Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 557 No more money

Xu Qing sometimes pays great attention to such small details. A person with mental mysophobia will not allow others to make any mistakes, but in this small v group, Xu Qing himself feels that he has changed a lot. few.

She is trying to slowly transform from a goddess to a flower and a member of the youth group. This transformation is actually more of a spiritual change. After hearing Ye Ming's explanation, Xu Qing finally reluctantly accepted the explanation. What's more, it feels like it's windy and rainy outside now.

At this time, the car driver suddenly said: "Sir, are you from a TV station? I also worked in a TV station when I was young. By the way, you look familiar. I participated in Mr. Doyle's [Entertainment Weekend] ] Mr. Ye? I am an admirer of Chinese Kung Fu. I think the Chinese are a brave nation just like our Italian gladiators."

Seeing that Ye Ming was still carrying a camera and was filming the same thing when he got in the car, the driver began to suspect that Ye Ming was from the TV station. Ye Ming replied in Italian with a smile: "I didn't expect Mr. Doyle's show to be so popular in Italy. We were doing a variety show about travel, and we received an offer from Warner Bros. Invited to participate in the show. We came to Rome just to experience this ancient and majestic city."

Rome is called the eternal city. This is not an exaggeration. Just saying that century-old shops full of historical vicissitudes can be seen everywhere on the streets, which makes people feel that this is a city frozen in time. City.

The changes between Rome a hundred years ago and Rome a hundred years later are not as drastic as people imagine.

Even though there are a few more tall buildings and a few more cars, the Roman people still live a slow and leisurely life, allowing people to wander in the long river of history.

The driver immediately said with a smile: "Really? Then welcome to Rome. I think you will like a city like this. Besides, you are at the right time. Do you know what day tomorrow is? Tomorrow is us Rome's great ball festival, the August 15th Ball Festival. This is a great festival, and you will see a different festive Rome tomorrow, a carnival Rome, especially in the Piazza del Popolo, and even more of the Ball Festival. In a central location, I suggest you go to that place tomorrow. If you can perform a show and get first place, there will be prizes and you will be awarded the title of Honorary Citizen of Rome."

Obviously, this driver is very yearning for this carnival ball. Ye Ming nodded and said he would consider it.

At this moment, Fan Binbin said from behind as if listening to a book from heaven: "Brother Ming, you actually know Italian. I have never heard you speak Italian before. What are you talking about with the foreigner?" "

Ye Ming said with a smile: "Italian is not as difficult to learn as you think. It is very easy to learn just for daily conversations. If you learn it seriously, it will take three months, or at most half a year." , you will be able to talk proficiently. Of course, if you do not strengthen and consolidate it, this proficiency will disappear within a year or two and be completely forgotten by you."

Fan Binbin shook his head like a rattle and said, "This is impossible. Italian sounds like a heavenly book to me, but I'm not sure I can learn it. Moreover, I don't think learning Italian is as easy as you say."

At this moment, even Xu Qing started to help Fan Binbin. In such a situation, Xu Qing also said: "Binbin is right. I have been to Italy. At that time, I also wanted to learn a few words of Italian, but I did not expect that it would not be so easy after a period of time." . Legend has it that God speaks Italian?"

At this moment, a deep warmth was revealed in the entire carriage. Although the weather outside was stormy and rainy, it made people feel heavy-hearted. The bad weather could be calm for a while, or a strong wind for a while, but there was no change anyway. Measurement. But there is also a warm atmosphere inside the vehicle. But at this moment, Xu Qing actually said that he could also joke.

This was something that she, and even Xu Qing's acquaintances, had never thought before, that Xu Qing would actually take the initiative to make a joke. At this time, Ye Ming retorted with a smile: "No, according to legend, God talked about traveling to the west. Moses explained this in [Exodus]."

What kind of language does God speak? This has nothing to do with the crew of Flowers and Boys. The most important thing for the entire crew now is to rest. After arriving at the hotel, Ye Ming paid the fare and quickly carried everyone's luggage to the hotel. They already had reservation numbers, so Ye Ming checked at the front desk and got the keys easily.

As for the allocation of rooms, it is the same as in London. There are three rooms, and Ye Ming and Wang Baoqiang share a room. Sister Kaili pulled Sister Peipei and said: "I have some questions to ask Sister Peipei. We are still in the same room." Bar?"

The remaining three-person room still belongs to Xu Qing, Zhao Wei and Fan Binbin.

In fact, everyone said that there was no objection to this kind of allocation of time. They had been tired for a day, so being busy and resting was the most important thing.

Before going to bed, Sister Kelly looked at Sister Peipei's worried look and said, "Sister Peipei, I see you are very worried. If you tell me anything, I will help you think of a solution." Sister Peipei shook her head. Said: "It is not easy to find a way. This matter is very difficult. I think Ye Ming is the tour guide in our team and also serves as the accountant. Of course, I am not saying that Ye Ming is unqualified. The team is already quite good. There is no one in our team who is more tiring and laborious than Ye Ming, but he is too generous.

In other words, young people have not noticed this at all, but at this time I think this kind of generosity is not a good phenomenon, and diligence and thrift are our focus. You know, we have just started tomorrow, and this person went out on the 25th. Moreover, we didn’t have any money left in London. Thinking about tomorrow’s expenses, I’m really worried about Ye Ming. He doesn’t know how to save. "

In fact, Sister Peipei also considers the overall situation. Therefore, in such a situation, it is not surprising that Sister Peipei has her own thoughts.

After all, Sister Kelly is a little older, and her consumption concept is still the same as that of Sister Peipei. Therefore, she nodded and said: "That's right. There are many places worth traveling in Rome tomorrow. Eating and taking a bus are all money." , we really need to think about this matter carefully, how about we give Ye Ming an opinion tomorrow?"

The two of them rested with their own thoughts. But Zhao Wei and the other three didn't say anything this time. Everyone just lay down and went to sleep.

After a tiring day, the three girls had no intention of talking. The next day, everyone became more energetic, and the weather outside was even more beautiful. It was a sunny day, and the blue sky was like the sea, filled with endless mystery and endless distant atmosphere.

Ancient Rome, bathed in thick sunshine, looks particularly beautiful. At this time, what is the focus? Eat, of course, eat.

The hotel that Ye Ming booked did not provide breakfast service. Therefore, at this time, amid Fan Binbin’s excited shouts, everyone went out to eat. There was a nice Prince William Hotel nearby, which was not very well decorated. Luxurious, therefore, Ye Ming decided to take everyone to eat, but when everyone sat down and started ordering, under such a situation, Ye Ming felt that something was wrong. This nine o'clock decoration was not good. Okay, but looking at the food prices, my dear, they are simply frightening. It is not comparable to ordinary hotels.

In the middle, Xu Qing also ordered a cup of coffee. Of course, Xu Qing's performance this time was quite good. Although she ordered a cup of coffee after eating, in the eyes of Sister Peipei and Sister Kelly, ordering coffee was completely useless. That's necessary. Therefore, Xu Qing's behavior is relatively prodigal. Spending limited funds to drink a cup of exotic coffee is quite speechless.

However, this time, at a time like this, Xu Qing knew how to ask everyone in advance if anyone was drinking coffee. No one went to drink coffee, but it was pretty good that Xu Qing was in this mood and thinking about everyone. Although this is a welcome change for everyone, even Xiao Yanzi Zhao Wei smiled and expressed his gratitude.

But in the end, after Ye Ming saw the bill, he still felt that everyone had a rich meal. Three hundred and seventy-five yuan. You know, the day has just begun. That’s a lot. If you add the fare, the seven hundred and fifty yuan is gone.

In total, our daily expenses are 2,100 yuan. This problem seemed to be quite serious, so after returning to nine o'clock, everyone packed up and prepared to go on a trip to see the true face of this ancient and majestic city in Mount Lu.

However, at this time, Ye Ming looked a little worried, and finally made up his mind and said: "Baoqiang, get all five of them back to me. I have important matters to discuss with them."

If this money matter is not discussed, it will be very serious. Therefore, Ye Ming plans to discuss this matter with everyone. If this problem is not solved, there will be big trouble in the end. You know , we haven’t gone to any scenic spots yet.

Sister Kelly looked at Wang Baoqiang with some depression and said: "Baoqiang, I have to visit the Colosseum now. What's wrong with Ye Ming? It's not that being a leader is an addiction and always thinking about meetings. If so, Son, if we can make him a tour guide, we can also impeach him." As soon as the Clinton and Lewinsky incident came out, the word impeachment suddenly became the focus of everyone's attention. And it is not surprising at all that Sister Kelly can say something like this.

Wang Baoqiang said with an honest smile: "I don't know about this matter. The boss asked me to call you to a meeting. He said there was something important." Sister Kelly rolled her eyes and waved to Wang Baoqiang and said: "Yes. Come on, even if I didn’t ask, I won’t be able to come up with any big questions if I ask you. Okay, you go back first, Sister Peipei and I will be there soon.”

When they arrived at Zhao Wei's room, Fan Binbin had already packed a small package and brought a large water glass with him. At this time, Xu Qing said with some confusion: "Binbin, what are you doing? You bring your own water when you go out. Damn it, we can't even afford a bottle of water."

Fan Binbin said with a smile: "Sister Qing, don't you understand this? This is not water, it is orange juice. The orange juice provided by Prince William Hotel for free. I took a little more at that time. It is a gift anyway, so don't waste it." It’s better than drinking water.”

At this time, it seemed that Xu Qing had also thought about it, and the waiter gave him a coupon or something, which was free orange juice. And generally things from the Prince William Hotel will not be taken away casually. But this orange juice is an exception, and it is also a good way for the hotel to attract customers. But not everyone would care about this good idea. Xu Qing, for example, didn't notice it at all.

Fan Binbin was also used to living a hard life, so he developed a prudent character during times like this. At this moment, Wang Baoqiang knocked on the door.

Fan Binbin saw Wang Baoqiang and said, "Baoqiang, what are you here to organize? Did Brother Ming say there was something for you to pass on?"

You can tell from Wang Baoqiang's face that this is a big deal. Wang Baoqiang repeated Ye Ming's request. Such an invitation made Xu Qing feel a little strange and said: "What kind of meeting is this? Our focus today is to travel. There are so many classic attractions that can be seen in Rome." It’s too much to say. And no matter what, we don’t have enough time.”

Xu Qing believed that it was unnecessary for Ye Ming to hold a meeting at this time. But Ye Mingdu said this, and it seemed to make sense. Therefore, the three people came over not long after. At this time, when I saw Sister Peipei and Sister Kelly sitting on the sofa in Ye Ming's room, they were helpless.

After Fan Binbin arrived, he shouted: "Sister Kelly, what happened, it deserves everyone to get together." Sister Kelly glanced at Fan Binbin, young people don't know what it feels like to be sad, this little girl is so young. OK. Sister Kelly was a little reluctant to answer, but still said: "Binbin, our money is almost gone."

Fan Binbin said in disbelief: "No, today is just the beginning. According to the agreement, don't each of us have three hundred yuan of expenses? How can this just beginning be gone?"

Fan Binbin's question clearly expressed everyone's feelings. When Ye Ming saw that everyone had come, he said straight to the point: "Since everyone is here, I won't say more. The money is indeed not enough. Although it is said that it has not been spent, in fact, it is in line with our plan. It’s not very consistent, let alone yesterday’s fare. Do you know how much money we spent on breakfast today?”

Because when it was time to check out, Ye Ming was the one who paid the bill. Anyway, everyone was eating and drinking well, and they didn't care at all about the price of the meal. Therefore, after hearing Ye Ming's question, everyone felt confused. Seeing that everyone was confused and refused to answer, Ye Ming knew that it was impossible for him not to say anything, so he said directly: "Three hundred and seventy-five, which adds up to five hundred and fifty. Our one-day activity funds are only two thousand One hundred yuan, that’s a quarter of it. We still have to travel to scenic spots, as well as bus fare, lunch and dinner money, and even hotel money at night. These all need to be calculated. , otherwise we will definitely overspend.”

Ye Ming actually said it was quite polite if he said this. It's not overspending, it's just that he has no money.

Therefore, at this time, Sister Kelly said with some regret: "Well, there are many classic attractions in Rome. You must go to see them when you arrive, so your trip is not in vain. You can't not go to the Colosseum, right? The Trevi Fountain and the Vatican, you all have to think about going there. I don't want to miss it." But in fact, Ye Ming showed something that must be taken seriously by everyone.

Sister Kelly has said so much, but actually it all requires money as support. If you don’t have money, you won’t be able to go to these attractions. Fan Binbin said with some regret: "Then what should we do? It is indeed a pity not to go, but if we say to go, then what should we do with dinner at this time? We can't go hungry, right?"

Sister Kelly is worried about not being able to go to those scenic spots. This is a habit of older people. They always think that they should go here and there. If they are not careful, it may become a permanent regret.

As for Fan Binbin, it seems that he is afraid of eating cold noodles. He is always worried about eating, and he lives a small life on a budget. At this time, Xu Qing suddenly said: "We have to deduct fifty yuan from Ye Ming, so there is only fifteen hundred yuan left."

Ye Ming thought for a while and said: "In this case, we must increase revenue and reduce expenditure. This is also a very cruel thing for everyone. Maybe you don't want it?" When you go out to play, you always have to have fun, Ye When Ming said this, it was indeed difficult for everyone to accept it emotionally, but they were all very happy when they ate, and now they have to bear the consequences.

At this time, Zhao Wei, who had always been quiet, said: "Yi Zi, since you have gathered everyone together, I think you have a solution to the problem, otherwise, you wouldn't have said it at this time. , if you have any good ideas, please tell me."

In this group of Hua'er and Youth, if there is someone who loves Ye Ming the most, then this person must be Zhao Wei. Therefore, others are worried about money at this time, but Zhao Wei is concerned about such a thing. She is not worried at all. She knows very well that Ye Ming is not the kind of reckless person. If he has already raised this question, it also proves that Ye Ming has thought about this question carefully and 80% of it has been found. There is a solution to the problem. Zhao Wei understands this very well.

Therefore, Xu Qing, Fan Binbin and others turned their attention directly to Ye Ming. Ye Ming said with a smile: "Actually, if we really want to solve the problem, it doesn't mean that there is no way at all. This way is for us to participate in the singing and dancing carnival in Rome. This has highlights. The other one is that we participate in If so, it can be said that the problem of eating has at least been solved. They will definitely take care of the food at noon, and in the afternoon, if we can get a ranking, there will also be bonuses at this time, and we will be able to supplement it by then. In our funds. The crew said they wouldn’t give us enough funds, but they didn’t say they wouldn’t let us make money. Therefore, as long as there is an opportunity to make money, we should seize it.”

This news was actually something Ye Ming got while chatting with the driver. In fact, he didn't take it to heart at first. He originally thought that if it was lively, he would take everyone to the People's Square to take a look. , and also appreciate the enthusiasm of the Italian people.

But at this time, when I think about it now, if I can get a ranking, the bonus must be indispensable. Sister Peipei said with some worry: "Let's go to this carnival. I don't object to this. In fact, it's not me who discourages everyone. If we want to get a ranking, it's almost impossible to find out what we are facing." The Italian people are good at singing and dancing. If you want to conquer them, it will not be an easy task.

You must be fully mentally prepared for this. "Sister Peipei has stayed abroad no matter what. Therefore, at this time, she is still relatively clear about what such a thing is like, and put forward this opinion emphatically. In order to avoid These young people left with joy and returned disappointed.

Ye Ming said with a smile: "As for this, sister Peipei, don't worry, I have already prepared the show. The problem now is that I am missing two backup dancers. Two of you need to follow me to participate in this show." .”

Sister Peipei and Sister Kelly immediately shook their heads and said that they were not suitable for dancing. Although they did not say it explicitly, it was very simple. They were too old.

At this point, Ye Ming said with a smile: "This is a very simple backup dancer. It doesn't matter whether you know it or not. As long as you have seen riding a horse, it doesn't matter. It's just a carnival. What we want is the atmosphere."

This is a very humble thing, but it is also a very interesting thing (to be continued)

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