Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 556: Hua'er and the boy's first experience in Rome

Ye Ming's explanation was obviously not convincing to Fan Binbin. Even at this time, Xu Qing joined in to support Fan Binbin and said: "This is easy and targeted, right? After all, this is a magical skill, isn't it? It can be accessed by ordinary people. It cannot be practiced in a short time."

Ye Ming thought for a while and said: "This is true. Any kung fu requires hard practice to be successful, but it is not too difficult to say. Just like Archimedes said, give me a fulcrum. With a stick long enough, I can move the earth. In the same way, if you have enough explosive power, if you can accurately find the weak point of the Coke bottle, then at this time, you can achieve one-finger Zen The effect. But the key is that the first two conditions are not something that anyone can achieve."

With Ye Ming's explanation, everyone finally understood what the Kung Fu performed by Ye Ming was all about. Sister Kelly put down her book and turned around and said: "We arrived in Rome this time around 12:30 in the evening. I think we should not be discussing kung fu now, but how to go to the hotel. , if we get to the hotel earlier, we can also rest earlier."

Sister Kelly asked a very practical question, how to get to the hotel?

Ye Ming thought for a while and said: "This is my first time going to Rome. Although I said that I checked some information, after all, it is something in a book. I think there is a certain gap between it and the actual thing. Sister Peipei, Have you been to Rome?"

Sister Peipei shook her head and said, "I have never been to Rome, and I am not very familiar with this city."

Who knew that Xu Qing waved his hand and said: "I have been to Rome, because I like the cultural atmosphere of Rome. I know that there is a taxi at the airport that can take us to any corner of Rome. At nine o'clock, it will cost about thirty, which is relatively high."

Ye Ming thought for a moment and said, "This is considered an option. When the time comes, Sister Qing, you can remind me. It depends on the situation. The price is too high and we can balance other budgets."

Having an alternative plan is really reassuring.

Zhao Wei is still not very willing to talk. It seems that the military flag uniform incident still has an impact on her. Although the truth of the matter has been revealed, the damage done to Zhao Wei during this period is obviously not something that can be easily done by blocking a magazine. of soothing.

At this moment, Zhao Wei seemed very calm, as if he was resting with his eyes closed.

Xu Qing, a high-ranking goddess, has begun to learn to get in touch with everyone, but Zhao Wei still closes himself off, especially when it is quiet, it makes Zhao Wei even more lonely, even though everyone is the same Group, but loneliness is always written on Xiao Yanzi's face.

Ye Ming sighed deeply, knowing very well that this matter had to be done slowly. The arrival time in Rome was half an hour later than expected. This does not mean that the plane would be on time. Due to the bad weather, the plane lingered in the airspace near Rome for half an hour before it was allowed to land.

Therefore, we were delayed for half an hour. At this time, there was a cold storm outside the airport. In Rome in the middle of summer, there should have been a cool breeze at night, with a warm and moist feeling unique to the Mediterranean climate. It will give people an intoxicating feeling, coupled with the thousand-year-old ancient city reflected in the neon lights of the city, it will make people feel intoxicated in this beautiful night.

In fact, this is Xu Qing's impression of Rome. The last time she came here, it was almost the same season, so Rome left a very romantic memory for her. Therefore, when Xu Qing got off the plane this time, he thought that he would be greeted by the kind of evening breeze full of Renaissance atmosphere.

However, after getting off the plane, Xu Qing's romantic feelings suddenly became fragmented. There are dark clouds outside, strong winds, and icy winds howling. On a midsummer night, the temperature in Rome is actually only 8 degrees. This is what the stewardess on the plane said.

This is simply too rare. Therefore, I have to say that Ye Ming and the others encountered very bad weather when they came here.

Flowers and Youth came here from London in the midsummer, so they were not prepared at all for such a strong wind. Ye Ming took a look at the weather outside and said, "Everyone, move quickly. Come on, it’s very cold outside. Take your luggage and add some clothes right away. Being in a foreign country, catching a cold is also very troublesome.”

As a tour guide, Ye Ming must always care about every detail of his group members and take good care of everyone as much as possible.

This did not require Ye Ming's supervision. The bad weather made everyone arrive at the baggage counter at the airport very quickly, waiting to retrieve their luggage.

Sister Kelly was the first to get her two boxes. She immediately took out the box with clothes and directly added a thick windbreaker.

To be honest, there is central air conditioning inside the airport, so you won't feel cold occasionally. However, after leaving the airport, you will inevitably have to face the cold wind when taking a bus.

Therefore, in case of this fire, Sister Kelly is also taking precautions. Moreover, at this time, depending on the weather, it may actually rain. After Ye Ming got his luggage, he put on casual clothes, threw the luggage directly to Wang Baoqiang and left.

Fan Binbin wrapped himself tightly, looked at Ye Ming who left quickly and asked: "Baoqiang, why is Brother Ming leaving in such a hurry?"

Wang Baoqiang actually couldn't understand the matter and said helplessly: "I don't know. The boss said he asked me to look at the luggage. He seemed to be in a hurry. Let's go to the exit and wait for him."

At this time, Xu Qing glanced at the direction Ye Ming was leaving, and became a little unhappy and said, "It looks like he went to rent a car."

What Wang Baoqiang said was absolutely correct. Ye Ming really went to rent a car.

By the time Sister Peipei and a group of people arrived at the airport exit, Ye Ming had already arrived with three commercial vehicles. It's a commercial vehicle that's similar to a van.

At this time, Ye Ming got out of the front car and said, "Everyone, we don't have to stay here in such bad weather. We can just leave."

Seven people, three cars, this can be regarded as a reluctant transport. It does not mean that there are more people, but that these people have a little more luggage. With two cars, it is impossible to transport them all. .

Everyone was very satisfied to be able to get into the car directly after leaving the airport. Sister Peipei also praised: "Ye Ming is very helpful. It is becoming more and more convenient to do things at this time. I should give you a mark." of."

Sister Peipei is still older. Although she says she doesn't accept her age, in fact, Sister Peipei is the oldest among them.

If you can experience less ups and downs, then you should experience less ups and downs. Old people have already experienced enough ups and downs.

Therefore, people like Sister Peipei like to be more stable. It can be said that Ye Ming's arrangement made most people feel very satisfied. But at this time, some people were unhappy, and Xu Qing felt a little unhappy.

In other words, Ye Ming also saw that Xu Qing's face was a little bad. Compared with the face on the plane, Xu Qing's face was very bad at this time.

Ye Ming also saw this, so he immediately said, "Let me know what Sister Qing has in mind."

Xu Qing is also a straightforward person, and he does not have the maturity and insidiousness to stand up at thirty. So he said firmly: "You clearly said on the plane that you and I would be better together and that we would rent a car together. If you take action rashly, then at this time, it is a good thing for all of us." , which is actually a good thing for me, but you didn’t abide by the agreement and rented a car by yourself. How much is the rent? "

Xu Qing was angry because he was in a place like this. Ye Ming rented a car without consulting Xu Qing, and without telling the rest of the group. This made Xu Qing very unhappy.

Only then did Ye Ming understand that the salt was salty and the vinegar was sour.

Therefore, Ye Ming immediately explained: "This is my oversight. In fact, I was thinking on the plane that we would discuss it together after we got off, and we could also enjoy the night view of the Roma team, but I didn't expect what a big deal this was. What a bad weather.

You see in our group, there are old and young. If I don’t arrange this well, it will be very easy for problems to occur.

Therefore, I thought about this and directly found a place to rent a car. It's cheaper than thirty, and more expensive than fifteen. Anyway, twenty-five, although the price is a little on the high side, at least no one is left out in the cold at this time. "

Ye Ming explained it like this. At this time, after Xu Qing heard it, although he did not immediately say that he forgave Ye Ming, he finally felt relieved no matter what.

Fan Binbin immediately said: "Brother Ming, this is Rome, a strange city, and you have never been there before. How do you know where to rent a car and how to rent a car?"

Ye Ming said with a smile: "You, use your own brain. I don't know. It's my first time in this strange city, but I know how to ask. I just asked the people at the airport directly. I don't know." .”

Asking for directions can naturally solve many difficulties. But then the question came. Fan Binbin was stunned for a moment and asked for directions. How did he ask for directions? (To be continued)

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