Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 548: Cheating [Batman and Robin]

At this time, Fan Binbin was still sitting on the bus very excitedly and said: "Sister Weiwei, that fat guy just now is Columbus. I don't see anything special. He is actually a big director in Hollywood. I will also be able to see a big director in Hollywood one day." Directing, it really feels like a dream.”

Columbus is not one of the top ten directors in Hollywood. Lucas, Spielberg, Cameron, Nolan, etc. are the top ten directors in Hollywood. But the luckiest thing about Columbus is that he directed Harry Potter. series of movies. With this series of movies, Columbus is one of the top ten directors in Hollywood.

Zhao Wei looked at the strange and exotic scenery whizzing by outside the window and said: "Binbin, do you know what the gap is? This is called the gap. Among us actors, those directors in China and the people from the New Film Alliance are plotting against each other. By that time, Ye Ming had already set his sights on the international market and had begun to make plans in Hollywood. Whether it was Harry Potter or Huihui.com, they were his trump cards. Now Huihui.com has gone through the most In difficult times, after introducing funds from Quantum Fund, Huihuang.com has now become a giant in the video website category.

No country in the world noticed the influence of this video website, allowing Huihui.com to stand out. By the time these people discovered the power of Huihui.com, it was already too late. "

Fan Binbin said with some confusion: "Sister Weiwei, tell me. Is this brilliant website really that powerful?"

Zhao Wei said very definitely: "Of course, you said, where do you usually choose to watch movies and TV series." Fan Binbin replied without hesitation: "Of course it is the TV station and the cinema. There is a third choice for this." ?"

At this time, Zhao Wei said very firmly: "Of course there is, there was not before. But now there is, now it is a video website, and the brilliant website is a third-party broadcasting platform. This is one that will bring revolutionary changes to the film and television industry. platform, and this platform is in the hands of your brother Ming. Think about it, who can stop the influence of Huihuang.com now. Computers have begun to become popular. When computers are truly popularized in thousands of households, this In terms of matters, no one can stop Ye Ming."

The people in the car are all from the film and television industry. They just said that they are used to the current consumption of TV stations and the film industry. It is the best to add DVDs, but that is just an extension of the television.

But now it seems that this third-party broadcast platform has begun to show its power. He Jiong glanced at Li Xiang and said, "I really didn't expect this."

Li Xiang was also surprised as he looked at the black Beetle in front of him. Sitting in the car were Ye Ming and Columbus. This person who came out of Huanzhugege has quietly begun to show his fangs.

At this time, Ye Ming said very simply in the car: "Columbus, there are no outsiders now. You don't have to talk in circles for me. What is going on? Don't tell me that you are just saying that you don't want to invite the Times." People from Warner, it’s impossible for Ai Qiuhua to deceive me with that trick. According to the importance Warner attaches to Harry Potter, it’s impossible for them not to send people over.”

Columbus said helplessly: "Dear Ye, your wisdom is really as ubiquitous as the sun. Well, it's actually because they don't want to come, not that they won't come, because we have encountered an opponent. . Yes, we have an opponent. An opponent who wants to ride on our Harry Potter reputation."

Ye Ming frowned and said: "Who is our opponent? He is looking for death. Harry Potter actually dares to challenge him head-on. Who is he? He is not afraid of being torn apart by Harry Potter readers. Who has such courage? Who is it? The only one is Peter Jackson’s [Lord of the Rings].”

The only novel that can compete with Harry Potter in terms of readers is [Lord of the Rings]. A super magical masterpiece written by Hawking, which can be called an eternal classic.

If we must find a readership that can compete with the readership of Harry Potter, it must be this "Lord of the Rings". Moreover, whether it is in terms of readership or box office, it can compete with "Harry Potter" The only one is the [Lord of the Rings] series.

The box office of the "Lord of the Rings" trilogy is close to 3 billion U.S. dollars. If the novels were not relatively short, the total box office would not be worse than Harry Potter. But Ye Ming thought: "That's not right. According to Peter Jackson's character, he is too lazy to pay attention to us. There is no need."

Peter Jackson is one of the top ten Hollywood directors as famous as Cameron. Regardless of qualifications or results, it beats Columbus completely, and based on the background and readership of "Lord of the Rings", there is no need for this.

Columbus shook his head helplessly and said: "It would be great if it was Jackson's Lord of the Rings crew. If so, both me and Rowling as the author would feel honored. It is Joe Schumacher's [Batman and... Robin], this crew wants to use the influence of our Harry Potter to increase their box office. Step on our crew to make their crew appear even better.

This makes me very helpless. Moreover, the event we are going to participate in is actually created by Schumacher. It just happens that this movie is also a work of Warner. The top management of Warner also acquiesced in this happening. We need to find them back then. But more than 100 million was invested to start the filming of [Batman and Robin]. "

Ye Ming sat upright suddenly, his head almost hitting the windshield in front: "Impossible, this thing is impossible. Columbus, are you kidding me? [Batman and Robin] That one seems to be from 1996 When was it filmed? If you tell me at this time, it’s good now and there’s no screening. Could it be that Warner’s executives are out of their minds?”

As one of the trashiest and worst movies in the Batman series, [Batman and Robin] is the trash among the trash in the Batman series.

In the previous life, Batman and Robin failed miserably, both in terms of reputation and box office.

Columbus explained while taking control of the steering wheel: "Yes, the film was completed early. However, after people from DC Comics watched the internal observation meeting, they strongly protested and banned the screening of the film. Otherwise, the rights to film the Batman series will be withdrawn.

This made the people at Warner very unhappy, but they were also afraid of losing the rights to shoot this superhero movie, so the people at Warner actually suppressed the matter. I don’t know how the two companies negotiated. DC Comics People actually agreed that this movie will be released now. It may or may not have been re-edited. Therefore, at this time, Warner plans to release this movie before [Harry Potter] and [Lord of the Rings]. .

Therefore, there is such an activity. We just cooperated with the promotion of Schumacher's movie. In fact, I didn't want to come, but there was no other way. We had to cooperate with the company's arrangements. "

After hearing this, Ye Ming finally calmed down a little. It turned out that his arrival had more or less had a big impact on the entire world.

Time Warner acquired DC Comics and owns all the film and television adaptation rights of their comics. Ordinarily, this DC company should listen to Time Warner.

Ye Ming also expressed his doubts with some confusion.

Columbus snorted twice and said: "Of course, but this is different from what you think. Although DC Comics is a subsidiary of Time Warner, it also has relatively independent management rights. Moreover, in the contract There is also a clear stipulation in the film that DC has the right to refuse the release of movies based on their comics. This time they used this veto power.

The president of the United States can be impeached, so why doesn’t DC Comics have this veto power? This is the characteristic of America, and one day you will understand it. Golden stocks, golden veto power, you should know this, right? "

Ye Ming actually gradually understood this. Just like now, Ye Ming owns the film and television adaptation rights of [Harry Potter]. Therefore, Warner has to bow its head. Although they are also itching to hate, but the fact Even so, they dare not violate it.

Ye Ming smiled bitterly and said: "So that's it, but do they have so much confidence now? Are they so sure that [Batman Rain and Robin] will definitely achieve good results?"

Columbus said with some dissatisfaction: "This, um, yes, therefore, this is why we must cooperate with their promotion. Schumacher should also know that their movie is not very good, but he also has to pretend They looked very confident, and we just acted as green leaves for them. But who is the green leaf, you can only know this after watching it."

There are a lot of these in China, with everyone carrying the big red sedan chair. Although Chen Kaige's "Jing Ke Assassins the King of Qin" is the best in combat, no matter how it is said, at the premiere, the scene was quite impressive. huge.

This is something Ye Ming cannot learn for the time being. Director Joe Schumacher probably also wants to take advantage of this trick, hoping that his movie will have good results.

Columbus complained: "Actually, at this time, I don't want to go, but since we are all from the same company, there is nothing I can do about it. They want to step on us, but this is not easy. , I want to see what they have the guts to do like this."

Warner executives may have felt that the palms and backs of their hands were full of flesh, so it was normal for them not to come, so Ye Ming was caught and jacked up. (To be continued)

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