Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 699: The Accident in [The Legend of Zhen Huan]

Coppola thought for a while, and finally said with a smile: "Actually, you should be prepared. It doesn't mean that you will definitely invite Ye Ming if you invite him in person.

After all, it is already rude for you to ask Kitano Takeshi to deliver the message. This will leave a bad impression on Ye Ming. Maybe this is nothing in Hollywood, but Dongfang even said that it is not impossible for tens of millions of investments to be ruined because of one sentence.

Therefore, for the sake of your movie, you should find some famous action directors in Hong Kong as a backup, lest the gain outweighs the loss. "

Prepare for a rainy day. This is why Coppola always does things without leakage. Before something succeeds, he has to think about how he will face it after failure.

Although Spielberg was unwilling to believe Coppola's words, he still followed the suggestion. He called his assistant and asked him to contact Hong Kong City.

In the end, Spielberg said: "Actually, use the best. This kind of thing is one of my standards for making movies. Ye Ming is the best choice. I will go and see who this person is." What kind of person, why are you so praised?"

At this moment, in the capital, Ye Ming is not here. Sister Fang Fang is responsible for the glorious affairs. However, because Ye Ming's manager is also Sister Fang Fang, therefore, Ye Ming and Coca-Cola jointly hold a concert this time, which is directly He attracted Sister Fang Fang. Therefore, under such a situation, in the capital, Huihuang was somewhat leaderless.

At this moment, the atmosphere in the crew of [The Legend of Zhen Huan] is a little different. Although it is autumn and the air is crisp, which is the perfect weather for the clear sky and the cranes to line up the clouds, which brings poetry to the blue sky, the crew is still frowning. Not showing up, he felt heavy, especially as a director, Xu Zheng felt that things were somewhat out of his control. This was something he was powerless to do.

Wang Baoqiang pondered for a while and said: "Director, it's hard for us to solve this matter. Otherwise, we should call the boss directly and let him solve it. I just don't believe it. Once the boss gets involved in this matter, Then they will still be so arrogant, isn't this obviously bullying others?"

[The Legend of Zhen Huan] is actually going to be broadcast on China TV. Ye Ming had already contacted him before he left. Moreover, Tian Chao TV has also agreed with Brilliance Film and Television to arrange for [The Legend of Zhen Huan] to be broadcast on one set. This was something everyone was happy with.

Ye Ming will make concessions on some things, but the condition is that "The Legend of Zhen Huan" will be broadcast on Tianchao Channel. However, in such a situation, I don’t know which of my colleagues actually took over their job.

Today, news just came from Tianchao TV, that is, a TV series like "The Legend of Zhen Huan" can no longer be broadcast on one set, and will be broadcast on the TV series channel. This TV series can be broadcast on one set, or on a TV series channel. The difference is very big.

Only a TV series that is actually featured in a series can be truly recognized. Therefore, Ye Ming actually said that "The Legend of Zhen Huan" will be broadcast on a set of prime time on Tianchao Channel once the filming is completed.

But I didn't expect that after Ye Ming left just now, someone would be grabbing his job. This made Xu Zheng and the entire crew feel very aggrieved.

This thing is simply bullying. At this moment, Ma Su, dressed in ancient costume, grunted and said with a cold expression: "Tianchaotai is just trying to perfunctory us.

It was said that we were asked to give up our spot on Tianchao TV, and then there would be other TV series on top. If there is a TV series that is not as good as ours at this time, we would be more willing to do it, but the key is that Tianchao TV does not say what kind of TV series it is that has determined us.

Let us give up this position, Director Xu, do you think such a thing is possible? This is bullying right at the doorstep. "

No matter what happened to Ma Su, one thing is always very clear, that is, what is the name of the TV series that was broadcast on China Channel 1 in place of "The Legend of Zhen Huan"? Xu Zheng and the others don't know yet.

At this time, his position was taken away by someone, but what kind of person was the person who took the position away? In such a situation, one can imagine how depressed Xu Zheng was.

But at this time, Xu Zheng pondered for a while and said: "Don't tell the boss for now. The boss can't be distracted at a time like this. Let's deal with it first. If it's true that we can't do enough, then by then It's not too late to go find the boss again.

The boss handed over this crew to us, and it was for our newcomers. If such a small thing is revealed, then go to the boss. What's the point of the boss paying us wages? "

To be honest, Xu Zheng was still unwilling to tell Ye Ming such a thing at this time. After all, Ye Ming entrusted the crew to him, which was his trust in Xu Zheng. But at this moment, Xu Zheng messed up the matter. , this is definitely something difficult to say.

Xu Zheng couldn't afford to lose that person. At this moment, Tang Wei has a relatively mature character. Although he is not very old, Tang Wei is very independent in his own opinions. Seeing Xu Zheng and Wang Baoqiang and Ma Su arguing.

After thinking for a long time, he finally made up his mind and said: "Director Xu, if you say you won't tell the boss about this, it's okay.

However, the boss has said that if he is not here, all matters in this company must be listened to by Sister Fang Fang. Therefore, you don’t have to tell the boss about this matter, but no matter what it is, you are You must tell Sister Fang Fang, otherwise if things get really difficult to deal with by then, the boss will blame you and I will not be able to bear it. "

If Ye Ming is not in the company, then Sister Fang Fang has the final say on this matter.

But the key thing now is that Sister Fang Fang is not in the company, but if she doesn't tell Sister Fang Fang, this will be unreasonable. What Tang Wei said left Xu Zheng speechless. He really couldn't say anything.

Although if he told Sister Fang Fang about this matter, he might be taught a lesson, but if he didn't tell it, Xu Zheng thought about it carefully. If the responsibility was really investigated, he wouldn't be able to run away. .

Therefore, Xu Zheng reluctantly nodded and said: "What Tang Wei said is correct. It is better to tell Sister Fang Fang about this matter first and let Sister Fang Fang decide how to deal with it. If Sister Fang Fang thinks it is necessary to tell the boss before , if anything happens in the future, we won’t be blamed.”

Finally, Xu Zheng finally agreed to tell Sister Fang Fang in Japan about such a thing.

At this moment, Sister Fang Fang is really busy with Ye Ming's concert, and there is a press conference before the concert. This is also the largest press conference held by Ye Ming in Japan. Therefore, at this time, Sister Fang Fang still pays more attention to such things.

Just when Sister Fang Fang was so busy that she didn't even eat, her cell phone rang.

Seeing that it was Xu Zheng's call, Sister Fang Fang suddenly had a bad feeling in her heart. Although Xu Zheng is young, he is still relatively stable in handling things. Therefore, Sister Fang Fang told Xu Zheng when she came here that if there were some small situations on the crew, Xu Zheng would just watch and deal with them. Yes, Xu Zheng can be easily replaced as a character that does not affect the progress of the script.

Therefore, regarding such a problem, Sister Fang Fang received a call from Xu Zheng again, which meant that the crew had something that even Xu Zheng could not solve.

After answering the phone, Sister Fang Fang asked clearly what happened, nodded and said, "I know about this, and I will tell you how to contribute later."

Obviously, Xu Zheng and the others didn't realize what such a thing meant, but just because they couldn't see clearly didn't mean that Sister Fang Fang couldn't see clearly. Sister Fang Fang had been in the entertainment industry for so many years. I have seen a lot of things in my life, so I quickly realized that something like this was not good.

Because someone should be targeting Huihuang for this matter. In the past, when Huihuang Film and Television was going smoothly, no one dared to target Huihuang Film and Television, but it is different now. Now Huihuang Film and Television has taken down all the photo shoots.

It is obviously the beginning of being dealt with, so some people are thinking about Huihuang. This is just a small test. This matter is not as simple as it seems.

Therefore, Sister Fang Fang did not dare to delay at all. He went to Ye Ming directly and told what happened.

Finally, Sister Fang Fang said: "Actually, if it were in the past, there would be no problem if the TV series was broadcast on that channel, but now my form is not good. If the broadcast channel is changed, it will be considered weak. It’s symbolic. I’m afraid there will be some unexpected surprises when the time comes.”

Ye Ming didn't seem to take this matter to heart, and said with a smile: "Tianchaotai, it's actually just that matter. You let Xu Zheng shoot with peace of mind. When the time comes, I will go back to deal with this matter. What he has to do now That is to say, he and the crew filmed the TV series for me, and I asked him to be the director, and then he filmed the TV series for Wapan. For other things, he doesn’t have to worry about what happened.” (To be continued)

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