Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 417: The Unspoken Rules of the Entertainment Industry

Although Star Wars was promoted with great fanfare and even Lucas was invited, the results were shocking. According to the official promotion, the box office is currently only 7 million, which is far lower than Expected, let alone compared to Star Wars. This is actually one of the reasons why Han Shanping is very angry.

He even invited Lucas over but couldn't save the box office, which shows how bad things like this are.

At this time, the box office of Ye Ming's low-budget movie "Nightclub" had already reached 5.6 million. Although it did not surpass "Star Wars", under such circumstances, it was still enough. Han Shanping was very depressed. It was only a matter of time before he was overtaken by a local low-budget film. If Star Wars was a Hollywood blockbuster at this time, he would lose all his dignity at this time.

Han Shanping glanced at Ye Ming angrily and said, "Boy, the movies you made are doing well at the box office. It's not even the Lunar New Year period yet, and you're already chasing Star Wars." Ye Ming didn't expect the angry Han Shanping actually had such resentment and said with a smile: "Thanks to the support of the leader for this project. If it weren't for your support, I wouldn't dare to do it like this."

At this time, Han Shanping looked a little better. He was quite supportive of Ye Ming. With Ye Ming's achievements, he felt a little happy that he did not forget his roots.

At this time, Han Shanping said helplessly: "What's the use of this? One of your movies is too far away from the above requirements. If there is a movie like Titanic, it's about the same. Originally I was counting on Star Wars: The Phantom Menace to help me realize this ideal, but I didn’t expect that Star Wars would be such a big trap that it’s unimaginable.

Your low-budget movie, a drama-like thing shot in every supermarket, is actually catching up with Star Wars at the box office. This is embarrassing for others. "

Ye Ming knew that this movie was about how embarrassing it would be for others. In fact, even if it was about making Han Shanping himself, it would be embarrassing for him. This was something he never thought of.

Ye Ming said with great certainty: "Third Master, if you are in such a mood, you won't be in a good mood at least before the Chinese New Year. The New Year's Eve has not started yet, and this year's During the Lunar New Year period, it can be seen that there is a lot of fighting between dragons and tigers, and the box office will definitely surprise you."

At this time, Han Shanping was a little silent. Yes, the Lunar New Year movies are coming in force. Needless to say, Feng Xiaogang is eyeing the third Lunar New Year film [Endless]. At this time, he is the king of Lunar New Year films. This is Feng Xiaogang's all-out work, and it is a collaboration with his old partner Ge You. It is guaranteed to make the audience happy.

As for Ye Ming's "People on the Road", although it went through some ups and downs, the result is finally out, and according to Han Shanping's viewing, it is also a comedy that people can't put down. Moreover, there are other Lunar New Year movies, and the high-quality version of Chen Kaige's "Jing Ke Assassins the King of Qin" will also be re-released. Anyway, the world of Lunar New Year movies is now a mess.

In such a situation, Han Shanping himself was somewhat powerless. Seeing this somewhat disturbing result, Han Shanping said helplessly: "Chaos, chaos, there will always be someone to clean it up. If the box office can be increased, then there is no need to mess up a little on such an issue. It’s not that there’s nothing impossible.” Anyway, as long as it can meet the leadership’s expectations at the box office, then organizing a lot of things like this at this time will be a pretty good result.

Star Wars disappointed Han Shanping. Therefore, under such circumstances, Han Shanping still hoped to give himself a surprise during the Lunar New Year.

Han Shanping said reluctantly: "

The Lunar New Year movie is an important moment for our Chinese film industry to break through the standards set by our leaders. I don’t know if it can succeed. "

Ye Ming actually doesn't have much interest in this issue. It's true that this time it's a fierce battle. Chen Kaige is destined to be slapped in the face again. Feng Xiaogang will also be proud of the New Year film again. Of course, with Ye With the participation of Ming's "People on the Road", it must be a fierce battle in a situation like this.

At this time, Ye Ming brought up a topic and said: "Third Master, just when I came to take the lead, the British side had already given me news about the casting of Harry Potter."

Han Shanping mentioned this matter before, saying that if Ye Ming wants to go to England, he can take some people with him to visit, study, or even travel. Anyway, everyone will be satisfied by then.

Such a situation immediately made Han Shanping feel a little better. Nodding, Han Shanping's eyes were slightly surprised: "Really? The opportunity to go to the UK is also a very good opportunity for some people. Unfortunately, there are only fifteen people. , which is quite disappointing, it would have been better if it was said a little more."

At this time, not many people are willing to believe this. In fact, even Han Shanping himself feels that he is right, very right. Let alone fifteen people, in fact, even if there are thirty places, One, that’s not enough points at all. Why did Ye Ming not go to the company at all and just hide away from Han Shanping?

Ye Ming was not impressed at all and said: "Third Master, are you really joking? I fought for these fifteen places. They gave five places at the beginning and I fought for them. When the time comes, I hope everyone can have a safe trip. There is no problem in agreeing to take them with me this time, and there is absolutely no problem in giving them some help when the time comes. Just give me a list of names after you agree on it.

The ones leaving this time were a little more anxious. It would be best if they started preparing as soon as they got the news, right? "This time the tour expired. Ye Ming originally didn't plan to do this, but Han Shanping didn't want to. In such a situation, he just pinched his nose and admitted it.

But at this time, Ye Ming also told those who saw his joke in a very rude manner to be obedient or watch how I deal with you.

Originally, this kind of thing was a relatively personal matter, and no one would report it. In fact, even if it was reported, in a situation like this, it was just that it would be reported that Ye Ming went to the UK to participate in Harry Potter role selection. News like this. But people still found out about it.

Naturally, only people in the Douchi circle know about it. At least it is only known to a small group of people now, and there is no large-scale spread.

But even if this is the case, such a matter has attracted enough attention from interested people.

Feng Xiaogang called and heard that Ye Ming had time and invited him to dinner. Moreover, Feng Xiaogang was not the only one who came this time. Even Ge You, who had always been a bad person who liked to drink and eat with others, also came with him. .

Feng Xiaogang was not polite. When he saw Ye Ming, he called directly: "Ye Zi, you can be the one who made such a big noise. During this song, it will definitely make people's eyes bright. You are not afraid of someone who wants to take this Are things making a fuss?"

Ye Ming also understood very well what kind of ordinary people Feng Xiaogang said about caring people. After thinking about it, he said helplessly: "Director Feng, what you said is beyond my control. This matter has nothing to do with me." Yes, but Third Master knows that I don’t belong to the UK, so he just wants to use this local event to organize a restaurant delegation or something. Do you think I can agree to it? Do you think I dare not agree to it? "

It was obvious that it was more than possible. Ye Ming definitely didn't have the courage to refuse Han Shanping. Feng Xiaogang is also very clear about this. Let alone a young man like Ye Ming, or even an old man like Feng Xiaogang or Wang Zhongjun, it is impossible to resist the questioning of Third Master Han Shanping.

Ge You saw it accurately: "Ye Ming, you are talking about whether you can't help yourself or not. Anyway, if you do it like this, it will be a bit dangerous at this time. Once you are caught by a reporter Got it, you took that group of people on a trip. Those who knew the truth understood that you were doing the job of selecting characters for Harry Potter, but those who didn’t know thought you were also traveling with public funds. Seventeen or Eighteen Personally, you are really good enough to come up with this thing."

Do reporters know about this? Basically, as long as you are talking about reporters in the entertainment industry, people of all sizes are aware of this matter. But no one will expose it, because everyone knows such unspoken rules very well.

As long as you know this matter yourself, but once it is published in the media, it will be your fault. This will immediately offend Zhongying and even the General Administration.

Because after all, it was Ye Ming who led this group of people there, wasn't it? Exposing Ye Ming was momentarily satisfying, but in such a situation, no reporter would be willing to bear the negative impact it would bring. How many journalists who can hang out in the capital are fools? Naturally, they know the inside story of the elder sister.

Therefore, this news is in such a strange way that everyone in the circle knows it, but no one in the audience understands what this thing is about. This is actually what Feng Xiaogang and Ge You are worried about. (To be continued)

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