Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 549: Hua'er and the boy's trip to London

If [Batman and Robin] doesn't bear the name of Batman, then it is at best one of the many bad special effects movies in Hollywood, but it is [Batman and Robin], and this is It's a little bit more deceptive, and it's destined to be a bad movie that Batman fans can't avoid.

Ye Ming said with a smile: "Columbus, if it's Batman and Robin, you actually have nothing to worry about. Not all movies can surpass Harry Potter, at least not this movie."

Columbus said with some worry: "Ye, it's better for you to see the reality clearly. This Batman and Robin is a movie in the Batman series, a movie starring George Clooney and Arnold Schwarzenegger. This You can't underestimate it. Whether it's George Clooney, Arnold or Schwarzenegger, they are all famous actors in Hollywood. Of course, George Clooney is a TV star. But you can't underestimate such a lineup. Look. It is said that Warner invested 110 million."

Ye Ming waved his hand and said: "Big investment may not necessarily make money. You must know this. By the way, you don't need to take us to the arranged hotel today. We have our own hotel to do the show. These It's all arranged. By the way, does your crew have any filming of its own today? I plan to visit the crew."

Columbus said very rudely: "Forget it, man, if you want to film it, it's almost impossible. Warner will kill me if I leak the content of the film and the actors' makeup. I won't be that stupid." Let you go. But if you go by yourself, there is no problem if you don’t bring a camera crew. In addition, there is no filming today. I will go to the TV station to participate in the program at 5:30 in the afternoon. Well, you can bring your crew with you. I I think the TV station is quite willing to give you face."

Movies need to be kept secret, and Columbus doesn't want Harry Potter to leak anything because of this matter.

Ye Ming was also a director himself, so he knew the rules very well. He nodded and said, "That's OK, just take it to the right place. I'll be there when the time comes."

Ye Ming not only came to participate in Harry Potter activities, but also to record the show. In fact, if Ye Ming came alone, all the expenses would have been the Harry Potter crew.

But because Ye Ming came with his own film crew, the Harry Potter crew would not be reimbursed for the expenses on such an issue.

The Moulin Rouge Hotel is a good century-old hotel. The mottled stone walls are full of history. The breeze from the Thames River gently blows through the windows, giving you a feeling of entering history.

At this time, the filming officially started, with a few shots of Wang Bao forcibly moving luggage. Xu Qing and Sister Kaili had already taken out a prepared map and were studying where they were standing now. Which scenic spots should I visit next? Know yourself and your enemy, and you will never be in danger.

During the meeting, Ye Ming first said: "This time, let's rest for a whole morning and get rid of the jet lag. Then, we will talk about where to go. If you have anything you want to go to, you can put it forward first. Because Britain is not the Euro District, therefore, our expenses today are three hundred pounds. In other words, our overall consumption limit today is two thousand one hundred pounds, including our room and board expenses, transportation expenses, etc."

Xu Qing immediately raised his hand and said: "I hope everyone can go to Buckingham Palace. If you come to the UK and say you haven't been to Buckingham Palace, it would be a bit regretful."

Buckingham Palace is indeed a must-visit place in the UK. It is full of a rich sense of history. It can be said that the entire history of Buckingham Palace is half of the history of London. Alexandre Dumas’s The Three Musketeers made Buckingham Palace famous in literature. It has a special status in history.

As a young artist, Xu Qing naturally hopes to visit this place where romance and history coexist.

Sister Kelly looked at the map and the tour guide and said: "The price of Buckingham Palace is fifty yuan, and the group price is thirty yuan, but we can't buy it for a group. If we go, this is also a good choice. But people don't Do you know if you are allowed to go today? After all, this is the palace of my queen."

Sister Peipei said: "We can go see their palace. We are really lucky to be here. Today is the open day of their palace area. We can go in and visit. Buckingham Palace is not to be missed."

This is necessary, even if you come with a group, it may not be such a coincidence.

Ye Ming proposed: "I suggest a trip to the British Museum, and by the way, a visit to Buckingham Palace. It would be a pity not to go to this museum. Next to the British Museum is the most famous flea market in the UK."

Fan Binbin suddenly asked: "What is a flea market? Is there anything interesting?"

When you come to the UK, you naturally want to appreciate things with a pure British taste. This is Fan Binbin’s plan.

Ye Ming thought about it for a while, but it was not a good explanation, so he said: "This flea market, how should I put it, is somewhat similar to Panjiayuan in the capital. They are both just large antique markets, and this one The flea market is more of a flea market, but there are also antiques, but there is no way to compare it with the history of antiques in our country. Moreover, we can see porcelain from the Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties, and even Tang Sancai and so on. , Of course, whether it is genuine or not depends more or less on luck and eyesight.

In addition, it is said that there are more high imitation porcelain in Jingdezhen. Even if you go, don’t be cheap, just buy something commemorative. I think you can consider oil paintings, antique watches, cameras, etc. If they are too expensive, forget them. No matter what, come here once to experience the British cultural atmosphere. "

This kind of private market is the purest British cultural heritage.

Sister Kelly thought for a while and said: "I think Westminster Abbey is also a place that I have to go to."

Zhao Wei was not in a good mood, so when it came to such a matter, she did not mention where she wanted to go, or just said she would go anywhere.

Ye Ming recorded these and said: "Well, our current decision is Buckingham Palace, Westminster Abbey, the British Museum, and the Royal Palace. Time is very tight. After we come back at 5:30, we have to attend the TV station An event is a promotional event for [Harry Potter] and [Batman and Robin].

Do you have any opinions? If you do, please raise them as soon as possible. Otherwise, let’s take a break and gather for dinner at 11:30. "

In fact, after flying all night, I still felt very tired. Wang Baoqiang and Ye Ming slept in the same room. This was also to save money.

On the women's team, Sister Peipei and Sister Kelly lived in a double room, while Xu Qing, Zhao Wei and Fan Binbin lived in a triple room. At this time, Wang Baoqiang was about to take a rest, but also I saw Ye Ming writing and drawing in a notebook.

Wang Baoqiang said out of curiosity: "Boss, if you don't take a break at this time, do you, as a tour guide, still need to keep accounts?"

Ye Ming glanced at Wang Baoqiang helplessly and said, "I wasn't actually the one to do this job. You are the accountant in our team. It just so happens that I don't think the fee this time is enough for today's expenses. How about you do it yourself?" How about you help me settle the score.”

Wang Baoqiang immediately said: "Forget it. I'd better go to sleep. When I was making a movie, I couldn't figure out the accounts by myself. Sometimes it was Xu Zheng and Huang Bo who helped me settle the accounts. You made me I don’t even understand how one person can calculate the accounts of seven of us.” After saying this, Wang Baoqiang fell asleep with his head covered, as if he was afraid that Ye Ming would find him.

At this time, Sister Kelly couldn't sleep, so she was just thinking about it alone.

After thinking about it for a while, I didn’t understand something, so I asked my eldest sister: “Sister Peipei, tell me. This time, our trip to London was quite stressful. In just half a day, we were able to visit so many places. ? But I estimate that it takes more than two hours to get to one place, plus the distance in between, this is somewhat unreliable. "

Judging from the time, it was indeed a bit tense. Sister Peipei said: "Actually, we are all worried about this. Don't we have a tour guide? He is responsible for taking us. We just listen to him on this matter. He asked us What should we do? What should we do? Do you think this is true? If not, we will discuss how to cancel his tour guide qualification."

After hearing this attention, Sister Kelly immediately gave a thumbs up and said: "Sister Peipei, whether Jiang is hotter when he is old, or you are ruthless, then we will do it."

After getting rid of the doubts in her heart, Sister Kelly finally began to rest calmly. In another room, Xu Qing was holding a book called "The Three Musketeers".

Just as he was about to relive that period of history, Fan Binbin said a little excitedly: "Sister Weiwei, you said, if we go to participate in that TV station's event at night, and the other party is [Batman and Robin], I will be early I heard that the star of this movie is Arnold Schwarzenegger, a super Hollywood superstar. He is my idol. Do you think Schwarzenegger will pass by then?"

Schwarzenegger, a Hollywood hard-core action superstar, may not necessarily have the highest salary in Hollywood, but his status in Hollywood is irreplaceable, and even his status in film history, Loss is irreplaceable.

Arnold Schwarzenegger can be said to have become a part of American culture. The Terminator trilogy has given him countless fans around the world.

When it comes to The Terminator, the first thing that comes to everyone’s mind is Arnold Schwarzenegger. (To be continued)

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