Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 698: The Four Great Hollywood Directors

In a luxurious villa in Beverly Hills, Hollywood, the moonlight spreads a thin layer of autumn frost on the ground like mercury, dyeing the maple leaves red, withering the green grass, and the chirping of cicadas in midsummer dissipates among the fallen leaves. , drifting away with the bursts of autumn wind. The frogs singing by the pond also stopped playing among the remaining lotuses, as if everything had become bleak in autumn.

The two old men were sitting on the lawn covered with fallen leaves, with crystal clear crystal glasses and wine shining with a coquettish red light. Everything seemed so leisurely and contented. If reporters from the entertainment industry saw all this, they would definitely be very surprised.

Because these two old men are the top existences in Hollywood, among the four major directors in Hollywood. They are Spielberg and the bearded Coppola respectively. Coppola picked up the red wine casually and said, "If your red wine can sell for 500 yuan in France, it would be considered good. How dare you say it is 5,000 yuan and use it to entertain people?"

There are not many people who can speak to Spielberg like this, but Coppola is definitely one of them. Spielberg seemed to know that Coppola would definitely miss him over the wine, so he said nonchalantly: "It's none of my business how much the wine is worth. It doesn't matter whether it's five hundred or five thousand. What do you think?" How many people in Hollywood can drink enough, and even if there are people who can drink, how many of them dare to say it. Anyway, this is purchased from a luxury store, as long as I bought it for 5,000, anyway I’m not deceiving people.”

In Hollywood, few people dare to say in front of Spielberg that his wine is not authentic.

Coppola is a person with such qualifications, and Coppola is very knowledgeable in wine, so he bluntly pointed out that Spielberg's wine is not very authentic.

At this time, Coppola said with a smile: "You are really meaningless. When you come to my place, I will treat you to drink my precious wine. At that time, you will know what it means to be a person." Real top wine. By the way, I heard that you wanted to invite Ye Ming to be the martial arts director in the movie [The Last Samurai] directed by you. I don’t know what the result will be."

Spielberg was stunned for a moment before he suddenly realized and said: "That's right. I heard you say that this little guy is very good. It seems that you were the art director of this little guy Ye Ming's movie [Infernal Affairs]. You are all right about this." The little guy is very complimentary. I would like to see what kind of person Ye Ming is. It would be interesting to see a little guy who can make you admire him.

After all, there are differences between Eastern culture and Western culture. Although I don't like this movie [The Last Samurai], as long as I am a director, I have to strive for perfection.

I think that as an Oriental, Ye Ming should be relatively familiar with Japanese culture. Therefore, I asked Kitano Takeshi to ask if he could be my action director, right? That's what the East is called. There is no such thing as an action director in Hollywood. This is the cultural difference between the East and the West. "

The difference between Spielberg and other directors is that although he is a famous director, as long as someone can afford the money, he will take over the filming. This is an anomaly among the four major directors.

The four major Hollywood directors, Coppola, Lucas, and Martin Scorsese.

In addition, Spielberg was called one of the four Hollywood king-level directors in the 1990s. Top-notch existences, but among these four, Coppola, Lucas, and Scorsese are all quite famous singers. Needless to say, Lucas, a Star Wars movie attracted the attention of audiences all over the world. Because of his appetite, he basically won’t make other movies. I think Lucas will be working with Star Wars for the rest of his life.

In fact, after seven or seven years, Lucas only directed Star Wars and the series of movies, and never directed other movies.

Scorsese is also one of the few major directors with low output. Although it's not like Lucas just having sex with a director, he is not easy to take action. It usually takes two or three years to shoot a movie.

But Spielberg is different. He is the only one among the four directors who will take over the filming as long as he is given enough money. Commercial director of Chi Guoguo.

Of course, Spielberg's price is not cheap.

The reason why he is considered to be Chi Guoguo's commercial director is actually inseparable from "The Last Samurai".

At this time, Coppola frowned and said: "Ye Ming, this guy is really good. The movie [Infernal Affairs] he produced is a first-class work even in Hollywood, and the action is top-notch. There is no other movie in Hollywood." One person can capture such cool action scenes.

However, the biggest difference between Westerners and Easterners is the issue of face. If you want to invite Ye Ming to be an action director, you don't want to invite him directly. Rather, it would be rude to ask Kitano Takeshi to ask. "

Seeing that Spielberg was a little unhappy, Coppola didn't wait for him to speak. At this time, he raised his hand and said directly: "Don't deny it. You yourself said that there are certain differences between Eastern and Western cultures." There is a big difference, so when it comes to a matter like this, it is somewhat inappropriate. I guess your hope is not high."

Politeness, that is, the issue of face, sometimes seems to be more important to Easterners than making money. They even say that they would rather make less money, or even make no money, for the sake of their own face. This is difficult for Westerners to understand. One thing.

Spielberg said with a smile: "This should not be possible. Ye Ming wants to enter Hollywood. This is what you said yourself. I think he will not let go of this opportunity. Once he says [Finally The release of "Samurai" will easily open up the Hollywood market for him. If an Easterner wants to enter Hollywood, it will not be so easy. I think he will not let it go if he feels this way."

Speaking of which, Spielberg was quite confident and drank the red wine from the crystal glass with ease.

Coppola said with great certainty: "I dare say that Ye Ming will not agree so happily. I have interacted with him, so at this time I am quite familiar with such a person. He’s the kind of guy who values ​​etiquette.”

While the two were arguing, Spielberg's cell phone rang. After answering the call, Spielberg's face suddenly became gloomy after saying a few words. He sat there in silence for a moment and said, "Okay. , you win. Kitano Takeshi called just now and said that he and Ye Ming talked about such a thing, but at this time Ye Ming did not agree immediately, he just agreed to think about it. This guy is indeed the same as what you said. He has personality."

Ye Ming did not immediately agree to his invitation. This Spielberg seemed to be quite incredible. Under such a situation, he could not figure out why Ye Ming did not seize this good opportunity immediately. .

Coppola said with a genuine expression: "I'm not surprised at all. Don't treat Ye Ming like a Japanese. They come to the United States to see you just by calling you. Ye Ming is a real A capable person, a truly capable person. Have you ever seen a movie actor selling tens of millions of albums?

That's the kind of person he is. And I dare say that he must have his own reasons for not agreeing immediately. This is also a habit of Easterners, who always find many reasons for their answers. Even if this reason is nothing to him, they will definitely do it like this. "

What Coppola said was indeed correct. At this time, Spielberg nodded and said, "This guy said he is very busy. He has to direct a TV series, supervise a TV series, and have a concert. China’s Spring Festival Gala, Tianchao TV’s Spring Festival Gala, it was a grand gathering with 8.9 billion viewers, God. This is simply unbelievable.”

How many people are there in the United States? There are not 200 million people, not at all, but the audience for the Spring Festival Gala is a terrifying number of eight or nine billion.

Coppola said with a smile: "This kind of thing is very normal. There are many things in the East that we don't understand. Last time I went to supervise their movie, I saw a lot of different things. You won't think about it because of that." Are you going to give up on Ye Ming?"

Spielberg said firmly: "How is it possible? A capable person always has a temper. I'm not surprised at all. He was able to agree immediately, but I do wonder how powerful he is." Now that I’m capable, I won’t give up on this matter.”

Coppola nodded with a smile and said: "That's right. It's a mistake for you to accept this [The Last Samurai]. If you don't come up with some rare things, it may be a complete failure. I will I don’t understand why you would do this?”

Spielberg said with a smile: "This is not all about money. Anyway, there is a consortium in Japan willing to pay. What does this matter have to do with me? And I also want to do an experiment. Li Yu's [Crouching Tiger, Hidden] Long] It’s quite good. I think if you combine Western culture and Eastern culture, what kind of movie will you make? Anyway, there are scammers who are willing to pay, and there is no limit. This is very rare, are there people like this in Hollywood?"

Coppola said very rudely: "Hollywood investors will agree to your request only if they are crazy." (To be continued)

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