middle? What qualifications does he have to stand in the middle? If Tom Cruise doesn't have enough reasons to convince everyone, then the real shame this time is not Ye Ming. Ye Ming is a star from China. In the eyes of these Hollywood superstars, they look like country bumpkins.

Therefore, if Ye Ming stood alone in the middle, he might be laughed at as if he were watching a monkey show. People don't understand the rules, but no one might say Ye Ming is embarrassed. Tom Cruise is different.

He is a Hollywood superstar himself, so he naturally understands the unspoken rules among superstars very well. Almost all eyes are focused on Tom Cruise, and almost all people's pressure is concentrated on Tom Cruise.

But a superstar is a superstar. Faced with the almost suffocating pressure from everyone, Tom Cruise didn't take it to heart at all. This was the powerful aura of five or six superstars, but Liangtang didn't take this matter seriously at all.

He even responded to everyone with a smile. Of course, Tom Cruise himself is an acting star, so his reaction was not expected by everyone, but there is also Ye Ye who is also under strong aura pressure and does not have the aura of a superstar. Ming and Ye Ming didn't seem to regard these auras as the same thing. It seemed that Ye Ming had the same relaxed expression as when he just came in, directly responding to Tom Cruise's test.

At this time, Morgan Freeman and other superstars felt that although Ye Ming was a star in the East, at least based on his acting skills and aura, he was qualified to participate in their activities. But if you are talking about standing in the middle, this is not even a little bit worse.

Tom Cruise introduced with a smile: "Everyone, now everyone knows that Ye Ming and I are shooting movies together on Mr. Spielberg's crew, but everyone must be curious why Director Spielberg would find An Eastern star plays one of the roles.

In fact, there are two main reasons. One is that Ye Ming is an artist with an A-level contract from William Morris Company, and everyone knows that Director Spielberg has a relationship with William Morris Company. "

William Morris, the ace agency in Hollywood, is also the oldest agency. It can be said that like Hollywood, it has a long history of discouraging filmmakers.

Superstars gather and their glory lights up the night sky of Hollywood. Although there are rising stars like Innovative Artists Company catching up, it has to be said that the foundation of William Morris Company cannot be underestimated. It is still the top agency company in Hollywood. Whether you admit it or not, the number of celebrities who left William Morris is shocking enough.

Even the five veteran-level founders of the current Innovative Artists Company all came from the William Moseley Company. Therefore, if a company like this can help, it will be a very good shortcut for foreigners who want to enter the ranks of Hollywood stars.

Under such a situation, everyone knows that even in Hollywood, it is quite difficult to get an A-level contract from William Moseley Company.

William Morris is an old company, and because it is an old overlord, it is quite stubborn about some things. For example, what level of contract an actor is given needs to be considered comprehensively. You will be given whatever level you are given. There is a strict assessment mechanism at William Morris.

It was precisely because of the stubbornness of William Morris that the five founders of Innovative Artists left in anger and established the current Innovative Artists Company.

Ordinarily, under such a situation, William Morris Company should have learned a lesson, but at such a time, no one has seen any changes in William Morris Company. The boss is still the boss, and he is still so stubborn. , did not change his style because of the threat of innovative artist companies.

Their threshold is still so unattainable. In Hollywood, not all stars are eligible to enter William Morris. Only the best stars of the same level have such a chance.

It's like an A-level contract, which is surprising enough. It is said that at William Morris, there are less than 200 people who can have this level of contract.

Note that these two hundred people refer to the two hundred people from around the world, not the two hundred people in Hollywood.

In the global entertainment industry, there are no more than 200 stars with William Morris A-level contracts. This shows how surprising this contract is.

The fact that Ye Ming can get this level of contract is enough to show that Ye Ming has passed the assessment of William Morris Company.

Morgan Freeman and the others didn't know that it was Ye Mingcai who was personally found by the president of Williams and poached the corner of Innovative Artists Company.

If they knew this inside story, they would not despise Ye Ming casually.

At this moment, what Tom Cruise actually wants is such an effect, surprise. In fact, he was also very surprised when he first learned about such a thing. If it means that Ye Ming entered William Morris Company, this is not Surprising.

In fact, when entering Hollywood, if you do not want to join an innovative artist company, then going directly to William Morris Company is the best option. If you do not want to find a strong enough agent company in Hollywood, foreign stars who want to enter Hollywood have What has developed is almost impossible.

Therefore, choosing a brokerage company is very important. As for Ye Ming's switch from Innovation to William Morris, in fact not many people paid attention to the news. And what level of contract Ye Ming had at William Morris, this was even less attention-grabbing.

Maybe it seemed to Tom Cruise at first that it was very good for Ye Ming to get a C-level contract. (To be continued)

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